#I'm still figuring out how to draw Orym lol
ridrawsart · 1 year
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Big Spoon, Medium Spoon, Little Spoon
This trio owns my whole heart...
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masterqwertster · 2 months
And finally the full ensemble of Bells Hells from Kuuraketu's Bells Hells/Avatar the Last Airbender crossover Bending Apart.
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With individual characters with art notes beneath the cut
Truthfully, these are almost all pretty quick and dirty traces of official character art, fiddled with for different outfits and human features, and then given the paint bucket. But they were fun.
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I went with a more hash-marked claw strikes for the scars since Ashton is not actually made of stone in the fic, and we haven't yet (ch12) seen how they got hurt. I'm sort of betting on a spirit attack, thus the more claw inflicted scars.
I also think it's a fun twist that Ashton is an earthbender, people who notoriously don't wear shoes in A:tLA, but here he's got full-on boots. I figure between keeping the skill a secret, late-blooming, and general lack of training (and maybe Ka'Mort induced hypersensitivity for his element), it makes sense for him to still do shoes.
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Chetney was kind of one of the quicker ones. At least once I messed around with his gnome-proportions to get more human sizing.
As a spirit hunter, I gave him some sort-of Buddhist prayer beads, and a little scarf with the kanji for earth, water, air, and fire (though you can't see earth here).
It was also fun giving Chet the little pillbox hat and restyling his shoes into pointy toe "slippers." Chet's just fun.
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My sweet boi is my nemesis in drawing here. He's completely freehand, so maybe not as solid in style as the rest.
I think his little polar half-jacket is cute. And has a conveniently normal looking sleeve end for their amputated arm. Their shirt is yellow for living in the Earth Kingdom.
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Fearne's barefoot because it just fits her whimsy. Also, she's a firebender in Earth territory. It doesn't hurt to be a little tricksy and look like an earthbender when she's actually going to be kicking fire. Though she's probably got a pair of geta/zori/sandals in her bag (being warmed under Little Mister's butt, lol).
She probably should have more layers to her kimono to be more fancy, but that's more work than I'm putting into these, haha😅
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I know, I basically gave her cowgirl boots. It's a look.
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Honestly, I feel like this Laudna may have ended up poaching Delilah's necklace and boots.
Like, the shirt and pants are pretty Earth Kingdom peasant. But then the waterbender blue dress was a "gift" from Delilah for her "apprentice." And then Laudna maybe looted D's body (I think she's dead? hasn't been properly brought up as of ch12) and took the nice boots and pretty necklace.
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Honestly, Orym's original look isn't that out there for an Avatar setting, so I made minimal changes, haha😅
I switched his wraps and gloves for some Air Nomad colors wraps. Also lengthened out his shirt into a tunic and removed the left sleeve as well. And had some fun redecorating his armor with air and Ashari motifs.
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