#Arab Master
fag4arabs · 4 months
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Eyes up here fag! Look at me! I know what you want, you little cum whore! On your knees now and let me fuck your throat. I need to unload in one of your holes
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whiteslaveforarab · 4 months
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sparknl · 6 months
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katy-perry-mnwo · 2 months
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My husband treated me like a queen, little did he know. He could never feed my urges.
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powermenfull · 1 month
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zokvh · 8 months
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darkshadesgayu · 16 days
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Ready to breed strong arab men
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fag4arabs · 2 months
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Look at this perfect body, fag! This shows your place in the hierarchy. This King is at the top and you are way down, below any other men. You are not even a man. Worship this King! Bow your head and crawl over. Make sure you don’t make eye contact, you filthy whore! Begin to smell his bulge, his balls. Take his Mighty Arab Cock out and drain His balls. Do it you stupid cumslut!
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whiteslaveforarab · 5 months
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sparknl · 5 months
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katy-perry-mnwo · 2 months
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I was an infidel and now I deserve to be punished.
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powermenfull · 1 month
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owned412 · 2 months
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I sat there in quiet contemplation. The prayer was over and the others were all moving and whispering amongst themselves, or making their way to the door. I sat there with my eyes closed and just focused on my connection with heaven, as much as that was at least. I tried to ignore the sound of the soft feet moving around me, not to try and take a peak as they passed. I had taken the shahada to connect to god, to be a good Muslim, not to lust after my fellow brothers. Not that that was easy, the Masjid in question was a mixed population, Maghrebi, arab, and even a few persians, and all of them were really something. I had caught myself a few times glancing at the bare feet of the man in front of me in prayer, soles angled perfectly only a few feet in front of me. I always restrained myself though, no one knew of my past sexual proclivities and only a few knew I was gay at all. I had left those days behind me, the days of prostration and yearning for every little abuse from any man.
I had just managed to properly center myself a little when I heard more feet approach me, in fact get close enough I could hear his presence over me. I opened my downcast eyes and saw his foot right in my field of view. I swallowed and went to look up only to be face and face with his dick. Not really his dick, the thaub solved that problem, but where it would be. I pulled my eyes away and looked up and saw Ajmal looking down on me bemusedly.
“You don’t need to leave last every time he said,” smiling warmly and I laughed, embarrassed.
“Sorry,” I said, “just have a lot on my mind.” He rolled his eyes, in a teasing but friendly manner, and offered his hand to me, “There are other ways of clearing ones thoughts.” I took the hand and he pulled me up to my feet, and it was mostly him, right into his chest. His chest was….strong, evocatively so. I laughed again uncomfortably and took a slight step back, ignoring my dick twitching.
“Now,” He said, casually assertively, “You have the stuff to change?” I gave him a blank look and he gave me a exasperated look, “Come on Adam, you don’t remember your promise? We were gonna run together.” I shook my head and responded, “I remember you suggesting that and I said no, I’m not much of a runner.” He looked at me, again with an amused expression, and traced his right knuckles over my chest and down. The touch was not sexual, not grasping or even that assertive, but that didn’t matter. I held back a shudder and let him have his fun.
“You have a good body, but you need to work out more,” He said, removing his hand but appraising me with his intense dark eyes. Those eyes were his best attribute, more then the muscles, his tight forearms or hair. They were friendly but held the thundering potential of the roaring hurricane. Whenever he looked at me part of me just wished that he would body slam me and fuck me into submission but I always suppressed the thoughts. I would not shamelessly sexualize my brothers.
He looked me in the eyes and mockingly pleaded, “Come on Adam, I don’t wanna run alone and I bet you could keep up.” I sighed and relented, “fine Ajmal, but I don’t have my stuff,” gesturing to my own thaub and continuing, “I can’t exactly run in these.” He gave a friendly shrug and said, “Come back to my place, I got stuff that will fit ya.” The offer was a kind one, not at all sexual, so I felt like I should refuse. I was very likely one of the first gay men the masjid had dealt with and I didn’t wanna screw it up, I couldn’t be another Nazim. But I couldn’t refuse, any refusal would be would be seen an potentially the same thing. Ajmal had been good to me, been welcoming and accepting when many others hadn’t. I silently nodded and he grinned and trapped me in a headlock, I could just smell his pits.
