#Anyways I do believe we have something innately unique about us on a spirit / soul level. and seeking what that is is important
marginalgloss · 4 years
the republic of heaven
Back in 2000 when The Amber Spyglass came out I feel like there was not so much news in the world. At the turn of the millennium we seemed to be entering a more optimistic time. Tony Blair was elected in 1997 at the head of a liberal Labour government, and while it may be true that Blair would never be so popular again as he was in the opening years of his premiership, the Tories seemed hopelessly outdated by comparison. They were still the nasty party of old, while the country was ambitious, outward-looking, internationalist. Explicit racism and homophobia were no longer tolerated. We were Europhiles, but we weren’t part of Europe. There seemed to be a lot of money about.
At home there were occasional horrors — the murder of Jill Dando, the homophobic pub bombings in London, Harold Shipman — but they were somehow isolated, disparate, inexplicable. They were exceptional. There was the war in Kosovo, which set a template for liberal interventionism in years to come. The economy was trucking along; unemployment was low; for the first time there was a national minimum wage. I skim the headlines today and it seems like such a comfortable time by comparison. Perhaps I am remembering it wrong. But when the years to come would bring a spiral of endless war, recession, and one of the most significant declines in relative generational living standards, I’m not sure there is any need for rose-coloured glasses.  
Into this comes The Amber Spyglass, which is basically quite an optimistic anti-authoritarian novel. It was also the book which, for a handful of reasons, really brought Philip Pullman to the world’s attention. It was this which ensured that his name still lurks around the list of authors most frequently ‘banned’ in America, and which in the years after its publication would attract scores of avid cheerleaders and detractors. Inevitably most of those had no interest with engaging with the substance of the book itself. Instead, it became a sort of battleground: on one side, those convinced that religion was under attack from an educated elite; on the other, those who were committed to reducing the role of religion in public life, discourse, education, and so on. It is worth revisiting this typically excitable interview and profile by Christopher Hitchens for an example of how these novels were talked about. 
To call the novel ‘optimistic’ might seem surprising, because much of it is shrouded in scenes of gloom and suffering. But when I think of the tone of the novel as a whole, it is pastoral. When the world isn’t tearing itself apart the language seems more lyrical than in either of the two preceding books. Some of that is to do with the perspective, which now has at least three (and sometimes more) main characters to follow. This means that a sense of distance, of floating high above the many worlds of the story, becomes necessary. But it’s also that the reader has a sense that this book is going to be about the promised war against the heavens outlined in The Subtle Knife, and it’s likely the reader will also understand that this is a war that must be won. 
It feels like a world of binary opposites. Even characters who seemed villainous in the previous novels are here redeemed (at least in part) so they can be mustered against the ultimate figure of the ‘Authority’. A certain amount of good versus evil is likely in any book for children, but here things are now cast explicitly in terms of these two sides squaring up against each other. And taking sides is a matter of decision, not of belonging. This is a book where angelic figures can decide to fight alongside men, and where demonic harpies can be convinced not to consume the souls of the dead because they want to hear their stories instead. It’s plausible in terms of oldest storytelling traditions, where it is possible to talk one’s way out of anything — where the role of storyteller gives a person the ultimate kind of authority.   
Is the capital-A ‘Authority’ in these novels intended to be absolutely synonymous with God? I’m not sure. The book is explicitly anti-religion in the sense of being anti-church, but the forces of the Authority (and the being himself) do not seem to represent any kind of absolute power in the universe. The Authority is not omnipotent nor omnipresent, nor is he very much of a creator or a father-figure any more — he is a despot, but he is also somehow irrelevant. Like a shrivelled relic, he is vastly reduced when we finally meet him. The worst aspects of his regime seem like the calcified remnants of decisions long since made and now barely remembered, like the afterlife that has become a giant prison camp. In fact it’s the abolition of the afterlife, not the death of its creator, that’s the only really significant consequence of the fall of the Authority. 
So if God isn’t in the Authority, then where is he? In spite of the tendency for atheists to want to claim the author for one of their own, it seems like the heart of these novels is not in pure humanistic rationalism, but in a broader sort of pantheism. The idea of ‘Dust’ is the closest thing to a true divine presence here. It could be characterised as something akin to a spirit which moves through all things. It is ‘conscious’, and though it’s hard to determine what this means in practice, we know that it is not indifferent to humanity. It’s not like a host of little thinking homunculi (although Mary did have a whole conversation with it on a computer back in The Subtle Knife). But it wants to persist. It would seem to be the force that drives the Alethiometer. It has intentions.  
The counter-argument to this would say that Dust isn’t divine at all — it exists at the bleeding edge of science, and has nothing to do with faith. It’s a material thing. It’s not a spirit. But I don’t know that this is especially convincing. The books often try to equate Dust with quantum mechanics, but this doesn’t entirely seem to add up — these are particles which are somehow small enough to slip through gaps between universes, but big enough to see with the naked eye. Everything about Dust seems too convenient from an authorial perspective. It’s as though someone took everything indefinable and unique about evolved human (and non-human) consciousness and made it into a quantifiable thing and then said: there, without this thing we are no longer what we are. It’s an easy solution to the hard problem.
It the article linked above, Hitchens described the Alethiometer and Will’s knife as ‘tools of inquiry and struggle, not magic wands’. This is only half-right. Clearly they aren’t tools like a microscope or an X-ray machine. Both items are bonded to their owners through an innate sensitivity that has little to do with rational enquiry or rigorous method. The Alethiometer is even compared to the I Ching at various points. It seems wrong to mistake ‘inquiry’ here for the scientific method; it has much more in common with ‘negative capability’, a term which is actually quoted in The Amber Spyglass — the ability to pursue truth and beauty via one’s innate sensibility, to ‘see feelingly’ through a fascination with a sort of natural mystery, and not to depend exclusively on reason and knowledge.  
