#I'm not including the dragon mom in this because I fully believe she does not exist
bistaxx · 5 months
The break has just been me agonizing over lore related to the past/what happened before the 2023 experiment, like I'm just staring at all these puzzle pieces trying to make sense of it all- okay we've got:
Abueloier and the forgotten ghost were around 40 years ago, they did something to end up in prison and the forgotten ghost had a son and it's unknown if abueloier had any kids at that point
20 years ago is when the "welcome to quesadilla island" commercial was launched
Cellbit and Bagi moved to the island at some point in their childhood and lived there with their parents
Cellbit was kept and monitored by the feds for an unknown amount of time after he went 'missing' and then at some point escaped
Their parents worked with the feds but we don't know for how long or what they helped with specifically- did they ever get IDs?
Elena has been working long enough to be an s-rank but prior to that she had a partner who died
Walter Bob had a partner and a child- they lived together on the island
The unnamed worker who dislikes the way the main Cucurcho runs things and wants the fed to back to the way things were in the 'old' days
Baghera was there as child as well alongside other hybrid experiments before she escaped
Jaiden is said to have been working with the feds at some point in her past- she is respected enough to be trusted with the Cucurchos
Kameto has been working with the feds for an unknown amount of time and intentionally crashed the plane onto the isand ( I don't remember if this one was 100% confirmed or general fan consensus)
The existence of old run down buildings- including an old broken down nether portal discovered months later
Assuming the theory that the prison event was suppose to end with the players all being locked away in ice is true this further implies that's what happened to the 10 people in the prison crew at some point of time in the past for some reason
This is particularly interesting regarding Pol who also worked with the feds in the past
At some point a Cucurucho went rouge going against order in favor of chaos
The existence of the "Hope" egg in the past
Books left behind by what is assumed to be a former fed worker that talks about digging and a "grave error"
In the books left behind by one of Zeno's owners (unconfirmed if this was Bagi specifically) a big looming wall is mentioned- possibly the same one destroyed on day 1 meaning. It's unknown when or why it was built.
Madagio at some point lost "connection" to several islands including quesadilla
The existence of Boo a formless ghost who lingers on the island
The mysterious pasts of Sunny, Em, and Pepito- who were found already named on egg island
Whenever this happened:
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(feel free to correct any info I got wrong here or add any other points)
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ihassheepquake · 2 years
DC's Stargirl 3.08 "Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc. Part Two" has aired on the CW and I'm here to talk about it
Look at me, posting on release day for the first time since I believe the start of the season. Wild.
"Luckily you're with the one person who knows how to escape this place." Sure Jan. Sure.
I have a sneaking suspension that this episode is going to be one of those episodes where I do a lot of googling random names to see if they're anybody who actually exists in DC or was maybe a writer/artist for some JSA comics back in the day. Such as, these kids being shown as the alarm goes off. Tao Jones, Penny Dreadful, and Carcharo. Penny Dreadful is a character I've heard of before, but not the other two, though all three are real characters that are part of a group called Helix, which also included Mr Bones our BBEG.
Shadow Todd looks fucking awesome. But Jennie, sweetie. Maybe stop touching him? Because it keeps causing big explosions.
Maybe I'm the weird one because my grandparents had a rotary phone, so I know how to use one. But I feel like it's weird that Courtney doesn't. Like, it's not hard or weird to use.
Fuck you, Nurse Love. Your torture bullshit isn't how you help anyway, fuck that noise. Unrelated, but she knows Courtney is Stargirl. Which, yeah, obviously. But does that not raise alarm bells to Courtney? Or did she already know they know and I forgot about it? Also unrelated, but Courtney called Pat Dad!
Shadowland diner visions! The last time this happened, we saw the Zaricks again. Now, we see the Gambler again. And Pat's seeing his dad? Pat daddy issues reveal??
Odd they didn't take Jennie's ring. Maybe they can't.
Oh, I see, Pat's parents had him to fix their marriage. Terrible reason to have a kid. Some people aren't meant to be parents. And now it's the death of Shade's mom? Or sister maybe?
Now, why is Mr Bones watching the JSA? What's the point? What does he think they're gonna do, or prevent him from doing?
So, it was Shade's sister. And he regrets never saying goodbye to her.
Okay Bones, how do you know that if you can't get Todd's powers under control, it'll be the end of the world or whatever? That's a bold claim. I'm gonna need a second opinion. And of course, Courtney is like "the answer is the power of love" and it's probably gonna be true, but you know what? That's okay. Sometimes we want the tropes to be true.
Do I think shadowlands!Barbara and Pat's dad are telling the truth about Pat being a horrible father and whatever? No. But having been watching this show for two and a half seasons, yeah Pat could probably give Mike some more attention and work on meeting Mike at his level. But Pat's genuinely a good father. One of the few good fathers we see on T.V. Lord knows we don't get many. So don't listen to these fuckers Pat.
This psychic meeting between Jennie and Todd is so beautiful. I'm kind of surprised that the darkness leaving the ring isn't what they decided would give Todd his powers. But hey, Todd got everything under control! The power of love!! And also Pat and Shade are alive!!
