#And now I'm all hyped up wanting to reread faust
raven23anna · 10 months
Two days ago I remembered Krabat existed and now I remember how this book had me hooked as a teen in school. The story just sucks you in and I remember being amazed, enchanted and horrified at the same time. I'm amazed that a book like this exists. The analysis options are seemingly endless. There's so much symbolism to umpack. And Wikipedia said Otfried Preußler was processing his time in the Hitler Youth in Krabat and every word I'm thinking how and where? Like what does the magic stand for? What is Lyschko's role and meaning as a snitch ? What's with the war against sweden? Also it's only men in this story and I'm thinking about how that is also important somehow? It's almost like a fraternity kind of situation, with all the rituals involved and I never thought about this but working in manual labor kinda does this to you? Also the dualism between women only communities and men only communities and the dualism between christianity and black magic? Also thinking about work and work communities, the themes of fair work conditions, but also how working closely together can give you a sense of belonging...also the benefits and detriments of strict hierarchy in work communities/organizations. As a person who worked in a kitchen as an apprentice in the hundreds year old german apprenticeship system I appreciate the vague villinification of the boss and the weird emotional dynamics at play. Also how his trauma with the death of his friend resulted in pain and suffering for his apprentices? This book can be interpreted in a socialist way and in a non socialist way, it has so much to say about morals, culture, colonialism, society etc. It has so much to say about emotions, relationship and life, how to handle emotions as a man in a men only setting and how NOT to. It's just not brainy at all you just kinda get it? And it's literally just the german Harry Potter??? And I don't understand why just because of it's simple writing we only read it once in seventh grade and not later because the analysis options are fruitful and endless. I'm literally so impressed by the depth and sheer viceral quality of this book.
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