#HE'S MY BLUE KITTY FFS. watching u bk back off fr
dmclemblems · 2 years
reminder that shinon is one of the best non-main characters to come out of this franchise and that most side characters don’t get a full story of character development within even one game, let alone character growth throughout two games in a linear progression. 😌 
#by which I mean he has a beginning middle and end for his characterization#he has a full story of growth that begins in PoR and ends at the end of RD#so his character progresses right along with the story from Tellius' entire story's start to finish#stuff like that usually only happens to the central characters who are involved in the plot#and like you don't have like to shinon or be a fan of his character to be able to admit that#he's one of the best characters development wise in the franchise bc not many side characters#get to have a fully fleshed out characterization or story even with their supports considered#in fact most of them ONLY have supports to rely on but he has supports base conversations and time in the plot#tbh I'd actually have to say he has more growth than a lot of the plot centric characters bc like for example#Ranulf is a fantastic character and one of my absolute favorites but he has like NO growth whatsoever between two games#he's one of the most static characters in the franchise itself#he's one of my favorites in the whole franchise too. there's nothing I don't like about him!#HE'S MY BLUE KITTY FFS. watching u bk back off fr#but he has like no growth and he's the same person beginning of PoR to end of RD#I can't look at a man who throws around the word sub-human freely and discriminately as the same man#who respectfully uses the term laguz to laguz kings and treats them like respected allies#I can't see him as the same person from beginning to end of the Tellius story bc he's NOT the same person#static characterization isn't always bad (see: Ranulf) but the character has to be at a certain point in their behavior#to be seen as a fully grown character prior to the story (ex. Titania also has little to no growth bc her story is prior to PoR's start)#then you have static like... Gatrie. that's not exactly bad static but it's not good either#he's the same person from start to finish of the whole timeline and has zero depth#Ranulf on the other hand does have depth but he doesn't grow from the point you meet him at#Shinon has depth and growth and his growth doesn't just stop dead in its tracks. it keeps going for the whole length of the story#which mind you like people irl always continue to grow for their whole lives and that's their whole story#your growth doesn't just stop halfway into your life. the people we are will always change and fluctuate#a lot of characters don't have that and I think with FE having such large casts that we come to expect that#which is in part what makes Shinon's whole story as good as it is. we expect growth to stop before the story ends#but his story starts and ends with PoR and RD respectively which not many characters get to have#i will stan him forever and he will always be my blorbo my little blorbo
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