#I don't like Talia at all. but she would keep you in if Bane asked her too. she'd have some protests. but she would
sochawrites · 2 years
Can I request a Bane x male reader? Just some nice hurt/comfort, please?
Hi there! Yes, you can!
Well, this took longer than expected, sorry for that! I never wrote hurt/comfort before, so I had to do some more research, I would also like to warn you of the ooc Bane possibility.
Anyways, enjoy! ^^
A joytoy?
Bane x Male! reader
Oh, and contains some minor Talia slander, don't mind me...
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Your breath hitched in your throat as you hastily abseiled the steep wall of wet rock. Never in your life have you ever thought you would be grateful for the searing pain of bullet holes and bruises on your skin, as the pain over-shined the burns and blisters forming on your palms from the rough rope.
You couldn't tell if you had your eyes open anymore, as your body moved on autopilot. Each outside sound was dulled by blood pumping mercilessly in your ears. You heard shouts from both above and below, indicating your squad has already made it down, as well as that your enemies were hot on your trail, but could not register any specific words.
Your body pushed itself off the wall one more time, stomach dropping as the rope slacked in your hold, your brain only now recognizing the meaning of some of the shouted words.
And cut.
The fall was a short one, but the impact still knocked the breath out of your lungs. If you were a bit more conscious, you'd heard a nasty crack.
The world seemed still and quiet, but it certainly wasn't that. You were slipping into unconscious already, hardly making out the familiar, enveloping scent of your lover, his body heat as he cradled you in his strong arms, and the voices of your comrades calling out to you. "Stay with us, brother."
Were you awake, or were you asleep? You couldn't tell. But you knew you were hot, feverish even, and every part of your body felt heavy and numb. You could swear your felt something heavy moving delicately over your hand. It was pleasantly cool. You tried to embrace the cool object, but your muscles didn't listen, making you only twitch your fingers. The thing however seemed to take the hint, as it tightened its hold. Was it a hand? It wasn't long before you heard some muffled voices. They didn't sound pleasant.
And just like that, the coldness was gone, your mind fading again soon after.
You didn't know how long has it been since that occurrence, could have been hours, days, or even weeks. You still felt feverish and numb, but your mind was getting clearer by the minute, so a question arose in your head, where were you?
You tried to open your eyes, which was quite a struggle, but you managed after a while. The area was dimly lit, making it easier for your vision to adjust. You didn't recognize the room, it was too nice, too clean, it didn't belong in a mercenary's life, so why were you here? As you looked over your body, the events of the botched heist came forth. There was an IV piercing your arm, pumping in painkillers. That explained the numbness you felt. Examining your arms further, you noticed your hands were freshly bandaged, smelling of some healing ointment.
You heard voices, so you tried to tune in, yet some words were spoken too quietly to be heard. The first was a feminine one, filled with spite, but it sounded familiar. "How long…" "…going to keep that joytoy of yours…" "The plan…" "…motion.". A joytoy? Who was she talking about?
"Be wary…" "…Talia, he's…" Bane! that was Bane's voice, and Talia… wasn't she Ra's Al Ghul's daughter? Could they be talking about you? You tried to hear more of the conversation, but the argument went too faint for your ears.
New questions swirled into your mind, your eyes focusing on the ceiling. What if they were really talking about you? Why did Talia call you a joytoy? Was Bane talking about you that way behind your back? That couldn't be right, he was keen on keeping the relationship secret, even Barsad, Bane's right hand, had to figure it out himself. But this was Talia… maybe things were different for her?
You were deep in thought, not realizing the chatter has ceased. The door opened, and a cold hand trapped yours, startling you.
"Keep calm dearest, it is me." Bane spoke softly, a tone you believed was reserved for you and you only, "It is good to see you finally awake. How are you feeling?". He expressed such care, it was hard to imagine he could talk about you so lowly.
"Hot." you managed to wheeze out, the straining of your cords painfully obvious. Bane simply nodded and stood up, walking to a table that was out of your view. "A fewer was expected, take this.", he returned to your side with a pill in one hand, and a glass of water in the other.
You tried to sit up, but were stopped by both your protesting body and Bane gently pressing down on your shoulder. "Do not strain yourself, your injuries were quite severe." he put the tablets in your palm and sat next to you, putting his hand carefully under your head.
"Drink first…" Bane slowly lifted your head towards the glass, letting you sip the liquid until you felt like it was enough. "Good, good. Will you be able to take the medications yourself?" you could, "Good boy. Now drink it down.". He was rarely this gentle, it almost felt out of place.
After you finished the glass, Bane extended the back of his hand to your forehead, it was cold, so lovely cold, you could not help but to lean into the touch. Bane smiled behind the mask, his chest vibrating with a low chuckle, "You are aware, that you are not able to hide your emotions very well right now, right?". You hummed, "What do you mean?". The drink has certainly helped ease your dry throat.
"There is something on your mind Y/N, speak it." he didn't skip a beat, you, on the other hand, lingered for a second.
"What am I to you?"
Bane visibly halted and looked at you with confusion, a rare sight to come by, "This question would not come unprompted, care to tell me where the idea came from?"
You couldn't look him in the eyes, fearing your voice would betray you, and focused on your hands instead, "I… I just… It's stupid, forget I said-" "Dearest, speak.", Bane's stern voice cut you off, it was an order. You huffed, and shook your head, or at least believed you did, "I heard you talking with Talia a few minutes ago. I believe the phrase 'joytoy of yours' was used, so I suspect it was meant towards me. Is that how you view me?"
Bane raised an eyebrow at you and caressed your cheek, "I would never think of you so lowly dearest. Those are her misjudged words, blinded by envy. You are the light in my life, my weakness." he set aside the water glass and took your hand in his, "The heist has almost cost the life of the only good thing that ever happened to me, I could not leave you at the base, so far from me, with fate uncertain."
