#I missed this time period and am now participating via correspondence
illustratedbrum · 4 years
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Large Letter A Mail Art Project: With Love From Birmingham, England
"Mail art has no history, only a present." —Ray Johnson
 Hey folks and greetings from my flat, which currently contains a measly 3 toilet rolls ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wish I was writing under better circumstances (more loo roll, less threat to humanity, etc) but watching the COVID-19 pandemic begin to sweep the UK and the global media with ever-increasing magnitude, we are all in the same boat wondering how we can best support our neighbours, our wider city, and those further afield without compromising the health of those most vulnerable by travelling or being around others unnecessarily, particularly given that the ramifications could well affect life as so many of us know it increasingly for many months to come.
As we watch on as upcoming festivals such as our pals at Glasgow Zine Festival, NW Zine Festival and more cancel / reschedule their forthcoming IRL activity, as well as smaller, local, more regular meet-ups, clubs and workshops being on hold, we know the effects of key places for marginalised makers to connect are going to be felt. We know that practitioners on the fringes of mainstream creative culture are going to experience interconnected, interlacing barriers to navigating this turbulent time, making West Midlands Artists Coronavirus Impact Fund by MAIA and equivalents across the country so significant and urgent, along with incredible people on the front lines doing the most to ensure the needs of everyone in our communities are met, no matter what their circumstance. If can absolutely feel like a fucking impossible time to be creative, to think and to process; to create anything new.
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“So Because Abled People Might Get Sick Now...“ At present, the advice in the UK is around social distancing, and this is really important for keeping those most at risk as safe as possible. As Dave Grohl put it, “let's do this right and rain check shit.” But that absolutely does not mean we must be emotionally distant. Our thoughts are not only with those who are self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic, but those who feel this risk as part of their everyday lives due to longstanding conditions for whom this will be an additionally isolating and anxiety-inducing period, many of whom are zine makers we know and love.  Disabled, chronically ill, immunosuppressed, homebound, and neurodivergent people are, in the words of @kateandcrps, currently witnessing “ableds accommodating themselves with the accessibility that we disabled people fight for every day, all because of #COVIDー19″. How do we end up not going straight back to inaccessible practices in the creative sector? How do we position a whole range of creatives genuinely, meaningfully; nobly?
The effects of social isolation of any cause is mostly unappreciated, misunderstood and misrepresented by able-bodied, neurotypical dominances in society, and, for those for whom it is a part of their day-to-day reality, we hope the disruption to life for many of us can be a chance to experience increased empathy, awareness and action in connecting with others, particularly when we are well enough, and have the resources available to us. There’s also no reason why these folx would only be on the receiving end of projects, as long as they are designed inclusively, and we’re proud to exist deliberately to celebrate and centrally position badass makers of all walks, wheels, and movements of life, those that weirdly (systemically) much of the creative world renders completely invisible. With so much disruption and uncertainty, so much potential for offline isolation, inner turmoil and digital overwhelm, we wanted to orchestrate a simple but meaningful, low-cost, playful, experimental creative project that anyone can take part in from their homes, designed specifically to create connections. It absolutely embraces the relative leveler of all being stuck indoors as a result of COVID-19 yet will continue in its format indefinitely for the shared benefit of whoever wishes to take part over the long run. Everyone is able to participate in the same manner, at their own pace, for as long or short as they like, with no deadlines, and withdraw at any time with no consequence, or guilt.
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Zines, Zines, Good For Your Heart Every single day, all across the world zinesters are making, sending and receiving zines, connecting with one another across great distances, around intimate moments, radical hacks and big ideas. We are lucky to feel meaningful, creative connections with complete strangers that go beyond digital interfaces from the comfort of our own letterboxes. Making and mailing is in our blood; our DNA. Holding something that someone has made in our hands can breathe a life into us that even instant messaging and Zoom calls cannot explain; something that may be missing in the daily lives of many people’s normal realities, and for even more of us during this socially distant paradigm. Mail art is a movement centered on sending small scale works through the postal service. It initially developed out of what eventually became Ray Johnson's New York Correspondence School in the 1950s and the Fluxus movement in the 1960s, though it has since developed into a global movement that continues to this day.
