taanoir · 1 month
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Tiffany was spending more time at the coffee shop. it had become more than a place for caffeine and sandwiches, it had become her social circle. The shop was called the "The Last Drop" and was owned and usually run by Duane Keller.
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Dorothy and Echo were both regulars. They were usually some of her favorite people to sit and talk with.
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Tiffany was sweet on Echo but he was a bit of a loner and never took her up on her suggestions to do something outside the coffee shop.
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She'd also met Jennifer who was a local musician that came in to grab a bite before her performances. They talked books for the most part, Jennifer was also an avid reader.
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She loved meeting new people and hearing their story. Damien was new around town, he had moved here from Starlight Shores for a new job.
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Kaiden, her Aunt Bella's husband also frequented the shop. He'd always ask her about school, how her sisters were, how are her uncles? Tiffany knew he'd take the updates back to Bella, who had some health problems in past year or so. Tiffany kept meaning to go by and see her but could never quite find the time.
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By the time she headed for home the streetlights were on and Duane was getting ready to close up for the night.
Note: Dolores and Echo are courtesy of @cowplant-snacks, they are available from the gallery as townie household M. We'll be seeing more of her awesome townies in the future :)
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taanoir · 12 days
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With Jen gone most of the time, boredom got to Milo and Gene. They undertook a major remodel of the house in 2013
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Milo had too much time on his hands.
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There was only so much he could cook.
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taanoir · 26 days
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Jen ended up going over to Thomas' house to hang out.
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She hit it off with his roommates Brittany and Alina
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Dennie was the owner of the house and one of the most genial sims she'd ever met. He loved music and Jen mentioned she played some. Dennie ushered her to a magnificent grand piano.
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He asked her to play something and she chose one of her grandmother's standards.
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After playing it for so many years on the upright, playing on this instrument seemed to swallow the piece.
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Jen spent the rest of the evening in the parlor with Thomas and Brittany, though it didn't take long to discover they were an item. While she figured she misinterpreted Thomas' invitation, she still ended up meeting some really nice people and making new friends.
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taanoir · 2 months
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Nicole flew to Henford for a visit with Blake. They were both happy to see each other.
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They spent time catching up on life. They found that their interests had diverged. Nicole still loved music, dancing, going out to clubs and had followed her dreams into the tech industry.
After Blake moved to Henford he made friends with a group of locals that were into football. He still loved music but he spent most of his free time working out or playing pick up matches with his friends. He would hang out with his friends but usually at someone's house, he wasn't really a club person. Too much noise, too many people.
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They spent most of their time at the house. Blake's Mom, Poppy, was happy to see Nicole as well. She asked about Nicole's sister's and her Uncle's. Nicole gave them the run down on Tiffany's budding writing career and Jennifer's robotics competitions.
Her Uncle's were both doing well. Uncle Milo was still painting but he had picked up a job teaching art for the City, she thought he was looking for something to do with his time. He taught classes through the Community Center, his favorites classes were for the Gilbert County Memory Care Facility.
Uncle Gene was still running his business, they had transitioned over the years and were now focusing on hosting websites and providing storage space for businesses. More companies are wanting business websites, so they pay to have the site hosted remotely. It's a steady business and gives him and his team more time to develop new things.
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Nicole also met Poppy's husband Alfred, he was very friendly and funny. Poppy had left her job in accounting in San Sequoia and become a homemaker in Henford. Alfred had a good position with the Bank of Henford, which was partly responsible for how they met. Blake worked at a local gym as a trainer but Alfred had gotten Blake's brother Josh an entry level job with the Bank. Josh had gotten his degree in finance but Blake didn't think college was for him. Blake still though Josh was a jerk, some things don't change.
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They had always enjoyed playing chess together in San Sequoia, Blake was out of practice but they played a few games the night before Nicole headed back .
They both promised to keep in touch but the visit answered the question that had hung over them both, "did I miss the one?". They found they were still friends but nothing more, the trip gave them both the ending they needed.
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taanoir · 24 days
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Wren took Tiffany to a bayside cafe for their 1st anniversary in 2008. They had grown so close in the past year.
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He asked her to marry him, he could think of nothing better than spending his life with her.
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She said yes!
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taanoir · 1 month
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In 2004 Jennifer became a young adult!
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She graduated from High School and enrolled in college for Software Engineering.
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taanoir · 1 month
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When Jennifer wasn't at school she was buried in making robotic parts or working on her code.
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Gene was supportive of her work and helped her where he could. He had been similar as a teen. He remembered pouring countless hours into his computers.
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He wanted to see her succeed in whatever path she took.
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Sometimes that meant late night computer repair.
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taanoir · 2 months
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Even with the kids no longer being kids Gene and Milo tried to do family dinners on Sunday. It was the one day of the week everyone was home.
