#Idk still haven't decided Tiny's clan name
zemoiii · 1 month
Hear me out..
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An AU where Tiger bitch slapped Tiny but didn't attempt to kill him, and Tiny, instead of running towards the streets, he heads back to home again, furious by the humiliation, so he trains himself for a week, and comes back to the forest, where he and Tiger meet again, fight, and the little one loses, but still pulled a good fight enough to convince Tiger to take him to the clan. Two moons later and their relationship gets stronger and emotionally by Tiny's side; he thinks of Tiger as a father figure who's cruel, yet he acknowledges his value. So, one day, Tiger finally calls Tiny as "son". However, we all know Tiger's manipulative nature in the canon, and yeah in this au, he does this to make Tiny his loyal follower.
Their dynamic in this au is inspired by Andrew and Fletcher's dynamic from Whiplash.
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pleckthaniel · 3 years
okay this one is kinda off the wall but recently ive been thinking about a jaypoppy arranged marriage AU. basically the idea is that like, in the clans since the population size is so small it makes sense that they would want to micromanage mating pairs and production of kittens, so in the AU there would be a tradition that it's the elders' job to keep track of who is related to who and hold semi-regular ceremonies where they assign cats into pairs based on their degree of relatedness. (there are a lot of other rules i came up with but that's the gist)
SO in the AU, Jaypaw and Poppypaw are both kind of... the leftovers. They are literally the last pairing to be assigned at this ceremony. And neither of them is very happy with it. Because Jaypaw is 12 and all in his 'I'm so important because of the prophecy, no one else understands how cool and deep I am' phase, and he thinks Poppypaw is incredibly shallow and vapid. And Poppypaw is older and thinks he's incredibly annoying and shrimpy and kind of a loser, and also she's more than a little bit jealous that Honeypaw got paired with Berrypaw, and also feeling very rejected in general because seriously, him?
Anyway I think they would both agree basically instantaneously that They're Not Fucking Doing this, but the thing is that you can't just get out of these pairings by saying you don't like the other person, this is A Duty To Your Clan. So they both agree to do the fake dating thing and pretend to be into it for everyone else's sake while just quietly despising one another in private.
But, over time, they would start to kind of... Warm up to each other? For one thing, it's kind of hard to be in cahoots with somebody without starting to like them a little, even if the only thing you're in cahoots on is one tiny secret. And for another thing, as time passes and Jaypaw starts to mature and get a little less self-centered, he starts to see that Poppypaw actually isn't as stupid and boring as he initially decided she was. And at the same time, as he grows up a bit and gets less annoying, Poppypaw is able to more connect with him and see another side to him.
So by the time of their full name ceremonies.. the mutual pining has begun lol. But the delicious catch is that, you know, the whole reason they like each other at all is because they agreed to privately respect their mutual hatred. And also they're doing the whole faking being in love thing, so every time the other does something that they reasonably should recognize as like, a romantic gesture or advance... They're just like, well that must have been for the fake relationship :/
I still haven't decided on an ending tbh. One option is that eventually they just realize what's going on and get together for real lol. Another, which I kinda like more, is that Honeyfern dies before she and Berrynose have kits like in canon, and the elders decide that since Berrynose is an outsider, his genes are too good to be wasted - so they make the unprecedented move of reassigning pairs so Poppyfrost is with Berrynose and Jayfeather is with someone else (idk who lol). And at this point, finally they would be able to admit their feelings to each other when it's too late. And then it could just kinda end on that bittersweet note, or it could end with them challenging the paired mating system and advocating for more freedom within the Clans.
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
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