#I really like Micaiah’s hairstyle here
freedomarrow · 2 years
@pirrhyc sent: “ Leonardo? Is that you? ” Pelleas inquires, having seen what he thought was a familiar head of blond hair in his classes with the Blue Lions a fair amount of times now. It could be a coincidence, seeing someone with his hair length and color tie their hair back in that way. After all, with what popularity the archer had had back in Daein in the days following the war, Pelleas would dare say it made all too much sense if other men had desired to mimic Leonardo's hairstyle so as to take a bit of his popularity away from him.
( It's a bit like Micaiah's own hair too, Pelleas privately thinks to himself, who was all too popular herself. The pair of them could revolutionize the standards of beauty altogether in Daein, he's sure of it. )
“ Ah, it is! I was worried, calling out to you in the case it wasn't. I was nervous just thinking about how foolish I would look, so I've let the chance slip me by each and every time, ” Pelleas nervously laughs, clutching his books tighter to his torso. “ And, well, it's been so very long since I've seen a familiar face in the same house as me here… But it really is you! What a relief. ”
And he means it, smiling subconsciously.
“ May I ask how Daein's been since before you left? Oh, it's been so terribly long since I've last seen it, I feel… Oh! And Lughnasadh, too. I hope it's been treating you well. I was so glad to see you using it after I asked Micaiah to give it to you back then. Oh, but I'm rambling, aren't I? I'm sorry. I do that sometimes. I don't get to reminisce over happy memories very often, so I got lost in it a bit there, I admit. I know it's still shameful, but… ”
“Oh, sire! Hello there.”
The familiar voice jolts him awake, a thoughtless lull having draped itself over and around his head like a veil as he was silently making his way out of the classroom and to... wherever his legs had intended him to take, probably the training grounds.
This awakening is something he appreciates, and a smile appears on his face; hierarchies and positions set aside, a known ally’s face is always a welcome one, and one that even the usually quiet archer will much more easily open up to.
“I’ve been here for a little bit now, yes. So you most likely did see me,” he confirms with a chuckle. “I have seen that Micaiah is in the Eagles, yeah.” Worse comes to worst, they could probably switch? Though Leonardo finds himself with no strong feelings on the matter. Sharing House with Pelleas is just as fine in his book.
Moving on, to the point; Leonardo reminds himself inwardly that he is talking to a fellow Daein, not giving a formal status report, as he speaks. “It’s rebuilding well. Sir Tauroneo is doing a tremendous job at the court and in the army, and I had word from Nolan and Edward that the townsfolk are recovering as well... Though of course it will all still take time.” With how many able men were senselessly lost to the Begnion labor camps? Yeah... Though that is not to say that women and others who remain do a worse job. Leonardo would almost be inclined to say they are even more impressive.
As Pelleas brings up the bow, the archer blinks, then nods. “Oh, yeah. I took it here with me, as well... I hope that was okay of me to do,” he adds quickly. It is a rare and precious gift that was bestowed upon him in trust - he should have due care regarding what he does with it. “I still do not consider myself fully worthy of it, but... I do intend to work towards that goal, so that’s why it’s here,” he continues.
The apology offered by the former king prompts a smile and a shake of the head from Leonardo. “Oh, it’s fine! I’m happy to talk to you if you’re happy to talk to me, sire. How about we find a place to sit down?... You have been here longer than me. How has the Academy been treating you?”
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