"The purpose of mail art, an activity shared by many artists throughout the world, is to establish an aesthetical communication between artists and common people in every corner of the globe, to divulge their work outside the structures of the art market and outside the traditional venues and institutions: a free communication in which words and signs, texts and colours act like instruments for a direct and immediate interaction." - Loredana Parmesani  Zines can be an example of mail art, but so can postcards, paper, a collage of found or recycled images and objects, rubber stamps, artist-created stamps (called artistamps), drawings, but also music, sound art, poetry, or anything that can be put in an envelope and sent via post. You can create one-off pieces, or make duplicates with a copier.
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You’ve Got Mail Art! Mail art is considered art once it is dispatched. No money exchanges hands. Mail art is exchanged between people, not bought and sold. Mail art is given freely, without the expectation of something in return. No judgements are made about the artwork or its quality. We will prepare and share lots more resources, ideas and prompts around creating and sending mail art, but for now we mostly want to know if you’d like to participate, as a sender, a recipient, or both. You don’t have to consider yourself an artist, have any training or equipment, or have any money. We have a postage pot to distribute small funds to cover postage if needed, otherwise the only cost will be a stamp or possibly some rudimentary materials. Maximum size is a UK Large Letter, i.e. not exceeding: Length: 35.3cm Width: 25cm Thickness up to and including: 2.5cm Weight limit: 750g No minimum size.
If you are feeling well and able to do so, we would love to give you an excuse to make a little something with someone else in mind, or receive something, so here we are, just a zine festival sitting in front of a computer, encouraging you to make things; weird and wonderful things, scruffy things, beautiful things, any things.
Please note: On 17th March 2020 The New England Journal of Medicine published a study reporting that coronavirus can remain viable on paper and cardboard for up to 24 hours. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, have symptoms, or are living with someone who has symptoms, please opt to receive mail art only, and not send anything until you are feeling better or are beyond the quarantine period (7 or 14 days respectively). All personal details such as postal addresses and contact details will be stored securely / not used for any purposes beyond you receiving something charming, stimulating, or just plain confusing, in the mail. If you have any concerns or questions please contact us at: [email protected]
Image credits: [1] Leave Me Alone, I Am Sick via Dispatch From LA [2] Zine-Making for Kids by Diane Gilleland [3] John Held Jr. Please Add To and Return To: Mail Art Homage to Ray Johnson, 2015
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chhatramani · 4 years
The race to save the first draft of coronavirus history from internet oblivion
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The race to save the first draft of coronavirus history from internet oblivion
Eight years ago, Suleika Jaouad was alone in a hospital room, undergoing aggressive treatment for leukemia and awaiting a bone marrow transplant. Just out of college and harboring dreams of becoming a war correspondent, Jaouad was instead confined to her hospital room and felt desperately, stiflingly alone.
In the end, journaling helped Jaouad through her medical isolation. Nearly a decade later, in remission but immunocompromised, she found herself in an eerily familiar situation as the coronavirus crisis forced her to shelter in place at home in New York.
So she launched The Isolation Journals, a project designed to encourage people to capture their experiences as they navigate life during the pandemic. She reached out to people including artist Mari Andrew, author Elizabeth Gilbert, and blues singer Mavis Staples to brainstorm prompts that are emailed to participants at 5 a.m. US Eastern time. “Within five hours, we had 20,000 people sign up,” Jaouad says. “Now, it’s about 60,000 participants.”
While it’s possible to take part with just pen and paper, many users have posted their responses on Instagram and Twitter, tagged with #theisolationjournals. Contributions range from simple photos to interpretive dance videos, original music and art, and blog posts.
