#Liam x MC
ao719 · 5 months
What's Already Mine
A/N: This is a part of my Us Again series. Submission for @choicesflashfics using prompt #2. Not beta’d. Please excuse any errors.
Title Inspiration: Already Mine - Us The Duo
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x MC (Katherine)
Rating: G • Warnings: None.
Word count: 2500
Catch up here
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Both my suit jacket and arm are draped over Katherine’s shoulders as we walk back towards the hotel from her old bar where I found her. 
We’ve walked in silence for a few blocks and it’s deafening despite the bustling city around us. We’ve seemed to have only a silent understanding of the situation; neither of us has said a word. 
My mind is too muddled to speak. I don’t know what to say because there’s so much to be said but nothing all at once. I don’t want to ask if she’s alright because obviously she isn’t. I don’t need to ask what’s wrong because I know. I know why she was there. I know why she broke down when she saw me. 
Despite knowing, I don’t know what to say … and I hate myself for it. 
I glance down at her when I hear a sniffle; she’s staring at the ground as she walks holding my jacket securely around herself. I watch her hand poke up from beneath the lapels to wipe a tear from her cheek and I feel my heart break a little more. 
I want to tell her it’s ok, that it’ll be ok, that we’ll be ok. I want her to tell me the same. But I know that neither of us can say that right now with certainty. 
So we continue to walk … in silence. 
Once back at the hotel, Katherine and I step inside our suite. I shut the door behind me and start to follow her as she walks into the bedroom; now that my arm isn’t around her, I notice that she’s a little wobbly on her feet thanks to her slightly tipsy state. She didn’t have much to drink, only a couple of glasses of wine at the gala, and based on the tab I paid at the bar before leading her out, I’d surmise no more than two drinks there, but I know she’s barely eaten anything today which is doing her no favors and she’s always been a bit of a lightweight as it is. 
When I enter the bedroom steps after Katherine, I see her draping my suit jacket on a chair. She then reaches back, attempting to grab the zipper of her gown, but she can’t quite reach it. When she becomes frustrated, evident by the small huffs of breath she keeps releasing, I step up behind her and gently cover my hand with hers. She goes completely still. After a moment, she glances over her shoulder; her eyes are rimmed red and still misty when she meets my gaze. I give a soft nod, and she slowly lowers her hand as she looks straight ahead again. 
As I lower the zipper of her gown, I let my thumb graze her spine, and I swallow thickly. When was the last time I touched my wife like this? The last time that my fingers brushed against her bare skin? I think back … it’s been a year. We were in Ramsford for the Beaumont Bash and we both had a lot to drink that night. I vaguely remember stumbling into our room, my hands tugging at the fabric of her dress and her arms wrapping around my neck as I kicked the door shut. Before that night, it had been months since we’d last been intimate, and before that, even more months. When we woke the next morning, we showered and dressed without a word, and when we arrived back at the palace, she went to the east wing while I headed to my study. It was awkward in a way and treated like it never happened. I think that’s when the deteriorating state of our marriage started to slowly consume my thoughts. 
Once her zipper is lowered enough, Katherine takes a step away and turns to face me, holding the front of her gown against her chest so it doesn’t fall. I slip my hands into my pockets to stop myself from reaching for her because I don’t know if that’s something I’m allowed to do anymore. We stare at one another, and my eyes are silently pleading with her. Talk to me. Please. Talk. To. Me. I can swear I see a similar plea in her own eyes. I open my mouth to speak but quickly snap it shut because I still have no idea what to say. 
“Thank you,” she whispers. 
“Of course,” I nod in reply. After staring at me almost expectantly, she lets out a soft breath and turns. “Katherine, I …” 
She stops and looks back at me; I see a flicker of something … of what I think is hope mixed with desperation and worry. “Yeah …?”
I hold my breath and her gaze for a moment before shaking my head. “Nothing …” 
Her breath subtly hitches in her throat as she drops my gaze and nods. When she disappears into the bathroom, I hang my head, squeezing my eyes shut in disappointment. 
Disappointment with myself, where we are, and my inability to grasp how to fix it. 
I begin to loosen my tie, but I freeze as my eyes shift to the bathroom door when I swear I hear a muffled cry from behind it. 
Where did it go? The love I once knew? It’s lost in the dark The light can’t shine through Where did we go? I can’t see it now I’m fighting the night To find you somehow…
My fingers are steepled over my lips as I stare out the window of my study. My mind is in the same place as it has been for the past week since returning home: my marriage. Hell, my mind was here before our trip, but now, it’s all I can think about morning, noon, and night.
Katherine and I have yet to speak about what happened in New York. The morning after finding her in the bar, we sat through a silent breakfast followed by a few appearances that were scheduled before heading to the airport for our flight home. On the jet, I almost said something but decided against trying to have that conversation 35,000 feet in the air with no escape if we needed one. 
In hindsight … maybe that wouldn’t have been the worst idea. 
Since we’ve returned home, things have gone back to exactly how they’ve been. I work through the day and go to the east wing for our nighttime routine with the children. But instead of leaving the moment they go to sleep to go back to my study or the west wing … I’ve lingered. I think she believes I’m just waiting to be sure the children are asleep before slipping out, not realizing I’m there for her. I’m trying to give myself the courage to bring it up, but I find an excuse every damn time. It’s not good timing. It’s late. The kids are there. Whatever my mind can conjure up, it does. My fight or flight has turned to strictly flight; I flee every time. And either she’s having the same thoughts and coming up with the same excuses to not bring it up herself … or she’s completely given up, which after what happened in New York, it’s plausible. 
The bottom line is this: I know we’ve reached our limit. I know, one way or another, a very difficult conversation is eventually coming. 
At this point, it’s inevitable … and it fucking terrifies me. 
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t even register the knock on my study door. It’s not until I feel a shove against my arm and hear my name that I finally snap out of it and glance up to see Drake staring at me questioningly. 
“I’m sorry,” I say, shaking my head as I straighten in my chair. “I didn’t hear you come in.” 
“No shit,” Drake playfully scoffs. “I knocked a few times … called your name when I came inside, but you were zoned out.” 
I release a breath and nod, rubbing my eyes with the pads of my fingers. “Yeah … sorry. It’s been a long week.” I blink a few times to focus my vision and when I do, I see Drake now sitting across from me. His arms are folded across his chest and his brow is arched. “What?”
“Seriously, Li … what’s been going on with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“This isn’t the first time I’ve caught you like this over the last few months. You seem like you have a lot more than just the stress of running a kingdom on your mind.”
I look away, unable to hold his gaze. Neither Katherine nor I have ever mentioned anything to our friends pertaining to the state of our marriage. We’ve put on the same show in front of them that we have in front of everyone else. 
“Liam … talk to me.” 
I look at my best friend again, trying to rein in the sadness I feel. If I can’t talk to Katherine, maybe talking to someone will help. I clasp my hands together and lean forward against my desk as I let out a heavy sigh.
And I end up breaking down as I tell him everything. 
Drake listens without interruption, but he doesn’t hide the surprise in his expression. When I finish, I can see him still trying to process everything I’ve just told him. 
“I never would have guessed … any of that,” Drake finally says. 
“We’re good at hiding it,” I say. Too good. “It’s just … it’s become our norm. It’s like second nature now … putting on the front.” 
“Why haven’t you guys ever said anything?”
I can hear the hint of hurt in his tone. “I don’t … I don’t know,” I reply truthfully. “I can’t speak for her, but for me … I guess it’s … I feel like I’ve already let her down … and the kids. I didn’t want to let my friends down, too.” 
“Liam, you’re not letting any of us down.” 
“I’m supposed to maintain this image of my life. Acknowledging that my marriage had completely fallen apart to myself was hard enough. Saying it out loud to someone else …” I shake my head. 
“So what the hell are you going to do?” Drake asks. “I mean, you’re going to fix it, right?”
“I don’t know,” I scoff with a shrug. “I don’t know if it can be fixed.” 
Drake’s brow furrows. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that …” I trail off, chewing the inside of my cheek, not wanting to say my next words, but they come anyway. “I’m saying that perhaps this is the end of our story.”
“What the fuck, Li?” Drake barks as he abruptly stands from his chair. The reaction startles me, and I look at him, unable to hide my surprise. “How could you even say that?”
“Do you think that’s what I want?” I snap. “Because it’s not! But I can’t force us to get back to where we once were!”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Drake chides, and when I open my mouth to retort, he leans forward, getting right in my face. “It’s bullshit. And. You. Know. It.” He stands upright. “To just accept defeat is not only the easy, coward’s way out, it’s not you!”
“No, I don’t want to hear it,” Drake interrupts. “What you and Katherine have … it’s the fucking dream, Li. And I’m not talking about the literal fairytale crap,” he says, waving his hands dismissively. “I’m talking about the real shit. I watched you two; I had a front-row fucking seat. I watched your story unfold. I watched you both fight like hell to be together. And here you are now, a decade later, and you’re ready to wave the white flag because you two hit a rough patch that you won’t acknowledge to each other? Fuck. That.”
As I stare up at him, I feel a tear slip down my cheek … because I know he’s right. I clear my throat and snap my gaze toward the window, trying to fight back my emotions.
“I know you both, Li, and neither of you would keep putting yourself through this if you truly wanted to walk away. That’s gotta stand for something.” 
My gaze shifts up to his again. “I don’t want to walk away,” I say through a cracked whisper.
“Then you fight.”
Where did it go? The passionate fire? We can’t find the flame And now we’re both tired What do we do When all we have left Is dying for life But on its last breath?
That evening, as I’m finishing up my work for the day and finalizing some plans I’ve set into motion, I hear a knock on my study door and call for them to enter. When I look up, Katherine steps inside. “Hi,” I greet her as I rise from my chair.
“Hello,” Katherine responds. She quietly closes the door behind her. “I’m sorry to bother—”
“You’re not bothering me,” I interrupt as I walk around my desk. 
Katherine swallows, holding my gaze as she subtly nods. “I, uh … I was just trying to get things in order with my schedule for next week, but it’s … did you have it cleared?”
“I did,” I answer, and my heart is pounding in my chest as I watch the confusion fill her expression while I try to keep mine impassive. 
“Because we’re going on a trip.”
Katherine’s brows raise. “We?”
“Yes,” I nod. “We … as in you and me.” 
“A trip for what?”
“That’s still to be determined,” I say cryptically. 
Katherine furrows her brow. “Is it a work-related thing?” 
Even though I expected her to think that, it still hurts when she asks. “No,” I shake my head. “It’s not.”
“I’m confused …” 
“We … we haven’t gone on a trip that wasn’t duty-related in a long time,” Katherine says. “At least … not together.”
“I think it’s safe to say we’re a bit overdue,” I quip. 
“But what about—”
“Eleanor and Lucas are going to have some quality time with their Uncle Drake,” I interrupt again, knowing what she’s wondering. “I spoke with him and made all of the arrangements already.” 
Katherine lets out a sigh as she continues to stare at me. “I …” She trails off, shaking her head. “I don’t understand …”
My impassive wall drops and I sigh as I let the emotion I’ve been trying to conceal fill my features. “Katherine …” I speak just above a whisper. “You and I … we’re lost.” 
I see her eyes slightly widen as she lets out a breath before she drops my gaze, but not before I see the pain fill her expression. It’s as if hearing me finally acknowledge the truth we’ve both known but have remained silent about out loud has gravely wounded her. 
“We’re lost and we both know it. And we can’t keep running from it. We need to face it. We need to … to talk about it and figure out if we’re going to find ourselves again — find us again — or …” I trail off, struggling to say the next words out loud. “Or if we’re going to walk away from this … from each other … because we can’t keep living this way.” 
When Katherine looks back up at me, tears trickle down her cheeks. She parts her lips to speak but stops as she lifts a hand and rests it against her throat to where I assume the lump is that’s stolen her voice. More tears fall and more confusion crosses her expression as she continues to hold my gaze. 
“I cleared both of our schedules for the next two weeks,” I continue to explain, “and made arrangements for this trip … just for us.” 
Katherine’s breath hitches. “Where … where are we going?”
“To the private island …” 
I hear the soft breath of acknowledgment Katherine releases. 
We can’t run there; we can’t hide or avoid each other. And she knows it. We’ll be left with no other choice but to face this … to face one another. 
We stare at each other, and I’m certain the worry and fear of the unknown of what this trip will bring that I’m feeling is the same thing she’s feeling. 
We both know we’re going into this completely broken. And we both know that we’re either going to come out pieced back together and on the mend to being whole again … or we’re going to come out irreparably shattered.
I can’t control you Or what your heart will decide But I’ll never stop Trying to fall back in love with what’s already mine…
Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @emichelle @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @gibbles82 @the-soot-sprite @esmckenzie @dcbbw @burnsoslow @deb-1106 @bbrandy2002 @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @foreverethereal123 @choiceskatie @sirbeepsalot @gnatbrain @openheart12 @sincerelyella @superharriet @queenrileyrose @aestheticartsx @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @emkay512 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @forallthatitsworth @walker7519 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @princessleac1 @21-wishes @appleone @tessa-liam @pixelatedpassion @malblk21 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @forthebrokenheartedthings @nomadics-stuff @differenttyphoonwerewolf
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gaiuskamilah · 5 months
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for @choicesfandomappreciation's secret pal event, i got @tessa-liam! here's a liam and riley (and chance the corgi) for you, i hope you like it and happy holidays!! ❤️
bg & silver medal from pb official art bc i was too tired to draw it by hand lol
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kristinamae093 · 8 months
Ghosted - Two Steps Back (Chapter Ten)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N 1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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After the Regatta
Penelope hobbled to her room on a sore foot and a painfully bruised ego. This wasn’t going as expected; advisors told her toward the beginning of the season she might stand a chance, but after only the first few events, they hastily changed their tone. Between Madeleine, Riley, and Olivia, they knew Penelope would not be the new king’s choice.  
Regardless, Penelope was enjoying her time away. The friends she’d made were irreplaceable; she and Kiara formed an everlasting bond. Even Riley was incredibly friendly, despite her commoner status. Penelope was rooting for Riley to win it all because she was genuinely a nice person, and Penelope was looking forward to what Cordonia could look like with her as queen. 
Penelope approached her door whilst humming to herself. The day was long, and she was relieved to be in the comfortable solace of her own space. She planned on calling her parents for their daily video chat, and to get some doggy face time to tide her over while away. Her anxiety was through the roof without having them close, but the friendships she’d made were a momentary distraction. She was glad the ladies were nice enough; otherwise, this experience would’ve been a nightmare. 
Penelope entered and made a bee-line for the bathroom. She did her business, washed her hands, and bounced her way over to the dresser to get more comfortable for the evening. Just as she opened the drawer, a stern knock sounded on her door. Penelope scrunched her face; she was expecting no visitors but thought perhaps Kiara wanted to hang out. 
As Penelope opened the structure, a thunderous force shoved through her and entered, slamming the door shut. Penelope stumbled backward but caught her footing. She could only stare at the person in front of her as panic flourished through her body. She didn't recognize them, but the death glare plastered on their face told her that notion was not applied on both ends. Her instinct told her to scream for help, but the visitor addressed her before she was given the chance.
They spoke in a low, raspy voice. “Have a seat, Lady Penelope. We have a lot to discuss.” 
“W–who are you?” 
“You need not worry about who I am, only what I know.” 
“What do you mean?” 
The person clasped their hands behind their back and stalked around Penelope; like a vulture circles its prey. “Everyone around you thinks you're the sweet, poodle-obsessed Penny, but I see otherwise. I know all about you… The things you’ve done… What your daddy tries his damndest to hide…” 
Penelope’s already increasing heart rate spiked. “I don’t understand.” 
“Of course you don’t. It’s alright, I wouldn’t want anyone to know, either.” They dismissively shrugged.
“Know what?” 
The person snickered at her attempts to deflect, but they could see the panic rising in her eyes. “It’s quite a common expression — young and dumb. But, when you’re in the nobility, there are no secrets unless you know the right people.” 
Penelope thickly swallowed. “I don’t – I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Really? So, then you’ve never been — joined in holy matrimony, right?”
Penelope’s eyes widened. “I–” 
“Enough with your attempts to feign confusion; that will only prolong this process and I am not in the mood to play games. I know of your estranged marriage; how your father pays plenty of hush money per month to keep his mouth shut. I imagine it would be fairly difficult to talk yourself out of that situation if the press were to catch wind; considering Portavira continuously requests the Crown’s compensation. And I do believe the monarch would not be happy to learn your family has developed a slush fund, either.” 
The intruder gave Penelope a wicked smile and added, “Not to mention the — fatality that was caught amid your poor life choices…”
Penelope visibly tensed. “That’s not – I didn’t–” she stammered before snapping her mouth closed; her flustered state prohibited her from forming an argument.
“It’s a matter of opinion, I suppose. Regardless, I attained the records from your procedure.” They waved a piece of paper in Penelope’s face, and recognition swept over her instantly. She released a shuddered breath as the document came to a stop, her tearful eyes centering on the text. 
Despite Penelope’s panicked state, the aggressor continued, “Tell me, do your parents know of your aborted fetus? I mean, I saw you on security cameras entering the clinic alone. It was smart of you to use a fake name, but unfortunately, that was not enough to cover up your mistakes.” 
Penelope never answered, but the assailant watched her swallow thickly with shame etched in her features. She couldn’t fathom how this stranger had found her deepest secrets that she was certain would never see the light of day. 
Penelope found out she was pregnant the day after her annulment was discreetly settled. Terrified wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how she felt, as she stared down at the positive test; she went to the clinic in disguise to find out about her options and decided abortion would be the best solution. Being only nineteen years old, Penelope was practically a child herself and didn’t believe she was at a point to care for a baby like they deserved. And she was alone; when she dreamt of this moment, it happened completely differently in her head. She longed for the fairytale love, where they would start a family together; not single and inevitably disgraced.
Her parents didn’t know, she was too afraid to tell them — especially after her father agreed to pay a continuous hefty fee for Guy’s silence. Penelope was always well-behaved; the perfect trophy daughter. The look of pure disappointment held in their eyes when they found out about her marriage haunted her; she never wanted to do anything out of line again. All Penelope desired was to move on from her mistake, but life had other plans.
Panicked and ashamed, Penelope made the impossible decision alone, not wanting anyone to know of the stupid decisions that led her there. Her fear and guilt only increased after the procedure, but she grieved what could have been and pushed it into the deepest pit of her mind.
She never told a soul – nobody knew – or so she thought.
“All it would take is a small whisper to the press and it would destroy not only you, but your fraudulent parents as well…” 
Penelope gasped as her tears freely flowed. “No! P–please, don’t!” 
The person laughed; the sound sending an involuntary chill down Penelope’s spine. They stalked forward until her back hit the wall and they breathed over her. Penelope squeezed her eyes closed, but felt them draw nearer. The tangy scent of alcohol mixed with cigar smoke filled her nostrils, as they whispered in her ear, “If you want my silence, you’re going to have to earn it.” 
Penelope’s eyes shot open as she frantically nodded her head. “Okay, j–just tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.” 
“I knew you’d see reason,” the unknown presence spoke while taking a small step away. They produced an envelope from their jacket and handed it to her. 
Penelope opened it and started skimming over the information; it was an email address with a set of instructions and a few other notes. She didn’t understand what it all meant; the main thing that stuck out was the location of where they wanted the photographer to be. 
“Why are they going to be outside Riley’s room?” 
“The less you know, the better.” They once again reached into their jacket, this time pulling out a small vial and handing it to her. “You need to give this to her beforehand. I do not care how it happens, just make sure it gets in her system; the earlier, the better.” 
“W–what is this? Is this a drug?” Penelope stammered as she stared down at the bottle in her trembling hands. 
The person smiled; a dark, wicked smile. “You don’t need to worry about that; just make sure she ingests it at an early enough hour.”
Tears once again streamed down Penelope’s cheeks as she frantically shook her head and tried to hand the items back. “N–no. I can’t do that, and I won’t. I would rather disgrace myself than–”
“You’re going to do it.”  
Penelope stood a little taller and yelled, “No, I won’t! I–”
Penelope received a sudden, sharp backhand to her cheek. She fell to the floor cradling her face but was soon flipped over onto her back, her aggressor pinning her to the ground. She opened her mouth to scream, but quickly closed it as she saw the gleam of a blade in the light right in front of her face. 
“Make a sound and I’ll kill you right here, right now.” The attacker moved the knife to hover over Penelope’s throat, applying just enough pressure to keep her subdued. “You have two options — you either comply and do as you’re told, or this is where your life will end. If you refuse to cooperate, you already know too much, and I will ensure you don’t live to tell the tale personally. But I won’t stop there, no – I’ll ruin your parents as well; the entire world will know what a fraud you and your family are.” 
“No… P–please. I – I can’t – I –” Penelope frantically stammered, trying to develop a coherent sentence. 
“You can, and you will. Otherwise,” they leaned forward, close enough to touch noses with Penelope. “I’ll dig your grave myself and throw those mangy mutts in with you after. Perhaps we can make it a family affair and shove your parents inside, too. After all, being exposed to the world and losing their only disappointment of a child would leave them with nothing left to live for; especially once they know of your treacherous sins.” They sat back with a vile chortle, letting the words linger.
Penelope cried harder, her breathing rapid and erratic as her panic boiled over. She opened her mouth to shout for help despite the blade at her throat, but a firm hand abruptly pressed against her lips. “I think I’m being very understanding, actually. I could just end you and move on to the next useless suitor, but I’m allowing you to make the correct choice; to answer the call of service for your country. That commoner has no business being here; you know it, I know it, everyone knows it! We have to deal with her!” 