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It gave them all a change to talk about what was going on in their lives. Nicole was working on new projects, the company was growing again, they were selling a lot more than books now. She was helping set up an inventory tracking system.
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Tiffany always had stories from work or school, sometimes it was just talking about something they covered in class. Gene rarely talked about work but he'd started going to yoga classes and meeting some new people. It was good for his health both physical and mental.
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Jennifer was still in High School but wasn't the most sociable of the group. She mainly hung out with the other members of the robots and rockets team. They'd all take lunch in the engineering lab, the teacher was pretty cool about the kids hanging out in there. She would talk about her teammates or she'd talk about her projects when they were gearing up for a competition. She had done the programing for the hydraulic arms on one of the bots in the last competition, but one of the other teams had a developed a bot that could climb stairs. She was bummed to have lost but was still impressed with the competition.
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For Milo it was his favorite night of the week, Gene and all the kids there spending time together. The older they got the more he missed their company.
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taanoir · 2 months
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Milo kept working on the nectar making, he was starting to get some really decent blends. After aging they will be really excellent.
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Tiffany graduated High School early and took a full-time job as a columnist. Milo was still her biggest supporter, he was very proud of her.
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Jennifer was keeping her grades up. She loved being on the rockets and robots team. She was learning so much about engineering but she was now leaning more towards being a software engineer instead of a mechanical engineer. She still loved building robots but she found she was better at writing the programs than soldering the chip sets. Uncle Gene had a lot of advice from his time working with the San Sequoia Science Center.
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Nicole spent several weeks really going over the complexities of her situation with her parentage. For the most part things stayed the same, Milo was still there for her, she still went to him for advice or just to vent after work. However, there was still a noticeable softening to both of them. She was more open, gave him more hugs and would seek his company a little more. He was more honest when she asked for feedback, and he made it a point to teach her things she didn't have much of an interest in before.
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She was still happy to play her video games, she'd just play in the den.
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Jennifer also took up painting, Milo was happy to Mentor her.
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taanoir · 4 months
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Spring of 1984, It was Nicole's birthday. The house was still reeling from losing Julian but they wanted to make sure they celebrated and made her feel special.
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Nicole aged up into a very intelligent girl that was looking forward to starting school.
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She still loved her books as much as she did as a little girl.
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Grandma Evie poured all her love and attention into her granddaughters. Loosing Julian was devastating but she could see him in their children and grandchildren.
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Nicole took Julian's passing hard, he had always been there with her. Her grandpa would tell her stories and sneak her cookies. He'd always let her get a toy at the market and he'd throw her towel in the dryer to make sure it was warm when she came out of the tub. She had so many memories of of him and he was gone.
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Nicole's uncles did their best to console her. Uncle Milo was always there with hugs and the occasional cookie.
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Milo was also there for Gene, as the baby, losing his father was incredibly hard.
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Gene thanked him for being there for everyone.
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taanoir · 2 months
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Jennifer was doing well in school. Like her sister, Nicole, she had a strong interest in the sciences but her interest was more focused on engineering. She asked Uncle Milo if she could join the school rockets and robotics team, the only catch was they traveled for competitions.
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Milo didn't see a problem as long as she kept her grades up. However, she should talk to Uncle Gene tonight before she commits. Jennifer was thrilled, she knew Uncle Gene wouldn't have a problem.
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She was waiting out front when her uncle got home from work. She told him all about the team, the competitions, the cost and the potential scholarships it would make her eligible for.
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Uncle Gene wasn't sure it was a good fit for her. He had spent years watching his brother build a rocket that has still never flown. He was happy she had an interest but maybe she could take it in another direction.
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Jennifer rarely pushed back on her uncles, they were both super supportive of everything the girls wanted to try. Jennifer had never actually considered something like this would be a no. She gave a passionate counter to her uncle's argument. Unlike her father, she would be working as part of a team with a mentor that worked in engineering. Also, she was taking it another direction. Her interest was in robotics. Rockets were cool but that wasn't what she wanted to work on.
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Uncle Gene could see how important this was to her and she made a good argument. He walked his decision back and told her to go for it. Just get him the registration packet so he could fill it out and she had to keep her grades up.
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Jennifer was ecstatic!
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taanoir · 2 months
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Nicole spent her weekends at the club. She was happy to spend her time dancing and socializing.
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She didn't get along with everyone, there were a few people that could sour her mood instantly.
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Bonus: Nicole in full dress.
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taanoir · 2 months
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Milo's hobby had become collecting hobbies. He had learned about a hidden fishing spot from one of the patrons at his last showing.
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He felt like a dork talking to a tree.
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To his amazement, it worked!
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He rode his bike through a candy tinted meadow towards a beautiful lake.
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The patron had mentioned rare fish. Milo's mind swam with the possibilities if the lake looked like this.
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The patron was right, this is the strangest fish he had ever seen.