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Day 14 of #TheIsolationJournals -“In the voice of someone who loves you” Prompt by @jenpastiloff . Unfortunately I missed a few journal entries in between due to a setback health-wise. But here I am again. Ever ready and relentless. I am honestly so grateful that The Isolation Journals happened my way. It has helped me in ways I couldn’t imagine. Here’s another entry I loved writing about. Enjoy.
A post shared by Shalini (@indolent_chicken) on Apr 15, 2020 at 12:47am PDT
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Our pal and wordsmith @laur.ight is right into the 30 day isolation journal challenge by @suleikajaouad! — Share pictures with us of what you’re up to via DM! #
A post shared by Lock It Down Ladies (@lockitdownladies) on Apr 13, 2020 at 3:45pm PDT
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Here is my prompt for Day 3 of #TheIsolationJournals (head to my spectacular friend @suleikajaouad’s bio to sign up and join 40,000 other people in daily journaling!). Below is an abridged version of my prompt and the art above is my own visual example. I encourage you to join me in keeping a daily journal this month, and, as always, I would love to see what you write/make • We are all going through collective culture shock right now. We are oh-so-quickly adjusting to a whole new way of going through the world: interpreting distance as kindness, embracing solitude for the sake of community, and advocating for stasis as a means of progress. It’s wild and weird. This is a brand new land where none of us have ever been, even though most of us are at home. I’ve been thinking a lot about how this experience parallels to traveling to a new place, where cultural norms are totally different and our daily routines are out of whack and we have jet lag from lack of/too much sleep. We have to celebrate differently, mourn differently, even dress differently (i.e. incorporate masks and gloves into our outfits). Your prompt: Write a travel journal entry from your home, could be your living room, could be your bed. Write as though you’ve just arrived in a new place (because, in many ways, you have) and what you’re observing about the place and how you feel in it. Write what you see, hear, and touch, as though it’s all brand new. What are you learning about yourself in this different land, with all its deprivations? If you’d like to turn this into a visual entry, draw a map complete with notes about this foreign land’s customs, rituals, and routines.
A post shared by Mari Andrew (@bymariandrew) on Apr 3, 2020 at 6:14am PDT
As lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders, and social distancing threaten to stretch out into the weeks, months, and even years ahead, there is a scramble to collect, in real time, the overwhelming abundance of information being produced online. Without it, the record of how we lived, how we changed, and how we addressed the global pandemic would be left incomplete and at the mercy of a constantly shifting internet, where even recent history has a tendency to get buried or vanish.
Looking at how we document our lives is an obvious first step. Journaling has always been a way for people to understand and contextualize their world, particularly during tumultuous times. It has been shown to be therapeutic, particularly for those who have gone through trauma. The dawn of the internet played into this very human desire: Blogspot, Tumblr, and even early Facebook and Twitter had an element of “Dear Diary” to them.
Now, recording thoughts freeform on an Instagram live session, posting art on Tumblr, or choreographing a meme-y dance for TikTok all fulfill the same function as journaling: commemorating an experience and expressing its effect on you. In theory, these creative efforts should form a ready-made repository of crucial information about this period and how we lived through it. Eight years ago, Suleika Jaouad was alone in a hospital room, undergoing aggressive treatment for leukemia and awaiting a bone marrow transplant. Just out of college and harboring dreams of becoming a war correspondent, Jaouad was instead confined to her hospital room and felt desperately, stiflingl…
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
Celebrities like Katherine Heigl are praising a viral fitness regimen for whipping them back into incredible shape — here's how it works
Actress Katherine Heigl credits a program called BBG with helping her get back into shape after having a baby.
The program, designed by personal trainer Kayla Itsines, is based around a science-backed workout regimen called high intensity interval training, or HIIT.
I tried one such program recently and was blown away by its effectiveness.
Do you have seven minutes? You could spend them getting into shape.