After a tense moment of silence, her intruder grew restless. They rolled their eyes and huffed, “You’re running out of time. I’ll gift you ten seconds; agree, or...” The blade on Penelope’s throat suddenly held more force; hard enough she could feel her skin being lightly pierced. “I don’t think I really need to finish that sentence, do I?”
Penelope subtly nodded her head, afraid to move too much. Although she didn’t want to betray Riley in that way, she saw no other way out. Not only was her own life being threatened, but her parents as well; she was not willing to let them die because of her secrets they knew nothing about.
Her attacker soon chortled and sat up. “I had a feeling you would see it my way.” They patted her cheek, hard, before they stood and adjusted their clothing.
The intruder walked to the door and turned back around to address a whimpering Penelope. “As a reward for your service, I will make you a lady-in-waiting for the soon-to-be queen. I’d suggest you take the position and use discretion whenever necessary from here on out. If you do anything to compromise this operation, you will be sorry. Am I clear?“
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The following afternoon, Olivia met with Liam, Leo, and Ray as they discussed the events of the night prior. The court just arrived in Portavira, although there was a break in events until the polo match in a few days. They gathered in Olivia’s room, as that’s where Ray set up his equipment and continuously ensured the area remained free of compromises. 
Olivia told them about Penelope’s involvement, and Liam was certain Olivia was lying or playing some kind of sick joke. However, after seeing the proof himself, he knew it had to be true. He wasn’t close with Penelope by any means, but still felt betrayed. Riley was kind and warm to those around her, not a malicious bone in her body; what made Penelope want to get rid of her?
“We have to question her. I can’t be sure, but she might know we’re onto her. The look in her eyes –” Olivia shook her head with a heavy sigh. ”– I can’t explain it, but I don’t like it.”  
“I agree,” Leo interjected. “We need to know why she did it, man, because this makes absolutely no sense. I mean, Penelope – of all people? Did she accidentally eat some dog food or something, and it made her go kookoo?” 
Despite his overflowing anxiety, Liam laughed. “I really don't know. But we’re not all going to question her. I think it’s best if myself and Leo did this, so we don’t overwhelm her.” He spoke to the entire group. 
“Are you… okay to do that?” Leo tentatively asked. “I can take Olivia — or hell, even Maxwell or Drake, if you don’t think you can keep your cool. We can’t really risk her shutting down and withholding anything important...” 
Liam remained silent for a long moment. Honestly, he didn’t know if he could control himself. The selfish side of him wanted to confront Penelope face-to-face and demand answers. However, he knew he was teetering on a dangerous ledge, and her confession could provoke several different reactions. 
He didn’t remember the last time he’d slept or ate a full meal. Days were molding together, and he had no sense of time unless it pertained to the tour. Liam was simply muttering through, doing the dutiful checklist a monarch should on the daily and trying his hardest to stay afloat; even though in all reality, he felt like he was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. No amount of training could prepare him for something like this; he was simply in limbo until one of the many open ends finally led them to something of importance. As the King he held mighty authority; yet, he’d never felt so powerless. Every second of not knowing something was torture; he just wanted to see Riley with his own two eyes. 
“I… don’t think I can, actually. If you wouldn’t mind questioning her, I would very much appreciate it, Leo.” 
Leo patted Liam on the back with a reassuring smile. “No problem. Care to accompany me, Livvie?” 
“I suppose if we want some kind of answer, I’ll have to, won’t I?” Olivia smirked. 
“Are we doing this now, or?” 
“Yes. The sooner, the better.” 
“And we’re certain she’s here?” Liam asked. 
“She was out earlier with her dogs,” Olivia answered with an eye roll. 
Liam nodded as he rubbed his palms together. “This is a decent plan. I have a good feeling about this, guys.” 
For the first time since he opened his eyes to the truth about the narrative against Riley, Liam felt like this could take them somewhere relevant. This was a solid lead and although he knew it probably wouldn’t provide him with all the answers he was seeking, it was a damn good start. 
Liam spoke again, “Any other updates?” 
“I received the diagnostic report on Lady Riley’s dress on the way here." Ray explained. "The blood was mostly Riley’s, but traces from Tariq were present as well. There were a few hairs and skin cells noted, but the DNA only registers those two.”
“Oh… okay…” Liam quietly responded. He hoped deep down the mess was from someone else, but immediately felt foolish to let himself believe such a thing. Hearing it confirmed out loud made his stomach burn with anxiety; this is what he blinded himself to, this is what he ignored. The overwhelming guilt Liam was fighting momentarily took his breath away. 
“Otherwise, there are no new leads.” Ray briefly met eyes with Olivia, the both of them having a silent conversation; unbeknownst to Liam. It wasn’t technically a lie, but not the entire truth. Ray found something — interesting, but Olivia decided now was not the time to bring it up to Liam, at least until after they learned what exactly Penelope knew. “Where Tariq is concerned, I’ve hit a complete brick wall; there’s absolutely nothing.” 
Ray shook his head. “Not a trace. His accounts show no transactions, and his family has not heard from him in months. I’ve checked every mode of transportation available to leave the country and he wasn’t on any of their databases.” 
“How is that even possible? There has to be something, somewhere. Seriously – Tariq has the IQ of a fucking peanut.” Leo interjected. 
“It could be a collection of reasons,” Ray answered. He suddenly stopped typing on his keyboard and took in everyone’s curious expressions. “Either he’s just incredibly clever and has an immaculate ability to cover his tracks, has hired someone to do that for him, or…” 
“He’s dead…” Liam quietly inserted, just above a whisper. His palms started trembling in his lap, and the only thing he could feel was his heart erratically thumping.
The deeper this web went, the further Liam felt himself slipping from reality. All he wanted was a sign, a concrete clue, anything to put him one step closer to finding Riley. The longer that time passed, the more he believed there was a grim reason they couldn’t find them. Just when the light at the end shined brighter, Liam was suddenly drug further down into the abyss of questions, making him doubt everything. 
“We can’t confirm that right now, Your Majesty. I’ve searched hospital records and there are no reports of him checking in at any of them and nothing solid to point to that conclusion. There are a lot of open ends regarding his whereabouts, but I have a couple more places to look before we should start truly discussing that possibility.” 
“Right…” Liam quietly responded as his mind raced. If Tariq’s DNA was on her dress, does that mean he’s the one who injured her? They already knew he was close to Riley; the pictures obviously showcased them together, but was Tariq responsible for attacking her, too? Those thoughts created a storm of rage he’d never felt before; just when he thought the fire had sizzled out, another splash of gasoline was poured onto the diminishing coals. Liam may not have felt a lot of hope, but he sure as hell felt the rage consuming his entire being. 
Leo noticed Liam's forelorn expression and reassuringly gripped his shoulder. “Don’t worry, man. We’re going to get an answer — soon.”
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A short while later, Olivia, Leo, and ‘Harold’ walked the halls of the Portavirian estate, searching for Penelope’s room. Liam opted to have a drink with Drake instead of being alone, as his already overflowing anxiety seemed to increase with every passing second. 
They rounded the corner and Olivia tapped on Penelope’s door, but received near silence; muffled barks rang out beyond the structure, although seemingly at a distance. After a few moments, she stepped forward and repeated the process, but again, no answer. Leo knocked a few times a little louder, but heard nothing — aside from the dogs. He reached for the handle and tried to turn it, just to see, only to find it locked.
“What should we do?” Leo asked Olivia. 
Olivia tapped her index finger against her chin. “I don’t know…” She furrowed her brow and stared at the door in front of her. “The poodles are inside, so she shouldn’t be far… Maybe we search around and see if we spot her anywhere? It’s still relatively early; she could have stepped out for a moment.” 
Leo and Ray both agreed, and the trio began their trek. They started outside by the pool and checked the lounge area, but Penelope wasn't located anywhere. They searched nearly every floor, even the roof, but found no signs of her. Everyone else was already in their room for the night, the estate nearly deserted as they scoured the abandoned hallways. After a while, everyone agreed to take their chances and return to Penelope’s door, as a good hour passed since they last attempted. 
A voice called out to them as they made their way up the grand staircase. They turned around to see Landon making his way to them with a grin on his face. “Good evening, Your Majesty, Duchess, a pleasure to see you both. Are the two of you just strolling, or have you been out on the town?” He chuckled with a playful side eye directed at Leo. 
“You know me,” Leo smirked, “but actually, we’ve been looking for your daughter.” 
Landon’s smile faded, instead replaced with a perplexed expression. “What do you need from Penelope?”
Leo and Olivia shared a hesitant look. “Actually, it’s confidential… Do you know where she is?” 
“She said she was retiring to her room earlier.” 
Olivia spoke next. “We checked there. We checked everywhere and we have no clue where she’s at.” 
“Perhaps she’s already in slumber; she is quite the heavy sleeper. How about I come with you? I was headed there anyway, as she was acting fairly strange earlier.” 
“Strange how?” Leo asked. 
“She kept hugging her mother and me, and told us how much she loved us. She just seemed — sad, as if she would burst into tears at any moment. And she asked me to ensure Merlin and Morgana get plenty of treats.” Landon furrowed his brows and shook his head. “I asked her what she meant, and she just gave me another hug. Emmaline thinks she’s getting ready for her time of the month, which is why I came prepared.” He held up a wad of chocolate bars and laughed.
“I take it Merlin and Morgana are the poodles?”
“Oh, yes. They’re practically her children. It’s been hard on her to leave them at home, but she’s done fairly well. The unexpected route changes actually ended up being very beneficial to her, since she gets to be with them for a few days. I’m certain she’s going to have a hard time leaving again, but I know she appreciates getting to see them. When it was time to leave for the engagement tour, she was practically inconsolable; she didn’t want to leave, to the point we weren’t sure she would attend at all.” 
“So, she didn’t want to return, then?” Olivia inquired, hanging on his every word. 
Landon sighed and looked away. “I don’t believe so, no. But we made sure she knew how much of a tremendous opportunity this was for her. She was incredibly reluctant, but finally agreed. In all honesty, I think most of her reservations were regarding the fact that she was going so far away. Penelope is a very timid girl; she doesn’t particularly enjoy the crowds or being away from home. I’m confident staying in Cordonia where things are a little more familiar will turn things around for her; perhaps she will enjoy herself a bit.” 
“Right…” Olivia trailed off, as her mind swirled around these new little bits of information. She questioned if Penelope's reluctance to come back had to do with Riley's disappearance. The haunting look in Penelope’s eyes as that cab drove away told Olivia she could be correct. 
“Lead the way, then,” Leo inserted with a forced smile, as uneasiness crept into the pit of his stomach. The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood at attention, an involuntary shudder traveling through his body; he shook it off and politely smiled at Landon, who returned the gesture before starting the journey.
Everyone strolled through the halls together and within a short time, they were nearing Penelope’s room once again. Leo and Landon made small talk along the way, but Olivia didn’t listen most of the time. A bad feeling rapidly grew as they walked; why, she wasn’t sure, but it was becoming impossible to ignore. As they got closer, the air suddenly felt cold, raising goosebumps on her skin and sending a shiver down her spine. The hallway had an eerie aura to it that was beyond explanation; judging from the cautious expressions of everyone around, Olivia knew her feelings were not in her head. Landon appeared to be the only one who didn’t notice the atmosphere shift, although he hadn’t stopped talking long enough to take in the environment. 
Just as they were about to arrive, they heard muffled voices speaking not far away. Olivia furrowed her brows and started walking faster, practically running, with Ray and Leo not far behind. 
She came to an abrupt stop as she saw a litter of guards standing outside of Penelope’s room; dressed in full riot gear with what she assumed to be loaded assault rifles, all appearing to be awaiting instructions. Standing toward the back of the mass of people was Liam, who was speaking with Bastien in hushed tones. She could tell even from afar he was talking sternly; his angry demeanor instantly drew Olivia to him. Drake lingered close-by, wearing an expression of pure confusion.
Olivia approached them and inquired, “What’s going on?” 
“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you,” Liam replied. “Did you question Penelope?”
“We were looking for her, that’s why we’re here, now.”
“But you didn’t find her?” Liam snapped, not even trying to hide the annoyance in his tone. 
“Not yet…” Leo answered as he took in Liam’s tense shoulders and ticking jaw. “Liam, what is going on?” 
Before Liam could respond, Landon interjected himself. “What is the meaning of this?!” 
Liam took a deep breath to calm himself and spoke in a calm, yet authoritative voice. “Duke Landon, I understand this may be hard for you to hear, but we have to take Penelope into custody.”
“Custody?! On what grounds?!” Landon hollered. 
Liam swallowed down the ball of anger and agitation lodged in his throat and spoke in a flat voice. “She is the prime suspect in the murder of Rhonda Floros.” Everyone’s eyes widened as their jaws hit the floor. “We will investigate further, but she has to be detained until we can–” 
“I – what?! You have no proof! This – this is an injustice!” Landon yelled as he frantically paced in front of Penelope’s door. 
Leo hesitantly spoke in a hushed manner. “Li, all we knew about was the photographer. How can you jump to that conclusion?” 
“The forensics came back and Penelope’s prints were all over the murder weapon. Her DNA was on everything else as well, but I’m focused on that knife.”
“Impossible! There has to be some kind of mistake!” Landon pleaded. 
“I’m sorry Landon, but the forensics does not lie,” Liam replied with a sad smile. “Trust me, I don’t want to believe she could have done something like this and I intend to figure it out, but we have to locate her first!"
Landon quickly stepped toward Penelope’s room and pulled a set of keys from his pocket. “She is in here — I know she is; she’s sleeping. I’ll wake her up and we can figure out this mess together, because I know for certain she is innocent.” He spoke as he unlocked the door and turned the handle. He entered and flipped the switch on the wall, the area becoming illuminated. 
Liam motioned for the guards to stay outside and followed closely behind. Olivia entered next, followed by Ray. However, a stern hand on Ray’s chest halted him in the doorway. 
“You are unauthorized personnel,” Bastien snapped.  
Liam quickly intervened. “No, he’s not.” 
“Your Majesty, with all due respect, I entered his credentials myself. I know for a fact what clearances he has and doesn’t.” 
Liam stepped up to Bastien with narrowed eyes. “Poof.” He snapped his fingers. “I just gave him access. Now, step aside.” He growled through clenched teeth, the vein in his neck profusely popping out.  
To be honest, Liam was stalling until he found Ray and Olivia; the three of them were going to question Penelope together. His earlier worries about keeping his cool were well out the window; now he was simply confused. Why did she hire the photographer? Did she really kill that maid? Did Penelope know they had spoken to her? Every piece of random evidence found had Penelope’s DNA – and only hers – on it in some fashion. Although the legitimacy of the scene was still in question, her fingerprints on the murder weapon were more than enough to detain her for questioning. 
Bastien never once took his eyes off Ray during the entire interaction. Ray observed Bastien's face crack slightly and saw him swallow and clench his jaw when Liam commanded him to stop. He finally moved his hand to allow Ray entrance, but held his intent gaze for just a moment too long. Olivia watched and noted how she wasn’t stopped, nor Drake or Leo — only Ray. She couldn’t help but wonder why Bastien didn’t want him specifically there. 
Liam glanced around as he entered and saw no signs of Penelope and nothing raising any kind of alarm. He’d never been inside this room before, but to the naked eye, not a thing was out of place. However, Liam couldn’t deny the sudden chill he felt as he stepped over the threshold. His skin instantly clammed up, and his heart rate increased substantially with every tense second that passed. 
Everyone else followed behind and did the same, but Landon circled the room while frantically calling Penelope’s name, only to get no response. He ducked into the bathroom to check there, but saw no traces of his daughter. Everything appeared just as it was earlier that morning when he personally prepared everything for Penelope’s arrival.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Landon huffed as he reemerged. “She said she was coming to bed. Where else would she go? Should we contact Lady Kiara? They had grown quite close.”
Liam sighed and ran a hand down his face. “Bastien, send someone to Lady Kiara’s room to check.” His patience with this situation was dissipating. An answer was right there dangling in front of his face; he could practically taste it. Even if he had to turn the entire continent upside down, Liam was going to find Penelope and make her answer for her part in this mess — whatever that could have been. 
“Yes, sir.”
Olivia glanced at the dresser and saw a jewelry box. Something on top of it quickly caught her attention; it was a piece of paper neatly folded with the words read me written on it in red ink. Her breaths immediately stopped as she stared at it for a long moment. Goosebumps raised on her skin as she realized the penmanship was strikingly familiar.  
She slowly reached out and brought it closer; Ray noticed and came to stand beside her to see what she had found. Liam and Landon continued to speak on the other side of the room, completely unaware of their discovery. Olivia carefully unfolded the sheet and quickly scanned over the contents. As she started reading, the color suddenly drained from her face, her hands trembling, and even tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. Her mind instantly started spiraling, trying to decipher what this meant.
Olivia and Ray stood gawking at the paper in a trance for an unidentified amount of time. The sound of Landon’s thunderous voice suddenly brought both out of their dazes. “This is absurd! She did nothing wrong!” 
“I understand your frustrations but as I said before, the forensics does not lie,” Liam answered in the calmest tone he could muster. “I have questions about all of this, Landon! But one way or another her DNA was littered–”
“Bullshit! Run the tests again! Something is going on here!” 
Liam winced at Landon’s volume, but shook it off and stood to his full height. “Duke Ebrim, you’d do well to remember who you’re speaking to and watch your tone. While I understand why you’re upset, I’m only here to figure this out. If you want to clear her name, help us find her so we can speak to her!” 
Landon frantically looked throughout the room, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening. At that moment, they heard a bark, followed by another softer cry; everyone suddenly stilled and an eerie silence took over, as they glanced at one another with furrowed brows. It sounded undeniably close, but there were obviously no dogs in the area. The silence in the air was deafening, but then it happened again and Landon finally pinpointed the location — the closet. It would make sense; Penelope heard the commotion and retreated in there with her poodles to hide because she was afraid. 
Landon made a bee-line for the door and wildly swung it open. He took a step back and two fluffy dogs slowly came out with their heads down, causing Landon to take a few steps back; they laid at Landon’s feet and whimpered. 
“What is it, Merlie?” Landon asked as he rubbed one of the dogs’ heads, their howls intensifying. 
The room’s air suddenly felt incredibly thick at the interaction. Liam felt physically sick to his stomach as recognition swept over him from head to toe — something was waiting for them in that closet. His hands shook at his sides, his breathing shaky and uneven as he stared into the dark, open doorway. 
Landon stepped over the poodles, who went and lay on the bed, but continued whining. As he entered, he ran a hand along the wall until he found the switch. The small area came to light, and his worst nightmare suddenly became reality right in front of his face. 
“NO!” Landon wailed at an ear-piercing volume as he dropped to his knees near the doorway. 
“What’s wrong?” Liam sought, but Landon broke into a fit of sobs and crumpled to the floor. 
Liam swallowed thickly and took a couple of cautious steps forward. Olivia suddenly appeared and tried to redirect him, but Liam was steadfast; whatever it was, he needed to see it for himself. As he got closer, he could see a chair lying on its side. His eyesight started on the floor and slowly traveled upward. He hadn’t made it very far before the color drained from his face with sweat immediately beading his brow at seeing a pair of dainty feet dangling in the air; one heel on, the other nowhere to be seen. 
Liam looked away but with a shuddered breath followed the body back up to the face, and sure enough, it was Penelope.
Landon suddenly shoved Liam out of the way. “MOVE!” He rushed over and held Penelope’s lifeless form, lifting her easily with one hand; the other quickly moving to remove the belt from around her severely bruised neck. Her limp body dropped into his arms and he cradled her to his chest as he rocked back and forth, making cries that would haunt Liam until the day he died. 
Liam regained his footing but remained cemented in place. This was it; this was their big break, but they only received more unanswered questions. Hopelessness flourished, as he saw no other solutions in sight. He felt like a mouse, mindlessly running through a maze just trying to reach the end for the reward. Penelope's testimony was that reward, but instead of finding the end of the maze, he encountered a sudden, abrupt wall.
Regardless of their actions, they faced a grim reality where a devastating setback countered every advance they made; one step forward, only to be met with two deadly steps back.
Liam suddenly couldn’t breathe; his lungs felt like fire with every rapid, hollow breath. The room started spinning, his vision hazing at a rapid rate. His heart pounded mercilessly, the sound overpowering Landon’s continuous wails filling the room. His hands flew to his chest and he stumbled backward, Leo and Drake quickly moving to catch him before he hit the floor. 
They lowered him to the ground and sat over him as Liam’s vision slowly faded out, their faces disintegrating into a pixelated, blurry image. He blinked his eyes a few times to regain himself, but found the rapidly spinning room made him nauseous. He felt Leo lightly tapping his cheeks, but when he tried to open his mouth, only an anguished cry escaped. 
Liam stared at the ceiling until the bright lights suddenly dimmed. His eyelids grew incredibly heavy until he succumbed to the weight of the world forcing them down. Darkness consumed him as he slipped into unconsciousness, a still silence overcoming his being. 
"Goddamn it," Leo grumbled to himself, as he watched Liam’s body relax. "Get a fucking ambulance! Now!" He hollered over his shoulder before his teary vision centered on his brother again. "Cummon, Li..."
