fructidors · 8 months
falsettos in yiddish. that's the post
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wariocompany · 1 year
okay seriously HOW many languages do you know/study. i’m still just starting to learn my fourth language — and i only know the third one in a very limited capacity — and even that feels way excessive
I always find the "how many languages can you speak" question scary because frankly, I don't know. There are some contexts I greatly prefer certain languages and would feel uncomfortable speaking others - a product of context and also just not having ever lived outside of Melbourne - so I lack spontenaety associated with fluency in languages that, in all other respects, people would say I speak (perhaps we speak that language together etc).
Studying, though? Uhh... Well, I am slated to do six at my current uni if everything goes well, unless you count German and Spanish, which makes... Eight? But German's just for the winter and Spanish is just the nightclasses for fun (a soon-to-be Spanish teacher needs experience so we're her guinea pigs, ha). I also do Hindi, Vietnamese and Yiddish at home for fun. Hindi and Viet are taught at ANU which I hope to attend after finishing up here at UniMelb (I just can't afford the rent yet, and hoping that after graduating with translation certifications I'll be able to make more money to sustain myself).
So, eight plus three equals... Eleven! Eleven. Not counting Hungarian because I started that one, ahem... Yesterday.
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wariocompany · 1 year
hi Q! hope ur days been good ^_^ and i hope u dont mind me asking a few language related questions. besides english, what language have you been learning the longest ? also, what motivates you to pick up new languages?
To the contrary, everyone here is required to send me LOTE questions ON THE DAILY.
My longest-studied language is French, I started in 2019 after discovering Astérix and the special interest activating pretty much instantly. I remember the moment super well. Studying the art of translating Astérix made me decide I wanted to be a translator and from there my passion for languages grew. I think it helped that I knew French wasn't the most linguistic diversity languages had to offer. I went onto Swedish after that, and got just far enough to read Pippi Longstocking, and then I got into Arabic, and did it for Year 11 and 12. Arabic is on hiatus at the moment, and I highly doubt I'll ever go back to Swedish.
Motivation is mostly just that besides Astérix, it's my special interest, so I wasn't going to be doing much else with my time anyway. If we're talking more specifically about what leans me towards certain languages, I think the 1) size of its speaker-base (Chinese, Hindi, Arabic) 2) how much work it is (I like having a language that really gets my brain turning, which is why I've mostly abandoned Europe, having to be dragged kicking and screaming to learn Spanish) 3) interest in its speakers and etymology and/or proximity to Australia (Yiddish, Vietnamese) and 4) interest for other special interest reasons (French, Japanese (ダンロン、セカオワなどのおかげで)). To be frank, though, most of my choices are based on whims that I stick with because "might as well". I got to a certain level in Japanese where I thought to myself, well, what else am I doing?
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