It may sound like hype, but working your body fast and hard for just a few minutes — interspersed with short periods of rest — is an effective means of toning your muscles and improving your heart health.
This type of exercise goes by a handful of names, including high intensity interval training, HIIT, and tabata, but the basic gist is the same. The science-backed program essentially boils down the strength and heart benefits of a sweaty bike ride or a trip to the gym into a concentrated aerobic workout that you can do at home.
This interval approach has recently spawned a handful of apps and routines, one of which is personal trainer Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guide, or BBG. Actress Katherine Heigl credits the regimen — which can be followed via Itsines' app, Sweat With Kayla — with helping her reincorporate exercise into her life after giving birth in December 2016.
"I won't lie, the workouts are real a-- kickers," Heigl wrote in an Instagram post this week, "but the progress I've made in only five short weeks has kept me motivated and inspired to keep going."
It’s been almost 14 months since Joshua Jr was born and it has taken me about that long to really get back in shape. The first pic was taken one month after he was born. The second pic was taken almost a full year later and the last pic was taken this weekend. I wish I had a few from in between the first and second so you could really see how slow my progress was but alas...I was busy covering it all up those months, not posing in my unders! Anyway, I have a beach vacation coming up, a new job I start filming in April and my deep desire to feel fit, strong and sexy propelling me forward the last two months to finally loose the last of my baby weight and do a deep dive search for the ab muscles I knew were buried under that belly somewhere! I was wholly and totally inspired by Miss @rachparcell and the before and after pics she shared after taking the #bbg challenge. I had never heard of it but she looked so damn great (she had her baby just a few months before me) that I had to check it out. I found a fantastic app called #sweat that features several different #bbg programs you can choose from and makes it incredibly easy to do anywhere, which for me means in my bedroom at home! I won’t lie, the workouts are real ass kickers but the progress I’ve made in only 5 short weeks has kept me motivated and inspired to keep going! I am so grateful I’ve had a full year to find those ab muscles and get my butt back up where it belongs and wasn’t forced by work to snap back into shape but it is time to make the strength, fitness and overall health of my body a priority and I am so grateful that @rachparcell shared her story and got this mama motivated!
A post shared by Katherine Heigl (@katherineheigl) on Feb 19, 2018 at 11:21am PST on Feb 19, 2018 at 11:21am PST
Interval training will make you sweat
Admittedly, when I first heard about interval training, I was hesitant to believe that the health benefits of a 2-hour bike ride could be condensed into a few minutes of squats and lunges. But I decided to give the Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout, which was designed by exercise physiologist Chris Jordan, a try after speaking with him in 2016.
"High-intensity interval training can provide similar or greater benefits in less time than traditional longer, moderate-intensity workouts," Jordan, the director of exercise physiology at the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, told Business Insider in April.
Jordan's workout is available in a free app and gives users 72 exercises to follow, like jumping jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups. Ten require nothing but your body, and for the others, you just need a chair that can support your weight. The latest version of the app lets you do each exercise along with Jordan.
Kayla Itsines' workouts are based on the same idea. She also runs a blog and corresponding app — people can sign up for her 12-week program, which includes three 28-minute workouts per week plus health and nutrition advice, for $20 a month.
Itsines breaks each fitness routine into a specific region or muscle group — sometimes she focuses on arms and abs, other times she targets legs. Like any interval training plan, it involves a range of moves like planks, push-ups, jumping jacks, and squats. During these short bursts, you push yourself at your maximum capacity.
Then after each sweaty interval, you rest to catch your breath before quickly moving on to the next exercise. At the end of the workout (which could be as short as seven minutes or as long as 28), your whole body should feel it.
If you're not into gyms or fitness classes, interval training might be a good fit for you
Some studies suggest that interval training may be as good or better than regular endurance exercise for building muscle and protecting the heart.