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Tags (if you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know): @choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose
@kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont
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@malblk21 @angelasscribbles
@bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie
@mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf
@lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia
@karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @the0afnan @nestledonthaveone @gabesmommie1130
92 notes · View notes
fadingreveries · 7 days
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (Pt. 2)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Riley travels to Cordonia, but what will await her there?
Word Count: 1.6k
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
~ ~ ~
One car ride later, Riley stepped out onto the grounds of the Royal Palace and lugged her suitcase behind her. She walked towards an oyster-coloured cast stone fountain, running her hand over the smooth edges of the basin and admiring the crystal clear blue water flowing down from its tiers.
Riley craned her neck up to view the palace in all its entirety with its bright pops of colour in yellow, blue, white and turquoise combined with a modern architectural flare to it. She admired the fine columns and pilasters that supported the castle with an abundance of archways leading to grand mahogany doors. The entrance of the palace was surrounded by short-trimmed hedges and small carefully-pruned arborvitae trees with shrubs of pink, red, and orange roses scattered in between them. 
Overwhelmed with excitement at all there was to see, she couldn’t help but let out a shriek of joy and jump a little in her spot. Here she was, starting a new chapter of her life in Cordonia. The palace was a grand attraction in itself, but it only reminded her of how much more she had yet to discover in the country.
All the places she could see, the people she could meet, the food she could taste. It was all very promising and it was only the beginning.
“Ever seen a kid in a candy store? Because I see one right in front of us,” Drake dryly commented, crossing his arms over his chest. 
It wasn’t like it was far from the truth, anyway. He and Maxwell had barely gotten out of the car before she rushed away from them to explore everything in awe. Riley’s mouth hung slightly open at almost everything she laid eyes on and he could almost hear her audibly gasp from several feet away. 
The royal palace was nice and all, but it wasn’t that nice compared to other things around them deserving more appreciation. The waves of the river lapping onto damp rock beds. The birds chirping high in the dense brush of the trees in the early morning. The sound of crickets with the stars glimmering in the night sky. 
He couldn’t help but roll his eyes just watching Riley, not really understanding what it was about her that made him irritated. He almost half-expected her to pull out her phone and take ten photos per second to obnoxiously post for people to mindlessly gush over on social media. Or whatever it was that American tourists did. 
Drake wondered how long it would be before Riley saw things around the palace as they really were. How not everything was sunshine and rainbows, no matter how much she probably thought it was gonna be based on their plane ride over to Cordonia. There was no way someone could be that naive and dumbstruck just over a castle. 
Maxwell shook his head, a small laugh coming out of him in amusement of how excited Riley looked. It was nice to have someone around who matched his enthusiasm for both simple and fancy things. “I like Riley. She’s not afraid to show how much things mean to her. Don’t forget, you looked exactly like her the first time you realized just how big the palace was.”
It wasn’t a memory he knew like the back of his mind, but Drake did know it better than he would have liked to. He, Liam, and Maxwell were around seven-years-old when Liam had rushed to meet the two of them at the palace doors with an air of contagious excitement. 
During some downtime from his time-consuming lessons as the Crown Prince, Leo had shown his little brother around the castle around halls and corridors he had never been to. As amazed as he was with his older brother knowing all the best spots of their home, Liam wanted to share his wonderful gift with his two closest friends. 
There was a close resemblance between Riley’s fascination with Cordonia’s surroundings and Drake’s intrigue to the hidden spots in the royal palace. Without a doubt, he was the most awestruck out of the three of them that day as his mouth hung open at every new glamorous room they walked into. 
He remembered hanging on to Liam’s every word, who tried to replicate the ground-breaking tour for him and Maxwell as best as he could from the notes he had written of Leo’s most exciting points. Drake could almost picture smoothing his hand over the statues and displays that the three boys encountered, with Liam leading the way and Maxwell dragging him by the arm towards the next stop. 
He whispered to himself in wonder over how he was standing right in the middle of witnessing Cordonia’s past and being a part of its present at the same time. 
How wrong was he? Drake almost felt sorry for his younger self for the way the truth came spilling out over the years. He saw a piece of himself in Riley being innocently pulled into the charm of the royal kingdom. But he wasn’t sorry enough to push away the biased feelings he had against her. 
“No, I wasn’t,” Drake defensively denied, avoiding eye contact although he hated the fact that Maxwell was right. “And we’re not talking about me here. I’ve never doubted that things here at court are too good to be true. Her? She’s too clueless to know that this kind of thing never works out in real life.”
 “Man, give her a break. Riley hasn’t even been around us for even a day and your Drakey downer side is already showing,” Maxwell remarked, with a hint of a teasing tone as he knowingly raised his eyebrows. 
“Stop calling me that,” Drake huffed, though it didn’t bother him as much as it used to when he was younger. “I’m just saying this isn’t gonna work. This isn’t a ditzy reality TV show where she can charm her way without any common sense to win the prize of a publicly-adored bachelor.”
Well, when he put it that way… Not being able to help himself, Maxwell snickered. “I mean… I’d say it is pretty close to being one.”
Drake gave him a hard look, his defensive pose unwavering. “I’m not in the mood to compare Liam and his crowd of flashy suitors to those reality shows that I know you secretly binge when we’re not around.”
Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, Maxwell squinted his eyes suspiciously at him. “But you watched the entire season finale of The Bachelorette two weeks ago with me. And the season premiere of The Bachelor last week.”
With blank faces, the two boys stared at each other. Neither of them was willing to elaborate any further. And honestly, neither of them wanted to.
“Why are we talking about me all of a sudden?” Drake blurted out, finally breaking the silence between them. “I bet this is you stalling because you can’t give me one good reason that this’ll work out.”
“I just have a good feeling about Liam and Riley, okay? Call it intuition or my psychic abilities. They’ve never steered me wrong with all my best decisions!” Maxwell cheerfully explained, pointing his finger to his temple to imply his very gifted mind. His mother always reminded him that he had a very special intellect and he was never going to let anyone else tell him otherwise. 
Drake decided he didn’t have the energy to continue this conversation with him. He couldn’t wait until he could get out of there and stay far away from court as much as possible during the social season. So, all he said was, “We’ll see.”
The two boys made their way over towards Riley, who had spun around with her wide grin still present on her face. Maxwell felt relieved that most of her initial nerves had vanished completely. He was already formulating a plan to tour her around the palace so that she could familiarize herself to her surroundings. Drake, on the other hand, had to fight himself to suppress another eyeroll and a shake of his head once again. 
“Welcome to your home for the next few months, Riley,” Maxwell cheerfully began, his arms stretched out wide. 
With disbelief and pure amazement, Riley couldn’t help but laugh and excitedly grip her suitcase handle even tighter. “This is where I’m staying? I didn’t realize I’d be living in the palace!”
“Most of the nobility live here while the social season is underway,” Maxwell explained, still smiling at Riley’s enthusiasm. “Including all the ladies vying for Liam’s hand.”
“Yeah, living under one roof just makes it easier to attend the rose ceremony later,” Drake wryly remarked, gazing up at the castle. 
Why all the ladies had to stay at the same place together was beyond his knowledge, but it was something he didn’t want to know. To him, it seemed creepy to have a bunch of girls living 24/7 in his own home as a pressuring reminder not to screw up his life and his kingdom’s fate.
Not that he had this particular problem to worry about. Which was fine by him. The less problems in his life, the better. 
The Drakey downer was striking again. Shaking his head with a good-natured guffaw, Maxwell rolled his eyes. “Drake’s just kidding… at least about the roses. Anyway, I’ll show you to your room, Riley.”
“This is my cue to take off. See you around… if you’re lucky,” Drake gruffly mumbled, before walking away towards the palace gates into the direction of the capital plaza. 
Luck was hard to come by sometimes. And knowing what little he knew about Riley in the small amount of time he’d come to know her, she needed all the luck she could get.
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @tessa-liam
17 notes · View notes
sfb123 · 1 year
Leaping to Conclusions
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: The pressure to produce an heir is getting to Liam and Riley, leading them to turn to some unconventional methods.
Rating: PG, Adult Language
Word Count: 1,395
A/N: This fic is insanity guys, I'm not even going to pretend it's anything but. I learned the most absurd fun fact this week, and after sharing it with pretty much everyone I know, @ao719 convinced me that it needed to be a fic, and here we are.
For the record, this story doesn't take place in any of my timelines. My Liam and Riley can be weird, but never this weird. 😂
I am participating in @choicesflashfics, the prompt: “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?” will appear in bold below.
And finally, nobody has pre-read this, so apologies in advance for my horrendous grammar, and anything else about it that sucks.
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Riley’s eyes fluttered open as she felt Liam’s lips trailing slowly across her shoulder. She moaned softly and arched back into him. 
“Good morning, love.” He whispered huskily into her ear. 
“When it starts like this it is.” She replied, reveling in the attention she was receiving from her husband. 
As his hand traveled up her body, her stomach started to lurch. Her hand flew to her mouth and she leapt out of his arms and rushed to the bathroom of their guest room in the Walker ranch. Liam sat up and watched with worry as the door slammed shut. 
After a few moments, Liam stood and approached the door. He could hear his wife on the other end, and he knew exactly what was going on. He rapped gently on the door. “Riley, are you alright? Can I get you anything?”  
The only response he received were a few more retching noises, followed by the toilet flushing. Soon after, the door opened, and Liam met Riley’s red, blotchy eyes. “Sorry.” 
Liam wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against him. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s not your fault.” They stood there in silence as Liam held her. “Riley, do you think you may need to take a test?” 
Since the royal couple had gotten married, they’d been facing pressure to produce an heir. While they did not take their positions as monarchs lightly, for them, it was more about building a family together. 
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Riley shrugged before returning to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Liam took a seat at the end of the bed to wait for her. 
“Oh no!” Liam stood and rushed back to the door at Riley’s cry. She came back into the bedroom, more distraught than she had been before. “I dropped the test in the toilet.” She buried her head in her hands. 
Liam chuckled slightly, as he wrapped his arm around her. He had read that pregnancy hormones could cause overreactions; he assumed, hoped, that was why she was so upset. “It’s alright, just take another one.”
“Liam, it was the last one!” She snapped.
He stepped back, shocked by her aggression. “That’s alright, we can go into town and get more.” 
“Are you kidding?!” Riley threw her hands up in frustration before moving to the bed and dropping down, burying her face in the pillow. “The press has been all over us, the last thing I need is for them to get a picture of me buying pregnancy tests!” 
Liam sat beside her on the bed, rubbing her back gently as he racked his brain for a solution. “I’ve got it!” 
Riley rolled over and sat up, leaning against the headboard. “What?” 
“We’re in Texas, surely there is a frog around here somewhere.” He said as he moved to the dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans. 
“Liam, this is no time to go wildlife gazing, I might be carrying the heir!” Riley chided him.
“Love calm down, the frog will be able to tell us.” He said matter of factly as he continued to get dressed. 
Her face contorted into a confused expression. “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?” 
He sat beside her on the bed and slid on his boots. “For about twenty years, starting in the nineteen forties, before the pregnancy tests we are familiar with today, there was the Hogben test. A British zoologist, Lancelot Hogben, discovered that when urine samples from pregnant women were injected into frogs, the frog would spawn eggs within eighteen hours. It was the most rapid and reliable pregnancy test of the time.” 
Riley stared at her husband in stunned silence. “How the fuck do you even know that?” 
“I like history.” He shrugged. 
Still befuddled by her husband’s solution, Riley took a deep breath. “So you want to inject a frog with my pee, and then in 18 hours either nothing happens and I’m not pregnant, or I am pregnant and we also have a hundred and seventy two frog eggs?” 
“They’re called frogspawn, love.” He corrected. 
She slapped her palm against her forehead. “Yeah, because that’s the most crucial thing in this conversation.”
“I’m sorry, force of habit,” Liam smiled sheepishly. “Would you like to try it? It’s a fascinating concept, I would be interested to see it in action.” 
“Liam, I don’t even want to touch a frog, let alone do science experiments on it.”
“I’ll take care of everything,” he insisted. “I’ll just need your… well, your um… sample.” 
Riley chuckled when Liam started to get flustered. “Alright, if it’ll make you happy, and all I have to do is pee in a cup, then let’s give it a try.” 
Liam grinned and leaned in, planting a quick kiss on Riley’s lips. “Excellent!”
“I guess Kermit was right, it’s not easy being green.” Riley said, shaking her head. 
Liam made his way to a nearby pond in search of the perfect frog. His eyes roamed the banks in search of his test subject. “If I were a frog, where would I be?” 
Finally, he noticed a slight movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see a frog seated on a nearby rock. “Perfect.” He stalked toward his prey, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. 
Liam was so laser focused that he didn’t notice Drake coming up behind him, curiously observing the actions of his best friend. “Li, what the fuck are you doing?” 
Drake’s words startled Liam and before he had time to catch himself, he tumbled over into the pond as the frog lept away. Drake cackled as the King of Cordonia sat waist deep in the pond glaring at him. 
“Sorry,” Drake apologized as he reached down, helping Liam out of the water. “But seriously, what are you doing?”
“Riley might be pregnant,” he answered.
Drake furrowed his brow, even more confused now that he had the explanation. “Okay, so you decided to go frog hunting to celebrate?” 
“No, we lost the test,” he responded. When Drake continued to stare at him with a blank expression, Liam sighed and explained the Hogben test just as he had done for Riley earlier. 
“And Brooks agreed to go along with this?” Drake chuckled.
“We would do anything for eachother.” 
Drake rolled his eyes and moved toward the pond. A few moments later he returned with a frog. 
“How did you do that?” Liam marveled. 
“You had your training growing up, I had mine.” He shrugged in reply. 
Liam took the frog from Drake, thanking him for his efforts and began walking back to the house. 
“I’ve gotta see this.” Drake said to himself as he followed Liam. 
Liam entered the house heading toward the stairs, until he saw Riley sitting with Madeleine on the living room couch. When he stepped up to them, he noticed the crestfallen expression on his wife’s face. 
“Love, what’s wrong?” 
“I’m not pregnant,” she responded, her eyes trained on the floor. 
“But how do you know? I’ve got the frog right here.” He held it up to show her. 
Madeleine stood from the couch, glaring in confusion and disgust at the sight in front of her. “When I was in town this morning, I bought some tests. I figured you would need them.” 
“Oh Riley,” Liam moved to Riley, outstretching his arms. 
“Liam,” she held a hand up to stop him from getting any closer. “You’re slimy, and wet… and holding a frog.” 
“Oh, right.” Liam looked down at himself, and the frog in his hands. “I should shower. Care to join me?” He asked slyly. 
“Um… maybe you should handle this one solo,” she cringed. 
Liam handed the frog over to Madeleine, who grabbed it instinctively. He signaled for Riley to follow him, and they made their way up the stairs to the bedroom.
“So you’re not going to pee on a frog?” Drake called out as they exited the room. 
“Ugh,” Madeleine groaned. “None of this would be happening if I were queen.” She turned to Drake, thrusting the frog in his direction. “Make yourself useful and deal with this thing.” She stormed out of the room, mumbling to herself, questioning where things went wrong for her.
Drake looked down at the frog with a grin. “God I love Texas.”  
@3pawandme @alj4890 @busywoman @charlotteg234 @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @differenttyphoonwerewolf @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @imashybish @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @malblk21 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn
@amandablink @custaroonie @jared2612
@21-wishes @ao719 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @lovingchoices14 @the0afnan
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
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angelasscribbles · 2 months
The De Facto Queen Chapter 5: Come Together
Series: The De Facto Queen
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake, Riley x Liam
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: language, destruction of apple orchards
Word Count: 3,907 (approximately 30 minutes reading time)
Summary: Riley and Drake awake to devastating news about the orchards at Applewood.
A/N: I started this chapter thinking it would be the last chapter. Halfway through, I still thought that. Maybe three-fourths of the way through I was like...oh, no. This doesn't wrap up so neatly or so soon.
My other stuff: Master List.
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The sun wasn’t even completely up when the shrillness of a phone cut through the early morning silence. Riley moaned in protest and scooted her body back, snuggling closer into the warmth of the man wrapped around her.
Drake’s arm tightened around her, and he drew her closer as his eyes blinked open, taking in the earliness of the hour. They weren’t scheduled to leave until after breakfast. There was no valid reason for anyone to be calling him at this hour unless something had gone wrong somewhere. “Sorry, babe.” He mumbled as he released her to roll over and grab his phone off the nightstand. One glance at the caller ID and he was wide awake. He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed as he answered. “Bas. What’s wrong?”
Riley tried to go back to sleep, but the hard edge in Drake’s tone, despite his attempt to keep his voice low as he disappeared into the bathroom to keep from waking her, alerted her that something was amiss. She pushed out of the covers and reached for her robe. She had barely finished tying it when a knock sounded at the door.
Riley froze as her eyes tracked to the bathroom and back. Drake was still in there on the phone with Bastien. Whoever was at the door had to have gotten past her security detail, so she decided it was safe to open it.
She hesitated as her hand hovered over the knob. Something was clearly wrong, or the head of the Royal Guard wouldn’t be on the phone with her fiancé. The memory of being shot at engulfed her. The smell of gunpowder in her nose, the thunderous booming of the gun in her ears, the wet stickiness of Drake’s blood on her skin, and the crippling fear of loss all washed over her with incapacitating suddenness.
The knock sounded again. She jumped, jerking away from the door as if she’d been scalded. “Who is it?”
“Riley? It’s Liam.”
The brokenness in his voice obliterated her fear and spurred her into action. She flung the door open, her eyes widening in shock and concern as she took in his expression.
Liam stumbled into the room and, without warning or preamble, fell into her arms. His face pressed into her chest as a shuddering sob broke free.
Her arms wrapped instinctively around him. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
His arms tightened around her as he pressed his face harder into her body. Half-coherent words fell from his lips as his body shook with tears. “Terrorists…. the orchards…. burned….”
She understood instantly why he was in her room, in her arms. She might not understand yet what had transpired, but she understood that he could not, and would not, show weakness to the world.
Not that caring, tears or grief were weaknesses. No, she counted those things as strengths.
Nonetheless, his father had instilled in him a deep shame of those very qualities. But Constantine had never broken Liam, merely forced the better parts of him into hiding.
She was the safe place for him to show all of his vulnerability. She wouldn’t judge him; she wouldn’t question his fitness for the throne. She would support him; she would console him. That part of their relationship had never changed, and it never would.
Instead of questioning him, she did her best to soothe him. Her fingers ran through his hair, her hand patted his back as she murmured quiet words of comfort to him. Her eyes flicked to the door to ensure it was closed.
His emotions didn’t make him weak, but there was no point in having a servant or a guard witness their king’s most vulnerable moment. The people of Cordonia would need to see him strong and steadfast when he dealt with whatever had happened.
Crying was for private moments. Stoicism and strength were for the public. Unwavering surety in their next course of action.
They clung together, sympathetic tears streaming down her face. She didn’t need to know what had happened to feel his pain and that was enough to stir her own.
Terrorists…. burnt orchards…..it was enough for her to gather there had been another attack. Just days after Liam had confessed his insecurities about being a good enough ruler to her.
Liam, in tears in her arms, and Drake on the phone with Bastien before dawn, hinted at just how dire the situation was. Her jaw set with resolve. “Whatever happened, we will get through it together and we will fix it, okay?”
He nodded, his tears slacked, but he remained still and silent in her embrace.
Drake exited the bathroom with a grim expression. His eyes darted from the empty bed to the sight that greeted him at the doorway of the bedroom.
The king of Cordonian was wrapped in his fiancée’s arms.
Riley’s eyes met his over Liam’s shoulder. He nodded at her as he read everything he needed to know in her expression.
Drake made his way across the room and then cleared his throat to get Liam’s attention. “I just got off the phone with Bas…”
Liam’s head jerked up, and he stepped away from Riley guiltily. “I’m sorry…I just…”
“Hey,” Drake’s voice softened considerably as he clasped a hand on the other man’s shoulder. “Don’t be sorry for being human, Li. That’s a good thing. Unfeeling rulers are the dangerous ones.”
Drake’s eyes flicked up to Riley’s again, acknowledging to himself that she brought out the softer, more in touch with his humanity side of his best friend and that it was a good thing.
Of course, Liam was upset. It wasn’t just an attack on his country. Applewood was the seat of House Rys, his ancestral home. It was a strike at his very heart. Nothing represented Cordonia more than the apple orchards at Applewood. It was a clear message that Liam could protect nothing and no one.
It could not be allowed to stand.
Liam stared back into his friend’s eyes for a moment, then nodded. “Thank you.”
Drake’s jaw clenched. “Don’t thank me until we catch the bastards that did this.”
“Would one of you like to fill me in on what’s going on?” Riley looked expectantly back and forth between them.
Drake pulled out his phone and handed it to her.
She watched the video in horror.
The extensive and ancient orchards at Applewood had been razed. The terror group Sons of the Earth was taking credit.
“Oh…” tears streaked down her face again.
Drake looped an arm around her as he retrieved his phone from her grasp. “It’s going to be okay, baby, I promise.”
Her grief steeled Liam’s resolve. He pulled himself completely upright as he decided, “We’re diverting the unity tour. We have to go to Applewood. Get Katarina looped in. She can meet us there with the PR team. We need to address this publicly as quickly as possible.”
“On it.” Drake was already dialing the palace press secretary, Katarina Trakas, as he released Riley and stepped away to make the arrangements.
Less than half an hour later, they were in the back of a bulletproof SUV on their way to Applewood, joined by Max and Hana.
