#Chelsea case - is she hoping they'll get killed/sufficiently distracted? We've had the apparition on the stairs described to us
siena-sevenwits · 1 year
Lockwood thoughts - feel free to move on.
#I'm at the midpoint for Hollow Boy - they believe they've completed the staircase haunting (obviously there's unfinished business)#and have been kicked upstairs to the Chelsea Outbreak#and I am very very pleased with this setup and am hoping Jonathan Stroud can pay it off richly#What have Lockwood and Co missed? What was Lady Wintergarden's rush? Why is it so urgent to get them on the#Chelsea case - is she hoping they'll get killed/sufficiently distracted? We've had the apparition on the stairs described to us#once and shown twice - what are we misunderstanding about it?#What is the uniqueness of Cooke? What is Lady Wintergarden's aim and how is it presumably tied to the Orpheus Society (which#I have some theories on...)#I think what I really want is a proper Agatha Christie solution here - the kind that makes you smack your head and go 'OF COURSE!#How could I not see it? This changes everything!'#whereas book one was more of a Conan Doyle solution (ultimately more of an adventure with mystery trappings#lacking sufficient structure for the reader to solve the whole thing rather than just a few details)#and the second was really more of a thriller with a surprise villain.#I know - these books aren't mystery genre and I don't ask it of them - they're fine just being adventure thrillers#but this one would make me so happy if it borrowed a couple more elements from mystery - namely the 'You saw it and#understood it one way - but there's an important detail which you can logically locate based on what we've shown you which will#fundamentally transform your understand of what you saw.'#lockwood and co#save lockwood and co
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