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After some epic catches and a few that were too smart for him, it was time to ride home.
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taanoir · 3 months
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Gene and Milo made it to Henford in fall of 1988. Gene's parents were buried in the family plot.
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Gene read through the oldest stones at the back of the plot. He didn't realize how many relatives he had here. The oldest ones were almost completely worn away, "Calisto" and "Khur" were the only part still legible on the oldest pair.
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They sat in the chapel listening to the chaplain talk about the watcher and his plan. Gene's mind wandered, he stared holes into the graves outside.
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Eventually Milo realized Gene was here but not present. He poked him a bit and asked if he was ok? Gene told him he was fine, just in his head a bit.
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After a stop back at the hotel, Gene thought maybe he just needed dinner. They made their way to the restaurant down the block from the cemetery.
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They had a nice dinner and Milo tried to pry at Gene's mind a bit. He was quiet and clearly still preoccupied.
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After a couple glasses of red nectar, Gene told Milo what was really on his mind. "All those headstones, generations of my family. All mothers, fathers, children. I always figured my brother had the next generation covered, he has three amazing kids. But sitting there thinking about Jimmy and the girls, is he ever going to have it together enough for us to walk away?"
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Milo's smile faded. He was honest with him "No hun, I really just don't see that in the cards. If I'm being honest, I knew years ago when I said we should stay. That was the opportunity to leave and we didn't take it. I used to get in my own head about it, but in hindsight, it was the right call. I love our nieces, I loved your folks and I love you. We're where we need to be."
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As the words left Milo's mouth, Gene looked like he was going to cry.
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"Don't get all mushy love. We're where we need to be but we need to talk about the division of duties, I need more help. I need that help from you. Balancing a 10 year old, a six year old and a toddler is a lot, add the cooking, cleaning and just day to day and it's crushing. If this is what life is going to be, I'm good with it but don't drop everything in my lap."
Gene could see that he meant it, this wasn't goofy Milo, this was serious Milo. Gene promised to help more "When we get back to San Sequoia I will take on a more active role. The business is going well, I can rearrange some things, I still need to be in the office but maybe not as long."
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Milo softened, "Thank you. I know the business has been your focus and you've done amazing but with your parents gone ... I can't do it all alone."
Gene nodded, "I know you're right, I'm just afraid of dropping the ball." Milo grinned, "You made the ball and it's not just you anymore. You have a staff, delegate, let go of something".
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They spent their last day in Henford as tourists. Milo had another question for Gene "So, when we die .... do we get planted here with the rest of your family?" Gene hadn't actually thought about that, ever. "I mean, we can be or we could write it in our will to be buried in San Sequoia. Would you prefer that?" Milo smirked, "I'd prefer not to die" Gene laughed "I'll get right on developing an immortality protocol "
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Gene thanked Milo "for the support, for helping work through all of this. I couldn't have done this without you, thank you love."
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taanoir · 4 months
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Evie was the last child of Alex and Cerise Varda born in 1936. The pregnancy came as a surprise to her parents and she continued to surprise people for the rest of her life.
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She dreamed of becoming an actress and moving to Del Sol Valley. The watcher had other plans. After her father's passing she moved to Oasis Springs with her big brother, Bernie.
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Bernie was her protector, manager and confidant. She became a top booking act and touring the world as a performer.
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She met her husband Julian through her job. Initially as a creative partner ...
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Eventually he became a romantic partner.
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Evie went on to have two boys, James....
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and Eugene...
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She retired from performing in her 30's and put her efforts into raising her boys.
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They relocated to Strangerville after Bernie retired from the Casino. Evie was very proud of her boys, her oldest was the "Hero of Strangerville" and her youngest was very intelligent in a way that reminded her of her father. Her oldest son enlisted in the Wrightburg military. After the death of her brother Bernie, they decided to sell the house and relocate to San Sequoia where her oldest was stationed.
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Things in San Sequoia were rough. Both of her boys struggled with different things. Eugene seemed to find his spot in the new city, where James continued to flail.
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Eventually everything settled down. She had three granddaughters by her oldest James and his wife Rita. Eugene married his partner Milo and all of the kids continued living at home.
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Evie and Julian enjoyed retired life with their kids and grand kids until Julian's passing.
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Evie's granddaughters were her main focus after losing Julian. She spent her remaining time doting on them.
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Farewell Elvira "Evie" Chavez
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taanoir · 2 months
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Gene and Milo spent the morning watching the sunrise and drinking their coffee.
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And tried snorkeling!
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They all went to the sandbar for lunch and to spend some time on the beach.
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Gene, Milo and Nicole chatted at the bar while Tiffany and Jennifer goofed around by the shore.
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For dinner they went to a local beach front restaurant recommended by the bartender at the sandbar.
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They had a wonderful meal and spent the evening talking about their day.
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