Riley sat in the middle, Liam on one side of her, Drake on the other. Max and Hana were across from her. Liam’s face darkened as he recounted all the information he had on the situation at Applewood. She reached for his hand without thought, instinctively comforting him.
He looked over at her in surprise, then gave her a grateful smile as he squeezed her hand. His gaze went to Drake, then back to Riley, indecision creasing his brow briefly before coming to some sort of decision. He went back to the conversation without releasing her hand.
She watched his face for a moment. Stress shown in the grim lines of his face, but there was a subtle relaxing of his shoulders, a slight but noticeable easing of tension in his body at her touch.
Riley’s head swung around to find her fiancé, anxiety gripping her as she anticipated his response. Drake met her gaze with equanimity. He gave her a reassuring smile as he reached for her other hand. There was nothing but love and acceptance in his eyes as his thumb stroked the back of her hand.
A little thrill ran through her, despite the gravity of the situation. She was suddenly and intensely aware of the proximity of both men. Their body heat, the smoothness of Liam’s palm in hers, the roughness of Drake’s. Her heart beat a little faster.
Riley’s eyes lifted to meet Hana’s. Her best friend lifted an eyebrow in question. Riley widened her eyes a little to convey her uncertainty about what was going on.
While she struggled to put her focus back where it belonged, Liam and Drake coordinated over secured lines with the head of the King Guard and the Royal Press Secretary. Liam wanted to hit the ground running the moment they arrived. Drake was determined to have as much information as humanly possible before Liam set foot in front of a podium.
“I’m just saying it would be safer to just televise the press conference from a secure location to ensure that—”
“No,” Liam cut him off, “I won’t hide. That would send the exact wrong message.”
“It wouldn’t be hiding—”
“We’ll do the conference on the west lawn,” Liam said firmly, with finality.
“Fine,” Drake grunted with a shake of his head. His best friend was about to risk an assassination attempt and all he could do was quadruple security and search every person who stepped foot on Applewood grounds and hope it was enough.
Even worse, Riley would be on that stage with him. He clamped his mouth shut with a great deal of effort. What was he going to say? He had encouraged her to accept this role. Some degree of danger would always be present. It came with the territory. He squeezed her hand tighter as his mind whirled with ways to minimize the risk. An idea seized him.
He leaned forward in his seat and turned sideways so he had a clear view of both Riley and Liam. “You’ll both wear body armor.”
Liam tried to protest. “I don’t think—”
“The ultra-light stuff. Under your clothes. Trust me, no one will know it’s there.”
Liam hesitated as he considered it.
“Do it so I can focus on the security.” Drake pushed the one trump card he knew would sway Liam. Riley’s safety. “I won’t be able to think straight if she’s up there unprotected.”
It was the thought of Riley being shot at again that convinced him. With a curt nod, the king agreed. His eyes cut sideways at her as he gripped her hand a little firmer.
He couldn’t…he wouldn’t risk her life.
Drake let out an audible sigh of relief as he released her hand and typed furiously into his phone. “Everything will be ready when we arrive.”
Two hours later, Riley was fidgeting nervously as she read over the notes Madeleine had thrust into her hands while Drake was strapping her into the bulletproof vest.
“Would you stand still?” He grunted in annoyance as he tugged one of her side straps a little tighter.
“Sorry,” she murmured as her eyes flicked from the notecards in her hand to the blond who was giving her instructions as if she’d never done a press conference before.
“And remember,” Madeleine chided as she shuffled the notecards in her own hands, “You are representing Cordonia up there so for the love of God, remember to keep your back straight, make eye contact with a few of the reporters, and don’t forget your facial expressions! You want to convey—”
“That’s enough!” The usually restrained and controlled Drake spun on the countess, the fury dancing in his eyes enough to cause her to jerk back in startlement. He released Riley and took a step in her direction as he fumed. “Could you lay off her for one goddamn minute? We have five minutes before they have to be on stage and I’m trying to save her fucking life!”
“I—” Madeleine gulped as she took another step backward.
Drake swiped the cards from her hands as he fixed her with a death glare. “She’s done dozens of these. She knows how to fucking stand!”
Madeleine’s already anemic pallor went even paler. “I just—”
“Drake!” Riley touched his shoulder. “It’s okay! She’s just doing her job. The one I asked her to do!”
Drake’s eyes fluttered briefly shut as he beat his fear, anger, and anxiety back. He blew out a careful breath before turning back to face her. “I’m sorry, baby. I just need you to focus on the thing that’s going to keep you alive before worrying about the rest.”
Riley nodded vigorously. “I am. I will! Please finish helping me with the vest. I’ll read the cards after we’re done.”
His shoulders relaxed as some of the tension eased out of his body. He resumed fussing with the vest as he told Madeleine without looking back. “Sorry. This is just stressful.”
“For all of us.” The countess sniffed. She looked down at her shaking hands then back up at Riley, watching as Drake strapped her into a bulletproof vest, knowing she was about to step onto a public stage outside in broad daylight where she could be the potential target of another assignation attempt. “I didn’t mean any disrespect. This is just…all I can contribute.”
“It’s fine.” Drake finished, stepping back to inspect his handiwork with a critical eye. “Okay, you can get dressed now.”
Riley hurriedly dressed as she directed her next remark to Madeleine. “Could you please go let Liam know that I need two more minutes?”
“But the press—”
“Can wait.”
Madeleine hesitated a fraction of a second, then nodded in acquiescence and retreated from the room.
Riley stepped into Drake’s arms and took his face in her hands. “I love you. I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“I’m holding you to that.” He whispered before pulling her into a long, lingering kiss. He poured all his love and fear for her into that kiss, wanting nothing more than to grab her, get back in the limo, and get her as far away from danger as possible. Instead, he released her and forced himself to step away. “Okay, it’s time.”
Applewood had been secured before they had arrived and swept again after they arrived. There were no buildings close enough to the manor for a sniper to hide in and, thanks to the orchard burning, no trees either. He was still a bundle of nerves as he watched her climb the steps to the stage.
Riley stood at the podium next to Liam, like she belonged there. It was becoming commonplace. Drake tried to remember the last press conference Liam held where Riley hadn’t been standing right beside him.
Perhaps when he’d announced the itinerary for the engagement tour. Madeleine had been beside him then and the stiffness in his posture had radiated his discomfort, at least to those who knew him well.
His body language when he was on stage next to Riley was different. More relaxed. More open. More at ease. Even in these exigent circumstances, a simple glance in her direction and his shoulders straightened almost imperceptibly. Confidence flooded back into his posture. Hope shone from his features.
Drake had to admit that Riley’s speech was well received by the public, perhaps even more so than Liam’s. They loved her. He didn’t blame them.
When the press conference was over, Riley joined Liam in the orchard to plant a new apple tree. A sapling. A symbol of Cordonia, of hope for the future. The area was cordoned off to keep the masses away from the royal couple.
Not that they were a couple, and only Liam was royal. Though the image they presented was very much one of a royal couple. A king and his beloved queen.
Drake shook his head to clear it of those thoughts as he circulated through the press of people, his eyes scanning the crowd for threats, his ears open for anything suspicious.
What he heard were hundreds of conversations about what Cordonia had lost by not having Riley as its queen.
“Would have been an amazing queen….”
“It’s a shame that scandal happened. I heard it was all a setup. She never…”
“They say that’s why the king ended his engagement with the countess….”
“The king still loves her…. “
“She’s so down to earth. Just want Cordonia needs…..”
“She should have been queen…”
The crowd cheered as Riley and Liam packed the dirt around the sapling. They stood and waved to the onlookers before the security team ushered them inside the manor.
Drake let out a long sigh of relief as the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders.
There had been no assassination attempt. Riley and Liam were safe inside Applewood.
His relief was short-lived.
The moment the last of the public was cleared from the property, Liam stepped out the front door with Riley on his arm.
“What the actual fuck?” Drake growled, taking a step in their direction. A firm hand on his arm stopped him.
He turned to find Bastien giving him a sympathetic shake of his head. “Let them be. The grounds have been cleared. Liam wants to see the damage up close. It’s his prerogative.”
Drake shook off his godfather’s touch as a shadow crossed his face, but he stayed put. Bastien was right. The grounds had been cleared and there was no immediate danger. He watched from a distance as Riley and Liam walked through the remnants of the once-verdant landscape.
Mere hours before, a vibrant, lush thousand-acre orchard had stood there. Living hues had painted the grounds. Deep greens and vibrant reds had delighted the eye. The crisp, apple-scented air had pleased the nose. Now charred stumps rose toward the sky, blackened husks dotted the scorched earth. The acrid scent of carbonized trees wafted on the breeze.
They walked cautiously across the blistered ground, tendrils of gray smoke curling around their ankles and rising into the late afternoon air.
Drake stood on the sidelines watching as his fiancée and best friend stopped walking and held each other in the middle of the charred orchard. Not in a sexual way. It was clear she was comforting him. What was even clearer was that it was working. Much of the tension had drained out of the king’s body as he returned her embrace. There was a genuine smile on his face as they pulled apart.
Drake himself had tried to make Liam feel better, but nothing he said had made an impression. He’d watched as Liam’s friends and family members had tried to offer advice, condolences, and comfort. No one had succeeded in that endeavor. No one but Riley. Because Liam was still in love with her, and his love for her was deep and it was true, and it was real. Just like his own.
Liam entwined his fingers with hers as they made their way back toward the manor.
Drake couldn’t stand still a moment longer. He charged across the grounds, intercepting them at the front door. “I need to speak to you both. Privately.”
“Oh, I…” Liam dropped Riley’s hand and stepped away from her. He shoved his hands in his pockets with a flush. “I hope I haven’t overstepped any bound—”
“That’s what I want to talk about.” Drake ushered them both through the entryway and into a small sitting room just off the main hall. He shut the door behind him and then turned to face his best friend. “You still love her.”
“Drake, I’m sorry I’ve tried—”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” Drake clasped, then released his shoulder quickly. “You love who you love.”
He would know. He had fought his feelings for her for months and failed abysmally. Turning to face his fiancée, he stated, “You still love him, too. It’s obvious.”
Riley’s lower lip started to tremble. This was exactly what she didn’t want. Her head shook back and forth. “We talked about this! I thought—”
He nodded impatiently. “We did talk about it, and I’ve realized something.”
“What?” she asked with trepidation.
“I don’t want to spend our lives together constantly worrying about you and Liam fighting these feelings.”
“Drake! I love—”
“I know.” He held a hand up to stop her. “I’m not questioning that one bit. I love you too, Riley, and I’m not breaking up with you. Would you just listen?”
Riley pressed her lips together with a fair amount of effort.
“There is a way for all three of us to be happy.”
Riley blinked. “What do you mean?”
Liam’s body froze as his head jerked up, his gaze suddenly penetrating and intense as he watched the exchange.
“I mean…” he took her hand in his and pulled her into his body, “What if you didn’t have to choose?”
Her brows pulled together in confusion. “I already chose—”
“You chose to marry me and to spend the rest of your life with me, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. But you also chose to close off a part of yourself and fight your feelings for Liam. Believe me, I have some experience with that. I’m telling you that you don’t have to.”
“Wait…” Riley’s mind spun. “Are you saying that you’re okay with me having…with Liam and I…. what are you saying, exactly?”
“I’m telling you that I would be okay with you continuing your relationship with Liam. I’m amenable to an open marriage. Well….” His eyes darted to Liam and then back to Riley. “Maybe not entirely open, but I’m willing to make room for Liam in a triad situation.”
Riley shot a sidelong glance at Liam before responding. “Drake. That’s incredibly generous of you…”
“What would that even look like?”
He lifted his shoulders expansively. “We’ll figure that out together.”
Riley stared at him for a long moment as confusion turned into astonishment. “You’re serious!”
Drake nodded with equanimity. “Mm-hm.”
“May I speak?” Liam’s voice was quiet but filled with restrained hopefulness.
“Please do.” Drake gave a respectful nod as he stepped back and turned so that he was looking at Liam instead of Riley.
Liam moved closer to Riley, then hesitated, shooting a glance at Drake. When he found nothing but encouragement there, he reached for her hand. “Please give this proposal due consideration before you make a decision. I implore you not to dismiss it out of hand. This is something that I want…. you have no idea how much…. but I won’t pressure you and I won’t rush you. Take all the time you need.” His eyes flicked back to Drake. “Both of you. If we move forward with this, we must all be on the same page. I want no room for misunderstandings or resentment.”
Her resolve to reject Drake’s offer out of a sense of loyalty faltered in the face of Liam’s impassioned plea. Dropping her eyes from his, she nodded. Her voice was barely a whisper as she told the floor, “Okay, I’ll consider it.”
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ownworldresident · 5 months
Side by Side Chapter 8: Custody
Book: The Royal Romance.
Premise: With new additions to their family, King Liam and Rayne must re-evaluate their relationship dynamic.
Themes: Found family, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, family.
Word Count: 3.2k per chapter, 18 chapters. About 60k.
Note: This story started just after TRR3 ended, and isn't related to TRH. See also Side by Side Masterlist & Master Masterlist Link
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The room darkened a shade as Rayne locked eyes on the open doorway. She tightened her shaking grip on Liam’s shoulder, then released him and strode from the room. Blood rushed past her ears as she moved through the halls in careful, measured strides, every muscle tightening. One goal. How dare she…
“Rayne?” said a voice she recognised, but they could wait. Footsteps followed. “Rayne, wait. What…” Leo appeared before her and blocked her path. “What happened?”
“Move.” Rayne avoided his gaze and began to push past but Leo held her shoulders. She tried to pull away but was unsuccessful, and only when she was still did he drop his arms.
“Really,” he said, concern in his brow, “has something happened?”
Now she met his eyes. He searched hers for some explanation, as the darkness closed around the hall.
“I need to get to the council meeting.”
“I don’t have time for this,” she growled, then pushed past him. A moment later he fell in step with her, easily keeping pace with her shorter strides. He asked no more questions, and they walked in silence, with faint footsteps the only sound past the ringing in her mind. The meeting room door appeared, and her mind zeroed in on it, a spark of tightness in her chest at the guard out the front.
“I need to get in there,” she muttered to Leo, angling toward the guard. If he replied, she didn’t hear him, stopping only just before the guard, who bowed his head, but looked wary.
“We need to get inside,” Leo’s authoritative voice registered with Rayne, but the guard was reluctant.
"There is a meeting in session, Lady Rayne, Prince Leo. I cannot allow you to enter.”
“Think again.” Rayne clenched and unclenched her fists, the hold and release of tension doing nothing to clear her mind enough to reason.
“By order of the Queen, my Lady. I cannot—”
Rayne’s knuckles connected with his throat, and he stumbled back, gasping for air, and clutching his neck. She didn't need reason. Rayne turned immediately to the door as the guard wheezed. Leo’s shock was lost on her. The door was locked.
“Fuck!” She rammed it with her shoulder, the force knocking the air from her lungs. “No… this can’t be happening… it can’t…” She rammed the door again and stumbled back breathless. A firm hand grabbed her arm and she looked up at Leo, his face coming into focus. He nodded, released her, then stepped away from the door, and before she could wonder what the hell he was doing kicked out hard just above the lock. The door shuddered but didn’t move. He kicked out two, three, four more times as the door cracked, splintered, and flew open.
Rayne rushed inside and locked eyes with Madeleine, who stood at the other end of the room holding a document to show the council. Everyone looked up when the door slammed open. She advanced around the room.
Madeleine narrowed her gaze. “You aren’t authorised to be here.”
Without answer, Rayne stormed up to her, ripped the document from her hands and tore it to pieces. “How dare you,” she seethed, voice shaking with barely contained fury. “You had no right.”
Madeleine glanced at the full room, then back to Rayne. “I had every right,” she said with a wicked smile, working to keep the anger off her face. “What you’ve done here is exemplify why. Treason is not a good colour on you. But nothing less tha—”
Rayne slapped her. Hard. The sound echoed around the room followed by a sharp, collective intake of breath. Leo called her name from the doorway, but he could wait. When Madeleine looked back she looked furious, with an angry red mark across her cheek.
“Shut the hell up.” Her voice cracked, the room blurring. “You will never, ever take them away from me, you understand?” Rayne sucked in a breath and blinked away some of the tears. “What have you done to Liam? Why did I find him unconscious in his office?” The fury was evening out and she felt sick. Leo swore but the room was silent. Madeleine’s anger was limited to the fire in her eyes. She smiled, too sweetly for Rayne’s waning patience.
“Why would I do anything to harm the King?” she asked coldly, “and the heirs were never truly yours to beg—”
Rayne slapped her again. “Shut up, fucking shut up. Forcing him to sign that form, that’s treason. What have you done to him?”
The Queen drew herself up to her full height, forcing Rayne to look up at her. “I would never force my husband to sign anything, and I will not suffer his mistress to force an entry on a private meeting. This assault, after the kindness you have been shown, is proof that you cannot be trusted with the care of the future leaders of Cordonia.” She turned slightly to address the room as well. “I informed King Liam of the best course to ensure that the Crown Prince and Princess are given the best possible care. As Rayne has refused to accept my assistance, I had no choice but to intervene.”
Rayne lifted a hand to strike her again, but Leo’s hand rested on her shoulder, and she balled her fists instead, drawing in long breaths to try and clear her mind. The danger was partially over, but not entirely. She gestured to the assembled council. “Why don’t you tell everyone that you drugged your ‘husband’ to strongarm him into signing that form? He’s still unconscious in his office!”
“What?” Leo stepped up beside her, pressing against Rayne’s shoulder. “You did what, Madeleine?”
No one drew breath as the Queen wiped drops of blood from the corner of her mouth. The document was in pieces, but Liam…
“I had hoped you would realise in time, Rayne, that not every action can be achieved through talk alone.” Madeleine fixed her with a sympathetic gaze meant solely for the council. “Spending all their time with someone not trained in childcare or educated as a leader, not to mention prone to violent outbursts, will only have them fall short of their potential.”
Turning to one of the guards near the door, Leo instructed them to find a doctor and take them to Liam, then placed an arm around Rayne protectively and squeezed her shoulders. Rayne felt some of the tightness in her chest lessen at the action. Leo’s focus turned to Madeleine.
“You know Rayne is right. What you’ve done is a crime against the crown. And if that form had gone through…” He looked down at the torn document that now littered the carpet, squinting to read them, then exhaled and looked up. “This motion gives you complete guardianship over Leo and Evelyn…”
“Until they’re legally adults, yes.” Madeleine glared at Rayne. “You have only worsened your position here. Assault of a monarch and destruction of classified documents is a capital offense. There will be consequences.”
“No, there won’t.” Leo stepped between them. “You know he won’t let this go.” He turned to address Rayne. “Go to Liam. I’ll take care of this.”
Still shaking, Rayne stared at the document she barely remembered ripping, then up at the entire room, all watching for her reaction. Finally she met Leo’s determination, swallowed the lump in her throat, and nodded.
Tears still tracked down Rayne’s cheeks as she rushed back to Liam’s office. At the last hall, Olivia turned down the opposite corner toward the same door.
“Rayne." Olivia frowned. "Leo said… what is it?”
“It’s…” Rayne pressed a hand over her mouth and pushed the door – still ajar – completely open. Liam was where she has left him, still unmoving, and rushed to his side. “It’s… oh god…” He was still breathing.
Some time later, Rayne couldn’t tell how much, she woke up curled in an armchair beside her bed. Cold, it was cold, and she reached for the blanket that had fallen off her as she tried to rest. When that didn’t work, she went to her walk in robe and picked out something heavy.
Coming back into the room, where the curtains didn’t fully conceal the morning light, her eye fell upon the single still form beneath the heavy blanket, a flood of relief to see his chest slowly rise and fall as he slept. She returned to the armchair, curled up again, and positioned herself so she could watch him. Liam’s steady breathing was calming and an incredible relief. She could almost forget the horror of the day before, but not entirely. Her heavy eyelids began to close again, and she returned to a restless doze.
Shuffling sounds woke her not long later. Still warm, she blinked open her eyes to see Liam moving in his sleep. After an entire night almost completely still, he was returning to some kind of consciousness. A little more alert at this change, Rayne watched him more intently. A few minutes later, he opened his eyes.
“Liam…” she breathed, rushing to sit beside him. He closed his eyes again, frowning, and Rayne held her breath, silently pleading for him to come back to her. Groaning, he turned his head and opened his eyes again, squinting toward her. “Can you hear me?” she asked, remembering some of the aftereffects that the doctor had described.
He didn’t answer, slowly turning his head to look around the room, settling back on her then opening and closing his mouth a few times. His eyes widened, breathing becoming erratic. Rayne ran her fingers gently through his hair, smiling.
“The doctor said you might have trouble speaking, but not for long. You’re back in our room. You’re safe here, I promise. Safe in our room. Do you understand?”
Liam’s breathing steadied as she spoke, and he nodded, squeezing his eyes shut with a deep frown. When he looked back at her, his expression was calmer, and he brought one arm from under the covers to hold a warm hand against her cheek. Rayne sighed, eyes falling shut as she held his hand there and leaned into the touch.
“God, I missed this,” she whispered.
“Rayne.” The first word she had heard from his since the previous morning passed his lips. “Are you okay?” His voice was quiet and raspy, but Rayne let out a shaky laugh.
“I’m not the one who just woke up.” She blinked back tears, then reached for the insulated bottle on the bedside. “Water?”
Liam nodded, and she helped lift his head enough to take a drink, struggling to keep tears out of her eyes. She returned the bottle and clasped both hands over his.
