#I'm not kidding there's a ridiculous number of Ao3 tabs up
saint--claire · 1 year
@monkiedude tagged me in this - thank you Monkie!  I like getting to do these.
3 ships
My favourite three ships at any one time depend on the phase of the moon and how intense the hyperfixations have been lately.  Current three favourite ships?
1 - Hangman/Rooster - a dearly beloved dynamic: I have a strong emotion so I’m going to call it rage; I fucking hate you but you’re important to me, you piece of shit.  How dare you put yourself in danger!  Come back home to me.
You can explore basically any trope with them and it works, the whole universe is an outstanding sandpit.  The TG:M movie snapped me out of a years long writing de-motivation funk; and I was actually having fun writing and drafting out fic plots for the first time in ages, which was really special.  It also led me to Discord, and I got to make some new friends, which was equally if not more exciting.
2 - Gideon/Harrow - Look.  Writing it down is forcing me to observe some trends here.  These two have the world’s most dysfunctional relationship with horrifically beautiful level of co-dependency and I love that for them.  Also, not a ship but I adore all of the platonic/familiar/antagonist relationships in the whole of the locked tomb - I really like the way Tamsyn writes characters in relation to each other.  Nona?  J’adore elle.
3 - Nie Huisang/Jiang Cheng - Softly sweet and incompetent shell hiding a no-fuck’s given fully-fledged mastermind who’s playing grandmaster’s level chess on 12 boards in three different realms.  Paired with Jiang outwardly-rage-and-lightning while an utter marshmallow loves-his-nephew-and-all-dogs on the inside Cheng.
First ship
Oh god it will have been something from Harry Potter.
Actually, it might have been Faro and Sapphire from the Ingo Series, if I’m getting specific.
Last movie
Fast 9!  I like the Fast and Furious movies, and I enjoy them getting more and more absurd the more time goes on.  And the very final scene of F9 where they’re sitting around the table and Brian’s car zips up to the drive makes me tear up.
Last song
Bummerland by AJR - blasted music all the way home in the car from the beach and I like singing to it.  I am WAITING IMPATIENTLY for AJR’s new album to come out.  We went to one of their shows where they let the crowd do a call and response they recorded live to be part of the new album and it was really exciting.
Currently reading
What aren’t I reading.  There’s an insane number of tabs open atm.  Most of them Top Gun.
In the middle of The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake - love it.  Everyone in this book has a royally fucked up relationship with everyone else and I love it.  Found family except the whole family either hates each other or are having philosophical discussions while they fuck.  Slowly - (glacially slowly) moving towards friendlier connections with each other, couldn’t and wouldn’t disband if they wanted to.
Currently watching
Just started Kaleidoscope, that’s cool.  I’m being boring and watching in the order they’re on Netflix, so if anyone has better suggestions hit me up.
Currently consuming
I have just eaten dumplings with a mound of shredded carrot on top + a small dish of grated cheese because I can.
Currently craving
Ice cream.
Nobody feel obligated, I am going to tag @blackidyll @tikaaninightshade @ishipallthings @thaffyreblogseverything and literally anyone else who wants to do it - open invite.
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