For one thing, the program may be easier to embrace since it involves no equipment or pricey gym fees, and even people who aren't used to working out can give it a shot. A 2011 study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise looked at the impact of interval training on previously sedentary adults. They found that the regimen significantly improved the participants' muscle health, suggesting it was a practical fitness intervention for people who don't typically exercise.
Interval training's combination of cardio and strength training also appears to provide a handful of benefits for the body that are on par with those you'd get from a traditional workout. A review of studies published in the International Journal of Cardiology in 2013 looked at nearly 500 people with chronic heart failure, and found that interval training was linked with better results than plain old endurance exercise when comes to a key measure of heart health.
Whichever workout you decide to try, the most important thing is that you enjoy it enough to stick with it. While Itsines' program lasts 12 weeks, that's likely meant only as a jumping-off point. To get lasting benefits for your brain and body, experts recommend maintaining a regular fitness regimen for life.
"To achieve results, consistency is key," Jordan said.
SEE ALSO: How often you need to exercise to see results, according to the scientist behind the viral 7-minute workout
DON'T MISS: I tried the science-backed 7-minute routine that was one of 2017's hottest workouts, and it actually works
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lenoraivey4970-blog · 6 years
Digital photography Useful Information.
For most of our team, life delivers abundant possibilities for joy, pain, amusement and rips. There are actually no guidelines for creating pop songs- any type of combo from verses and also popular music (or no lyric or even no popular music) proves out as long as the end product is actually exciting or even appealing enough for someone to notice this! The factor is that a person of the tennis gamers has to break serves with confidence and the 2nd one did this with problem, having succeeded some activities on breather factors. You received her interested, called her out of the blue, as well as failed to provide any sort of sound answers. This is hard to experience break up, off the reduction of collaborate to the discomfort off the situation are actually hard to approve therefore as the procedure from proceeding. Having said that, there are actually those folks that pick not to emphasize factors that harm them but decide to heal their souls and also start one more time off the starting However claiming I ENJOY YOU are going to certainly not help you to totally start with him once more. I certainly never make use of to rely on spell casting in my entire life considering that i never thought it is going to operate however i attempted to provide this male an odds and also to my greatest surprise, he did his work and it gave a beneficial result and i had the ability to acquire my wife back. Therefore go ahead: relax for water, a bathroom browse through, a quick stroll or even extent, examining your phone for messages ... the heavens's excess. This is actually the only referral from Jesus asking an individual to quit each of their wealth. In the event you loved this article and you would like to receive details concerning mountains in scotland map (estar-sanoahora2016.es) kindly visit our site. The urge for food and to break prompt and also start throughout again was actually incredibly true for me. I regularly really felt food cravings pangs as well as my thoughts only always kept getting on images of my favorite foods items. Maybe you see array expecteded markets as well as trade merely along with a break from harmony, or even trade just on the 2nd attempt at such a rest. The type of wonder where someone would offer me a break that would acquire me on a far better path. CONTAINER NEVER QUIT SPEAKING ABOUT YOU HIS INTERNET SITE ADDRESS is CONNECT WITH HIM NOW FOR REMEDY TO ALL OF YOUR CONCERNS. In addition going on a fast isn't a rocket technology; for 1000s of years, most societies have utilized it to help clear the body from toxins, give our digestive system organs the chance to revitalize as well as restore optimum functionality. The graph would after that suggest which bone tissues appeared to become one of the most as well as minimum very likely to damage. Assessing these happy quotes is just the very first step on becoming a true optimist. Staff members are actually entitled to one paid out 10-minute remainder breather if their job period is in between 2 as well as four hrs; one paid for 10-minute rest break and also one overdue 30-minute food rest if their job period is actually in between 4 and 6 hrs; 2 paid for 10-minute remainder breaks and also one unpaid 30-minute food rest if their job time frame is between 6 as well as 8 hrs. Regardless of being actually referred to as at 1:00 in the morning, regardless of having actually viewed that it was actually a lie participated in through some local little