This leaves the reader in an odd sort of no man’s land between the armies who supposedly either adopted or despised this novel. A hypothetical arch-rationalist might find it difficult to accept all of what they find here without rolling their eyes at some of it. Negative capability does not sit comfortably alongside the scientific method as a tool, but nor does it have much to do with priests and popery. And yet it is a sort of inspiration, and in that respect I think it comes closer to a religious experience than it does a rational one.  
The problem with this is that it is not possible to get any sense from this novel of what it means to be religious, or to believe in a higher power, or to be ‘spiritual’ (choose your own euphemism). There is Mary Malone, but while I like Mary’s story here, her account of her early life in cloisters and later conversion/defection is unsatisfying. We have no sense of doubt, of anguish, of guilt — it is an all-too-straightforward seeing of the light. Will is arguably more complicated, more conflicted, but for the most part he never seems to have to make any difficult compromises. If he ever loses out on anything by abandoning his mother to travel through a whole set of alternate universes, we aren’t told about it. 
What if Will made the wrong call? What if he weren’t so trustworthy? He is, in a way, the lynchpin of the whole story. For all Lyra’s good intentions and inner strength, if it weren’t for Will, Asriel would have failed and nothing would have changed. So Will must be made to work. Yet it often seems as though he doesn’t want anything for himself, except perhaps to be with Lyra. It’s interesting to wonder what might have happened if Will weren’t quite so faithful (for want of a better word). 
But it’s inconceivable in the world of these books that anyone could possess negative capability and then use it for anything other than a pursuit of — well what exactly is being pursued, anyway? What is Asriel’s goal, above and beyond the overthrow of the Authority? There is vague mention of something called ‘the Republic of Heaven’ — a heaven on Earth, as it were — but today that phrase can only make me recall the idea of ‘Outer Heaven’ in the Metal Gear Solid games. It’s difficult to discern any latent irony lying in wait for the reader in this case. Will whatever replaces the Authority be just as bad, eventually? Perhaps, but again, the vibe of optimism in this novel is so strong it feels odd to impose doubt on it from elsewhere.   
The paradox of The Amber Spyglass is that while the explicit ‘moral’ of the novel is set against organised religion, it cannot help but describe the world in terms originally set by religion. (A very basic reading might declare the novel invalid for this reason, for much the same reason as a socialist might be declared hypocritical for buying a smartphone.) It isn’t just that there are angels, or that the story of Adam of Eve is central to the thing. It is the journey through the world of the dead and back. It’s the arc of redemption and overthrow. 
At times it feels like this book is re-fighting a battle that was begun hundreds of years ago in the English reformation. In the pursuit of humanistic knowledge, a godlike figure is re-cast in the guise of an Authority who can be overthrown, and cast out of our land, and even killed. And all for the sake of nothing especially certain, nothing at all new in political or ideological terms, except a sense that we would be more free — that we would be better off without. Is it better to eject the columns of the dead into a kind of oblivion than to consider any improvement to their position? I don’t know. Perhaps things seemed simpler twenty years ago. 
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That night Oleg had a nightmare. Frightening in its unambiguous resemblance to his own personal realities, and therefore even more unpleasant. Don’t take us wrong – he didn’t dream of snakes crawling out of the skull of a horse in a black coat, and in his modesty of soul he did not even consider himself prophetic like his famous ancestor. He dreamed that night of broad lines of proudly marching men with horns and hooves, in all the languages of the underworld demanding him to accept their extremely tempting offer and to sell his own soul. Different prices were proposed: one of them was prepared to pay with “the wonderful crockpot that can turn any housewife into a queen of the kitchen”, the second offered him “the most powerful wet vacuum cleaner with a dozen of the latest universal tips”, the third was advertising “the new model of iPhone XR with advanced artificial intelligence system, capable to predict the actions of its owner”, and someone was even ready to part with “EPC-W Darling 2000”, that could be translated into a common human language as “Electron-positron cyber wife, model “Darling”, year of manufacturing 2000”.
All their extreme obsession and absurd tactlessness angered Oleg’s soul so greatly that at the end of this unearthly marketing hell-knows-what, he wanted to shout to all of them, who had surrounded him in a circle and were still mercilessly pointing their raking hands with otherworldly trojan “gifts” in his direction, “Go to hell, demons!” But then, with the help of some innate instinct, he finally realized that swearing at those to whom the devils themselves do not even hold a candle is the height of meaninglessness, much higher than all the modern achievements of earthly advertising combined.
And so he stood, shaking and refusing, while those who were doing their dirty work vied with each other about the delights of their proposed goods. But, fortunately, much in this as well as the other life has the trait of being limited in time, so this nightmare of not so prophetic Oleg ended. Continuing to grumble softly under his nose and rubbing his eyes with own fists, still dumbfoundedly staring in the direction of the alarm clock, which was showing ten o’clock in the morning, Oleg with a long-ago learned habit and immutable inevitability of yet another advertising call and staggering gait went to the bathroom in order to clean up a little after this lowly and violent night.
He was distracted from another sacred session of morning shaving by the phone that was bobbing from the vibrations on the chair. Oleg didn’t share the morning joy of his gadget at this moment – and, damn it, was he right.
