#I'm not a professional so please let me know if I've incorrectly used a term!
halogalopaghost · 7 months
Hey idk who needs to hear this, but tagging disfigurement/serious injury/etc etc as "body horror" Is Bad and I'm gonna need you guys to stop doing that immediately please. Tag as "gore", "injury", hell you can even tag "disfigurement", but injuries and/or physical appearances within the realm of physical possibility should not be tagged "body horror".
What you need to understand is that "body horror" is a fictitious concept. It's when something has too many eyes, too many ribs, a head that moves 360°, joints that bend backward, etc. Body horror is NOT a missing limb; burns or burn scarring; broken bones; disfigured, missing, or otherwise atypical of facial features; congenital disorders; surgical scars, etc.
When asking yourself if you should tag body horror, consider this: is it something that can happen to a real human person? If the answer is yes, don't tag body horror.
People with physical disabilities and atypical features suffer enough othering and stigma as-is; let's not talk about actual people like scary horror creatures, yeah?
EDIT: sighs. Ya'll have the reading comprehension of a fucking bonobo. I AM HYPERMOBILE, I know joints sometimes move a little funky. That's kind of the point here, no? If the mobility is within the range of an actual human then don't tag it body horror! Doug Jones DNI (joke)
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