#Ignihyde chapter spoilers
italoniponic · 2 years
[spoiler from ignihyde chapter, folks!]
when I saw Ortho's new card, I was trying to think what was feeling so awful familiar about his robotic gear and it was then I realized
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it looks like his Birthday's gear bc both of them are based on suits and have this four tail-spins at his torso (just like his Lab Gear also). But one is white and the other one is black.
And when I put both of his sprites like this, it looks like the twin sisters from The Shining... Christ have mercy
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tiyoin · 11 months
ob! idia : what happened to you?!
*mc, covered in lipstick stains, struggling to stand up*
vil smirking while reapplying his lipstick : a reward
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hdavjje · 1 year
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tinyfantasminha · 2 years
::TWST chapter 6 spoilers::
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the first thing Idia had to deal with as soon as he overblotted
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tartppola · 2 years
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( Reblogs appreciated! )
ouhhh manifesting chapter 6 on en ( this is joke im actually not prepared for ch.6 🤓 )
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
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Please do not repost🌻
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madmanzai · 1 year
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what did they mean by this?
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travellingarmy · 1 year
Okay, but what if Groovifying a card is actually symbolizing how a character is awoken from their slumber that Malleus put them on? Groovifying in other games literally is awakening a card. You know how thorns sprouted all over NRC and stuff and shrouded the map and the people in them after he put them to sleep? In Groovifying, we remove these thorns (see how the thorns part to reveal the new art of a card) which essentially represents how they've woken up.
Edit (thanks to a repost): the thing to awaken the card is called Awakening Perfume (I totally forgot about this, lol).
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chthonicpink · 2 years
Big brother will take care of everything.
I'm still in shambles after chapter 6 of twst, my god that hurt me like you guys have no idea JAJAHSHSSJSH it made me cry a lot, I love the shroud brothers so much I couldn't help it!! And I'm still obsessed over og Ortho being actually HUGE... I drew this before the revelation, those hands are supposed to be Ortho's! I was kinda right with it, but not really ahahaha
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Hi hi~
If requests are still open, could I request Idia practising the line : “I’m the boss?”
I have no idea why that line is so funny to me…. Maybe it was the way he said it🫠🫠🫠
And rem to stay hydrated and take breaks!!!!!! Thank you!!!
WAUHFJKN sorry this took so long :'D and thank you for the well wishes!!! mfs really made Idia a fucking mafia boss in his initial "I'm the boss!" and it's so funny to me
His better practice attempt vs his absolute pathetic "I'm the boss!" breakdown
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He is very silly to me
(Credits to this image that I traced the anatomy of so I could draw Idia Shroud fucking dying)
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(Taken from Twitter)
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hdavjje · 1 year
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bonus for y'all
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somekidnamedkai · 1 year
Chapter 6 spoilers!
And spoilers chap 2, 4, and 5 if you’re new to the game and haven’t read those chapters yet
But basically, while I’m still stuck on 6-67 I just wanna say
I’m on part 23 for Jamil and Leona’s tower so I have like a few chapters left so please don’t mention what happens in the rest of their sub plot, but-
I love Leona humbling Jamil so badly in this chapter.
His entire “it’s not everyone else, it’s you that’s the problem” made me so happy
Like one thing I genuinely can’t stand about Jamil is his god complex and that everyone else is the problem attitude. It’s just so narcissistic and I can’t stand it.
I understand his past yes, I read chapter 4. But that doesn’t make it any less annoying.
He says he’ll actually put in the effort but then never does.
And something I remember was when Kalim got humbled in chapter 5 and wasn’t a main singer in the sdc he wasn’t a whiny crybaby, he said he was going to work harder and then it went to Jamil being annoyed about that.
Like people say Leona is lazy (which is true), but so is Jamil. He wants everything to be handed to him and if it isn’t then he throws a fit.
And this is more of a fan thing I’ve seen is that some people are like “Leona’s terrible, he hurt Ruggie” which valid but then they’re like “oh poor baby Jamil” as if he didn’t try to kill not only Kalim, but Yuu, Grim, the octotrio, and literally anyone else if I remember. He put more lives at risk than Leona did. And actually WANTED to kill then.
Leona didn’t want to kill anyone if i remember correctly, he just wanted them out of his way. Which isn’t right either but at least he wasn’t actively plotting murder like Jamil. I mean he probably wouldn’t care if something happened but as much as I remember he wasn’t the one who actually plotted murder for (multiple) people
Why is it when Leona does something it’s unforgivable but when Jamil did it to a higher degree he’s a “poor boy” like shut up.
Like- I’m sorry but Jamil is just a whiny bitch and Leona humbling him about it and calling him out brought so much joy to me.
Also the games trying to make us sympathize with Jamil by putting Kalim as an annoying bother is just icky to me. Because I’m very similar to Kalim when it comes to our attitudes. I’m a very sunshiny and outgoing person. And the game basically says that those type of people are the problems.
And I can AND will go into that on another post because now I just want to express my opinions about that in itself
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emdoddles · 1 year
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I’m the boss
I’m loving chapter 6 so far, I can’t wait to battle him. However, i fear im super under level to face him.
Riddle Leona Azul Jamil Vil Mallues
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thehollowwriter · 6 months
To be honest I wish we got special cards for all the other chapters. I know Chapter Seven is super important and special and that but can you imagine the possibilities???
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
“Aim for the glory beyond, run like a meteor shooting through the sky!”
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yeah I’m still not over Ignihyde chapter 🌻
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have some alternative versions since I wasn’t able to chose just one.
the background is Idia and Ortho’s childhood room, taken from the game but edited by me. The title is the slogan for the Star Rogue game as translated by Otome Ayui on YouTube 🌻
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