“Good morning!” without unnecessary shyness joyfully shouted in Oleg’s ears the unknown voice of an even less well-known young man, had Oleg only to take the case of management of the ringing phone in his strong male hands. “I would like to talk to Oleg Alexandrov. Is that you?” – the voice on the phone confirmed the complete seriousness of his own intentions.
“Let’s say that you are lucky today, and it’s really me. What are we going to do with this fact?” still sleepy Oleg muttered into the phone, trying to hold the razor with his other free hand.
“Your Internet provider “Network achievements LLC” has prepared a unique new year’s offer specially for you! Only until the end of December this year you can switch to our new year’s tariff “freakynet” for just a thousand rubles and increase the speed of your internet connection by twenty megabits during January and February next year.  Starting from March next year the cost of this service will be only two hundred rubles per month. We are also happy to offer you a service to insure your TV and Wi-Fi router from being harmed by lightning. The cost of this service is only three hundred rubles per month. This unique offer is valid only until the end of December. Well, do you agree to take advantage of our new terms of service, Oleg Alexandrovich? To confirm your consent and switch to the new tariff, please say “I confirm”, to refuse, say “no way”.
“No, hey!” Oleg muttered into the phone as soon as the smallest pause occurred in the monologue of chattering in his phone human-robot, allowing Oleg to intercept the verbal initiative.
“Excuse me? What were you saying?” came the voice at the other end of the line. “Do you confirm your consent?”
“Never! Never-ever did I give my consent to be disturbed by your early morning intrusive calls!”
“Too bad!” answered the nameless disappointed voice on the phone, clearly deeply annoyed by the fact that he didn’t manage to earn for himself another new year’s increase in his salary bonus. “Nevertheless, maybe I interest you in our offer to insure your Wi-Fi router?”
“Do you insure it from a falling meteorite?»
“Unfortunately, at the moment our company doesn’t provide such services. But we will definitely pass your offer to our sales department. I wish you all the best and to see you again!” Oleg was convincingly assured of the inevitability of their next meeting and then a young voice immediately hung up the phone without waiting for new original proposals for their marketing department.
Being no longer interrupted by morning advertising calls – “not a single break of silence!” – Oleg successfully finished the procedure of morning shaving and went to the kitchen to brew himself some coffee in order to awaken his still sleepy brain and cheer up his still timid spirit. He was definitely late for work, and today’s plan would almost certainly not be fulfilled, which meant that he would not see the weekly salary bonus as his own ears.
“Fuck this award, anyway,” Oleg reflected, continuing to brew coffee grains in a pot. “From such work, all sorts of demons are haunting me in my own dreams. Man, it’s time for you to find a proper job for yourself!” Oleg decided this morning for the umpteenth time. What a pity that the harsh everyday life in the capitalist economy within a single capital so often decided otherwise!
How irritating was this merciless obsession of advertisers and salesmen, from which he could find salvation only in the evenings, sitting at the computer in headphones and listening to heavy rock while rocking steadily in his chair in time with his own no less heavy than rock thoughts. And for what goddamn reason did he get such a fate, anyway?
Just yesterday, for instance, a “Shirby” vacuum cleaner salesman had arrived unexpectedly and unsightly. This “unique in its characteristics” vacuum cleaner produced a set of noises similar to that of a jet plane, screeching in all the voices of hell and trying, apparently, to dissuade Oleg from its possible acquisition, and during the demonstration two of its tips were completely broken. On sarcastically crossed arms over his chest and Oleg’s ironic look, the seller Rashanom didn’t even react, hardly puffing and switching something in his miraculous unit in the hope of still make it working again. At some point in time, these hopes were even justified – though not for long. Within ten minutes after being turned on again, the infernal engine of the infernal vacuum cleaner had stalled and ceased to give the slightest indication of what might have been considered as his personal technical life. Along with the engine, the chattering salesman fell silent, having silently realized as clearly as possible that against the background of utter silence his cheerful voice sounded somehow not so confident.
“That’s not Shirby, but a Shirley-Mirley of sorts!” Oleg laughed. “And it costs just – how much did you say? – a hundred thousand rubles?”
“We are ready to give you a discount for this unique unit equal to…” tried to save his sinking position Rashan. But the act of saving drowning people, as they say…
“The door is over there,” Oleg hinted softly. “We thank you for demonstrating the capabilities of your product. At the present moment, our company in the person of me is not ready to buy it, unfortunately.”
“Perhaps, you can share phones of your acquaintances or colleagues?” the seller of miraculous vacuum cleaners tried to grab the last straw of hope.
“I don’t have any spare friends to share! I’m a lonely maniac!” Oleg barked and moved on to the seller of jet vacuum cleaners with such conviction that he quickly hurried to retire for the previously indicated door, hastily packing his miracle-unit without any further unnecessary questions.
“That’s our type of fate, apparently,” reflected Oleg, continuing to devour rich coffee together with a couple of homemade sandwiches.
“Ding!” Oleg was distracted by the ringing of the doorbell, clearly signaling that his uneasy fate once again brought someone to his own doorstep.
“Pray tell us, do you believe in God?” synchronously, slyly, sweetly and without superfluous representations, two newly appeared old women sang to Oleg’s ears when he slightly opened an entrance door. “Jesus Christ, who passed through the death for our sins,” one of them decided to clarify just in case.
“Perhaps. It really depends on the mood,” Oleg tried to laugh it off.
“Would you like to know more about our Savior and his way?” just in case asked one of the old women, flipping through the pages of carried book in her obvious intention to strike Oleg on the spot with her own ability to read printed texts aloud.
