#I normally utterly reject the idea of 'soulmates' EXCEPT FOR ROMY AND MICHELE because they obviously just are
airyairyaucontraire · 10 months
movie ask
9, 18, 19
9. What was the last movie you watched? What did you think of it?
The last movie I watched for the first time was Barbie (2023) and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I didn't think there was anything particularly ground-breaking about it but I thought it was engaging, endearing, a refreshing take on a familiar cultural icon, the production design was absolutely beautiful and it showed a genuine, heartfelt understanding of and affection for Barbie and her history. (I would still have liked it if they'd included/addressed Bild Lili, but I understand that was even less likely than more than a sampled snippet of Aqua's "Barbie Girl.") Basically it just seems to have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure while trying to convey a sympathetic and encouraging message about being a person and, like, sweet!
I'm pretty sure I've rewatched another movie more recently but my brain is really not helping me with that. Actually, I think it was Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. I feel absolutely certain that Romy and Michele went to Barbie together, opening weekend, wearing fabulous pink outfits that they designed and made themselves and they had a wonderful time.
18. What film do you think has the coolest poster?
That's surprisingly tough to answer. I don't have a definitive answer but I will say one that I really love is the 1979 Muppet Movie poster.
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I think more movie posters should have illustrations, not just photos.
19. What part of filmmaking do you find most interesting (ie. sound design, costuming, set design, etc)?
I'm really fascinated by what I'd call character design, the combination of costume, personal props, make-up and hair to create the look and visually tell the story of a character. When it's well done it can convey so much and both enhances and informs the actor's performance! I obviously love Mona May's work on Clueless and Romy & Michele, I'm a big fan of what the Lord of the Rings movies had going on (and although they went to shit in a lot of ways the Hobbit movies did continue a lot of that loving attention to detail - god, the DWARVES, everyone put SO MUCH time and thought into the dwarves, the fella playing Dwalin named his axes after Emily Brontë's dogs!!! and they were reduced to fancy extras, it pisses me off), and the Mad Max movies are also pretty noteworthy in this regard. Star Wars too. Oh, and special mention to how spotless and matte black Blade from Blade's clothes remained no matter how much gore was splashing around, and the fact that they put weights into the hemline of his long coat so it would swirl like Ginger Rogers' skirts when he spun around in fight scenes.
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