#I really want her to get Cursa's independence
pixies-and-poets · 11 months
i wonder if kanya's ball and chain from the broken stature was supposed to represent how she felt trapped under cursa's control
Ok, sorry I took so long to answer this, but this is actually one of my favorite asks I've ever gotten... because it really hit me like a ton of bricks and I've been turning it over in my brain for like two weeks now. I hadn't thought about it like that before, but- YES. I don't know if the artists did that on purpose, but I want to believe they did, because the symbolism is PERFECT.
The weapon that her creator gave her is a literal BALL AND CHAIN. She probably wouldn't want to use the weapon Cursa intended her to use, no matter what it was. But ESPECIALLY that.
And there's more! Take a look at the statue...
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Notice anything else that seems off? Something that doesn't match with her current design?
It's her collar! She had it in concept art...
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Now, in a vacuum, it evokes a cannon or a Bullet Bill, and fits with the theme of her design. But imagine being her, imagine being made that way, with a literal COLLAR. Wouldn't she hate its weight around her neck, wouldn't she cast it off at the first opportunity?
I adore that she originally had elements to her design that suggested subservience, but the designers at Ubisoft wisely decided that she would get rid of them once she established her independence. We have canon proof that she actually had those things in-universe and no longer does.
It's another lovely example of the interplay of Cursa-as-designer mirroring the artistic process of the devs themselves, and how characters can take on a life of their own, evolving past your original vision for them. The difference is that a good creator, in my opinion, will respect a character living and growing alongside them. And Cursa wants her creations to be stagnant and exactly as she made them.
I have emotions about Kanya even if we only ever get this small glimpse into her story. SO MANY EMOTIONS
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afractionofplaces · 4 years
So . . . Alternative way this could have gone if the people you went to the Azure place with was a bit closer/ could hear you and Vexx’s end part of convo 
Vexx: Im here for murder, why are you here??
one of the IL/ crew getting within earshot of this like : Like to see you try??
Traveler: No, take me instead!
Vexx and IL/crew : I don’t think so. Not happening. 
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thekrazykeke · 3 years
Spoilers for Andromeda Six episode 5 under the cut. These are my thoughts concerning the whole episode and theories about things going forward.
Once again, do not read if you ain’t caught up
I’m pretty sure that Vexx, if he ain’t dead, will end up in a coma or just seriously injured. For angst’s sake, I’m hoping for coma. And I know, I know, I was pretty anti-Vexx in my previous walkthrough, but welp.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No need for my characters to do anything, the universe is paying him back generously.
“But he didn’t intentionally betray us!” Tell that to my MC’s eldest sister. ....Uh-oop--- 🤣🤣🤣
Let me stop ragging on him. I sincerely do wish he gets help and therapy and retire in solitude. 
June still manages to hurt me, even when I was playing on separate save files with different LI. I don’t see him as monstrous, even when he was Hulking out in the lab. His parents were experimenting on he and his twin in the womb. They didn’t have a chance at all. But there’s a comment June made this episode that got me thinking: is his dad dead and did June kill him or is he the scientist that Zovack picked up on Orion? June’s mom better run, he likely to pull a King Kong move; go to the highest building and throw her off it.
Wasn’t a big fan of Damon at first. After several playthroughs on ep4, I warmed up to him but he really brought it in episode 5. I love that once you get past his sarcastic, snarky behavior, he reveals he’s not just a bad boy with overwhelming sex appeal and flirtiness, he’s got feelings. 🤤🤤🤤 That’s my Kryptonite! BYE THE BOY IS MINE.
Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal, what--- wait, what??? fskljflf  Another LI I apparently wrote off too quick. He was such a bastard I couldn’t help choosing the sassy and bold options, wanting to put him in his place but it quickly turned into this Dom/bratty!sub thing and I’mdone. It’s clear to me that in episode 3-4, my boy was pent up and ready to lock MC in the Captain’s quarters and have them screaming “MORE”. Then he just flat out admitted it in this episode and I am uNDONE. 
Aya, woooooooooo. I thought she was bossy and in charge, I ain’t even lyin’. Baby girl know she fione and be using that to maximum effect. Instead of my usual blush-y tentative dialogue choices, I decided to go full on bold and sassy again. aND HER REACTIONS JUST ABOUT DESTROYED ME. The amount of times she blushed and was taken aback had me rollin’. And then while in Cursa, she said, “Please, I’m really not that strong”. 😳😳😳 The soft sub energy here...