“I was so worried,” she admitted, voice trembling. Liam offered a sympathetic smile, squeezed her hand, then lifted his to wipe the tears from her face with his thumb, resting his hand on her cheek again.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. He met her gaze for a few moments, then shuffled over beneath the blankets. “Lie with me?”
Rayne swallowed the lump rising in her throat, and nodded, discarding the heavy jumper. A moment of cold, then she joined Liam beneath the blankets, lying where he had been just before. She moaned at the warmth and intoxicating familiar scent. Liam brought an arm around her to rub her back.
“I should be doing that for you,” she managed, curling against his chest.
“This is more than enough.” Liam pressed a kiss against her temple, and she drifted off again.
There was nothing casual about Liam’s journey two afternoons later, the papers his assistant had brought him held tight in his hand. Rayne had explained in controlled rage what Madeleine had done, which he couldn’t remember, and what she had done in retaliation. He had only been slightly surprised, then impressed, that Rayne had taken it far enough strike Madeleine. He could be frank that he personally found no fault in her actions. They both knew he couldn’t condone it publicly. Madeleine had gone too far this time, and what Rayne had done, in his mind, was completely justified.
It was an old law she had used, barely noticed and, since it only applied to heirs that were not the children of the queen, rarely paid attention to. He should have, he knew that now, and he had work to do make sure nothing like that ever happened again.
Much like her entrances many times, Liam did not knock before entering Madeleine’s rooms. No one was permitted to enter, and sure enough, he found her sitting alone. It had been months since he was here, and the last time had been just as unpleasant. From her desk by the window, the queen leaned back in her chair and surveyed him. Her lip was red and swollen on one side, for which he could not dredge up any sympathy.
“Husband.” She raised an eyebrow at him. She had been allowed to finalise documents and settle some personal affairs. This wasn’t a public case. Bail wasn’t an option. Without speaking, because he knew speech would compel his honesty of what he really felt, Liam strode across the room and threw the folder on the desk.
“Sign it,” he commanded. Madeleine opened the folder and scowled. “You have until tomorrow morning to read through and sign. Failure to do so will add another charge to your trial.” He left the room.
The moment he stepped into the hallway a huge weight vanished from his shoulders, leaving him almost giddy, and he released a huge sigh of relief. Everything was lighter, brighter, and he walked with a renewed buoyancy to prepare for his more exciting plan.
“Rayne?” he called from the lounge of her suite. Despite living here himself he still called it her suite and wondered why that was occurring to him now. She came down the hall with her hair and makeup done the way she only did it for them. It had been so long, he realised, gaping at the cut and fall of her lilac dress. He hadn’t seen it before, and now felt underdressed. She smiled at him, and the rest of the room faded. “You are so beautiful.” Her eyes crinkled as her smile widened.
“Isn't she?” Liam blinked back to the room as Clair appeared down the hall, looping an arm around Rayne’s shoulders. Rayne smiled and hugged her back.
“Thanks for looked after Leo and Evie. I really appreciate it.”
“All you owe me is a slice of cake from whichever restaurant your dashing beau takes you to.” Clair winked at Liam, who chuckled.
“I think that can be arranged.”
“I can allow my masterpiece to go, then. Enjoy yourself, Cinderella.” She squeezed Rayne’s shoulders again, then turned to Liam. “Take care of her, King Charming.” Still smiling, Clair returned down the hall.
As soon as she was out of sight, Liam closed the distance to Rayne, lifted her off the ground and spun around slowly. Before he put her down she linked her arms around his neck and pressed her lips softly to his. He put her down slowly and closed his eyes to kiss her more urgently before she slowly pulled away.
“I like where this is going,” she breathed, “but you said we have a reservation?”
“Being the King, I could easily delay it,” he said huskily, and she chuckled.
“Later, but right now I’m starving. I was promised food.” Rayne leant up to kiss his cheek, then moved toward the door, leaving him standing and watching her. As perfect from the back as the front. She turned back from the doorway, raising an eyebrow. He smiled and followed her out.
Rayne found his hand and threaded their fingers together as Liam closed the door behind them. He lifted the joined hands and pressed his lips briefly to the back of hers. As they walked down the hall to their waiting car, he mused over how he was going to approach the first hurdle at their dinner.
“Something on your mind?” Rayne asked as they walked, squeezing his hand. He sighed, smiling at her.
“I have something I need to tell you, when we get there.”
Rayne frowned, searching his face as they neared the exit. She must have caught the nervous excitement because she mirrored the latter. “Food first.”
---- ----
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19 notes · View notes
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Liam & Mc
12 notes · View notes
belencha77 · 1 month
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Liam y yo nos encontrábamos charlando y esperando la comida en una mesa cuando Hana se acercó con una sonrisa.
|| Riley, Príncipe Liam, permítanme felicitarlos... Su partida estuvo muy bien jugada ||
|| Gracias, Lady Hana. ¿Ya comiste? ¿Te gustaría unirte a nosotros? || Liam le ofrece un asiento con una sonrisa.
|| ¿De verdad? ¡Me encantaría! || Responde ella. Mientras los sirvientes nos traían té caliente, crema y pequeños sándwiches de té, Maxwell y Drake se unieron a nosotros. Maxwell se acerca entusiasta y me da un beso en la cabeza.
|| ¡Hey chicos! ¿Podemos acompañarlos? || exclama mientras dirige una mirada tierna a Hana.
|| Claro, tomen asiento || Liam les dice con una sonrisa.
|| Gracias amigo, ¡Finalmente podemos comer! || exclama Maxwell emocionado al sentarse.
|| Si a esto se le puede llamar comida || Drake murmura tomando asiento con mala gana.
|| Drake, ¿en realidad estás criticando la comida gourmet gratis? || pregunté, evidentemente solo para picarlo.
|| No, no es eso… Es solo que hubiera preferido algo más sencillo || Su actitud gruñona cambia notoriamente || Solo digo, dame una buena hamburguesa de noventa y nueve centavos en lugar de esta comida complicada ||
|| Esta vez debo admitir que tienes razón y es un argumento válido, no discutiré contigo esta vez || le sonrío, pero de reojo puedo ver que Drake sacude la cabeza y se le dibuja una ligera sonrisa en el rostro.
|| Mi encantadora Flor, tengo una pregunta para ti || Exclama Maxwell mirándome || ¿Crees que lograste impresionar a la Reina? ||
|| Bueno... creo que sí || respondo con duda, pero noto que Liam me está observando, así que le pregunto || Liam, ¿tú qué opinas? ||
|| Personalmente, creo que sí la impresionaste. Regina es un tanto complicada, para ser sincero, pero actuaste con mucha gracia delante de ella || Él me sonríe y toma mi mano por un momento. Drake aclara la garganta, lo que hace que Liam me suelte rápidamente al darse cuenta de que no estamos solos.
|| Bueno, creo que es suficiente sobre Riley || Drake afirma, tratando de cambiar de tema || Parece que todos los pequeños bocadillos se han ido y todavía tengo hambre ||
|| No te preocupes, amigo. Nos espera más comida en el palacio || Maxwell palmea el hombro de Drake, sonriéndole. Por un momento, me veo soñando con la idea de la pastelería de Cronuts en Nueva York a la que solía ir antes de trabajar. Eran los pasteles perfectos para llenar mi estómago. De repente, mis pensamientos flotan frente a los demás.
|| ¡Vaya! No es por nada, pero desearía tener un delicioso cronut en este momento || Exclamo llena de emoción al recordarlo.
|| ¿Qué es eso? || Liam, Maxwell y Drake preguntan con expresiones de desconcierto y al unísono.
|| Supongo que te refieres a una dona, ¿verdad, Riley? || Comenta Hana con una risa suave.
|| No, no me refiero a una dona... Hablo de un cronut. ¿Nunca han escuchado de eso? || Observo las caras confundidas alrededor de la mesa, todos niegan con la cabeza.
|| En esta ocasión, no puedo decir que sí || Responde Maxwell.
|| ¡En serio? No lo puedo creer... Bueno, chicos, tenemos un problema crítico. Ninguno de ustedes ha probado los cronuts y eso hay que solucionarlo, pero primero, les voy a explicar qué son || Intento encontrar la manera adecuada de describir mi postre favorito || El cronut es una deliciosa fusión entre el croissant y la dona. Fue creado por el pastelero francés Dominique Ansel y puesto a la venta en su pastelería en Nueva York. Se elabora con masa de croissant, tiene un relleno similar al de las donas y viene con su respectivo glaseado. Es uno de los mejores postres jamás inventados ||
|| Has dado una excelente descripción || Comenta Hana con interés.
|| Sí, suena bastante... ¿Americano? || Exclama Maxwell.
|| Exactamente, Max. Por eso deberíamos conseguir uno || Digo emocionada.
|| Suena realmente delicioso y como una gran experiencia, pero no estoy seguro de que el horario nos lo permita || Expresa Liam con cierta decepción. Lo miro fijamente, con ojos suplicantes.
|| Pero, ¿y si nos escapamos esta noche? ¿Crees que podríamos salir sigilosamente del palacio e ir en busca de un cronut? || Le dedico a Liam una sonrisa traviesa. || Estoy segura de que vi una panadería cercana por la ventana del auto mientras veníamos hasta acá ||
|| Creo que suena divertido, pero... ||
|| Tranquilo, Liam nunca se atrevería a romper alg--- || Comienza a decir Drake, pero es interrumpido de inmediato por Liam, quien tiene una mirada juguetona y despreocupada en sus ojos.
|| Está bien, tenemos un plan entonces || Drake simplemente abre la boca en asombro, sin poder creer lo que está escuchando. || Esta vez no le diré nada a Bas, porque estoy seguro de que no me dejará ir, así que... ¡Nos vemos en el frente una vez que oscurezca! ¡Es hora de tener una aventura! ||
Liam toma mi mano por debajo de la mesa, deslizando sus dedos por mis nudillos, luego me guiña un ojo y todos continuamos con nuestra conversación.
En la oscura noche, Hana, Drake, Maxwell y yo esperábamos a Liam afuera del palacio.
|| Parece que Liam está tomando su tiempo, ¿no creen? || Maxwell mira su reloj y comienza a caminar impacientemente en círculos.
|| Maxwell, estamos hablando de Liam, no de Leo... No creo que sea tan fácil escaparse como nos dijo || Exclama Drake, metiendo las manos en los bolsillos y levantando la cabeza hacia el cielo por aburrimiento.
|| ¿Hablaban de mí? || Exclama Liam, apareciendo feliz por detrás nuestro. Al verlo, contengo las ganas de abrazarlo.
|| ¡Lo lograste! || Digo, sonriéndole; él solo me mira y responde.
|| Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que tuve que escaparme por la ventana de mi propia habitación... casi me caigo en los rosales, pero quedé intacto || Exclama victorioso.
|| Vaya, vaya. Quién diría que romperías alguna vez una regla || Dice Drake mientras Liam sonríe y niega con la cabeza.
|| Muy bien, chicos... Ahora comienza nuestra primera aventura || Digo emocionada, tomando su brazo para empezar a caminar.
Minutos más tarde, tras una agradable caminata, a lo lejos divisamos una encantadora pastelería junto a la playa. La luz tenue de la luna iluminaba su fachada pintoresca, mientras las olas susurraban secretos al viento. La brisa marina acariciaba nuestros rostros y los sonidos nocturnos creaban una atmósfera de misterio y romance.
|| ¿Soy solo yo, o la noche se torna más emocionante cuando desafías las reglas? || Maxwell, siempre el espíritu libre, comenzó a saltar juguetonamente por las calles vacías, sumergiéndose en la emoción de la noche mientras el resto de nosotros ríe alegremente, a excepción de Hana.
|| No creo que eso sea apropiado, Maxwell || Hana, más cautelosa, expresó su preocupación por nuestras travesuras nocturnas.
|| ¿En serio?... || Pero luego, Maxwell abre sus ojos de par en par || Oh, sí, tienes razón, Hana. Muy mal, Liam, eres un pésimo ejemplo para nosotros || Es sorprendente cómo Maxwell trata de impresionar a Hana, mientras Liam simplemente niega con la cabeza.
|| Vamos, Max. Después de un día respondiendo a la prensa y a la Reina, esta es la libertad más dulce, ¿no lo crees? || Liam comenta con una sonrisa, dirigiéndome una mirada cómplice.
|| Eso es cierto. No puedo negar que ver a un príncipe rompiendo las reglas es todo un espectáculo || Drake comenta con sarcasmo mientras Liam le da un amistoso golpe en la espalda.
|| A veces es necesario, Drake. || Exclama para luego en un gesto inusual, se acercó a mi oído y susurró con su voz suave y sugerente || Tal vez necesitaba una razón lo suficientemente emocionante para romperlas || Sus palabras provocan una sonrisa en mis labios y siento un leve rubor en mis mejillas.
Minutos después, nos encontrábamos cerca de la famosa pastelería. En ese momento, Maxwell comienza a saltar emocionado. La energía emocionante de la noche nos envolvía mientras continuábamos hacia la pastelería, listos para saborear la dulce libertad que la noche nos ofrecía después de un día lleno de protocolos y formalidades.
|| ¡Hemos llegado! Esta aventura va a volverse de lo más dulce || Maxwell hace un gesto hacia la panadería y entra de golpe, abriendo las puertas de manera escandalosa y gritando a todo pulmón || ¡Necesitamos todos sus mejores Cronuts, por favor! || La emoción y el hambre se reflejan en su rostro mientras todos nos reímos de su entusiasmo desbordante. Pero Hana, con su elegancia característica, se acerca a él con calma y toca suavemente su brazo.
|| Max, no es de buena educación gritar. Creo que se supone que debemos ir al mostrador y no solo exigirlo desde la puerta || Menciona Hana con una sonrisa, suavizando el ímpetu de Maxwell con su serenidad.
|| Oh… Ok… es verdad, me dejé llevar… || menciona Maxwell, conteniendo la emoción que estaba mostrando.
|| Exacto, hay que hacerlo como la gente normal… || Drake exclama pasando por su lado.
|| Sin peleas, muchachos... Pero tranquilos, yo me encargo de esto. Ustedes tomen asiento y no hagan más alboroto || Les digo con una sonrisa y me acerco al mostrador para realizar el pedido. Una vez que todo está listo, regreso a la mesa y siento la reconfortante presencia de Liam, quien se sienta a mi lado y pasa su brazo por la silla. Me inclino un poco más hacia él, y nuestras miradas se encuentran, provocando un latido acelerado en mi corazón.
|| Vaya… Esto realmente se ve delicioso || comenta Liam, sin apartar sus ojos de mí.
Cuando nos sirvieron los exquisitos Cronuts, todos comenzamos a deleitarnos con su sabor. Vivir este tipo de experiencias y disfrutar de momentos tan divertidos resulta sumamente enriquecedor. Poder distanciarnos unas horas del mundo de la corte, de la constante búsqueda de perfección, es realmente un alivio. Incluso Drake parece estar disfrutando, ya que lo veo sonreír de una manera auténtica, algo que rara vez ocurre en su vida. La noche continuaba mientras compartíamos risas, conversaciones y momentos divertidos que fortalecían nuestros lazos.
Momentos después, todos se encontraban satisfechos y con sonrisas amplias al disfrutar de un momento ameno y lleno de sabor.
|| Mi flor… ¡Esta ha sido la mejor experiencia que le he dado a mi paladar! Gracias || Y Maxwell me envuelve en un fuerte abrazo.
|| ¿Saben? No pensé decir esto, pero deberíamos escabullirnos más a menudo || comenta Drake, dejando ver una amplia sonrisa en su rostro.
|| No puedo creer que esté viéndote sonreír… || Le dice Liam a Drake, luego voltea hacia mí y toma mi mano || Quien sabe y se pueda. Tal vez podamos repetirlo más seguido ¿no? ||  
|| Estoy de acuerdo, pero parece que se nos hizo tarde, chicos. Creo que sería prudente regresar || Hana revisa el reloj que cuelga en la pared de la panadería.
|| Tienes razón, Hana. Es hora de volver || Liam me mira, suspira y agrega con una sonrisa || No quiero que el Reino entre en pánico por tener a un príncipe perdido, ¿verdad? || Bromeo mientras se levantaba. Extendió su mano ligeramente y me la ofreció || Mi Lady || Tomé de su mano y me incorporo lentamente, sonriendo. ¿Puede ser que este hombre sea tan perfecto?
|| Imaginen, chicos, cómo los historiadores contarán el día en que Cordonia estuvo al borde del colapso porque el Príncipe decidió escaparse a comer unos Cronuts || Exclama Drake y todos nos dejamos llevar por una risa genuina.
|| Puede que quede registrado en la historia, pero sinceramente no me arrepiento de esta aventura, si eso es lo que quieren escuchar… Lo que sí es inevitable es regresar al palacio || dice Liam mirándonos || Así que vamos, muchachos || Todos salimos de la panadería camino al palacio, pero cuando llevábamos la mitad del trayecto, de repente siento que una figura nos acecha desde atrás. Toco el brazo de Liam para llamar su atención, y al ver al hombre, se sorprende exclamando sorprendido || ¿Sebastián?... ¿Qué haces aquí? ||
|| Príncipe Liam no podía permitir que saliera sin seguridad… || Responde de manera un tanto seria. Sinceramente, pensé que había logrado evadirlo en el palacio.
|| Pero ¿cómo lograste encontrarme? || Pregunta Liam a Sebastián.
|| Por favor, su Alteza. Me asignaron a su hermano antes que a usted, he visto todos los trucos que puedan existir… Además, no es usual que usted haga estas cosas, por lo que realmente me preocupé || Le explica Sebastián.
|| Lamento haberte causado molestias || Dice Liam, siempre tan apropiado en sus palabras, modesto y humilde.
|| La prioridad principal es su seguridad, señor, pero como le mencioné, mi primera asignación fue su hermano y comparado con él, usted apenas representa un inconveniente. Sin embargo, aun así... ||
|| Deberíamos regresar, lo sé... || Liam concluye la frase y gira hacia mí con una expresión de disculpa. Respondo con una sonrisa y asiento, y en ese momento, él sujeta mi mano. Por su parte, Sebastián captura el mensaje.
|| Continúe, señor, yo estaré vigilando desde aquí ||, exclama Sebastián, sonriendo hacia ambos mientras se aleja.
|| Gracias, Bas || Liam sonríe, y Sebastián se coloca discretamente detrás de nosotros, manteniendo su espacio. Mientras todos caminamos de regreso al palacio por la vereda, Liam y yo nos encontramos aislados del resto. De repente, él me rodea con su brazo || Riley, esta fue una idea brillante ||
|| Me alegra que lo pienses así... Pensé que podríamos disfrutar un poco || Entrelazo mis dedos con los suyos. Durante unos preciosos minutos, experimento la sensación de que Liam y yo somos simplemente una pareja común, como cualquier otra.
|| No solo fue eso, Riley; esto es distinto... Es como poder ver todo de manera auténtica || Liam se detiene, tomándose un momento para contemplar la playa y las tiendas a su alrededor || Es extraño, ¿sabes? Siendo el potencial líder de este país, siento que hay tantas cosas que aún no he experimentado ||
|| Bueno... Permíteme decirte que, a partir de ahora, para eso estoy aquí. Soy tu vía de escape hacia cualquier aventura || Le digo con una sonrisa.
|| No sabes cuánto me alegra tenerte aquí, Riley || Me acerca más a él, y siento que me derrito. Su aroma es tan cautivador; su colonia provoca el deseo de acurrucarme en él || Me doy cuenta de que a tu lado puedo ser simplemente yo. No ese líder o ese ícono rodeado de ciertos lujos. Me encantaría tener la libertad de visitar gente, salir con amigos... o pasar más tiempo con las personas que realmente quiero ||
|| Su Alteza... ¿Por qué no es justo con las otras mujeres? || Le digo de manera bromista, dándole un empujón juguetón en el costado. Aunque por dentro, me encanta saber que la mayor parte de su tiempo prefiere pasarla conmigo. Después, me acomodo aún más cerca, esbozando una sonrisa.
|| Tu sentido del humor me encanta... Pero respondiendo a tu pregunta, tal vez cuando estoy fuera del palacio, no siento la obligación de hacerlo || Dice, y puedo percibir su sonrisa. || Riley, gracias por brindarme este vistazo más allá de mi mundo || Me separo un poco y lo miro a los ojos. Puedo ver cómo sus hermosos ojos azules resplandecen y se iluminan. Desearía poder besarlo y sumergirme en esos labios. De repente, en el aire se siente un magnetismo abrumador entre nosotros. Liam se acerca lentamente, pero justo cuando está a punto de besarme, Maxwell se asoma y nos asusta, interrumpiendo nuestro momento.
|| ¡Hey, ustedes dos! Se están quedando rezagados. ¡Aceleren el paso o los dejaremos atrás! || Él sigue su camino junto con Drake y Hana, ajeno a lo que acaba de interrumpir.
|| Está bien, Maxwell || Exclama Liam con fastidio, para luego dirigirme una mirada. || Será mejor que nos apuremos || Liam me obsequia un beso en la frente y toma mi mano para seguir nuestro camino.
|| ¿Podemos caminar más despacio? Quiero aferrarme a estos momentos, ¿sí? || Lo miro y aprieto más mi mano a la suya, soltando un pequeño suspiro.
|| Así será entonces, mi Lady || me asegura y nos aproximamos al grupo. Todos juntos regresamos al palacio, riéndonos bajo la luz de la luna. Pero en mi interior, siento una mezcla de alegría y angustia. ¿Y si me enamoro perdidamente de él y al final no tiene sentido todo esto? ¿En qué te has metido, Riley?
