#I need Kaylie to tell me if I'm being ridiculous or if these are valid issues
Heartbreaking! Girl finally goes to a small church study group trying to engage more with her church and is immediately frustrated but may just be being dramatic!
1. There was a lot of talk about how Judas was rotten to the core and he was clearly so good at hiding how EVIL and TWISTED he was compared to the other disciples look at this man he's such a LIAR and I hate that kind of talk because it's so dangerous! Because low-key the point is that we're all like Judas we all betray Jesus constantly like? He wasn't some evil being? Like I get their point he did do a worse thing but that doesn't mean he was like more sinful like idk I hate that separation.
2. We were talking about Mary using her hair to dry Jesus's feet and how it seems a seperate different woman was described doing something similar in Luke. We have this discussion about why she might use her hair entirely removed from cultural contexts. I ask if there were perhaps any cultural contexts surrounding hair given it seems like quite a ritual act. The temperature of the room drops and I get a lot of "not that I know of" in a tone that indicates I am a fool for wanting to read the Bible rooted in the history that it is literally part of.
3. One man, who actually is trying, tells me about how women's hair was their glory and usually tied up. I ask then if we think there's a gendered aspect to Mary's act because it's literally her using something inherent to her femininity. I am informed no, the only reason men didn't do it was because they had shorter hair. The conversation moves on before I can point out that the only reason men had shorter hair and women longer was cultural reasons, meaning that Mary's act WAS inherently culturally gendered and maybe it would be interesting to look at it in the context of Jesus's treatment of women within an oppressive society. I fume for the rest of the evening.
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