“Does your God happen to be black? For I am, you know, a real type of racist,” Oleg decided to go on the offensive. “And I had a B mark in school in foreign languages. So I really hope that he speaks Russian!”
“How dare you!” protested one of God’s witnesses. “Of course, he understands all our languages. But our most important language is the language of the soul! Just listen to what he tells to his children…” started speaking the second old woman with a book, flipping with confident movements over several pages of the book at once.
“That you must believe his words and not those of some impostors? I knew that long before you came along.”
“Our God is merciful, he is ready to forgive your sins for a small fraction…”
“I haven’t rewritten my apartment to him for a long time? By the way, I would not advise you doing that either – Russia, as they say, was spoiled by the housing issue. We have no money, but we’re holding on.  C'est la vie, arrivederci, hasta la vista – how do they say? We sincerely ask you to come next time with a real, genuine Christ. Until we meet again!” giving sectarians no time to recover, Oleg slammed an entrance door leading to their missed opportunities.
Having finally lost all hope to fulfill his current work plan in time, Oleg hastily threw the half-eaten sandwich in his travel bag, poured the rest of the coffee in a thermos, threw a winter jacket over his shoulders and in a hurried stance started moving in the direction of his own new year’s fate.
No sooner had he reached the bus stop than the phone happily informed him of a new – absolutely free of charge! – incoming call.
“Fearfallashfinance Bank is glad to offer you, our past regular client, new conditions and types of credit cards. The credit card’s issue has already been pre-approved for you by our bank. In order to receive it, if you agree to the updated terms of the credit agreement, you must…”
“Turn away in disgust!” Oleg somehow miraculously managed to interrupt the monologue of the bank employee that was uttered in a patter a second before pressing the coveted red button of his phone.
“No amount of red buttons will be enough for your kind,” he thought with annoyance, jumping into the opened door of the newly arrived bus.
Billboards glittering with all the colors of the rainbow. Young people peremptorily pushing colorful flyers into your hands. Huge screens on the walls of houses and shopping centers, day after day demonstrating their pre-recorded, pre-approved and pre-biased videos. Appearing here and there as if straight from the ground along the way advertising boxes. Morning Moscow was greeting Oleg from all sides with the mouths of its marketers, leaving no chance to remain uninvolved in this colorful nonsense.
On the move, dropping a call from yet another “Center for public opinion research”, persistently interested in the political views of his respondent and his attitude to sexual minorities, panting Oleg ran into the office of his permanent, but no more joyful workplace, maneuvering on the move between scurrying here and there like ants colleagues, more resembling cellmates for Oleg.
“The boss didn’t show himself?” he managed to ask a question to his colleague Lyudmila just a second before seeing his boss, who was confidently and imperiously heading straight to him with an expression that didn’t portend a single award.
“Oh my, isn’t that the appearance of Christ himself – sorry, just some pitiful Oleg! – to mankind!” the boss said sarcastically through his teeth. “That’s it, Oleg. If you want to keep at least a quarter of the new year’s bonus, quickly pick up the goods and sweep through the addresses. Lyudmila has already entered the current list into your database. And return only empty-handed!” the boss uttered his well-known in local circles joke, bared a pair of golden teeth and smoothly, slightly swaying from side to side like a heavy galleon under unruly winds, sailed off to his office.
“Out of sorts?” Oleg nodded understandingly in the direction of the boss.
“And when was he in?” without taking her head off the keyboard said Lyudmila and held out a sheet of paper leaning out of the printer.
“Here are the addresses. Goods are in the storehouse. Off you go!” she smiled. “Otherwise you will be left without a bonus for certain.”
* * *
“Who’s there?” a voice came from the speaker of the intercom.
“Santa Claus!” Oleg uttered the memorized phrase.
“All right, come in. Make happy at least someone in this dark and cruel world,” came the answer, and the door obediently opened.
Nine floors of the next old building.
“Hello, Santa Claus! Brought us rubbish? How it goes?” Oleg mentally mocked himself.
An iron door on the ground floor with carved wood paneling. Looks solid. There’s a chance.
Oleg adjusted his rented black business suit, coughed a couple of times, trying to clear his throat, and pressed the doorbell.
“Who the hell that winter brought?” came a dissatisfied greeting from behind the door after a dozen of seconds.
Oleg stiffly smiled, straightened up to attention, took a deep breath – and…
“Hello, my name is Oleg Alexandrov! Our company is holding a new year’s sale and right here and right now we have a unique offer – one that you surely will not be able to refuse!”
