#I'd say this was in celebration of the AJ trilogy release but really I just like making graphs :)
sprinklecipher · 4 months
How much Dialogue there is in Apollo Justice (in Graphs)
Made some graphs about the dialogue in AJ/AA4~
Total Dialogue by Episode
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Total Dialogue by Character
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(Character graphs broken out by episode and additional details below the cut)
Episode * Character
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Overall, there's around 207,000 total words of dialogue in AA4, which is pretty much dead-on equivalent to AA2 (but unsurprisingly a good bit less than any of the 5-episode games--other than AA1, which only just barely edges it out).
Data source: I’m using a dataset that I put together pulling from the episode transcripts on the Ace Attorney wiki (which I did almost entirely via Python, but with a bit of manual cleanup). There’s bound to be some error resulting from that process, but the numbers should be pretty close.
Other graphs: I made similar graphs for the AA trilogy here (for dialogue by character) and here (for the dialogue by episode), and for the Investigations duology here
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