“then lets go Adam!!” He half-called out and started walking, still dragging me a little. He let me go to grab all my things and slip my shoes on then tossed me his bag and winked at me.
“I’m driving,” he said and felt my self quiver again slightly and just took the bag. We both got in the car and started the drive to Ajmal’s place. We sat in silence and I watched the streets pass by, it was that or watch his flex around the wheel of the car. I was content to sit in silence but Ajmal broke the silence, “So have you told anyone else?” I froze slightly and he looked at him, with him returning a befuddled look.
“Wh…what?” I asked and he clarified, “You’re gay.” As he said this he maneuvered in his chair and I saw the slightest outline of a dick so I locked my eyes onto his.
“Ugh….no I haven’t.” He nodded and said, “I understand, I imagine it would be difficult. I appreciate you telling me though.” I hadn’t meant to tell him. He had cornered me on my first regular day at the masjid and had invited me to get coffee. We had talked on a few issues, politics, religion, other nonsense, and eventually he had dropped that the imam’s kid was gay. I had seen him a few times but we had never talked, he always seemed so nervous. When Ajmal had mentioned that Nazim might be kicked out of home something came over me and I confessed. Not to wishing Ajmal would choke me, but that I was gay too. Ajmal had accepted me and seemed remorseful about Nazim. Nazim later disappeared and I never heard anything about why, but I didn’t really need to.
“The reason I mention it is,” started Ajmal, “is that….someone….mentioned what happened with Nazim.” I looked at him quickly, very curious but knowing I was gonna regret it.
“don’t worry so much,” said Ajmal, “the story is more complicated then that. Apparently Nazim wasn’t just a homo, he was like a….well a fag.” I restrained the urge to protest the word but Ajmal caught on to my concern, “Sorry sorry sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. What I meant was Nazim wasn’t a normal gay guy.” He stopped and thought about his next words then continued, “Ya know, you’re gay and you find me attractive,” when I remained silent he grinned and flexed his left arm at me. I averted my eyes and he laughed, “It’s alright, I get it I’m a good looking guy.” He moved the topic along, adopting a conspiratorial tone, “Nazim didn’t just find men attractive, he wanted more. The darkest fuckin shit you ever heard. Not just, ya know, suckin dick and all that, he wanted to be choked, fuckin hit, treated bad….like a faggot ya know.” I wanted to die, Ajmal just sitting there reciting my own sexual tastes back to me, but I responded, “Yeah…that’s pretty weird.”
Ajmal cackled and said, “Yeah, I’d fuckin say so. Coming to a house of god to ogle the men, it’s fuckin gross. Apparently on of the brothers took him up on the deal. Really rode him like a bitch, in the masjid no less, and then told the imam about him. I mean I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same but still…it’s pretty fucked up.” I could only thank god for the tight underwear and loose clothes hiding my erection, being confronted by all my darkest fantasies in reality was unpleasant.
“Anyways,” mused Ajmal, “I wouldn’t worry about the other guys, you’re not here to do that gross shit. I would just relax.” I tried to do that, because he was right. I was not at the masjid to get fagged out, to get railed on the carpet and beg to be used up. That image got stuck in my head a little to long and was only released when I saw the familiar house pulling up, with another car in front. I looked at Ajmal who was also looking at the car with a strange expression.
As we pulled in, a figure exited the car and leaned against it, lighting a cigarette casually. Ajmal exited the car to meet the figure and I followed him, but letting him do all the talking.
“Raul, what are you doing here?” He asked, his expression strange. His wolf-like charm had faded and, while still having that wolfish character, was replaced with something more complicated. Raul took another drag and sauntered over. He was sexy, darker skin with curly black hair and very tight clothes. Judging by the bulge he was packin as well.
“Scott asked me to swing by,” said Raul innocently, “He was worried about what happened yesterday.” Ajmal glared at Raul and, looking at me watching them, took a deep breath, “I am fine, I crossed the line and I told I am sorry.” Raul moved in closer, his eyes appraising me in a very intimate way, “Scott's not upset, Ajmal he is worried that you are. He wanted to make sure you two were cool.”
Ajmal shook his head in annoyance and said, “I am not mad, I meant what I said before, Raul.”