0 notes
Six immortal division is who
Many people asked this question about who or what the Six Immortals are. Six Ren cents is a deceptive story fairy? Six Ren cents is the Tang Chun Lee? Gui Guzi? Who is the Six Ren immortal? Liu Ren magical disciples pursuit of hard, is to find out who is the Six Ren cents. I can only tell you, six Ren immortal teacher is actually not so hard to find. Our three Luo God's three Luo Tianshi Road has six Ren immortal division. what! ? Any mistake? Correct! You have heard wrong, we all have six immortal division. Not only our denominations are, the masters of the Heavenly Master House are all Master, all the realist priests have, Maoshan Shangqing Taoist have. Is not it? To tell you that you really may not believe, but the magic is more false things cover the real power, so many people only understand the surface, but do not understand its internal principle. Sixone immortal who is what or what, many people are stupid to find, mostly because Master has no truth, I do not know the true mind. Let me introduce the inheritance of the minds of the Three Gods, the secret of the secret, the precious knowledge of one of the nine gates within the sect. Other Liuzong magical powers , such as the widely circulated folk, are not the principles of the magic spells, and I know what happened to them. Because of the various divisions, what is his teacher's mind, or no heart, is his own business. If you are learning law or believe that there is a fairy god can command you to help you work, and I can tell you, you certainly have not been authentic Master! However, this article tells you the truth and operation of spells, like science. This is the way we are disciples of Sanoluo god religion, but also hope that people who like to learn to find this place, the way you have been dreaming way , beyond the superstitious false realm, clear heart, is the true law. Six Ren immortal teacher's truth " Liu Ren ," the article we have introduced and explained Liu Ren is what it means. Please look at that article for a detailed explanation. Simply speaking, Liu Ren is right your inner power exert the meaning of Yang, Liu is the internal resources, stored energy, spiritual child, Aura, Emmanuel. These things are inside, and we call him a " spiritual body . " And Ren is to consume these things out, into things and make it effective. Therefore, the internal skill is to play out the strength of Liu Wang performance, internal strength also. Three Luo God skills in the six electric light Kung Fu is practicing qigong, the spiritual energy accumulated use of the body, that is, the behavior of six Wang's trajectory, that is, its nature. Immortal, in fact, not a person or a dead person, nor is it any novel fictional character. We can all see in the " idol " we have explained in detail why the statues use the idol statues. It's just a shell. And this body is used to save people's innate energy into, and this is what energy? Many religions have idols, and the idols, or one image, are used to preserve some thoughts and ideas and some spiritual forces. Man's spiritual power can be more than enough to connect innate, connected with the original energy, connecting us to the so-called white real dollar space. So idols, portraits are just a shell, rather than really give you something to communicate with something. However, he is a carrier, a container. Immortal is why? In our San Luo magic power want this word, what Immortal , what Patriarch, all this does not mean some creatures / people / gods and the like. Immortal is a decree, but also a trajectory of energy. Sin is to consume elements and resources to do " mountain " , that is, to create something stacked. The very meaning of the word immortality means that anything that consumes resources and accumulates on the earth is immortality. Death to immortality means that the soul of a person can be classified as a god. The god is a place created for what he has done in his life, a world he himself has created for himself. So for us, after the death of all the soul can get together and into this element of God in the shape, called " Soul Road " , that is, the meaning of immortality. If daoist magic has been supernatural, this is not difficult to do after death, because before going to the soul can be, and after death is even easier. Practicing this law of immortality will need to practice God's fetus. In the research phase, the ancients took a lifetime to study the fetus, but it is advisable to have no reference to future generations. Only a great many descendants misunderstand their meaning. Practicing three Luo God skills disciples, there is a chance to practice God's fetus, before his death can see their own soul. There are also disciples of this road can go to their own soul, and what are the difficulties and difficulties? Most importantly, there is a Ming teacher to teach you nothing more. Sin is not necessarily to enter the soul of God, all things can be set into this track. As long as the accumulated sum thing is immortal, and that a company's employees are the company's " immortal " a. In short, a system " within " the operation, can be called " fairy " because of its trajectory is consistent. Also the " inner " energy of the corresponding person , the spiritual body of the person is the body of the afterlife, the energy person of human beings hidden in the afterlife, and the human body is together, and this is the accumulation of human internal energy. At the same time the previous corresponding talked about " riding to please God " energy in the essay in three of six aircraft of God, man's innate Dharmakaya, the machine's internal force is accumulated at a. Teacher's meaning is not a master, nor is it a teacher. Teacher is doing teaching. Therefore, the difference between teacher and handsome is the teacher is to pass on the consciousness and mind to the rear, handsome is not mind, but responsible for the resources. Therefore, the Marshal since ancient times only command and dial resources will not teach the military how to operate. Teachers are teaching. Because of the external force of the internal force, external things can be taught. Do you understand this? Who is your Six Ren immortal? He is not alone! Nor what novel characters, historical figures. Six Ren immortal division is your internal energy accumulated, internal forces, and pull out this energy so that it can teach the acquired changes, is the meaning of the Six Ren immortal division, he is a decree, the purpose is to order their own internal forces out. Into a patriarch, such as Liu Ren founder, it is different from the nature of friends. The difference between celestial ancestors and ancestors is that celestial beings have accumulated internally. Zu is the beginning of true element injection, gas, and change things out. So the beginning is ancestors. Human heart is the first point of the beginning, so the founder is the order of the heart, cents is the internal force, is a different nature. The use of the word " patriarch " as an incantation means that an instant start can be made . The word " immortal teacher " , as a mantra, imposes a force on and accelerates the operation of things and is energizing. So if you have a hard time to read " Patriarch Help, " one can immediately have the power to issue, because this sentence is your mental energy out even if you teach your body, change your life trajectory, to bad things. Have a look, all this is their own legal capacity