#I may not be a masochist myself but I respect y'all for being so brave. 🫡
fleshhhteeth · 11 months
Habit bites you say? 👀👀
Could I get
some headcanons going more into detail about that?
I don’t think it’s any hot tea to say that the community thinks Habit would be big into biting, leaving scratches, knifeplay, etc he be that kinda demon <3 and the kinda sub masochist that might be down to try that? I be that kinda person
Also you’re a really good writer! c:
Yes, yes you can :} (also thank u!!! got me kickin my feet in the air n shit heehee)
Suggestive / nsfw under the cut! Minors dni
HABIT biting / knifeplay headcanons (tw for mentions of slight gore)
He'll bite you for a whole slew of reasons, not just horny shit. Piss him off and he's getting in your face? Gnashing teeth. He wants to piss *you* off? Biting you while you're in the middle of something. Just minding your own damn business? You're never safe bitch.
It only gets worse if he's turned on tbh, but I DO have a bit of a hot take. Of course he loves digging his teeth in, leaving frighteningly severe marks all over you, and the rush he gets in licking up the pooling blood- But its not a one way street.
I think, under the (rather unlikely) circumstances that he's genuinely into you? He'd want you to reciprocate in the whole "literally ripping each other apart in every way imaginable" thing.
You're clearly weaker than him, and couldn't make a dent in him if you tried? He'd get off on just watching you try. Its cute, to him. Bonus points if you REALLY get into it. He appreciates the effort and gusto.
You actually stand a chance in getting him to hurt? Go fucking nuts, he'll let you. Yank his hair, step on his throat, choke him out, rip chunks out of him with your teeth, its all on the table. Being practically invincible, and having everyone else cower in fear around you gets really boring when you've lived that way for your entire existence. If you can physically manage to overpower him? He'll let you. (good fucking luck though asdfhksdfg)
On the same note, knives. Hoo boy.
I don't think he'd have the patience to like, trace up your body with the tip of his knife, or carve words into your skin or anything, but he would definitely get creative with it nontheless. Y'know how some people will do the whole "count while I spank you" thing? That, but with knife wounds. Sitting on his lap and everything.
And of course, he'd love holding that shit up to your neck as he pounds into you- genuinely coming close to cutting into the skin, pressing dangerously harder with every breath you take in. Who needs choking when he can have you desperately holding your breath all on your own?
On the flip side, he would definitely be into you teasing him with one of his own knives. Run it feather light up his abdomen, his chest, up to his throat, all he wants is for you to drive it down into him, and give him that weirdly euphoric release of agony. The anticipation is nice, but he'll never admit that out loud.
He wants that shit to hurt- like blinding pain. It sort of registers in his head like an orgasm would, since he doesn't exactly experience that level of pain very often.
HUGE bonus points if you actually have him vulnerable during it. (tied up, overpowered, ect.)
Tldr: this man is obsessed with pain. In any way, any method, any form, all of it. Doesn't even matter who's on what end.
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