#But it doesn't surprise me given how easy false information is easily spread in social media
loving-elvis ยท 5 months
Something that really angers me is all these TikTokers or those on Twitter trying to claim Elvis was a "p*do" or a "groomer" or whatever else because of his relationship to Cilla and some other girls in his life like Dixie Locke. These are the facts:
While it IS true that he did "date" some teenage girls--Dixie Locke, Sandy Martindale, Arlene Cogan, and Reeca Smith to name a few, ALL of them have insisted to this day that nothing sexual happened between him and them at that age; the most they ever did was kiss. They have all maintained he was a perfect gentleman towards them, and was extremely respectful; he never made them feel uncomfortable in any way. Even Priscilla has maintained to this day that there was no sexual activity between her and him until after they married, and there was not even any heavy petting until after she moved to Graceland permanently when she was 18, and thus an adult.
Elvis grew up during the 40s-70s. Simply put, times were different then, and you were expected to grow up fast (especially in the South); it was common for older men to date teen girls and for girls to marry young. Several even dropped out of high school to get married; I knew kids whose grandparents married at 15, 16 or 17. You cannot apply 2023 morals and standards to someone who lived more than 50 years ago. It just doesn't work.
If anything, these teen girls were the outliers; all the serious girlfriends Elvis had (with the exception of Cilla) were in their twenties or older, such as Linda Thompson, Ginger Alden, Anita Wood, and Joyce Bova.
Sorry for the rant; I just needed to get this off my chest and hopefully set the record straight. It just annoys me when this misinformation and half-truths keep getting spread around.
Hello Anon!
You don't have to apologize, Anon, I understand! Sometimes people will insist on things, even when they don't have all the facts, because why do the research when they can just hear things second/third hand/from rumors?
It's funny to me when people mention Dixie especially, because they were both teens when they started dating, so like....what?
Holding him to today's standards is simply silly--of course times change, what was acceptable 60+ years ago isn't necessarily now. It's sad and unfortunate, but it doesn't surprise me at all. These things have existed for years, things have been said, and yet his fans continue to grow and people continue to love him and discover his music, and that's what really matters ๐Ÿ’–
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