Face turning red "Bane, I…", you were at a loss, how were you supposed to answer this? Soft moments like this were rare and far between, you didn't want to ruin it, "As I said, it was stupid… I love you."
You could tell he was smirking at you, "My, it looks like your fever is getting worse… Do you want me to help you cool down?". You blinked up at him, oh the tease he was, you knew where this was going, or, well, thought you did, "I doubt that's possible around you, but it's worth a try…"
Bane patted your hand before letting go and walking around the bed where there was a lot more space for him. He removed his boots before slipping under the blankets and pulling you carefully towards him, resting your head under his chin, arms wrapping around your middle. His whole body was colder than usual as if he was outside not too long ago, but it also could be that your body temperature was even greater than his. You didn't mind though, he was actually quite cooling.
You closed your eyes, feeling content, a wave of sleepiness slowly washing over you, "I also heard something about some plan…". "Do not bother yourself with it now, dearest, you will learn about it together with the others. Now, are you comfortable?"
You hummed tiredly and whispered, "You're much comfier than that pillow…". Bane squeezed you a little bit, mindful of your wounds, "Then I will stay as long as you need."
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decafdino · 8 months
Wip wednesday
nobody tagged me, I just wanted to participate lol. I'm actually getting excited about this supernatural au (even though it is rapidly getting out of hand)
They do eventually make it to the farmer's market. It's late enough in the day that it's mostly empty, which also means the pickings are slim. TK doesn't seem to mind, though, bouncing around the meager rows of pumpkins and thoroughly examining each one.
"Baby." Carlos crosses his arms. "It's been almost an hour. What you want to carve can't possibly be that big, can it?"
TK sighs exasperatedly. "It's not about the size, Carlos. It's all in the shape of the pumpkin."
"They're literally all the same shape: round."
"First of all, pretty sure round isn't a shape, babe." He picks up a pumpkin. "Second, they're not all round; this one's all lumpy on one side."
"So don't carve on that side. Problem solved."
TK sets the pumpkin down and swaggers over. "You know, if I didn't know any better," he says, "I'd think this whole excursion was just a way to get in my pants."
Carlos cocks an eyebrow. "Like we didn't just do that right before we came."
TK snorts. "I'm not that easy, Reyes."
"Playing hard to get?" he gasps in mock surprise. "That's supposed to be my line, Strand."
"Really? You don't remember our first night together?"
"Yes, but I also remember the first time we met." Carlos squeezes his ass. "I wasn't about to let a wolf string me along."
"So I guess you could say we were both a little skittish," TK compromises.
He's about to lean in for another kiss when movement catches in the corner of his eye. He turns, and immediately drops his hands from TK's face, blushing. "Uh—"
"Talia," TK beats him to it. Unlike Carlos, he seems actually happy to see her. "Fancy seeing you here."
"Hi, y'all," she says, almost bashful, like she didn't mean to interrupt them.
Or she didn't mean to get caught staring, Carlos' brain unhelpfully supplies. "You shop here?"
She shrugs casually. The black tank top she's wearing to combat the Texas sun shows off her bare shoulder, littered with even more scars. She shifts when she notices Carlos looking. "I go here sometimes, yeah. Mostly just for supplies."
"Supplies?" Carlos questions.
"Ingredients." She shows him one of the bags, full of herbs Carlos recognizes immediately. They're mostly used in the hunter community to ward off and weaken certain types of supernatural. He doesn't know if wolf's bane is in there, but if she came a little closer he knows TK would be able to tell.
"I'm pagan," she explains. "There's supposed to be an eclipse coming up, so I'm going to try to take advantage of it."
TK nods, though Carlos can tell he's fighting the urge to wrinkle his nose by the way he keeps sniffing. "Yeah, I heard about that," TK says. "They're saying there's supposed to be nearly full coverage?"
"We'll see," she says. "And you two are…?"
"Pumpkin shopping." Carlos hopes his smile doesn't look too forced. There's just something off about Talia, something he doesn't trust. Maybe he's being a little superficial, but an average hunter wouldn't get those scars unless they had a habit of becoming needlessly violent with their kills. "And you know what, I think we've just found the perfect one." He picks up the pumpkin TK had dropped at their feet, the one with the lumpy sides, and tugs TK over to the woman at the register.
TK doesn't stays silent, though Carlos can tell he wants to ask. As he's getting handed back his change, Talia calls out, "Enrique says hi, by the way."
Carlos stiffens, then forces himself to turn and wave. "Tell him we say hi back."
"See you around, Talia," TK says with a wave. Once she's turned away, Carlos hurries him back to the car.
"You don't think—"
"I don't know," Carlos answers honestly. "But I'm not willing to risk it."
"You don't trust her?" TK asks.
"I don't trust a lot of people." He sighs when TK gives him a look. "Enrique is traditional, and Talia is his—whatever she is to him. If they're on our trail—"
"Baby, if anyone's on our trail we would know by now. Especially you," he says, cupping Carlos' cheek, "my paranoid control freak. Nothing slips past you."
"I'm choosing to take that as a compliment."
"That's good, because it is one." He kisses Carlos' cheek. "I promise to stay safe, if that will make you feel better."
Their foreheads press together. Carlos takes a moment to breathe in TK's air, to cherish the closeness they have. He never wants to lose this. He can't even imagine what he would do without TK, even though the lives they lead are dangerous. "You can't promise me that."
"I can do my best, and you'll do yours. Right?"
"Yeah," he says, resolve hardening. "Let's go home and relax. How does that sound?"
TK smiles. "It sounds like someone wants to help me carve this pumpkin."
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