#I'm at a point where I cannot see a book about Israel without getting mad
lil-gingerbread-queen · 4 months
What I'm saying: I'm fine
What I'm thinking: The history section at my favorite library (its owned by the employees, there is no "boss") regrouped Israel and Palestine together, but there's not a single book talking about Palestinians, about their history or their side, it's only about Israel's history. There's not a single book about the region's history between the fall of Ancient Israel and 1948, how can they dare erase millenium of history??? And, aside from the section label [Israel/Palestine], the only mention of Palestinians is as "terrorists". Only one book criticized Israel's actions, and it is still centered on the jewish people and how they suffer from an ethnostate, and yes, it must be said, but the Palestinians! And I know that books talking about the Palestinians, their history, from before and since Israel, exist. I have read some of them. We had a French Institute, destroyed by Israel now, in Gaza so our intellectuals could work together on studying and preserving Palestine, intellectuals that care deeply about Palestine and its people. Where are their works? What are they not on the front of their shelves when Palestine has been bombed and destroyed for more than 3 months? This is erasing history, by taking the information away from the public, by making it more difficult to access.
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