Bash captured my heart from day one. Ilovehimandhedeservestheworld. He’s always very upbeat and optimistic while not afraid to do the hard things. This time around, I got an emotionally stunted/repressed blush-y MC again. Only instead of being (understandably) a crybaby about the tragedy of their family being murdered, instead they chose to be aloof. Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, it didn’t happen, or if it did, I can’t be bothered to think about it, the people need saving-- Immediately Bash recognized this self-destructive behavior but instead of lecturing, offered an ear for venting and whatever they needed. #HusbandBehavior/YouCANBETHEKING
Ryona is a Queen. Periodt. There’s a subtle strength to her that always appealed to me, honestly. I liked that in episode 2, when those guys who had beef with Tilaari people as a whole, at first she didn’t even rise to the bait, but when my MC, a little start-something-but-can’t-back-it-up Tilaari prince, threw something at them, and they were about throw hands, she swooped in and p much handled it til June scared them away. I like that dynamic, to switch the trope from damsel in distress to man in distress (because he’s an idiot). There’s this aura about her that makes you wanna automatically respect her, and episode 4, again, she proved her competence and this trend continued in ep 5. Even strong people need someone to take care of them.
Hooooooo boy this was long. Sorry!
If y’all got to this far though, you have my respect. I honestly think the end goal is whether or not the MC will take the crown or remain with A6 crew. And if I’m really honest with myself, I doubt some of these LI will stick with MC if they decide to continue on as the next Peg’asi ruler. Also, I think Cursa being independent will come up again, too. I doubt we’re just hopping planet to planet for nothing... 
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dearlyme · 6 years
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The first set of maxed characters, in their elements and in order. Bios under the read more of what I’ve learned so far about them from simply playing them. I’m not good at these short bio things. Still so much more to them. I really need to get around to working on their full profiles on my forum. As well as writing their stories. Of what I can do by myself without the other two, anyway.
Gwenyna - Chronomancer - Whispers Creator Gwen is my main and the first I made. I was attracted to the idea of the mesmer, the beauty of the effects, and the ability to help people with portals. I’ve been gaming for 25+ years, but I’ve never seen anything quite like them. Gwen was born, I figure, maybe a year or two before the personal stories started. I’m not sure what she had been doing before joining the Whispers. She’s a most quiet muse and doesn’t pipe up with any information for me about her. I know she had a pod twin, Laerrim, who is also a mesmer. Before PoF, I did the story with her, but it didn’t feel right. It wasn’t her to be charging into battle like that all the time. She’s most at home in the background, working at a desk or coming up with battle plans. 
Arinea - Soulbeast - Affiliated with no organization, seeking to forge her Legend I don’t know her much. Ice and I haven’t worked on Arinea and Valdis much. She is Valdis’ younger sister, trying to follow in her sister’s footsteps. They are both rangers and both have red hair. Arinea’s always had a sort of affinity for Owl, going as far as to tattoo Owl’s likeness on her back. She feels deeply for what the Spirits had done for her people so long ago. Which is about the only thing she feels that much for. Arinea is very coarse, independent, and stubborn. She travels Tyria alone with her owl and snow leopard.
Nyniendha - Reaper - Ex Pact Commander, Priory Archon For her I used the PoF booster and switched over to doing story on her. It was a smart move. She is more fitted to that kind of command and the stress that goes along with it. She’s around 5 in 1325. Also not sure what she had been doing beforehand, but I do know she had a lover who was killed by the Nightmare Court. She then went on to mentor Scylla, a young necromancer who had similar memories of the profession while inside the Dream. Despite Scylla’s cold and stand-offish personality, they became friends and eventually lovers.  Nyn is a very focused sylvari. She joined the battle fairly quickly when the Orders first began joining into the Pact for a final push against Zhaitan. She’s never been one to stand aside and let someone else do something she also could. She works alongside Cursa and whoever Sage picks as their “story commander” to lead everyone else. When she goes off to battle, Scylla stays behind in the Grove, not having a very big adventurous bug. 
Birgaeve - Herald - Affiliated with no organization Bir is a bit younger than Nyniendha. While in the Dream, she was a magnet for the memories of those sylvari who died at the hands of asura experiments, causing Bir to have a high fear for the small race. The nightmares continued for a year after she emerged from the pod, leaving her mind weak and vulnerable. Her mentor at the time kept her in the Grove, afraid of the Nightmare Court getting their hands on her. I’m not sure how her mentor died, but Bir was put into the hands of Noelani, who took her outside the Grove to travel all over Tyria to Bir’s delight. They developed a very close relationship. One of those couples who barely sees anyone else around them except each other. Laerrim used to travel with them until it got awkward and he left for the Vigil and met Neva, but I’ll save his story for when he’s ready. Bir fell into a Mist portal while still traveling with Noe. While Noe was troubled by her companion’s sudden blindness, Bir was not. She keeps the blindfold on to spare Noe having to see the cloudiness. She is the most sylvari of my plants: curious, timid, sweet-natured, and adventurous. She wants to see everything and experience everything.
