#Fun fact when the client asked if I could add some ''muppet-y'' looking aliens to the sketch my brain immidiately went to ''alien kermit''
artkaninchenbau · 1 year
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Wanted to briefly share some WIPs of this illustration I did for Space Gerbils-ttrpg ✨
I love drawing nature environments (especially if they’re on the more unusual/fantastical side), and with this illustration in particular the client had wished for just that, a some scenery and a space mech looking over it as the gerbils inside head out to explore the unknown. It was a pretty open concept, there were so many ways to illustrate that scene
So I sketched out some rough drafts, we picked out two favorites to flesh out a little bit more, after which we chose The One that got a bit more work done on it to really get The Right Vibe down ✨
It’s just really fun to me to look at these roughs and see how we got from the early drafts to the final illustration, what stayed same, what changed and what got carried over from one illustration to another ฅ•ω•ฅ
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