windup-dragoon · 4 years
21. How was your day? (take this as an opportunity to rant if you want to) // 33. Language/s you can speak // 72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so (except hien and kiri 👀)
Munday Asks: @nisha-iconis [Closed] 
21. How was your day? (take this as an opportunity to rant if you want to)
Answered and ranted about here!! 
33. Language/s you can speak
Sadly only English. :V 
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so (except hien and kiri 👀)
>:/ You took my fun away. 
I end up shipping my friends characters more then I do actual characters in games/series. Like yea I’ll agree there’s characters I enjoy seeing together but I’m not a rabid fan that they HAVE TO BE TOGETHER. Being apart of the Bleach fandom once upon a time really kills your motivation to be involved in that stuff. 
But for fun I’ll list a couple ships I do have in random fandoms :V 
Jhin x Sona ( League of Legends )  Kayn x Sona ( League of Legends )  Caitlyn x Vi ( League of Legends )  Katarina x Garen ( League of Legends )  Xayah x Rakan ( League of Legends )  Akali x Evelyn (( KDA) League of Legends )  Lux x Sylas ( League of Legends )
Madrigal x Akiva ( Daughter of Smoke and Bone series ) 
Howl x Sophie ( Howl’s Moving Castle I SUGGEST READING THE BOOK IT’S SO GOOD ) 
Zidane x Garnet ( FFIX )  Steiner x Beatrix ( FFIX ) 
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