of innate energy at work, not an external thing. All magic is also one's own innate energy things, not what the ancients, gods, or what fictional things. Spell is to use the human spirit to accumulate into the power to communicate the innate body. The practice is to use the innate body movements with the acquired name, called innate body push energy to do things, and changed your passive state in the day after tomorrow, into the active state, which is the operation of the real spell. Thousands of worldly magic does not leave this truth. Six Ren Xianshi is our own internal energy, accumulated their own " internal forces " , which is not what the Tang people or what the dead. Of course, no one in this world likes to worship the dead, that is their business. Anyway, I can only say that the six Ren immortals in the Three Gods are a decree and four words, and its role is to order your internal forces to come out and put your inner accumulated immortality. Can be used in the sun. The Six Ren immortal masters express their power here, that is to say, the inner power is taken out and the tail end is made, so that he can issue his power and issue " divine power " to make things change in the outside world. " Rush, such as law and order " is the end of the decree is to activate the spell activation of the sun on the meaning of things. Vary as a matter of urgency, such as law " 敕" becomes a force to change, adjust the power of things, the force of the military. Spell, word, is a stroke-by-stroke explanation. When the Road with the teacher three Luo God Law is such a stroke of interpretation, positive solution, we learned the door of the unique heart. All symbols, spells, and so on can be disassembled like a science-like explanation, change, adjust, because there is a principle in the spell, but the principle is wrong, together unreasonable, the obvious is to know and Can understand. Of course, you can only say " Master taught me to use it like this! " Because his Master may have taught or may have this material! WHY SIX REN XIANSHI ADULT FORM Point solution to make Six Ren immortal teacher into a person, this question is very difficult to answer. I can only say that most people have misunderstood, or he likes to worship the dead. Any reason why we need to personalize a decree. However, the use of " idol " to represent a decree is another. God, you can accumulate innate energy, accumulation of your spiritual power, thoughts, and so on. Through the practice of the altar, the energy of refining the essence of innate energy, and this idol can be used to practice. We see " Idol " one of the things talked about. What a lot of people like the Six Ren immortal like? Mostly take the lotus white hair old man, the right hand Dust brush, a copy of the right hand with Jinding hold to the sky. This is the basic style, but also common. Is this really like " Guiguzi " or " Li Chunfeng " ? Male idol is used to cultivate the fine element. Men in the natural solution is raw sperm, so the male idol is used to help you cultivate innate refined yuan. Female idol is used to absorb and digest the fine element, exert one's power. Two different nature. Therefore, the essence of the six Ren cents and sent the fine element as the basic. The lotus statue is to water the flowers, the meaning of water is underground, that is, between the earth and the waterway is, the transmission also. So this is the idol used to bless things in the world. Dust whisk is used to stick and bless things things, and France and India to the sky is to connect the innate path. Therefore, this image is suitable for connecting the Yang things, the world things, traction, blessings, and connection with the innate India, innate energy connection. To put aside the meaning of the idol you are now or to whom he is, he is an elderly person who has these characteristics. If, as above, I put in a neutral energy, you can put the mental strength The " human " energy that shapes this trajectory is correspondingly the " law " force, the heart power, and the yellow congenital power between heaven and earth . As I use this idol, I can add a few magic objects and objects to guide it, so as to create a special kind of innate energy that my town can help me to connect with the innate space on the altar, add my spell, The innate energy of my altar and the local sun can have a connecting force. If I draw the energy of the idol out of the sword, and pass it on to the ruler or the man, they can get the " shaped energy " and get it to be " taught " and become a matched trajectory. Can help access innate resources, but the power of natural resources. Of course, this is not the only way, nor the only explanation, I want to change, but also can change his style, color of clothes, facial expression, etc., to change the meticulous things, into my new heart, idols It's completely different. Maybe you heard that this is nothing to do with the Six Ren celestial division! Or you may think this is nonsense. No problem, because you do not understand the ever-changing nature of the " idol, " and you still do not understand things as a shell. All the gods, even a Buddha, a Jesus, a Hongjigong, can be used as gods to see if you understand the principles and the true meaning of the spells. Can change, Jesus can use the cross, he is not just a man Bale, why can not use it? The question is who you think he is Jesus, so he is Jesus, because this is your heart , " Jesus himself " representative. Liu Ren immortal teacher had been meaningless, and no one is the name, the man gave his name and set a real person into it, and became self-complacent. The real six Ren immortal division is the energy of your own heart, we call the accumulation of energy Xindan, which orders you in law body, to machine the internal preservation of power out of the body. So, the law is in the heart, six Ren Immortal Division is simply your own energy Bale. Liu Ren as the Lord, ever-changing incarnation. These ten words, that is, the power of the inner world, the spiritual power of these six white spiritual realities is only made for one Lord, and the Lord is the power of the initiating party. The body can change as you go to set in. White point is that if your account has a lot of money, money will be accumulated. The power of money is the power of six people. Money allows you wherever you go and where you get the power of money. Spending money on eating, playing, living depends on what you mean. What is the Lord? It is a real element in charge of the kingship, your heart and soul, your mind is the Lord. Of course, the person's soul is also the person's Lord, because the soul of God rules people's lives. Therefore, at the same time, the Six Ren method is practiced high in the Three Gods, no longer what the six natives look at, but to practice cultivation above. Is connected to the soul of God, practicing the soul of the six Ren method, the soul of mana for internal forces. Three Luo magical powers in the six Wang electric light door have these feelings, and six Ren immortal division in our case, is a decree, such as the spell words, all the decree word, some action, is to energy action also. If you want to learn Liu Ren Law, but also want to learn sincerity, welcome to join the three Luo Tianshi Road . We just like to teach disciples, do not superstitious in what novel characters, fictional gods, but to believe in yourself and understand their innate potential is always a natural power to give you!