ones, he turned to me as he left behind as well as claimed, This was actually truly nice to fulfill you, ma'am." Not the moment did he mock exactly how absurd this definitely was - kids on Springtime breather having fun along with an area female who does not obtain the laugh, certainly not in the instant anyhow. Listed below's just what tourists have actually talked to, with answers off Provide Me a Rest Mattress & Morning meal staff and also various other visitors. When you are ready to crack your undesirable trends of bring in harmful lover, I have a lot of resources to help you specify you totally free. Discover all you can easily about corresponding effectively after the split, as well as even more importantly, recognize exactly what you are actually going to say when that get in touch with gets created. I certainly never use to rely on spell spreading in my entire lifestyle due to the fact that i never ever thought it will certainly operate yet i aimed to give this man an opportunity and to my biggest surprise, he did his job as well as it yielded a beneficial end result and also i had the capacity to get my better half back. So go forward: unwind for water, a shower room go to, a simple walk or even extent, inspecting your phone for notifications ... the sky's excess. This is actually the only reference of Jesus asking an individual to quit all of their riches. This gives me terrific happiness whenever i listen to the name Dr.Zabaza due to the fact that he is the great guy that strengthen my relationship specifically when my aficionado was about leaving me for another woman but via the assistance from Dr.Zabaza my lover modified his mind as well as today we are actually gotten married to all with the help of Dr.Zabaza i am carefully grateful to him as well as i will definitely prefer to give out his connect with particulars to those who think they will really require his help and the details are +2348182620374 or zabazalogan @. Do not offer up if you still enjoy your ex-boyfriend. There are actually effective methods to obtain back your ex and also to earn them enjoy you like never ever in the past. If the only choice they possessed was waiting in series to get a purchase a ticket, they would certainly offer up going to an occasion. Possibly stop in at the Camelback Inn or Harbor Beach - or any kind of some of our various other 4,400 buildings - to charge, reconnect and come back to the workforce emotion revitalized. Also you could not choose any thin typefaces if you desire to make your calling card look the way you do. Be sure to opt for a thicker font as well as if you wish to add a new size to this, you may effortlessly incorporate decrease darkness or various other such effects to give that the special oomph! For those wanting Dr.Zabaza assistance may talk to Dr.Zabaza through email: zabazalogan @ or far better still you could offer him a call on +2348182620374. Quit trying to translate his habits as well as obtain a male that you do not need to operate so hard to figure out. For me additionally, i need give myself a rest to be with my household as well as change my human brain off of help some while after that always keep going. Maybe it was that wish for a rest that led me to offer myself to the various other blokes in my ward as 'Dave: match personal trainer and also former expert competitor', rather than as 'Father Dave: Parish Clergyman'. This suggests if you consume a complex carb, your physical body will certainly malfunction that complex carbohydrate in to basic glucoses as well as essentially into blood sugar which can be made use of for many different functionalities. In a planet with improving understanding on mental health and also its own value, I'm instead surprised that Western could care less about aiming to aid the stress and anxiety prices of the trainees with a rest. You will definitely come to be even more relaxed using this body weight transactions method to carry even more energy to your rest stroke. Eating the correct carbs are going to give you longer term power and help to overcome physical body fat storage!Your probably wondering if there is actually a simple example of this so you can miss today's quick scientific research lesson. Under these minimum specifications, if your lunch break is actually beyond TWENTY mins, it considers as your full title to a make that day. If you are actually actually endure, look into; this will certainly follow you and give you impressive feedback by the end of the time. Listed below's just what vacationers have actually asked, with solutions off Offer Me a Rest Mattress & Breakfast staff and also various other tourists. My advisor, Doreen, has actually been actually remarkable right from the word go. Low profile, does not tear, no shock tactics, no talks ... merely a very casual chat regarding the very best way for ME to stop cigarette smoking. Therefore - you have to stop being mad at him as well as revealing that rage through sulking, giving him the cold shoulder or even other manner ins which our team women often express ourselves.
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