mig-murgthenurg · 5 months
Guess what folks, I've finally decided to make that followup post about the many problems of Dragonborns, the only unique looking race, in Baldur's Gate 3.
My first post was dedicated to critiquing their lacklustre breath weapon but now I'm here to show you how absolutely shafted Dragonborns are in terms of Racial Bonuses.
(Pardon the potato quality of the following images, I play on Console.)
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As we can see here, everybody enjoys a relatively healthy amount of racial bonuses.
(Though if you ask me, Elves, Humans, Gith and Dwarves have way too many bonuses compared to everybody else but bar the point. I also didn't include Halflings or Gnomes due to Image Limit because most of their bonuses come from Subraces.)
So! Lets take a look at our Draconic frie-
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...Oh. Erm- Well, that's problematic. At least they have several subraces and a natural breath weapon, right? Oh wait, it does as much damage as the average cantrip, can be Saved against, lacks range and needs a short rest to recharge after a single use. Yeesh... Well, they still have natural elemental resistance, right? Sure, but it's very situational. Carry around an umbrella and hope it rains, right?
As you can see, Dragonborns have been utterly fucked out of bonuses that don't relate to their breath weapon. Which really sucks, they're such a cool race so to see them get treated like this is saddening.
But worry not! I am not here to simply tear down Larian but I am also here to suggest possible Bonus ideas that could potentially improve the Dragonborns as a whole, which we'll jump right into.
First up, a no-brainer. Dark-Vision.
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I find it very bizarre that almost the entire Race roster has some level of Dark-Vision but the Race descended from the Draconic Family tree has none. Yes, DND rules state that Dark-Vision only manifests in some Dragonborn individuals but come on, BG3 has already taken a few liberties with rules and mechanics from what I've read so is it too much to ask that my Dragonborn can at least see better in the dark?
Next up, we have basic Stat and Save Proficiency suggestions.
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Dragonborns are stated to inheret some level of natural Charisma and Strength from their Draconic Ancestors so it's perfectly in line to give them proficiency in either of the two.
Moving on to my final suggestions are just general ideas. Please, if any of you are more well versed in DND mechanics than I as I'm simply skimming the Fandom Wiki of DND for info on Dragonborn abilities, please correct me or even suggest something better!
It's said that Dragonborns can unleash some inner zeal of sorts which either brings them back from the brink of death (Relentless Endurance), makes their hide get thicker (Increased AC possibility) or even grow retractable claws (Bare-Fist build possibility??) It would be cool to develop at later levels, you can pick either of the three the same way Warlocks can pick Passives.
Better Healing.
Again, stated to heal better than other races. Maybe they can get a 1D4 or 6 bonus healing when healed by any source or heal a certain percentage more during Short Rests?
Finally, we have Dragonfear.
Take note, this ability's implementation would probably be super broken but I just wanna bring attention to it. Some Dragonborns lack Breath Weapons and will instead develop the same terrifying presence of an actual dragon though some can develop both abilities. It could be a cool AOE ability that terrifies nearby enemies with a Draconic Roar. However, actual Dragons in the game don't actually utilise Dragonfear so I don't think Dragonfear would work well outside of Modding.
And that's it. I love Baldur's Gate 3 and Dragonborns but I do think they need some TLC in terms of bonuses. Please leave more suggestions if you think there's better ways to empower them!
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mongoose-bite · 4 months
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I have found the best NPC. I love kobolds. Look at this stylish little guy! He's still got the weird dog nose they gave them for 5th edition but I am still delighted with him. I miss my kobold sorcerer. This is like seeing him for reals. Also, while I try to remain vague, there are spoilers unavoidable below. Shulkie don't read this.
So we finally get some answers regarding the prism. Now I know why it was confusing; there were multiple things inside. The only mystery now is why the Sharrans were after it. I tried very hard to kill the Emperor twice. Faye feels like eating the tadpole was the worst decision of her life, but eventually I took the hint and we still remain on its side.
Faye hates that manipulative thing, but I on the other hand am now pretty curious about a squid run. Ngl I always thought illithids were kind of hot, but my inner lorebeard was always 'no it would never make sense for them to fuck.' Thank you, Larian, for suggesting a way to reconcile these things. They're in that sweet spot between 'humans with a coat of paint' and 'what would even count as sex with a sentient rock half a mile across' where it's an interesting challenge, but you've got some places to start.
I, and Faye, still don't really believe its story, but there's no point accusing it of lying. So she humours it, but burned inspiration to keep herself from tadpoling further, and did not offer to hold its hand.
We arrive in Riverton and immediately I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of NPCs chattering. I often don't like city areas in games. Too much going on. I got used to it after half an hour of mindlessly running around and eavesdropping.
Once we arrived in the city Faye started spending money like it was water; to be fair, I needed to gear up Jahira a bit, but a lot of it went on fucking around, metaphorically and literally, because while Faye would never have the nerve to take up the twins' offer by herself, Halsin had invited her out to the woods the night before, and he makes her adventurous, as long as he's with her. That did escalate quickly though, and then again when we went to the circus and aced the dryad quiz. Quicksave unnecessary. She has zero fashion sense and he doesn't see the need for clothes at all; they're fucking perfect for each other. They both project noble gravitas in public and are horny dorks in private. I am pleased with my pick.
What I think is interesting is the story Halsin tells you about his previous experiences with drow. Faye was just 'oh that's awful,' but Dyce would know the feeling. He's enthusiastically consented to things because his other options weren't that great. He'd get it, and probably reevaluate some things himself, which is frankly an impressive feat, because he doesn't do introspection much; these characters are so well-written. That experience might have been formative for Halsin, and feeds into how he approaches relationships, as much as he doesn't like the word. His 'feel free to make other people happy too,' would have Dyce all 'same hat!' as well, which was not something I expected from this character. Sluts with layers.
Speaking of bad options, I spent a good five minutes back and forthing on Raphael's offer before realising he'd told me where he kept Grabthar's Hammer, and luckily Faye was on the same wavelength. Have I also mentioned how much I love Laz'ael? Her 'why you make this difficult? But I think that's admirable' is adorable. Exchanging a queen for a prince feels like a sideways step rather than a forward one, but it proves she can move.
At the time it didn't occur to me that Raphael was talking about somewhere in the Hells, cause I am dumb, but I'm guessing one of his neighbours will sell him out, although who knows what she'll want in exchange.
Next stop, lower city.
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