Raul smiled warmly and, his eyes just fully objectifying me, said, “good, now…want me to come in. Scott doesn’t need me back for a bit. Said he was busy and I could…hang out.”
Ajmal breathed out his nose, exercising some impulse, and said, “thank You Raul but I have a guest. Maybe another time.”
Raul gave me a curious look and then shrugged, “okay Ajmal, see you later,” then eyeing me again and continuing, “have fun with your friend.” Then he turned around and tossed the mostly dead cigarette out on Ajmal’s lawn, heading back to his car. Ajmal said nothing until Raul drove off, following that car with a look of almost desire. However once the car disappeared his old jovial nature kicked in and grinned at me, “I think he liked you.” I blushed and looked at him confused.
“Raul is Scott’s…….boyfriend kind of. We got into a bit of a fight. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“I didn’t know you knew any other gay people,” I said and he laughed. “Raul’s always wanted me, and he likes it rough,” he said and turned to the house, elaborating no more. I followed him in and he immediately took off his thaub, tossing it aside onto the couch. Under it he was only wearing some underwear and I immediately looked away. He laughed and flexed, “It’s alright Adam, you can look.” I did and he was beautiful, I focused on those strong pecs so I didn’t look at his cock.
“I’ll be right back with some running clothes,” he said and trotted up the stairs. I watched him go up and spied a curious red mark across his back, like a long object had collided with his back going beneath his underwear. When he returned he tossed some running clothes at me. He was also dressed, but that didn’t say much. He wore tight little running shorts and a baggy tank-top. I hurriedly put on the clothes to not ogle him more, finding that they were as skimpy as the ones he had. Now thoroughly in it, I put on the clothes and shoes he offered me and then looked at myself in the nearby mirror, looking like a faggot trying to get fucked mid run. He stepped behind me and looked as well,
“Don’t look so uncomfortable, you look good. If I was gay I would fuck ya here and now.” He grabbed my ass and squeezed, “got a nice body friend, you should show it off.” I watched with horror as my dick grew in the tight little shorts and tried to ignore it and move away from the mirror. He held onto my shoulders, stopping me from moving, and whispered into me ear, “it’s okay to find me attractive, I think it’s funny honestly.” Thoroughly confused and trying not to arch my ass for another spank, I just sighed and said, “Lets go okay.”
The run was easy enough. That’s not to say it was physically easy, I hated running. But the running gave me something to focus on that wasn’t Ajmal. As we ran though, halfway through the mile run, it did seem to get easier though. Eventually the pain in my thighs seemed to move aside and my eyes just followed Ajmal. I was behind him and as he ran his ass would jiggle and those thick muscular thighs would tighten and release. The movement was almost…hypnotic, I just ran along with the pace of those legs and it all seemed so easy. The spell only broke when we got back to his place, allowing me to look anywhere else but those glistening muscles. He stopped by the front door, waiting for me to arrive, and he grinned as I stopped too, panting and leaning against the wall of the house.
“You’re not bad Adam, I was worried you might not keep up,” He said, giving that wolfish grin again. I couldn’t really speak, just panted and leaned. He got closer to me and continued, “wanna know how you know it was a real workout?” I nodded vaguely and his lifted his arm, revealing his pit and putting it against my face. The feeling was immediate and intense, my hips spasmed and I couldn’t hold back my moan. That shock plus the general exhaustion caused me to fall to my knees, right in front of the outline of that cock. He laughed again and then said, “that’s the other way I guess,” and he pushed that outline into my nose. I breathed in that smell and gave a protracted whimper, it was all I could do to resist licking. For a moment I saw a look in his eyes, like a predator about to close in. He then pulled off me and cackled, “sorry man, it’s just funny having a gay friend.” He then knelt and grabbed under my shoulders and picked me, planting me on my still-unbalanced feet. “lets to get a seat,” he said and unlocked the door.
I held my composure together, his masculine pheromones swirling in my brain, and followed him, falling on the couch and panting. He took off his shirt and then his shoes, placing the pair on the table in front of me. “I’m gonna go shower,” he said and made his way up the stairs. Once I heard him walk out of sight I put my hand over the raging cock and squeezed. I wasn’t sure I could take any more of his teasing without becoming another Nazim. I heard he sound of the shower turn on in some distant room and tried to relax, squeezing my desperate cock.
