#I'll force myself to think againnn
bugdogg ยท 10 months
๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’• zuki. yay
OSOMATSU TIME :D (grinding my teeth)
๐ŸŒŸ: Whoโ€™s the tease in the relationship?
Oso, it's Oso, Mizuki couldn't get on his level even if they tried lol. But actually, he teases them alot and gets under their skin (though they don't show it) more than anyone else. Zuki is the least friendly and "submissive" with him (as in they don't put up the people-pleaser facade, i'm not talking about anything gross yet) and picks on him without guilt, at least with Kara they limit what they do but Oso isn't shown mercy. I think Mizuki would come off as sadistic towards him because they hate being teased so much (they like it alot but always becomes violent when they feel that way) and the two would battle to get under each other's skin. But because Oso is very uncaring, it'd be harder to piss him off, so Oso wins mostly.
๐Ÿ’”: Is it hard being away from each other?
Mizuki doesn't like being alone for long periods of time, it's less of a "I need him!!" thing and more a general loneliness, they've spent years without anyone to talk to and are a bit desperate to not be left alone with their thoughts. At times, Oso can tell they're clingier than usual and tease them a bit, its rare but they'd sometimes be outright and ask Oso to stay with them for a while, he always agrees but is taken aback by their sincerity. Besides the rare moments, they both have to spend days away from each other to avoid a murder occurring.
๐Ÿ’—: How do you two like to cuddle?
Mizuki hates staring face-to-face for most things, so spooning is the common position and other times Zuki will like to lay on top on him in a different direction than how hes laying and hold onto him, it's an awkward position but it somehow works for them. Osomatsu likes being the big spoon because Zuki will crush the life out of him like a pillow when they get to be big spoon (sometimes he let's them but he's almost broken a rib like twice now) and because he likes fond- (use ur imagination, still too early). Another thing that isn't as important but im mentioning anyway: Mizuki likes kissing his neck while big spoon and Oso loves it but can't survive long enough to feel it (Zuki doesn't like how he reacts to kisses so they try to do it subtlety)
๐Ÿ’š: Who gets jealous?
I'd say Osomatsu does but I often imagine no for my own personal comfort, realistically though, yeah Oso would be more jealous than Mizuki. Zuki doesn't care as long as they aren't feeling/ arent' abandoned (I often think of Oso this way too because of personal reasons... ) I guess maybe sometimes Oso would get jealous of them hanging out with his brothers or them hanging out with Akita (Akita is old "friends" with Mizuki btw) Akita for sure, he and his brothers in general I think would be weird about Akita.
๐Ÿ’•: Whoโ€™s the clingier one in the relationship?
They're both clingy and try not to show it to eachother. As said in the first question, Zuki struggles to be by their self these days so they're around their friends a lot. Oso at times becomes clingy towards Zuki and bugs them the same way they bug him, often times because he wants affection that he doesn't really get from anyone else. It's super rare that they'd either of them would admit to being needy but I like to imagine they genuinely comfort each other when they do, and occasionally... Oso would spend a night with them for comfort, ANYWAY. (sorry for the mushiness bit here i just gotta get it off my mind)
writing things Oso related is hard actually, I worry I may be mischaracterizing him but idk, I am not the Oso expert
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