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Six immortal division is who
Many people asked this question about who or what the Six Immortals are. Six Ren cents is a deceptive story fairy? Six Ren cents is the Tang Chun Lee? Gui Guzi? Who is the Six Ren immortal? Liu Ren magical disciples pursuit of hard, is to find out who is the Six Ren cents. I can only tell you, six Ren immortal teacher is actually not so hard to find. Our three Luo God's three Luo Tianshi Road has six Ren immortal division. what! ? Any mistake? Correct! You have heard wrong, we all have six immortal division. Not only our denominations are, the masters of the Heavenly Master House are all Master, all the realist priests have, Maoshan Shangqing Taoist have. Is not it? To tell you that you really may not believe, but the magic is more false things cover the real power, so many people only understand the surface, but do not understand its internal principle. Sixone immortal who is what or what, many people are stupid to find, mostly because Master has no truth, I do not know the true mind. Let me introduce the inheritance of the minds of the Three Gods, the secret of the secret, the precious knowledge of one of the nine gates within the sect. Other Liuzong magical powers , such as the widely circulated folk, are not the principles of the magic spells, and I know what happened to them. Because of the various divisions, what is his teacher's mind, or no heart, is his own business. If you are learning law or believe that there is a fairy god can command you to help you work, and I can tell you, you certainly have not been authentic Master! However, this article tells you the truth and operation of spells, like science. This is the way we are disciples of Sanoluo god religion, but also hope that people who like to learn to find this place, the way you have been dreaming way , beyond the superstitious false realm, clear heart, is the true law. daoist magic " Liu Ren ," the article we have introduced and explained Liu Ren is what it means. Please look at that article for a detailed explanation. Simply speaking, Liu Ren is right your inner power exert the meaning of Yang, Liu is the internal resources, stored energy, spiritual child, Aura, Emmanuel. These things are inside, and we call him a " spiritual body . " And Ren is to consume these things out, into things and make it effective. Therefore, the internal skill is to play out the strength of Liu Wang performance, internal strength also. Three Luo God skills in the six electric light Kung Fu is practicing qigong, the spiritual energy accumulated use of the body, that is, the behavior of six Wang's trajectory, that is, its nature. Immortal, in fact, not a person or a dead person, nor is it any novel fictional character. We can all see in the " idol " we have explained in detail why the statues use the idol statues. It's just a shell. And this body is used to save people's innate energy into, and this is what energy? Many religions have idols, and the idols, or one image, are used to preserve some thoughts and ideas and some spiritual forces. Man's spiritual power can be more than enough to connect innate, connected with the original energy, connecting us to the so-called white real dollar space. So idols, portraits are just a shell, rather than really give you something to communicate with something. However, he is a carrier, a container. Immortal is why? In our San Luo magic power want this word, what Immortal , what Patriarch, all this does not mean some creatures / people / gods and the like. Immortal is a decree, but also a trajectory of energy. Sin is to consume elements and resources to do " mountain " , that is, to create something stacked. The very meaning of the word immortality means that anything that consumes resources and accumulates on the earth is immortality. Death to immortality means that the soul of a person can be classified as a god. The god is a place created for what he has done in his life, a world he himself has created for himself. So for us, after the death of all the soul can get together and into this element of God in the shape, called " Soul Road " , that is, the meaning of immortality. If this way has been supernatural, this is not difficult to do after death, because before going to the soul can be, and after death is even easier. Practicing this law of immortality will need to practice God's fetus. In the research phase, the ancients took a lifetime to study the fetus, but it is advisable to have no reference to future generations. Only a great many descendants misunderstand their meaning. Practicing three Luo God skills disciples, there is a chance to practice God's fetus, before his death can see their own soul. There are also disciples of this road can go to their own soul, and what are the difficulties and difficulties? Most importantly, there is a Ming teacher to teach you nothing more. Sin is not necessarily to enter the soul of God, all things can be set into this track. As long as the accumulated sum thing is immortal, and that a company's employees are the company's " immortal " a. In short, a system " within " the operation, can be called " fairy " because of its trajectory is consistent. Also the " inner " energy of the corresponding person , the spiritual body of the person is the body of the afterlife, the energy person of human beings hidden in the afterlife, and the human body is together, and this is the accumulation of human internal energy. At the same time the previous corresponding talked about " riding to please God " energy in the essay in three of six aircraft of God, man's innate Dharmakaya, the machine's internal force is accumulated at a. Teacher's meaning is not a master, nor is it a teacher. Teacher is doing teaching. Therefore, the difference between teacher and handsome is the teacher is to pass on the consciousness and mind to the rear, handsome is not mind, but responsible for the resources. Therefore, the Marshal since ancient times only command and dial resources will not teach the military how to operate. Teachers are teaching. Because of the external force of the internal force, external things can be taught. Do you understand this? Who is your Six Ren immortal? He is not alone! Nor what novel characters, historical figures. Six Ren immortal division is your internal energy accumulated, internal forces, and pull out this energy so that it can teach the acquired changes, is the meaning of the Six Ren immortal division, he is a decree, the purpose is to order their own internal forces out. Into a patriarch, such as Liu Ren founder, it is different from the nature of friends. The difference between celestial ancestors and ancestors is that celestial beings have accumulated internally. Zu is the beginning of true element injection, gas, and change things out. So the beginning is ancestors. Human heart is the first point of the beginning, so the founder is the order of the heart, cents is the internal force, is a different nature. The use of the word " patriarch " as an incantation means that an instant start can be made . The word " immortal teacher " , as a mantra, imposes a force on and accelerates the operation of things and is energizing. So if you have a hard time to read " Patriarch Help, " one can immediately have the power to issue, because this sentence is your mental energy out even if you teach your body, change your life trajectory, to bad things. Have a look, all this is their own legal capacity of innate