That was when the smell of the shoes caught my attention. I knew I shouldn’t, that it was stupid and dangerous. But the pit and cock smell seemed to swirl in my brain like a hypnotic olfactory spiral and I obeyed them. I crept off the couch, got on my hands and knees, and pushed my face into those shoes. The smell was divine, this time I didn’t resist the urge to hump the air. All this time with Ajmal I had fought the urge to break but now that he was gone I couldn’t fight it anymore. I breathed and breathed, moans escaping with each exhale. It was a moment of pure peace and then the hand came down and grabbed my neck.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ajmal’s voice growled into my ear, deep and dark and angry. I panicked and tried to move but he just pushed me harder into the shoe.
“Did you think I didn’t know?” He growled, “did you think all those times you slobbered over my feet I didn’t see?” The more I fought him the more I failed and the more I breathed into his shoes. Through my fear something came over and I stopped fighting, I arched my pussy up and breathed in deep.
“You fuckin faggots come into my masjid and then pretend to to be normal,” the voice said, all tone of joviality gone.” I felt a hand push under my little shorts and probe my hole, I moaned into the shoe.
“There was something I forgot to mention faggot,” the voice said, increasing the probing of my pussy. I moaned louder, all those moans and all that desire I had hidden rolling out. “I fucked Nazim, I broke in Nazim, and I told his dad, faggot.” My desire was cut in by fear but Ajmal just pushed the finger fully into my hole and the fear just felt good.
“Nazim was a little faggot, not good enough for me,” he voice continued, “I tossed his ass on the street when I was done, but you I have another idea.” I pulled out his finger and grabbed me by the back of the hair and yanked me off the shoe. I looked at him, drunk on his pheromones, and continued, “You’re gonna be my faggot, you’re gonna do anything I want or I’ll tell everyone at the Masjid that you’re just like Nazim.” I was scared, but that didn’t matter, His eyes seemed to be bearing not just on me but into me. I remained silent and just nodded to Him and he smirked. He caressed the back of my neck, almost gently, and put two fingers to my mouth. I let them in and sucked, lovingly and obediently.
“That’s good faggot,” he crooned, “when I’m done with you, you wont just love me, you’ll need me.” With that he pushed me down onto the ground and settled on the couch, putting his arms up and relaxing like a king. I didn’t move, just stared at him with desire and fear. He gave me a disgusted look and barked a single order, “Sujud faggot!! kiss your Master’s feet faggot.” I prostrated my self and crawled to his feet, first breathing in the smell of Master’s god feet and then kissing them. It was another beautiful moment of weakness and then Master’s foot hooked under my chin, pushing me up to my hands and knees and then pressing his sole into my face.
The impact and sensory experience hit me like a truck and then Master’s voice echoed into my ears.
“Password for your phone, Faggot.” I didn’t even hesitate, methodically drooling out the 4 number combination in between the smell of Masters foot. After a moment of this Master spoke again, “Good new faggot, you have the next 3 days off, and you’ll be spending them here.” I traced my tongue up Master’s foot and groaned helplessly, lost for words.
“also faggot, 200 dollars for my standard enslavement fee, actually lets make that 250 for the initial cock and pit samples.” I felt my body convulse at the sound of getting fag-mugged by Master and managed to drone out a moaning, “Thank You Master.” the foot retracted and then kicked me in the face, causing me to crumple. When I pushed myself back up, I found Master standing over me, Cock out and upright. I gazed at him, in fear and devotion, and he said, “I will fuck you, I will beat you, I will break you, and then lock you up. By the time you leave here, I’ll have your bank account, house keys and car keys, and your fucking soul.” He then slapped me, once on the left and once on the right. I focused my bleary, cock drunk stare into those dark cold eyes and said, “Yes Master.”
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fag4arabs · 3 months
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You will see where we are going, fag! I just bring you to a house where me and my friends are staying for the weekend. You are our sextoy there. You have only one job and that is keeping ours Arab Balls empty. So when you come in show us your respect by bowing your head en lowering your eyes. Offer us your whorish holes and let us unload our strong seed inside you
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whiteslaveforarab · 5 months
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