Han pasado varios días desde nuestra gran escapada y no he tenido noticias de Liam desde entonces. Maxwell y Bertrand han aprovechado este tiempo para instruirme más sobre la vida cortesana y sumergirme en la riqueza cultural de este fascinante país. En estos días, también he dedicado tiempo a conocer más a Drake y a Hana, quienes han revelado ser individuos notables. Hana se ha convertido en una amiga extraordinaria, mientras que Drake, a pesar de su personalidad compleja, muestra en lo más profundo de su interior ser dulce, tierno, leal a sus amigos y sumamente protector.
En la tranquila mañana, ya me he levantado con la intención de comenzar mi día y estaba a punto de tomar un baño cuando percibo un insistente llamado en mi puerta. Al abrirla, me encuentro con un Max radiante de sonrisas y un Bertrand imperturbable como siempre.
|| ¡Despierta y brilla, mi Flor! || Maxwell exclama con alegría.
|| ¿Por qué están ambos aquí tan temprano? Y, Maxwell, ¿por qué estás tan contento? ||
|| Lady Riley || Exclama Bertrand con seriedad. || Acabamos de enterarnos donde será el próximo evento social por lo tanto debemos llegar al igual que todos los demás, preferiblemente antes ||
|| Así es, mi Flor, deberíamos empezar a empacar. ¡Será divertido! || Dice Maxwell sin perder su entusiasmo.
|| ¿Y hacia dónde nos dirigiremos esta vez? || Pregunto con curiosidad.
|| Iremos a la región norte de Cordonia, a las tierras nevadas || responde Bertrand.
|| ¿Nieve? || Una sonrisa se forma en mi rostro, evocando recuerdos de momentos alegres con amigos en el Rockefeller Center. || ¡Qué maravilloso... adoro la nieve! ||
|| No celebraría tan pronto, querida... La familia que nos espera y el lugar donde nos hospedaremos pertenecen al Reino de Lythikos || Bertrand frunce el ceño mientras lo miro confundida || Mi Lady, estás a punto de adentrarte en la casa de Olivia Nevraskis... y si deseas pasar tiempo con el Príncipe, tendrás que vencerla en su propio terreno || Contesta Bertrand con calma.
|| Oh no, mierda... || Exclamo, llena de preocupación. Lo que faltaba, enfrentarme al territorio de esa bruja escarlata.
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@tessa-liam, @kingliam2019, @dutifullynuttywitch, @choicesficwriterscreations, @garrusknight  
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ao719 · 1 year
…Sometimes Not (Part 2)
Left To Chance
This is a submission for @choicesflashfics, using prompt #1, “I don’t have a date, so would you … maybe want to be my plus one?”
Song inspo: Chasing All The Stars - Fleurie
A/N: This is an au mini series to my Always You series. This part is a flashback to the first half of the three years apart from Reyna’s POV. Not beta’d. Please excuse any errors.  
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x OC (Reyna)
Rating: T • Warnings: None but some mild language.
Word count: 2500
Catch up here
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Staring out the window of her high-rise office, Reyna tapped her pen against the desk in rhythm with the ticking clock on the wall. The law firm had been unusually quiet the past few days with everyone but her, a couple of interns, and the office secretary gone for the week.
The firm’s lawyers and paralegals were attending an international conference in Paris. It was a work trip that Reyna’s boss, Luca, had invited her to join them on, but she politely declined. Her presence as the office’s financial manager was not required or needed, but that wasn’t the only reason she had turned down the free trip to the City of Light.
Their kiss.
Although Reyna enjoyed the brief moment between them, she declined Luca’s invitation to Paris because she didn’t want to send the wrong message. She still wasn’t in a place where she was ready to explore anything new with anyone because despite knowing she needed to let go, Liam was still very heavy on her mind and heart.
It had been over a month since Reyna last saw Liam the night of his coronation, the night she watched him choose the woman he’d soon be marrying. She hadn’t spoken to him since; she’d sent him a message on his birthday, a message he read but never responded to. She hadn’t tried reaching out again.
Liam was currently somewhere in Europe on his Engagement Tour and planning his upcoming nuptials.
Reyna was trying to go through the motions and deal with everything in her own way. She had been trying to move on even though most days it felt futile. She was working full-time. She was finally starting her master’s program next month after missing her first chance during her spiral. She was doing everything she could to keep herself occupied … to keep herself from falling apart like she wanted to most days.
No matter how hard she tried, though, Reyna couldn’t seem to fill that void left inside her. A piece of her was missing and it hurt like hell to try and force herself to come to terms with the reality of losing Liam, both as a friend and more.
For over a decade, Liam had been a monumental part of Reyna’s life; he was her best friend, her person, the one she told everything to, and eventually, the man she deemed to be the love of her life. Going from what they shared to absolutely nothing … it destroyed a part of her, a part of her that was just for him and no one else … a part of her that would never be the same again.
•Two Months Later•
On an early Friday morning, before the sun had risen, Reyna lay awake in bed.
It was near afternoon in Cordonia … and Liam’s wedding day.
Reyna had managed to avoid any news of Liam since her return from his coronation three months ago; she refrained from doing any internet searches, and even though he spoke to Constantine a few times or more a month, her father respected her request for no updates. She didn’t want to hear about Liam and the life he was living without her. And while she still struggled every day to truly grasp the reality that he was no longer a part of her life, today was especially difficult.
It was the worst Reyna had felt in months, and that chasm in her heart left by their fallout and Liam’s absence in her life felt as though it was being ripped wide open, knowing what he would be doing that day.
As Reyna continued to toss and turn, her gaze kept shifting from the clock on her nightstand to her desk. Despite knowing it was a terrible idea, she couldn’t help but eye her laptop; she knew one little search would bring her to extended coverage of the royal wedding.
Eventually, Reyna flung the covers off herself and stood from the bed. She moved to her desk and lowered herself into the chair; she opened her laptop and pulled up the internet search bar, typing the words, ‘Cordonian royal wedding.’
Instant results popped up from multiple media sources. The first result, however, had Reyna’s stomach twisting in knots. Live coverage. She could see it happening in real time.  
Reyna closed her eyes, pressing the tips of her fingers to her forehead as she let out a breath. She knew she shouldn’t because of what it would do to her. She couldn’t seem to help herself, though.
It was like she had to see it to believe it.
When she opened her eyes, Reyna clicked the link. A video popped up, buffering for a moment before footage of inside the Bossina Cathedral filled her screen. Her eyes instantly welled with tears.
There, at the front of the aisle, was Liam. Dressed in his royal regalia, he stood across from Riley, who was clad in a flowing gown of white lace … and in the middle of her vows.
Reyna listened as her tears started to fall; as painful as it was, she couldn’t look away. When Riley finished, the bishop turned to Liam as the camera panned to him. Reyna swore her heart stopped as she stared at his face on the screen, and she held her breath when she recognized the look of hesitation in his eyes … along with a glimmer of affliction.
A few silent moments later, Liam started to speak.
While Riley’s vows were straight from the book, Liam’s were slightly altered; where she’d spoken the words, “to love and to cherish,” Liam changed his. “To be a companion in life and duty.”
A companion. A friend.
It didn’t matter to Reyna what words were altered, it fucking hurt. More so when she watched him slip that ring onto her finger.
Reyna pressed her palm to her aching chest with a quiet sob. Twice now she thought she’d felt the worst of it, of her heartbreak. The first time was when Liam told her he needed to have a Social Season … that they couldn’t be together. The second was when she watched him choose someone at his coronation. But this … hearing him recite vows to someone else, watching him slip a promise in the form of a ring on another’s finger … It was at that exact moment her heart ruptured in her chest.
Reyna could physically feel it, the splintering and cracking and shattering. The death of something vital inside her.
Despite what Liam told her at his coronation, that he saw Riley as nothing more than a friend, Reyna knew what those vows and that promise would mean to him.
Liam would try to love Riley in some form. He would keep those vows and that promise because that’s just who he was. He would try and build something out of scraps in an attempt to assuage the guilt Reyna knew he would feel over not giving himself entirely.
And there was a chance in Liam’s willingness to try that he could grow to see her beyond a friend … that he could grow to truly love her. And that meant Reyna had really lost him.
A man of his word, those vows solidified it.
That night, Reyna sat in her room with heavy eyes and an even heavier heart. She’d spent most of the day in a daze. Her parents were with her; they let her cry as much as she wanted and tried their best to comfort her.
Constantine and Regina understood when Gideon and Catherine declined their invitation to the royal wedding. It wasn’t because they held a grudge but because they didn’t want to leave Reyna alone; when she walked out of her bedroom that morning, one look at her was precisely why.
That was a day Reyna found herself wanting to talk to Liam more than most. There were so many things she wanted to say to him, so much she wanted to tell him and vent to him about. She couldn’t and wouldn’t, but she wished she could.
Reaching for her bottle of water on her nightstand, Reyna’s eyes fell on a brown leather cover of a journal. She’d gotten it a month ago while out shopping with her Aunt Elsie. She hadn’t written in it … yet.
An idea then struck. Perhaps Reyna could tell Liam everything she wanted to. She could pour her heart and soul out to him onto blank pages, and though he’d never know or respond, maybe this could help her heal, even if only a little.
Reyna grabbed the journal and a pen from the nightstand drawer; she opened it to the first page, staring down at the blank sheet of paper for a moment as a tear rolled down her cheek.
“Dear Liam …”
•Two Months Later•
Reyna stood in her office as she slipped on her coat. It was Friday and, ahead of her assignments, she was looking forward to a weekend of … nothing. Isolating herself had become her norm.
It had been five months since Reyna last spoke to Liam and while better, she was still working on trying to let go and come to terms with everything.
Writing in the journal seemed to help somewhat.
Reyna wrote to Liam almost every day. She wrote about her days. She wrote every time something reminded her of him. She wrote to reminisce and added photos to some pages. She wrote every happy and lonely thought. Some entries were long and deep and vulnerable, and she cried over the pages and words he’d never read; others were short, a mere sentence, a simple, “I really missed you today.”
It wasn’t what Reyna wanted, but it was all she could have.
As she grabbed her purse off the back of her chair, a knock on her office door pulled Reyna’s attention; she glanced up to see Luca. “Hey,” she smiled.
“Hi,” Luca grinned. “I know you’re getting ready to head out, but, uh …” He trailed off, letting out a breath. “You know the gala my father is hosting for his firm tomorrow night?”
“Yeah,” Reyna smiled. “My parents are going.”
Luca nodded. “I know this is last minute, but I wanted to ask … I don’t have a date, so would you … maybe want to be my plus one?”
Reyna stared at Luca for a moment. She’d turned him down for a date months ago because she wasn’t ready; he’d told her that if and when she was, he’d be there. They had shared that kiss a month or so later, but nothing since.
Although Reyna was still healing, would it be so bad to put herself back out there? To take that first step in really moving forward? He was only asking for one date.
“I know you said a while back that you weren’t in a headspace for dating, and if that’s still the case, I completely under—”
“I’d love to,” Reyna interrupted.
Luca beamed. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Reyna softly smiled. “Really.”
•Four Months Later•
Luca slipped an arm around Reyna’s waist as they walked out of the restaurant after dinner one night. She glanced up at him, and he smiled as he leaned in, pulling her closer as he placed a lingering kiss on her lips.
After that first date to the gala, Reyna explained to Luca that while she enjoyed his company, she needed patience; she told him about Liam — who he had been to her, their history and relationship, her heartache, and what she went through when things ended.
Luca had been understanding, and was more than happy to give Reyna the time she needed, but four months in, he found himself falling hard for her and was ready to make things more … official.
As they walked along the pier, Luca slowed their pace to a stop; Reyna leaned against the railing, looking out at the harbor. “Can I ask you something?” Luca said, and she looked at him, nodding with a smile. “What is this?” he questioned. “With you and I, I mean …”
“I —” Reyna paused for a moment. “We … we’re dating.”
“Yes,” Luca nodded with a halfhearted smile. “What I mean is … is there a point when this will … I don’t know,” he shrugged, “take that next step into something more … serious?”
“Serious as in …?”
“As in … when we go out, I can introduce you as my girlfriend instead of just my date.”
Luca knew that what was holding Reyna back from him was the piece of her that was holding onto her past. Perhaps he was a fool for holding onto his own hope that she would eventually see what was standing right in front of her — someone willing to love her the way Liam chose not to. He was tired of the chokehold this Prince still had on her.
Luca wanted to be all in with Reyna, and he would be if she could just get out of her own damn way.
“Look,” Luca began. “I know that there’s some small part of you that’s holding onto something for him …” At his words, Reyna let out a breath, feeling that dull ache start to roil in her chest mixed with a pang of heavy guilt. “I understand what he meant to you. But regardless of choice or circumstance, you were hurt because of him. And he’s the reason that you keep putting your life on hold while he’s out there living his. Have you ever thought that maybe if you just let him go … you’d finally be able to breathe again?” She dropped his gaze, blinking back the sting in her eyes and the strike his words had hit her with. “I don’t want to upset you, Reyna. All I’m saying is that you deserve to be happy, too.”
Reyna snapped her eyes back to him. You deserve to be happy, too. It wasn’t him telling her that she deserved to be happy that had stolen the air from her lungs.
It was the ‘too.’
Liam was happy … without her. It was a truth she had yet to allow herself to accept the possibility of.
And here was Luca … forcing her to face it.
Reyna couldn’t say Luca was wrong; she was holding onto Liam. And she felt guilty because she knew Luca cared about her; he’d gone out of his way to show her since that first date. And she cared for him.
“You’re right,” Reyna interrupted as she shook her head. “I’m sorry. I …” She trailed off, letting out a breath.
Luca stepped forward; he cupped her face in his hands, forcing her gaze to his. He searched her eyes for a moment before capturing her lips in a deep kiss.
Later that night, Reyna sat on her bed, staring down at her journal; she’d still been writing in it almost every day.
The pen hovered over the page for a long while before Reyna finally put ink to paper.
“Dear Liam …
I have a boyfriend …”
•Nine Months Later•
“This is amazing,” Reyna said as she took in the sunset at Castello di Amorosa.
Luca had planned a trip for them to Napa Valley, and one of their stops was the medieval-style Tuscan castle.
“I knew you’d love it here,” Luca said behind her.
“It’s gorgeous.”
As she stared at the castle, Reyna couldn’t help but be reminded of a certain someone. He always loved places like this, she thought to herself. And he loved good wine.
It had been a year and a half since Reyna had last seen or spoken to Liam. If someone told her just a couple of years ago where they would be now, she would have laughed in their face. Not them. Never. Yet, here they were, living two separate lives, no longer a part of each other’s. Devastated didn’t begin to describe how she still felt about it, even after all this time.
While Reyna missed everything she shared with Liam, more than anything, she missed her best friend. Not a day went by where he didn’t cross her mind at least a dozen times. She hadn’t reached out, however, and neither had he.
All she could do was hope that he was ok … and happy.
When Reyna turned back toward the vineyards, her gaze dropped to Luca; he was on one knee in front of her wearing a brilliant smile. She let out a breath, feeling her heart imperceptibly drop when he opened the box in his hands, revealing a glittering diamond ring.
“Reyna … will you marry me?”
The man kneeling before Reyna was holding his heart in his hands and asking her to take it, and the first thing that crossed her mind was not an answer … or perhaps it was.
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gaiuskamilah · 5 months
30 sec timelapse of this piece
🎵 house of woodcock - jonny greenwood
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kristinamae093 · 10 months
Ghosted - The Apple Banquet (Chapter 7)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry
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The Apple Banquet was set to begin inside the ballroom of the Applewood Estate momentarily. The entire country was excited, as it was the first one to take place since Constantine wed Regina. All of the nobility gathered to witness the bride and groom share an apple from the year’s first harvest before the wedding.
The wedding, Liam scoffed at the thought. After they found all of Riley’s things a few days ago, he completely changed his view point on the scandal and her disappearance. He spent all this time believing she left to be with someone else, but he began to see the situation from a different light.
It seems the more he learns about Riley’s last night here, the more he believes she was forced away.
Liam learned of Riley retiring early from Maxwell, so they had a solid timeframe where someone could have gotten her out of the estate undetected and the maid to pack and move her things. He felt a sense of relief when the maid reiterated that she was not seen leaving with Tariq, but another man. Of course, he wished she would have been able to identify the unknown person, but in a way, his heart swelled knowing she didn’t leave with Tariq, although it opened a world of other unanswered questions.
Bastien had been searching for Tariq and Riley but had no luck in locating either thus far. The last trace of Riley was landing from her flight in New York, the morning after the Country Jamboree. From there, her trail runs cold. There was no trace of Tariq after his arrival to Applewood whatsoever; there wasn’t even a record of a car coming to pick him up from the estate that night. They had both simply vanished into thin air, like a ghost.
Without either of them, Liam was clueless as to how to proceed further. The few clues they had were just that, clues. There was nothing prominent enough to place blame anywhere. Riley's room had been cleared, not a trace to be found. Nothing was spotted outside, no predominant leads were found in the shed, aside from the dress and the piece of mail. Much to everyone's dismay, Bastien confirmed that he disposed of Riley's phone and the letter left in the room, so no comparison could be done. Liam took blame for everything and felt helpless, there was nothing more he could do; but he felt he had to put on his Kingly facade and continue as if nothing was amiss, at least for the time being.
However, Liam felt the time constricting on him. He was set to marry Madeleine in just a few short weeks, and he didn’t have a clue as to what he was going to do about that. Although he knew it was his duty to marry and produce heirs, he didn’t know if he could marry Madeleine just to appease the nobility, especially now that he knew someone potentially plotted to put her on the throne.
More than that, after they found Riley’s bloodied dress, Liam felt a renewed sense of urgency about locating her; he needed to see that she was unharmed. Of course he wanted nothing more than to hopefully bring her back and ultimately make her his Queen, but he didn’t want to get too far ahead of himself. Just seeing with his own two eyes that she is okay would suffice him, although it would break his heart all over again.
As Liam stood on the dias next to Madeleine greeting all of the court’s nobles, he couldn’t help but look at everyone as if they were a suspect. Although the maid said she saw Riley with a man in a suit, every single person there could have benefitted from getting rid of her; he was aware of the fact that Riley was a commoner and not everyone would be okay with having her as a Queen. Furthermore, Liam was sure it was a hired person who escorted Riley away; he knew his nobles were not stupid, but conniving and malicious. They wouldn’t risk getting their hands dirty, especially with something of that magnitude considering she would have been his selection. That meant the suspect list was open to all of the nobility at this point.
“Liam? Are you even listening to me?!” Madeleine snapped.
“No, I’m not.” Liam retorted. He realized the other nobles were lining up behind the double doors, a sure signal that they were about to be announced into the ballroom with his Father and Regina at the head. He turned away from Madeleine and headed toward the line of people. He took his position in the back of the procession, as tradition dictated. He squared his shoulders, stood to his full height, and waited.
“Penelope!” Madeleine snapped her fingers. “My train!”
Liam silently scoffed as he watched Penelope scurry over and take position behind Madeleine. He saw her struggling to keep up with Madeleine’s pace, but she never once let that train touch the ground.
As they reached Liam’s position, Madeleine shooed Penelope away before she turned to Liam. “Cute. I don’t know what your deal is but you need to knock it off.”
“Or what?” Liam snapped as he turned to face her.
“I’m sure I can think of something.”
“Are you threatening me?”
Madeleine indignantly laughed. “No, darling, whatever would make you think that?” She feigned innocence.
Liam stepped closer to her and lowered his voice to where only she could hear. “I told you, I'm not playing whatever game it is that you are trying to play. You'd do well to remember that you are not the Queen, not yet… I hold that power, so I would advise you to tread carefully, Countess.” He hissed through clenched teeth.
Liam found himself on edge; he was not in the mood to deal with Madeleine, or anyone else for that matter. This is the last place he wanted to be, and he was not about to let Madeleine try and boss him around or assert whatever dominance she thought she held over him.
Liam stood back up and adjusted his lapels. Madeleine’s face turned a hundred shades of crimson, but she returned her attention to the line in front of her. She attempted to thread her arm through Liam’s, but he pulled away. At a nod from the herald, the doors swung open and Liam strode inside with Madeleine walking closely beside him.
They were led by a servant to a banquet table adorned with a white lace tablecloth. A wooden stand sat in the middle of the table with a bright red cordonian ruby sitting atop it, beside the apple was a knife with a black handle and gold trim.
Liam took his position behind the table next to Madeleine and directed his attention to his father, who had taken place in front of the table with a champagne flute of cider in hand.
"The sharing of a Cordonian ruby dates back to the times of King Fabian. At that time, the King and Queen would not share cake when they wed, but instead a Cordonian ruby. The monarchy has since modernized, but this tradition is to honor those who have paved the way before us.
We gather here today to celebrate not only another year's bountiful harvest, but the matrimony that these two will share. Although no vows will be exchanged here today, the symbolism remains the same."
Constantine stopped his speech as applause filled the air. He waited for a few moments before he raised his hand to quiet the crowd and continued. "We have a bright future ahead of us as a country. I have no doubt in my mind that these two will lead us with distinction and grace, just as the Kings and Queens before them. We will not only thrive under their rule, but prosper." He lifted his glass in the air. "To King Liam and our soon to be Queen, Countess Madeleine."