energy at work, not an external thing. All magic is also one's own innate energy things, not what the ancients, gods, or what fictional things. Spell is to use the human spirit to accumulate into the power to communicate the innate body. The practice is to use the innate body movements with the acquired name, called innate body push energy to do things, and changed your passive state in the day after tomorrow, into the active state, which is the operation of the real spell. Thousands of worldly magic does not leave this truth. Six Ren Xianshi is our own internal energy, accumulated their own " internal forces " , which is not what the Tang people or what the dead. Of course, no one in this world likes to worship the dead, that is their business. Anyway, I can only say that the six Ren immortals in the Three Gods are a decree and four words, and its role is to order your internal forces to come out and put your inner accumulated immortality. Can be used in the sun. The Six Ren immortal masters express their power here, that is to say, the inner power is taken out and the tail end is made, so that he can issue his power and issue " divine power " to make things change in the outside world. " Rush, such as law and order " is the end of the decree is to activate the spell activation of the sun on the meaning of things. Vary as a matter of urgency, such as law " 敕" becomes a force to change, adjust the power of things, the force of the military. Spell, word, is a stroke-by-stroke explanation. When the Road with the teacher three Luo God Law is such a stroke of interpretation, positive solution, we learned the door of the unique heart. All symbols, spells, and so on can be disassembled like a science-like explanation, change, adjust, because there is a principle in the spell, but the principle is wrong, together unreasonable, the obvious is to know and Can understand. Of course, you can only say " Master taught me to use it like this! " Because his Master may have taught or may have this material! WHY SIX REN XIANSHI ADULT FORM Point solution to make Six Ren immortal teacher into a person, this question is very difficult to answer. I can only say that most people have misunderstood, or he likes to worship the dead. Any reason why we need to personalize a decree. However, the use of " idol " to represent a decree is another. God, you can accumulate innate energy, accumulation of your spiritual power, thoughts, and so on. Through the practice of the altar, the energy of refining the essence of innate energy, and this idol can be used to practice. We see " Idol " one of the things talked about. What a lot of people like the Six Ren immortal like? Mostly take the lotus white hair old man, the right hand Dust brush, a copy of the right hand with Jinding hold to the sky. This is the basic style, but also common. Is this really like " Guiguzi " or " Li Chunfeng " ? Male idol is used to cultivate the fine element. Men in the natural solution is raw sperm, so the male idol is used to help you cultivate innate refined yuan. Female idol is used to absorb and digest the fine element, exert one's power. Two different nature. Therefore, the essence of the six Ren cents and sent the fine element as the basic. The lotus statue is to water the flowers, the meaning of water is underground, that is, between the earth and the waterway is, the transmission also. So this is the idol used to bless things in the world. Dust whisk is used to stick and bless things things, and France and India to the sky is to connect the innate path. Therefore, this image is suitable for connecting the Yang things, the world things, traction, blessings, and connection with the innate India, innate energy connection. To put aside the meaning of the idol you are now or to whom he is, he is an elderly person who has these characteristics. If, as above, I put in a neutral energy, you can put the mental strength The " human " energy that shapes this trajectory is correspondingly the " law " force, the heart power, and the yellow congenital power between heaven and earth . As I use this idol, I can add a few magic objects and objects to guide it, so as to create a special kind of innate energy that my town can help me to connect with the innate space on the altar, add my spell, The innate energy of my altar and the local sun can have a connecting force. If I draw the energy of the idol out of the sword, and pass it on to the ruler or the man, they can get the " shaped energy " and get it to be " taught " and become a matched trajectory. Can help access innate resources, but the power of natural resources. Of course, this is not the only way, nor the only explanation, I want to change, but also can change his style, color of clothes, facial expression, etc., to change the meticulous things, into my new heart, idols It's completely different. Maybe you heard that this is nothing to do with the Six Ren celestial division! Or you may think this is nonsense. No problem, because you do not understand the ever-changing nature of the " idol, " and you still do not understand things as a shell. All the gods, even a Buddha, a Jesus, a Hongjigong, can be used as gods to see if you understand the principles and the true meaning of the spells. Can change, Jesus can use the cross, he is not just a man Bale, why can not use it? The question is who you think he is Jesus, so he is Jesus, because this is your heart , " Jesus himself " representative. Liu Ren immortal teacher had been meaningless, and no one is the name, the man gave his name and set a real person into it, and became self-complacent. The real six Ren immortal division is the energy of your own heart, we call the accumulation of energy Xindan, which orders you in law body, to machine the internal preservation of power out of the body. So, the law is in the heart, six Ren Immortal Division is simply your own energy Bale. Liu Ren as the Lord, ever-changing incarnation. These ten words, that is, the power of the inner world, the spiritual power of these six white spiritual realities is only made for one Lord, and the Lord is the power of the initiating party. The body can change as you go to set in. White point is that if your account has a lot of money, money will be accumulated. The power of money is the power of six people. Money allows you wherever you go and where you get the power of money. Spending money on eating, playing, living depends on what you mean. What is the Lord? It is a real element in charge of the kingship, your heart and soul, your mind is the Lord. Of course, the person's soul is also the person's Lord, because the soul of God rules people's lives. Therefore, at the same time, the Six Ren method is practiced high in the Three Gods, no longer what the six natives look at, but to practice cultivation above. Is connected to the soul of God, practicing the soul of the six Ren method, the soul of mana for internal forces. Three Luo magical powers in the six Wang electric light door have these feelings, and six Ren immortal division in our case, is a decree, such as the spell words, all the decree word, some action, is to energy action also. If you want to learn Liu Ren Law, but also want to learn sincerity, welcome to join the three Luo Tianshi Road . We just like to teach disciples, do not superstitious in what novel characters, fictional gods, but to believe in yourself and understand their innate potential is always a natural power to give you!
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