#Also I don't know why the poll calls Caleb 'Mustache 1' when he's the only one with a beard.
releasing-my-insanity · 5 months
The discussions surrounding the Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Hottest Brother poll and whether people know the brothers by their shirt colors or their names are hilarious to me.
I know the movie so well that I can tell you which brother goes with which shirt color, which bride is wearing which color at the barn raising, and point out both times that the movie gets Liza and Sarah mixed up.
*Shows off* Adam (green shirt) + Milly (red and white checks at barn dance) Benjamin (orange shirt) + Dorcas (purple and white checks) Caleb (yellow shirt) + Ruth (blue dress with dark blue checks as trim) Daniel (purple shirt) + Martha (green dress with green and white checks on collar and cuffs) Ephraim (teal shirt) + Liza (pink and white checks) Frank (red shirt) + Sarah (yellow and white checks) Gideon (blue shirt) + Alice (pink without checks (except on her bonnet))
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