Valion Farsheos - Daredevil - Whispers Creator Just a common human from Divinity’s Reach. He has one of those always carefree, always joking attitudes that makes everyone around him not take him seriously. Gwen certainly didn’t. The first time they met, she hated him. They parted for a few years, I guess work kept them away, and the next time they met, his hair was down to his shoulders and he had a large feather hat on his head that he swept off in an elegant bow to her. She couldn’t resist, that changed her mind about him. He helps her with her Whispers work, as well as trying to get her out of the headquarters and her face buried in papers to do anything. Even if that means grabbing her physically and forcing her into the sunshine.
Therovin Quickblaze - Tempest - Leader of the Blaze warband Still a work in progress. He has something to do with the Fire Legion, so much that it’s given him a bad reputation with other Charr. Few will trust him. Regardless, he keeps to the Ascalon lands, looking to recruit misunderstood Gladiums such as himself. Morwen has shown interest in him, but he has not shown much interest back. 
Tenya - Berserker - Mentoring under Zii A young asura, not quite 20 in I think the beginning year of 1325. She’s a headstrong and feisty little thing, known to bite if anyone taller than her like, say, a norn, picks her up. She’s very much an asura and prefers to be inside a lab, working on her many inventions. 
Syena - Dragonhunter - Working for Zii Syena was married at a young age to a man she loved. When she was younger, she’d lost her cousin to the Svanir, having gone over to their side out of bitterness of never being as good as Syena in anything. That was one of the stories I had started already, so I’m not sure the outcome of it. I’ll let the story tell me itself. I’m pretty sure her cousin is dead. Her husband joined in the Great Hunt for Issormir while Syena was pregnant with their first child. Unfortunately, since only one person survives and that’s the player Norn, he did not. Syena went to work for Zii, having a fascination with asura for a long time, and wanting to take her mind off the death of her mate. She met a human noble while traveling. Don’t know the details on this other than the ending. They ended up married and Syena brought her daughter to live with them. They also raise two human boys together, the product of some soap-opheraesque plot, but without the drama. I’d prefer not trying to explain it at the moment. Syena is very much the mother of my entire account. When dealing with her two asura co-workers, she’s not afraid to use her size to her advantage. She also gives great bear hugs, not that I think Zii would agree. 
Nicyena - Holosmith - Inquest Engineer My muse had the most fun with this one. I’ve already spoken about Nic a few times so far. I’m not sure her exact age, but as of 1325, she’s in her 40s. She’s the sister to Osin and Velkke. Nic has always been an unsympathetic, hot-headed one. She is the oldest of the three, with Osin coming next. In her childhood, she, like many progeny, was fascinated by the sciences. She had a particular love for making things. Anything. Little gadgets that did nothing but make noise and move to more dangerous things like spitting fire. When she made something new, she’d test it out on her little brother. As they grew older and she continued to target him for her experiments, eventually he fought back. Losing her easy target, Nic moved onto using Velkke for her tests, tattering his ears and his mental security in the process.  From there she apprenticed under her uncle Flynn, who at the time was working for the Inquest after the sylvari experiments had been shut down. That was fine with her. At least in the Inquest, she could continue to experiment and build without restriction. She has a fascination with fusing her fellow asura into golems and just experimenting with adding mechanical parts to living beings in general. She would love to get her hands on her niece, Dahlia, because of Dahlia’s damaged voice box. Could she make it work if she messed around a bit? Whether the younger woman survives the ordeal is of no consequence to Nic. Her favorite threats usually includes her operating table. 
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
I’ve been brainroting away thinking about Trans Cursa thoughts.
I think it’s my new favourite thing when a villain possesses another character and in doing so just. Becomes trans.
A friend actually told me that in the Spanish version of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga Bowletta only uses masculine pronouns to refer to themselves. Which is so gender.
As one of the five cis people on this site I feel it's not really my place to understand or discuss the complexities of this to its fullest lol, but I know it can be empowering in a lot of ways to relate to a villain, which is why I myself tend to like villains so much. And that said, I have thought plenty about my gender identity, have considered rejecting it but come back around to embracing being a woman, which means a lot of complex things to me personally as it does for any individual who's given it thought. As we talked about before, Cursa seems very intentional in what she chose to "adopt" from Rosalina, rejecting her kindness but clearly choosing to embrace some aspects of her, such as feminine identity and the concept of a gender at all, albeit a kind that embodies stark and cold beauty via ruthlessness, almost the sheer incomprehensible power of a biblical angel (to me that's gender too, although my tiny little gremlin ass will never get there lol). She and Rosalina are like two different sides of a coin of an immensely powerful cosmic femininity that almost defies mortal understanding. What's even more interesting to me is that she chose to make her most powerful creations women as well. All of the Spark Hunters are so different and it's almost like Cursa wanted to explore some aspects of gender and the different equally valid ways to be a woman through them. And of course, they also became their own independent people able to make their own choices, which will only open up even further after Cursa's defeat. There's a lot to potentially say here but again I'm just not sure I'm the best person to say it haha
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