The crowd all raised their glasses and echoed the former King's sentiments. Liam and Madeleine then each cut a slice from the apple and ate it to complete the needless ceremony. Liam grew up loving the Cordonian ruby and was incredibly proud of his heritage, but that particular apple tasted incredibly tart and bitter. It took all of his willpower not to scrunch his face as the tangy, sour flavor overcame his taste buds.
Liam was forced to stand for photographs with Madeleine before he could take a moment for himself. He didn't smile, but instead just started blankly into space past the camera. Madeleine was positioned at a slight angle in front of him and he made it a point to put as much space between them as he could and still get a 'natural’ looking portrait.
Once pictures were finished, Liam made a beeline for the bar and ordered himself a scotch on the rocks; he needed something to calm his dangerously high stress levels. As his drink was delivered to him, he felt a hand on his back. He turned around to find Drake. “How you holding up?”
“I’m not, Drake. I haven’t slept, I don’t want to be here. I need to be looking for them, for her; I have to find her.” Liam said before he downed his drink in one gulp and motioned to the bartender for another.
Drake stepped forward and signaled for a whiskey as the bartender refilled Liam’s glass. As he waited he addressed Liam. “I know this is hard on you especially. But, for now, you gotta just play along. Make ‘em think you’re really gonna go through with the wedding.”
“It's just around the corner. There's not a lot of time…”
“Don’t think about that. Right now, our focus is this investigation. We just need a little bit more to go off of, and we’re going to find it, Li. However, that means you gotta pretened to be a pretentious stick in the mud to appease all these ass wipes for a little bit…” Drake smirked as he took a sip from his drink and looked around the room.
Liam half-laughed. “I know you’re right. This is the best option, at least for now.” He shook his head and looked into his drink. “I’m just having a hard time being diplomatic when I know that someone very likely in this room is responsible for hurting the woman I love.”
Drake patted Liam on the back. “I know. But, just think, when all this is said and done and we figure out who did this, you’re gonna get to go full blown King on that mutherfucker! Goddamn I can’t wait for that!” Drake exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.
Liam laughed, for real this time. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so happy, even when I got you that international whiskey subscription for your birthday.”
“Man, I should order another one of those, that Hakushu Single Malt was to die for.” Drake responded as he took a drink of the whiskey in his hand, imagining it was the japanese liquor.
“Maybe when this is all said and done I can get you a whole case of that.” Liam chuckled when Drake’s eyes widened, but he soon sighed and looked out at the crowd in front of them. “I suppose I should circulate the room, pretend I want to be here. But thank you for lifting my spirits.”
“What I’m here for.” Drake replied as he lifted his glass to Liam, who returned the gesture and downed a large drink after. Liam shook his hand before he turned and made his way through the crowded room.
As he turned away, Liam saw some lesser nobles and the suitors he hadn’t chosen, minus Olivia, who was not yet joining the tour officially. At first glance, he noticed Lady Hana was not present. He was unsure if an invitation had been extended or not, but made a mental note to find out. He shook his head and looked away as he observed Penelope dabbing Madeleine’s mouth with a napkin. She trailed behind holding her drink, even going as far as bringing the glass to Madeleine's lips.
Liam continued through the room, stopping on occasion to shake a hand and exchange pleasantries. He spotted his Father and Regina as they glided throughout the ballroom together. Even though Constantine hadn’t been given much time to live, he insisted on being present throughout the tour. Liam told him he didn’t need to accompany them on the entire route, but Constantine was stubborn and was outside with everyone else when it was time for the motorcade to leave the capitol.
As Liam made his way to the other side of the room, he noticed Bertrand and Maxwell in a secluded alcove. Bertrand waved his finger in Maxwell’s face and Maxwell had his gaze trained to the floor in front of him. Bertrand’s body was turned slightly away from Liam, but he could still see his reddened face and it appeared he spoke so fast he hadn't even stopped for a breath.
Liam decided he needed to intervene and walked toward the pair. He cleared his throat as he approached them. Bertrand turned with wide eyes and bowed to Liam.
“Is everything alright?” Liam asked.
“Oh, yes, of course Your Majesty. We were just discussing House business.” Bertrand replied as he slid his eyes over to Maxwell with an irritated expression.
“That’s not what appeared to be happening. It looks as though you were once again berating Maxwell when I specifically told you to lay off of him.”
“I understand that. However, I learned today from a potential business partner that Maxwell left the estate when he should have been awaiting their call! We didn't secure that deal because he decided he had something more important to do!” Bertrand exasperated as he kept his steely gaze trained on Maxwell.
Maxwell finally looked up to meet eyes with Liam. Liam knew that Maxwell snuck away from the estate to meet Drake and Olivia before the tour started; he also knew that Maxwell had not told Bertrand about their investigation, per Liam's request. Instead, he continued to let Bertrand berate him and place blame on him for their houses' tanked reputation and financial crisis.
What Liam saw in Maxwell’s gaze was complete devastation, he knew judging from his defeated expression he was starting to break. And Liam couldn’t blame him, he had put up with Bertrand's rants daily for months.
Although Liam wasn’t entirely sure if he should, he couldn’t bear to watch his friend be torn down to nothing and let it happen; it was time to set Bertrand straight.
Bertrand began again. “He’s continuously shown his irresponsibility! You can’t pick a suitor, you can’t answer a phone, what can you do, then?! I am this close to–”
“Enough.” Liam said in a quiet but stern tone as he held up his hand to stop Bertrand from his tirade.
“Forgive me, Your Majesty, I forget myself–”
“No. You are not going to berate Maxwell any longer as if this is his fault: it is not. As far as him missing your 'important' phone call, I happen to know where he was and who he was with, and that meeting was far more important, I assure you.” Liam bit out.
Bertrand grew confused. “What? I don’t understand, what meeting? Why didn’t you tell me about this meeting?” He asked Maxwell.
“I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone…” Maxwell quietly answered, avoiding eye contact.
“What does that even mean?!”
Liam quickly looked behind him to the crowded ballroom and decided it was too risky to talk there. He motioned for Maxwell and Bertrand to follow him and led them down a hallway close by. He stopped at a nondescript door and ushered them inside.
As he faced them, Liam addressed Bertrand, specifically. “Duke Beaumont, I’d first off like to say that you should be ashamed of how you’ve treated Maxwell as of recent. Let's not forget, you didn’t even select a suitor to begin with.”
“With all due respect, Your Majesty–”
Liam held up his hand to stop him. “I’m not interested in your excuses, nor your apologies. Those are not meant for me, anyway.” Liam looked to Maxwell with a sad expression, then back to Bertrand. “I just wanted you to understand that your King is incredibly disappointed in your horrific behavior, which you had no reason for.”
“No reason?! Sir, I have every reason to be upset! Maxwell brought that… that… harlot here and she–”
“You are two seconds away from finding yourself in the cells. I know you don’t know the truth, but I’d advise you to watch your tone.” Liam hissed through clenched teeth.
“The truth? What truth is there to know? We all know what happened–”
“I have officially opened an investigation into Lady Riley’s disappearance.”
Bertrand’s eyes bulged from the sockets. “D-Disapperance?!”
Liam told Bertrand about what they had learned so far and where they were at with the investigation, as well as his suspicions of Riley being forced to leave. He told him about the shed they found, as well as the bloodied dress and letter inside.
When Liam was finished, he and Maxwell watched as Bertrand slowly walked over to a chair and sunk himself down into it. He clasped his hands together and stared in front of him for a long while. Liam and Maxwell didn’t say a word, just observed as a plethora of emotions crossed Bertrand’s features.
Finally, Bertrand spoke. He kept his gaze to the floor in front of him, “So… she was set up?” he whispered.
“We believe so, yes.” Liam answered.
Bertrand broke into sobs. Maxwell quickly crossed the room and crouched in front of Bertrand. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but we’re going to figure this out! We’re going to fix this!” Maxwell promised him as tears of his own streamed down his face.
Bertrand shook his head and looked away from Maxwell. “While I’m upset she was set up, I’m mostly ashamed of how I’ve treated you since... I’ve blamed you and berated you this whole time, and you were never at fault. You never once challenged me in all the atrocious things I said about you, you just… allowed me to do it…” He tried to swallow the overwhelming lump in his throat and quietly asked, “Did you know about Lady Riley? This whole time?”
Maxwell shook his head and quietly responded, “I only found out before the tour, although I will admit I didn’t know when I snuck out.” He looked away. “I had my doubts about it though… But you were so mad at me and I didn’t want to make it worse.”
“Maxwell… I-I’m so sorry...” Bertrand shook his head as more tears flowed down his cheeks. “You didn’t deserve any of that treatment. I can’t believe I’ve acted this way…”
Maxwell inched closer. “It’s okay, Bertrand!”
“No, it’s not okay. I treated you so… maliciously, as if you weren’t my own flesh and blood.” Bertrand wiped at his cheeks and looked Maxwell directly in the eye. “I’ll never forgive myself.”
Maxwell leaned forward and embraced Bertrand; he squeezed him as tight as he could. Even though Maxwell was still indeed hurt from Bertrand’s harsh words, he didn’t want to see him beat himself up over it. All he wanted to do was to move forward and put this entire mess behind them. Ultimately, all Maxwell wanted was to clear his best friend’s name and bring her home to make the family complete again.
“I love you Bertrand, and if I forgive you, you have to forgive yourself. You’ve been under so much pressure since Dad got sick, and I know I’ve always added to your problems. And then to lose our suitor at the very end of the season…” Maxwell took a deep breath to steady himself and continued. “You were under a lot of stress, and it was technically my fault for bringing her here to begin with, so…”
“No.” Bertrand firmly said as he pulled himself from Maxwell’s embrace, “You are not to blame here whatsoever Maxwell… In fact, I may be more at fault here than you..." He took a deep breath and quietly said, "I – I'm afraid I may need to come clean about something…"
Maxwell immediately moved and stood next to Liam with a furrowed brow. Liam felt his heart rate increase and stepped forward instantly. "What do you mean?"
"I – I worry you may find out anyway during your investigation, and I feel after my other atrocious actions I may as well come clean and take my punishment."
Bertrand was suddenly yanked up from his seat by Liam's strong hands. Liam held Bertrand by the collar of his sweater and pulled his face to eye level, nearly lifting him off his feet. "What did you do?"
Maxwell stepped forward to intervene, but Bertrand held a hand out to stop him. As he spoke, his eyes never left Liam's steely gaze. "Don't. I deserve whatever may come." He took a deep breath and told them about going through Maxwell’s phone and selling the photos from Liam's bachelor party. Bertrand realized if Liam found out on his own, his fate would be ten times worse than whatever he would be facing now. To hopefully spare himself, he was willing to come clean.
The longer Bertrand spoke, the more Maxwell's shock intensified; he couldn't believe Bertrand stooped so low. Liam saw red; he yanked Bertrand closer and growled, "You fucking snake."
"I understand your anger, sir–"
"Did you do it? Did you set her up?" Liam slightly shook Bertrand. "Did you force her to leave?!"
Bertrand's eyes widened once more. "No! My indiscretions were toward the beginning of the social season, and I changed my view on her! I believed in her until–"
"Why? Why do it then?!" Liam shook Bertrand harder, audibly tearing his vest in the process, but Liam was quick to bunch up more fabric to keep his hold intact.
"I assumed she wouldn't last and I was desperate for the money." Bertrand quickly spat out.
"So you not only sold your suitor out, but you sold me out as well? For profit?" Bertrand didn't respond, only nodded his head with shame etched in his features.
At that moment, every single thing that happened over the past couple of days combined with this newly added betrayal sent Liam overboard. He tightened his grip on Bertrand’s vest and pulled, ripping it down the middle with ease and leaving it dangling like the jacket over it. Bertrand stumbled backwards but was given no time to react before a fist connected with his jaw, the popping sound echoing throughout the room. Bertrand dropped to the floor with a yelp cradling his face as he frantically prepared himself for the next blow. Maxwell wanted to help, but he was frozen in fear at seeing the look of pure rage in Liam's features.
Liam stared down at Bertrand through narrowed eyes with heavy breaths. "Your actions are making me question whether or not you are truly fit for the title of Duke. To not only exploit your suitor, but your future King?" He stalked toward Bertrand, who was scooting backward across the floor.
The moment was interrupted by a stern knock. Without notice the door swung open and Bastien rushed inside. He quickly approached Liam and said, “Sir, we need to get you to the safe room, now.” and placed his hand on him to begin leading him away.
“What, why?!” Liam questioned as he attempted to evade Bastien’s grip.
“There’s been a body found.”
Liam forcefully stomped his feet on the ground. “What?! Do you know who it was? What happened?”
“Sir, I don’t know a lot of information right now, but I have to get you to safety before I can go secure the area.”
“Where was it?”
Bastien remained silent for a long moment. He looked as if he didn’t want to answer, but once he saw Liam’s budding impatience he finally spoke. “The west grounds, sir.”
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While Liam was locked away in the guarded safe room with Madeleine, her parents, Constantine and Regina, Olivia and Drake were on their way to examine the crime scene with Bastien. The royal family had a secured area inside all the major estates for this purpose, although houses were available nearby. However, those were only used in drastic scenarios such as terrorist threats or assassination attempts. Since there was no signs someone was attempting to target the nobility, Bastien assured them they would be safe there while he and the guard did an initial investigation.
Olivia was not yet ready to join the tour on an official standpoint. She knew the time would come when she would have to, but right now she was only stalking in the shadows looking for any kind of information. Only a select few knew of her presence and she intended to keep it that way until absolutely necessary.
Olivia went back and searched Riley’s room again to ensure nothing was missed and returned to the shed to retrieve the contaminated dress. As her initial shock faded, she realized that was a prominent clue laying right in front of their faces. She went back and grabbed the article at the start of the Apple Banquet while everyone was distracted. She intended to give the item to Bastien, but when he found her and informed her of the crime committed she sprung into action and followed along, the dress momentarily forgotten.
As they walked along the path she immediately realized where they were headed; the shed she had visited just a few hours prior where Riley's things were hidden. From the front, everything appeared as it was when Olivia visited the area. Her anxiety increased as Bastien approached the structure, but he veered to the left and led them to the back, which she was nowhere near during her earlier venture.
Guards scoured all around, some people in lab coats were taking pictures, multiple evidence markers lay on the ground near the area. As her eyes searched over the vicinity, she couldn’t help but feel like it seemed incredibly – tame, for what she was guessing had happened.
Propped against the back wall of the shed was a lifeless body. Upon first glance, the cause of death was undoubtedly clear; the victim's throat had been slashed nearly from ear to ear. Olivia grew up around weapons and knew exactly what kind of damage her skills could do. As she gazed upon the gruesome gash, she immediately knew that wound was deep and absolutely intentional; whoever did this did not hesitate whatsoever. Furthermore, the face was severely battered; both eyes were swollen shut and painted every shade of black, as well as a severely broken nose. She stared at the battered face for only a moment before a small gasp escaped Olivia as recognition swept over her; it was the maid they had spoken with only a few days prior.
Olivia’s widened eyes traveled down the body and she was unable to tell if there could be more wounds on the maid’s chest and abdomen, or if the coat of blood was due to her fatal injury. However, that’s where Olivia’s suspicions sky rocketed; the body was covered in a heavy layer of blood, but the ground around her had nothing.
“Walker, come here.” Olivia beckoned. Drake walked over to her with furrowed brows as Olivia stood. “Tell me I’m crazy, but there’s absolutely no blood around that body.”
“Huh…” Drake answered as he looked around. “You’re right. Hey Bas!” He hollered over his shoulder. Bastien appeared within an instant with a pen and pad in hand. “Have you noticed how there’s no blood here?”
“Hmm…” Bastien glanced down at the area with an unreadable expression before he nodded and wrote something down. “I’ve added it to my notes. Do be sure to let me know if you notice anything else. The more information we have, the sooner we can find an answer.”
“Are we just going to ignore the gigantic elephant in the room?" Olivia motioned to the shed. “This is no coincidence. Who this is, where she’s at, the fact that I'm certain this body was placed here specifically…”
Drake’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “Holy shit–”
Olivia rolled her eyes. “I’m going to start charging if I have to keep spelling everything out for you.”
Bastien spoke before Drake could retort, “I hadn’t made that connection; excellent work Duchess.”
Olivia raised an eyebrow and watched Bastien jot something yet again on his pad. “Okay, him I understand needing a preschool explanation, you on the other hand should’ve made that connection instantly.” She snapped as she continued to eye him critically.
Bastien was slightly taken back, but quickly recovered himself. “I understand your frustration. However, I’m becoming aware of developments at the same rate as you. I’m grateful for your assistance.” He bowed to her. As he stood he addressed the pair, “I’m going to secure the perimeter.”
Olivia watched him leave with narrowed eyes. He went over to a guard and spoke quietly then aimlessly walked around the area. Every now and again he would write something down, but otherwise he only made laps. She knew Bastien was senseless at times, but he almost seemed more so than normal.
For the first time, she took a good look around and again couldn’t help but notice how everything seemed conveniently placed. The yellow evidence markers were almost in a straight line in clustered areas. She approached one and bent down to observe and saw it was a wad of hair; not one single hair, a bunched up ball of long, dark hair. Another was simply a piece of gum; she was no criminal mastermind, but who in their right mind would spit their gum out in the middle of a vicious murder? Of course, it’s possible to be unrelated, but this area was practically of no use; that is until Riley’s things were shoved here. Regardless, Bastien still continued to search the area as if this was a normal crime scene and nothing was amiss.
As she scanned the area, the sudden realization of what was going on on a broader spectrum hit her; whoever orchestrated getting Madeleine on the throne was surely onto the fact that they were now asking questions. It was a silent agreement that whoever managed to remove the top two suitors from the social season was a powerful force, but it suddenly seemed much stronger and deadlier than before. This entire scene was pieced together to send a message; someone knew, and whoever it was was not happy about their venture for answers.
Olivia pulled Drake aside and spoke in a low, cautious tone. “We need to get out of here.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Look around, Drake! Even you have to notice something does not add up! This was fucking staged – someone is trying to send us a message.”
“We gotta tell Bas–”
“Why? So he can write it down?” Olivia rolled her eyes. “We need to plan our next steps… our next move has to be calculated.” She looked around with a nervous expression. As she did, her eyes landed on Bastien who simply nodded and returned to his grazing.
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Tags (please let me know if you'd like added or removed): @choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose @kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont @bebepac @charlotteg234 @busywoman @malblk21 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia @aussiegurl1234 @karahalloway @the0afnan
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txemrn · 1 year
A Bushel and a Peck
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Book: TRR
Pairing: Liam Rys x Riley Brooks-Rys
Word Count: ~3160
Warning: For mature audiences only; TW: major character deaths; mention of cancer, declining health, miscarriages; depiction of an afterlife
A/N: This is a follow-up to Wounded (you don't need to read it to understand this fic). I was asked to "fix it," and I think I did--I mean, I tried... but in a non-traditional way, that still leads to a true HEA. In a way, this is fairly fluffy, but sad fluffy.
A/N 2: Some of these characters, plot points and dialogue belong to our friends at Pixelberry. This was not beta'd; please excuse my errors.
"Can you show us another one?"
"Please, Auntie Ri? Just one more?"
Riley chuckles under her breath before a dry cough robs her titters. "You two aren't tired of those yet?"
Seven-year-old Monie grabs another leather-bound photo album as her five-year-old sister Ginny finishes a snack. The two girls visit with their great-great aunt every Thursday afternoon during the summer months while their mother runs errands.
"How about this one?" Monie passes the scrapbook to Riley, her frail, old hands gripping tightly to the heavy collection of photographs.
"Oh!" Riley squeals, a gravel to her voice, "you picked one of my favorite ones–"
"You say that about every album," Ginny retorts.
"Shhh, your manners!" Monie shakes her finger at her little sister.
Riley smiles warmly. "You're right; I do say that about my photo albums because I just love all of them." She pauses, licking her lined lips. "But this one…" her breath catches in adoration as she opens the front cover. "This one is very special. Here," she pats the empty spaces next to her on the bed, "let me show you."
The nieces eagerly climb on to the bed, sitting close on either side of Riley.
"Who is that?" Ginny exclaims in shock, looking over her aunt's arms in awe. "She looks like a Disney princess!"  
Riley curls an arm around her petite body, giving the little girl a gentle kiss in her raven curls.
"He's cute!" Monie croons, "he looks like–like Ken!"
Riley lets out a heartfelt laugh before coughing into a handkerchief. "This," she points to the tall, broad-shouldered man, dressed in full regalia, "is King William the first of Cordonia."
"Whoa," both girls hum in unison, their eyes glittering in awe.
"And this woman?" She points to the bride in the picture, "is me."
Ginny gasps, staring up at Riley. "But, Auntie Ri," Ginny puts a finger to her mouth, "where's your crown? And–and why is your hair a different color–?"
"Ginny!" Monie scolds.
Riley coughs into her hand, clearing her throat. "Those are some good observation skills," she boops Ginny on the nose, the little girl then turning to stick out her tongue at her older sister. "This picture was taken on my wedding day, over seventy years ago."
"Wow, that's older than Daddy," Ginny announces.
"So, that's Uncle Liam?" Monie guesses hopefully, pointing to the blond groom. 
Riley hums approvingly. "That is your great-great-uncle Liam."
Monie sighs dreamily looking at the picture. "You're so beautiful, Auntie Ri. Did you love him with all of your heart?"
Riley smiles, a sudden twinkle in her stormy blue eyes as she softly caresses her niece's cheek. "I still do."