Wait, so Helix isn't who's spying on everyone? Then who the fuck is? Please tell me it really was Dragon King this whole time, that'd be so fucking funny. I don't remember ever hearing about getting a second villain. And have these two episodes been called Infinity Inc because Helix is going to form Infinity Inc? Who are historically their enemies?? This mid-season has fully turned everything upside down.
And now a name drop of both the original and the second Sandman, Wesley Dodds and Sanderson "Sandy" Hawkins. Sandy for season four? Or maybe even later this season? We're probably going to see Jennie and Todd again later this season anyway.
Growth for Shade. I love it. I love seeing villains getting to grow and become okay people.
Now that this little side adventure is over, it's time to get back to the actual plot of the show. Let me know your guesses as to who the person spying on them really is. Right now I don't really have many guesses. I might spend some time this next week doing some research into JSA comic villains and see if there's anything that rings any bells. The promo for the next episodes looks pretty cool. I'm very into a confrontation between the JSA and the Mahkent family. And I do think that Cameron deserves to know the truth. It'll be great to see that train wreck. See that next week in DC's Stargirl 3.09 "Chapter Nine: The Monsters"
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crystallos-sol · 4 years
An addition to this Gratsu meta
Okay so I don't think that I've talked enough about GRAY'S trauma and how it impacts his relationships. I know I did go in depth on Natsu's trauma. I will be adding a bit of his trauma here.
Now on Gray's side of things it's clear to me at least that he is trying to keep himself distant while simultaneously being close to others. The thing with Gray is that he is, craving attention and often seeks it out and he also does not want it at the same time.
At certain points in the series due to Mashima's inconstancy with writting plot his character is thrown out the window so I will not be discussing The Dragon Lady Thing That Shouldn't Of Happened or any of the dumb moments where Mashima uses Gray has a scapegoat for making a bad thing happen. Considering it's all largely out of character. Now, Gray is a caring person he has a big heart and that's obvious when you watch him interact with his guild mates.
There is however a part of Gray that's holding back because his entire village was slaughtered in front of him, he lost his father twice, he was hurt repeatedly through the series. Has a viewer, the first time we see the Gray that's actually him is Galuna Island Arc . Where Gray's past and trauma is brought right up to the surface of things.
Because Gray once again is that emotional guy that also somehow manages to distance himself from others. Now this whole spew about his trauma will tie into Natsu. I believe that Gray views Natsu has a safe space. I've said this before multiple times, but I'm saying it again.
Natsu is strong, as we all know watching him beat the shit out of people he shouldn't be able to beat the shit out of. Gray however is impacted by this in a way. He was quite literally saved by the guy multiple times. We all know what times. Hell even recently during the battle with Zeref Natsu saved him. To Gray Natsu is a space where he doesn't have to be afraid and hide himself. Where it's okay to laugh and cry when needed. Because Gray knows that Natsu doesn't care about things like that. He knows that Natsu won't ever think less of him for being who he is. Infact Natsu would/has encouraged it.
Gray uses Natsu or in better terms uses their friendship to soothe himself over. Because remember, Gray is constantly caught between: I want affection and I don't want affection. Consider Natsu a pair a scissors that cuts him out of that. I would also love to reference this Scene between Gray & Lyon. (It's at the beginning but I will be going over screenshots)
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Gray is actively encouraging Lyon the exact same way Natsu encourages everyone around him.
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Look at Natsu's reasoning. To him it's doesn't matter that she's one of the 12. What matters is who she is as a person. Yes I know I'm " getting off topic " but bare with me a little here. So Natsu who's actively known for being a walking encouragement poster, and even relaxed an entire group of his guild mates just by fighting an actual battle god. And you guessed it! Being blunt, straight forward and honest about his feelings.
Now let's look back at Gray & Lyon vs Ur.
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Lyon is terrified. He doesn't believe this isn't his teacher and essentially his mom.
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Look at that! Gray seasons ago wouldn't of been able to say that sentence. Ur is dead. Gray single handedly smashed right through that first barrier stopping Lyon. He said the truth, he said what Lyon has never allowed himself to fully comperhend.
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This is where Gray's trauma jumps out and he's blaming himself again. But he's also trying to get through to Lyon.
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Notice how Natsu is fucking shown here. They know that without Natsu Gray would never be who he is today. And you wanna know what Gray tells Lyon after that? (I can't include a screenshot because I hit the 10 images limit)
" Then this is your first one. I didn't just casually reach this point that I'm at now. I only made it this far because I had to keep pushing forward. Take your first step Lyon. "
Who does that remind you of? Natsu? The walking inspirational speech guy? Yeah. He took an entire page out of Natsu's book. Because he considers Natsu his guide. And that's fucking wack.
Now dipping into Natsu's trauma, the guy only feels safe enough to break with Gray. And only Gray. Because has stated and gone over in my last one Natsu has alot of trauma. Especially relating to people and how they have affected him.
Natsu considers Gray his guide also because Gray while he might be a little dumb there's no way in hell he's gonna leave Natsu alone.
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