#I think it's also because I'm waiting on some direction from the GM regarding some of the bigger factions in my character's backstory
famewolf · 4 months
I've got all these little ideas but it's been such a pain to write them down fkjlghdg
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terpsichoreed · 2 years
Dad: How was work today?
Me: It was good. Uneventful. Kinda boring if I'm being honest. It's weird. I can like... go in to work... and nothing's on fire.
Dad: I used to get in the shower every morning and think what could possibly go wrong today. There'd always be something. Every day. It was inevitable.
there's a bat flying around
water dripped from the ceiling and destroyed my computer
the toilet broke and also shattered some of the tiles on the floor
the heating unit is smoking
the server has crashed
the GM customer portal is down globally
the power is out but only on the west side of the building
Boss locked his keys in his office and there are no spares
the catalytic converter was stolen and now the truck's out of commission
the forklift broke
the bathroom door handle broke and no one can get in or out
the geese are rebelling in the parking lot and no one can get in or out
the copy machine leaves lines in all paper regardless of being the copy or the original scanned paper
production is halted because the printer needs servicing
no one knows the ship to location and parts are due yesterday
the meeting had to be postponed because we were waiting on a customer to show up
HR had to go next door and ask if we could borrow their forklift
I was left off an email thread where I was the only person who needed to be copied
Scott had to add 20k locations into the system manually
Boss lost the passwords for the security cameras and blamed us
there's a drop-in customer order for 9000 parts due yesterday with a 12 week lead time
the business switches over to direct deposit and the whole system implodes
I need to flag down the lawn care team because Boss lost their contact info
the UPS label is in French when it was going to Florida
GM invents new ways to fine us
Boss took my computer without telling me so I had to drive 40 miles back to HQ
I had to train my replacement via phone and remote desktop
all the pallets are missing
Comcast works outside and cuts the internet for three hours to the whole neighborhood
the mailbox was installed backwards
the blinds in my office also control a few of the blinds in Scott's office
I have to remove dead rodents from my office
the toilet flushing mechanism doesn't work and I have to stick my hand in the water tank
the toilet flushing mechanism (different toilet) doesn't STOP working so I have to mess with it for 20 minutes
the building creaks and moans so much that I have to check it for damage
I was sent to a new location without any training
I had to setup a new trash pickup account because we got locked out of our old one
a new line gets added to the symptom checker and suddenly everyone is incapable of filling it out
temps call the office and ask me why they were fired
the door didn't shut all the way at the end of the shift so the police were called about a break-in
the building next door had a truck (not semi) crash through it
I had to send out a memo regarding an abnormal amount of office supplies getting stolen
I had to go to the hardware store and duplicate the master key to the building
the air conditioning leaked through the ceiling into the conference room and ruined the table
I had to call another business who put me on hold and after 30 minutes the hold timed out and I had to call them all over again
hourly incoherent customer emails that I don't need to be copied on
having to write "do not poop on the bathroom floor" in the company newsletter
the bagging machine broke at least once a week but never consistently
the vending machine guy died and his wife came to collect the vending machines
the only person who knows how to do anything goes out for medical leave
none of the keys we have work for the thing the city water guy is here to maintain
the keys to the time clock are missing
the time clock has the wrong date so every day is a guessing game
everyone has to stand outside the building for 20 minutes because we got locked out
the insurance cards all say pediatric but only for people without children
(literally my second day of work) my trainer had to call 911 because someone fainted in the warehouse
the floors had to be redone so the entire assembly team was moved to a new building
Dad: Yeah! It was like that every day at GM. Some new shit that fell on me to take care of, even thought it was never part of anything related to my job tasks.
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