#I'll pay homage to her but I won't make it all about her I promise
luimagines · 2 years
How would a female hero of courage interact with the chain?
Well- this is certainly a new type of Reader! I know I try to keep Reader as gender neutral as possible so this kinda defeats the purpose... but just once won’t hurt anyone. Consider it done anon!
It'll be in headcanon form. I hope that's ok.
Content under the cut!
Drinks his respect women juice every morning like Uli taught him
And Ilia wouldn’t hear any complaints of it as they grew up
Midna made sure he kept up with his routine
And Zelda was the final nail on the coffin
Can’t say no to whatever she requests
Wild teases him a lot
And by teases, I mean secretly complains
“You let her get away it!”
“Yeah Cub, because I know she wouldn’t hesitate to throw me over her shoulder and call it a day. I’m not getting in her way.”
Doesn’t pay too much attention to it
Frankly, care less about that and more about her age
If she’s younger, she’s getting the same treatment as the rest of the youngins
If she’s older, then the more power to her
She can get away with much more
He’s soft
While others may forget, he tries to keep in mind her need for privacy and space from the boys
Especially since she’s the only girl
On her team, 98% of the time
Oh no another one
It’s Linkle all over again
Or so he thinks
Protective to a fault, poor guy
But he’s just Like That TM
Reader would gather really quickly it’s because he cares and not because of anything else
He does the same to Wind and Twilight and Legend and even Time
Warrior is used to female fighters so this isn’t anything for him to blink at
Have you seen his game? It’s like three males total- him included, villains not included
How much do you want to bet that Warrior also knows someone from Reader’s adventure?
You know.... for flavor :D
Warrior is quick to make them feel a part of the team and respected
Warrior is the first one to ask for their opinion on matters and Reader always comes up with a point he (and others) were missing
“Thanks Girlie. I knew you were brought with us for a reason. Glad to know that you’re on our side.”
Big Brother Warrior adopts another one. A Saga
Is not above sacrificing her to do the work so that he can get out of it
Challenges her at nearly every turn
Even more so than Warrior
And it’s not because she’s female
It’s just that it’s activating his sibling behavior with a vengeance and he’s going to make it her problem
Reader found him annoying, pessimistic, dramatic and hard to get along with
It was like cats and dogs
Even if Legend actually likes her
However Reader gets talked down to in public and Legend goes off
Completely tearing the offender to shreds with his words alone- although he’s tempted to do so physically as well
Reader doesn’t think he’s so bad after that
They judge people outfits together, you honor
They are each other’s ride or die
Legend gets to the point where she’s the only one he listens to without question
The Chain try and get her to talk to Legend when they’re trying to prank him
Reader agrees more than half of the time
A bit of a lost cause...
Has no idea how to approach this
Hella awkward- poor guy
Ignores it on principle
Treats her like one of the guys, only be reminded that she’s not a guy
It’s like a slap in the face every time- he tries so hard to just be normal
Give him a break he’s not used to people as it is
At least the people he’s met so far are nice and she’s nice and different from any of them
Doesn’t want to treat her like glass
Doesn’t want to be too overbearing in a group full of guys
Doesn’t want to treat her as an outcast
Doesn’t want to intrude on her personal space
Is he over thinking it? Oh yeah defiantly
Another hero that means well but is in uncharted territory
However, he’s never been afraid of uncharted territory before and this is no different
He’ll figure it out
Just give him some time
Big sister?
Someone as cool and kick butt as Tetra?
But like him? With the courage and the whole... not being like the others for whatever reason?
Admiration and following like a puppy
He looks up to the older heroes and obviously tries to emulate them
But something about her hits different
And he wants to do the same
It’s a shame he doesn’t know what it is
Wind is going to talk her ear off
(I hope she has the patients for him XD)
As he can see that Reader is older, he wants to ask questions about his sister, like why girls do x? Or y? Or z?
You know, things that they have in common but for the life of him, he doesn’t know why
So he might as well ask right?
Besides, if he asked Aryll, she might give him a half answer or not even know herself
But Reader should know, he trusts Reader’s judgment
Tries to wrestle her
A lot
Younger sister?
Hello? My old heart? How have you been?
He’s going to project so much
He means well by the end of the day and frankly it doesn’t matter if this hero is older than him
He has vague memories of a younger sister and it’s going to eat him alliiivvee
Gives her the best portions of food obviously and naturally serves her first
Will want to go horse back riding with her whether she knows how to or not
He can teach her! He can do archery with her! And sword fighting and shield surfing and cooking and and and and-
So long as his weapons and equipment don’t break on him anyway
He’s going to badger her about keeping her hair in decent condition and offering to braid it or brush it or just put it up for her
Who cares if he still has twigs and junk in his hair? That’s not his point
Is he a hypocrite? ... Just a bit
Might show off from time to time by taking wild animals momentarily just so she can pet them
Cut to Wild riding into camp on a bear
“Sissy! Look what I found!”
“Cub! Put him back!” Said literally everyone in the group.
“He’ll go back home on his own soon enough. I gave him honey glazed salmon as a treat. He’s so soft. Come see!”
Well he just found his new best friend
Second to Zelda, of course
Is the one to ask for help with pranking people (mostly Legend) 
Together, they nearly get away with it every time
Does she know blacksmithing? Is that a thing they teach the girls where she’s from?
It’s likely that she doesn’t
Oh well! Four is just going to have to make sure she’s taken care of
Very protective of her
Is going to get in her way multiple times
But in an accidentally on purpose sort of way
He gets stomped on, trampled and run over more times than he wishes to admit
He knows she can take care of herself, she’s just as much of a hero as all of them are
But Four sees her and sees Zelda and he gets this urge to keep her away from danger at all costs
It’s annoying
But they laugh and poke fun and he tries to tackle her for the hell of it and never succeeds
He means well, but that’s a conversation about to happen
It’s somewhere on the horizon
Oh thank god, someone who knows what they’re doing
Do they? 
Who knows. But Time is going to use their ability to wrangle the boys to his advantage because honestly?
It’s like herding cats otherwise
Or cuccos- at least he has experience with that
Doesn’t think too much of it
Also takes to her on the spot
The change of energy is nice but he’s to reassure her when the case may be
Like when the boys are a bit much or when they’re teasing her
Time says near the beginning of the trip that if they bug her too much to tell him and he’ll set them straight
Not to say that she can’t do it herself but honestly- why should she have to?
Clearly she’s been through enough as it is
They both spend quiet time together
May have fallen asleep on each other at some point
Denies it but also has a picture hidden somewhere in his belongs
No one knows who he stole it from because at least three of them have a copy
And yet he never approached them for it
The mysteries add on with The Old Man
Literally no different
This guy could not care less
Forgets half of the time
It’s not something he would pay attention to
Has to be genuinely reminded at least once
He’s used to being the “mom friend” so if they help out in that regard Sky is going to give them brownie points
Because these boys don’t care about those things and Sky is tired of having to remind people to chew with their mouth closed-
Help him
He can’t do this alone
Has to be prepared for all things all the time
If Reader could just lighten the load a little bit he would be eternally grateful
He would tell her story for years to come
Granted, he was going to talk about his friends anyway but this one takes special precedence
Is the one she vents to without a second thought
If she can help carry his role in the group than he can be there as her support as well
There’s no difference between the lives of heroes
It’s hard on everyone
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