After receiving Liam's grim test results for his cancer treatment, the young royal couple was advised by the Council to seek a second opinion. And then a third. But, the conclusion was always the same. Liam was dying. 
With the uncertainty of his time left, he made the difficult decision to step down as king. Cordonia was finally stable and strong enough that it could–and it would– thrive with the sudden change. 
But, once the choice was made, Liam never looked back to the country he loved so dearly. He couldn't. All he could see now was his wife, the woman that held his heart, the woman who wholly and bravely kept her vows…
… for worse…
… in sickness…
Liam and Riley savored every last moment they had with one another during his final eight weeks, laughing and revisiting old memories of their seven years of marriage. They enjoyed one last private waltz before he was confined to a wheelchair, one last café and baklava at their favorite late night bistro before he was restricted to the palace walls.  They held each other close at night, whispering prayers of love over one another, for just one more day, for just one more chance to say, 'I love you.'
And then he went.
Olivia Nevrakis assumed the throne as queen of Cordonia. Liam's short reign will always be celebrated in history as a time of rebuilding, as a time of peace, as a time that set the small country up for success. 
Though not reigning, Riley is still revered as a queen, but shortly after Liam's death, she returned to New York to be near family. She did return to Cordonia for visits, but otherwise, her life resumed back in the states. 
She never remarried. And after the four pregnancy losses she had with Liam, Riley had lost all hope and interest in ever becoming a mother. 
But even though her heart was shattered, she discovered abundant joy in a different familial role: being an aunt.  After the first generation of nieces and nephews had grown up, Riley quickly became the cornerstone of the Brooks family, highly regarded and respected. And loved. She was known as the fun aunt, the one with the best stories, the one that remembered birthdays and sporting events and recitals. She made sure every child in the family felt seen, heard, and above all else, loved.
Lost in the memories of her former life, a knock on the door interrupts Riley from her daydream. "Come in," she calls out, her soft timbre strained and gruff.
A young woman with dark hair bounds into the room, bracing her heavily pregnant belly. Monie and Ginny jump up from the bed, running to her with arms wide open. "Mommy!" They crash into her legs, nuzzling sweetly into their mother's sides.
"Hey, sweet girls," she croons, before she looks towards Riley, raising an eyebrow. "At least… I hope you two were sweet girls for Auntie Ri today."
"Oh, Jamie," Riley titters. "You know they are always perfect angels with me." She winks at her great-niece, hugging her daughters.
"Girls, Daddy is right outside. Can you go hold his hand? I need to talk with Auntie Ri for just a minute." 
Nodding their heads, the two young girls run back to their great-great aunt to give her hugs and kisses goodbye. 
"I love you–" Riley singsongs, giving them a knowing grin. Monie and Ginny chime in with her as they all sing in unison, "a bushel and a peck."
The girls raced to the hallway, instantly meeting their father. Jamie closes the door, letting out a sigh before turning her sad, glistening attention to her great aunt.
"Aunti Ri," a lump grows in her throat, "the doctors said you're refusing your heart cath."
Riley straightens out her posture, firming her jaw. "That's right, dear."
"Why?" The young woman whispers, wiping away a tear.
"Because what difference will it make?" Riley carefully grabs her walker, slowly making her way to her niece. "I'm almost 98-years-old, baby girl," she grabs Jamie's hand, comforting her as she watches her begin to cry. "It's time. I'm… ready to go home."
"But," Jamie exhales a trembling sob, "what about us? What if I'm not ready for you to go?"
Riley grins endearingly, "I know that feeling all too well." She gently rubs her thumb over her niece's fingers. "Did I ever tell you what my Liam said to me the night before he passed?"
Jamie dabs away her tears, shaking her head.
"We would stay up late into the night, dreaming of the life we could've had if it wasn't for, y'know, the cancer. But," Riley licks her lips, "that night. Our last night… Liam was quiet. There were no more what ifs or discussions of what could have been. Instead, he just smiled. Completely at peace." Riley's eyes flutter as she recounts the distant memory. "He simply said, 'I'm ready, love.'" Riley shrugs.
"Do you think he knew?" Jamie sniffles, "you think he was ready to die?"
"I think," Riley removes her bifocals, letting them hang around her neck as she draws closer to her niece. "He was ready to live again. He was ready for the next adventure that life has to offer."
Jamie tilts her head. "What's that?"
"Eternity," Riley chuckles, gripping tight to her great niece's arm. "He's been waiting for me a long time." She sighs with contempt, "You kids?" She chuckles to herself, "you are so strong. You all are. My presence isn't what makes you strong. It was our time together… and sure, you'll be sad. But this life?" Riley shakes her head. "It's not the end of the road. And as for me… I'm ready to live again. I'm ready for my next adventure." A tear rolls down Riley's cheek as she smiles brightly. "I'm ready for eternity."
Jamie helped Riley into her favorite rocking chair for her afternoon nap before dinner, covering her up with her favorite knitted blankets. The women hugged each other close before they finally said their goodbyes. 
Turning to leave, Riley calls Jamie back to her side.
"Baby girl?" Riley titters before she begins to sing. "I love you–"
Jamie lets out a heartfelt laugh, wiping away the last of her tears. "--a bushel and a peck."
Warm beams of light crawl across Riley's skin, stirring her awake from her deep slumber. She sits up, rubbing the remainder of her sleepiness from her eyes when suddenly, she freezes. She blinks a few more times as confusion--and fear–billows through her veins.
Her room. It's different. The space was large, filled with the gorgeous scent of pink Cordonian hydrangeas, fresh picked rubies… and something else. Someone else.
Riley takes in the soft gray hue of the walls, accented by the navy toile window treatments. Everything beautiful in its place, everything perfectly neat, everything… oddly familiar. Like a distant dream, like the memory of another life.
Cautiously taking in her new surroundings, Riley begins to mindlessly fumble with the intricate stitching of a throw pillow, the threading comforting to her fingertips.
Then she stops. 
She holds up her hand, her ocean eyes growing wide with wonder. Her skin. It is pure like the first Lythikos snow. No blemishes, no creases. It's perfectly smooth, perfectly pink and supple. Speechless, she reaches up to touch her own flushed cheeks. 
And she gasps, the lines of the past century remarkably gone. Her face. It feels impossibly soft. Like velvet.
A thread of panic unfurls in her stomach as she throws the covers off her body, retreating to the en suite bathroom. Riley has had dreams like this before–many times, actually. Fantasies about her younger years, about her life in Cordonia, about the precious moments she had with the love of her life.
But there was something strange about this one. Something life-like. Something real.
Riley stares at her reflection in the mirror, her hands curiously exploring her body. Espresso tresses. Slender slopes of her waist and hips. She swivels to the left, then to the right, chuckling at her age-rewind. If she could only tell herself then what she knows now…
As she pretends to pin her hair up in different regal styles, the whisper of a melody floats into the room. Startled by the accompaniment, Riley twirls around, listening more intently. She takes a step forward. Then another. She cranes her neck towards the bedroom door, her only exit.
It was a guitar. Someone was playing it.
Riley carefully opens the door, and pads softly down the hallways, through the kitchen and to the foyer. She presses her ear to the front door of her quarters, the music crescendoing through the air.
Swiftly exiting the quarters, Riley tiptoes through the halls down to the main corridor, following the strumming of notes. She finally comes to a set of double doors, one of them sitting ajar as a heavenly light pours out.
Placing her fingertips on the ornate wood,  the vibrations of each chord stirs the wings of butterflies in her heart. Taking a deep breath, she pokes her head into the room.
A woman–an older woman–sits casually in a chair, her fingers meticulously plucking the strings. Riley focuses on her kind face and soft features. Her wavy blonde hair is pinned back into a low bun, exposing the brilliance of her crystal blue eyes.  Though expressionless as she played, the curves of her rosy lips are pleasant, friendly.
"Oh!" She exclaims, noticing Riley. "You're finally here!"
Riley's eyes grow into saucers. Does she know this woman? 
She watches the older woman set down her instrument before bounding towards where Riley stood.
"We have been waiting for you," she smiles sincerely, taking Riley's hands endearingly into her own. “We have so much to talk about–”
"Oh!" She lets out a hearty laugh as four small children file into the room, dashing quickly to her side. She bends over and greets each one with a tight hug and a kiss. "How are my darlings?"
Riley smiles at the interaction, admiring the love this woman has for her beautiful grandchildren.  She then casually surveys the room; are their parents nearby?
She looks back to the family when suddenly, she notices one of the blond boys with striking eyes like his grandmother is gazing up at her. He doesn't say a word, but his stare is friendly, warm and inviting.
Riley climbs onto her knees, her attention not leaving him as she soaks in his handsome mannerisms. Even for such a young boy, his hair was perfectly combed to the side. His collared shirt was properly tucked in, and he politely held his hands together behind his back. So precious, so refined and orderly, just like…
Riley gasps as a sea of tears gather in her eyes. She reaches out, combing her fingers through his short hair before stroking his freckled cheeks. And she lets out a silent whimper. "William?"
The young boy giggles, turning back to his brothers and sister. "I told you she would remember me!"
Wrapping her arms around his frame, Riley pulls him to herself tightly, his arms securing around her neck. "My–my baby boy…" One-by-one, each child approaches slowly, excitement written on their chubby faces. Riley caresses the cheeks of two more little boys: another blond and one with dark brunette hair like hers. "Henry?" She sniffles as he nods, chewing coyly on his fingernail. "Alexander?" The two boys join the embrace with their brother William, rivers cascading down their mother's face as she peppers them with kisses.
"Do you remember me, Mommy?"
Riley glances up to see a little girl with stormy blue eyes, her espresso waves tamed into two braids. Though she wore a pretty pink jumper with bows, she was wearing a pair of muddy galoshes. 
That's my girl. 
"My Eleanor," Riley whispers, extending her hand to join the fold with her brothers. She presses her lips into the little girl's temple as she holds her close. "Oh, my baby, I love you," she squeezes her grip around the boys, "all of you!" She snickers, "I love you."
"A bushel and a peck," Alexander pipes up. "Right, Mommy?"
New warm tears pour down Riley's reddened face as she lovingly dotes on her children. "That's right, baby," her breath quivers, "that's right. But… how did you–?"
"You used to sing that to me at night–"
"Me, too!" Henry exclaims while William nods in agreement.
"You and Daddy told me that over and over," Eleanor giggles, "until I woke up in Grandma's arms!" 
Riley freezes as she peers up at the older woman, now overcome with her own tears of joy. She slowly stands, her lips parting in awe. "Your majesty?"
"I haven't been called that in over 85 years!" The older woman shares a contagious laugh, “But, how about we just stick with ‘Eleanor’ for now?”  She quickly reaches out, pulling her daughter-in-law into a snug embrace. Riley quickly slinks her arms around the woman, holding her close as they both weep silently together. "You," Eleanor whispers, "were more than I ever dreamed for my Liam. You were–You are everything he deserves… and more.”
Riley suddenly lets go, staring into her mother-in-law's eyes. She bites her lip as she tilts her head curiously, almost in disbelief.
"Where… where is he?" She sobs into a smile.
Eleanor tucks Riley's hair behind her ear before resting her hands on her daughter-in-law's shoulders. "Where do you think, my dear?"
Riley stumbles backwards as a bright smile crawls across her face. She finally turns around, pushing through the double doors and out into the main corridor. After descending the grand staircase, she exits into the pure daylight, a gentle breeze greeting her.  She glances around the grounds, the fresh greenery invigorating her senses. Without thinking, she abruptly takes off down the steps, sprinting through the bushes, across the courtyard and around the fountain. Finally, she reaches a thick hedge of beautifully twisted vines and leaves. The garden maze.
Riley closes her eyes as she catches her breath, another gust of wind tangling in her hair. A tug on her heart beckons for her to keep going as she fumbles her way into the maze. She frantically runs around the corners and through the turns, her hands outstretched to catch her if she trips.
Making it around the last twist of the path, Riley spills into the center of the maze: the garden. Her eyes frantically search, scouring through the area, looking behind lattice work and dense pieces of foliage until finally, she gasps.
Around the corner along a private path, a tall, strongly-built man slowly paces next to a swing, his hands casually in his pockets. With his short locks of blond ruffling in the breeze, he glances at his watch before instantly feeling a pair of stormy blue eyes fixed on him.
As he peers over his shoulder, a smile tugs at his lips, his breath escaping his lungs as his eyes begin to shimmer.
"There you are, my love."
With reckless abandon, Riley dashes down the dirt path, gasping for air between her wails of disbelief. Leaping into the air, Liam's strong arms instantly catch her, pulling her close to his broad chest. His large hand cradles her intimately as his other fists tightly into her careless waves. She locks her legs around his waist, her fingers combing hungrily into his hair as she presses her face into his neck.
And she weeps, deep groans escaping her chest as her body shudders in his arms. 
"Shhh," Liam gently croons, warm tears coursing down his chiseled cheeks. "It's alright now. Everything is alright now."
Quieting down, Riley looks up to her husband, his lips immediately finding hers. "Is this real?" She pants, claiming his mouth again. "Please tell me this is real life, baby."
Liam pulls her into another deep kiss, his tongue gently caressing her lips apart as he elicits soft mewls from her mouth. He pulls back, his crystal blue gaze meeting her hopeful, tear-stained eyes. "It's better, love." He pushes a wayward tendril from her face. "This is eternity."
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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@alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @ao719 @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@3pawandme @alyshak92 @iaminlovewithtrr @kristinamae093 @lovingchoices14 @malblk21 @rubiwalker @sfb123 @twinkleallnight
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eadanga · 1 month
The Royal Romance Chapter 8 Part 3
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Hana sighs as she sets down her coco “I can’t believe the things Olivia says sometimes poor Drake”
Maxwells nods “Yeah he usually doesn’t let Olivia get under his skin like that”
“Well I hope he’s alright I saw him go outside but it’s not a good idea to be out there right now I heard there’s a storm brewing tonight what can he be thinking”
MC looks outside and sees the sky getting dark and the clouds moving He shouldn’t be out there I’m gonna go get him before he freezes to death she stands “There’s only one way to find out”
Hana looks at her shocked “You mean you’re thinking of following him?”
MC heads towards the door “He shouldn’t be out there alone besides I’m not gonna sleep well if he dies of hypothermia and I didn’t stop him” MC grabs her boots then heads to get her coat
Liam walks down the hall as Olivia wraps her arm around his “…So this is piece is over 100 years old my great great great grandfather brought it back from a war he fought and was victorious”
Liam plasters on a grin “Wow fastinating tell me more always love hearing about your history Olivia” Liam looks away as Olivia continues 40th time she’s told me that story Out of the corner of his eye he spots MC walking down the hall he smiles Damn she’s beautiful even as she walks He notices her lacing up her boots and putting on her coat What’s she doing? There’s blizzard coming why is she getting dressed to walk outside? I really hope she’s gonna be ok then again she’s a strong woman she can handle anything but still
He snaps out of his thoughts and sees Olivia looking at him “Yes Olivia”
“Are you ok?”
“Fine just a little tired from all the skiing and skating if you’ll excuse me Olivia” He bows “I think I’m gonna go rest up”
“Oh ok I’ll see you at the ball then”
“Of course” He walks away as he sighs Forgive me for that lie Olivia but I need to know if she’s ok He looks around Now if I remember the room with the best view is here He enters a room and walks to the balcony he pulls out a pair of binoculars and spots her heading towards someone Is that Drake? What’s he doing out in this storm? They could die of the cold I hope they’re not gonna be out there for long
MC trudges through the snow and spots Drake in a clearing in the woods “Hey Drake”
He turns around “What are you doing out here?”
“I saw you going off alone in the dark with a storm coming and I wanted to see what you were doing”
Drake raises an eyebrow “So you’re keeping tabs on me?”
“Even you have to admit it’s a little suspicious to be out here taking care of something right now”
“I want to be mad at this but I really can’t maybe I’m even a little impressed”
“What did you come out here to do exactly?”
“If you really want to know you’ll have to trust me”
“Well ok now tell me”
“Here I’ll make it easier for you” He shoves her down on the ground MC falls back sputtering
“What the hell?! What was” She looks up and sees the most star filled sky with shooting stars flying across the sky “Drake…”
He falls back next to her “Yes my lady?”
“This is amazing but no excuse knocking me over” She light punches him
Drake chuckles “Sorry about that you looked pretty tough thought you could handle it”
MC raises an eyebrow “You think I’m tough”
“Pretty tough for a noble girl I mean”
“I’m no real noble you know that”
Drakes sighs “Yeah I do”
MC smiles “Looks like were just in time to see this before the storm hits”
“Yeah I didn’t want to miss it we grew up around royals my dad used to do security for Liam and his brother and my sister and I were allowed to hang out with them Liam and I ended up being really close even though I didn’t have the lineage to merit it” He sighs “Savannah on the other hand got along with everyone she loved living at the palace when we were kids but it got harder when she got older”
“What happened?”
“She…” Drake trails off “It was hard on her I guess she couldn’t take it after what happened with…” He clenches his jaw “I failed her I couldn’t protect her from this place” He sighs “Sorry I guess I’m not ready to talk about it this is the most I’ve talked about it in a year”
“Really?” MC grins “Does that mean we’re friends?”
Drake scoffs “Friends? I wouldn’t go that far Brooks”
MC rolls her eyes “Should we call it non enemies then?”
Drake shrugs “I guess I can’t really stop you”
MC grins “Nope”
They look at the sky a little bit longer till snowflakes start to come down then Drake sighs
“We should head back it’ll be quite a scandal if I let one of the Prince’s suitors freeze to death on my watch”
MC stands and brushes herself off “Let’s head back shall we”
Drake stands and brushes himself off “Of course”
Liam watches and they both head back to the chateau he smiles Glad they’re heading back but they were out there a long time and the snow was starting I hope they don’t get sick or anything still wonder what they were doing out there in this weather I worry about them especially MC.
As MC and Drake walk inside they’re met by Hana running up to them
“There you are!”
“You’re up late”
“I couldn’t sleep with you and Drake out there in the storm”
MC gives her a small smile “I’m sorry we kept you up”
Hana grins “Oh I’m just glad you came in before it really started coming down you must be freezing Drake dressed like that”
Drake nods “Yeah I’m gonna go change goodnight ladies” Drake waves as he heads to his room
Hana turns to MC “I guess we should get some sleep too the Cordornian Waltz is tomorrow after all and we need a good nights sleep to pull it off successfully”
MC sighs “I don’t think any amount of sleep is gonna improve my chances”
“What do you mean?”
“As Drake mentioned earlier I can’t waltz”
Hana looks at her shocked “Oh dear it is late but I can’t show you if you wanted to”
MC nods Please teach me”
Hana grins “Lovely let’s go to my room”
MC follows Hana up the stairs to her room as Hana pushes the furniture aside for dancing she smiles “I appreciate you helping me with this”
Hana smiles “It’s the least I can do after you cheered me up at the masquerade and sorry I didn’t think to ask if you knew it it’s good you have Drake looking out for you”
MC nods “Yeah” She grins “Alright the Cordornian Waltz how hard is it gonna be”
“Depends do you consider yourself a good dancer”
MC smiles “I dance like an angel did take some dance lessons but it wasn’t ballroom dancing”
Hana grins “Oh then this shouldn’t be a problem if you have a good sense of rhythm you shouldn’t have problems picking it up now the Cordornian Waltz is a choreographed dance with specific steps I’ll put on some music and be the prince and well start” Hana plays some music then turns to MC and bows “Ahem Lady MC”
MC giggles “Prince Liam”
Hana laughs “Now let’s get into position put your left hand on my shoulder” She starts guiding her in the steps “This is the box step it’s the most basic movements” They spend the night learn the moves of the Cordornian waltz “And that’s the Cordornian Waltz”
MC grins “I think I got it now you’re a good teacher ice skating waltzing how are you so good at these things”
“My parents have been pushing me to learn all the courtly and social arts since I was very young”
“You must have had no free time”
“Between school dance music and etiquette lessons my schedule was very full my parents excepted a lot” She sighs “They were devastated when they didn’t have any sons so they put all they’re hopes in me everyday of my life has been grooming me to bring fame and fortune to my family by winning some prince or nobles hand for all the good it’s done me after my last engagement”
“If you don’t mind if I ask what happened with your last engagement?”
“Peter was an English nobleman he was well off had an ancestral title and home all the things my parents wanted for our family we’d spend many long afternoons horseback riding and sailing her was very kind it would have been perfect”
Hana sighs “But the simple truth was I didn’t love him so when he proposed I knew I had to accept for my parents I tried my best but he became suspicious at our engagement party a month before our wedding he cornered me he asked me if this is what I wanted even though I told him what he wanted to hear I couldn’t hold back the tears he knew me well he knew I was miserable and he was good enough not to make a big deal of it but ugly rumors started to fly about why we separated especially since he got married to another woman shortly after”
MC places her hand on her shoulder “Well let people talk they have their own opinions only you know the truth”
Hana nods “Yeah and now I’m competing for the Prince but it’s not all bad my parents have been pressuring me to spend time with you”
“Why me?”
“Oh you got a special connection to the prince and if I get close to you I can get closer to the prince”
“You’re parents have strategies”
“Yeah but I want you to know I do like spending time with you MC”
MC smiles “Me too Hana it’s good to have a friend here”
Hana grins “It’s funny even though we’re still technically competing against each other we can be friends” They laugh before being startled by the clock striking midnight Hana sighs “We should head to bed”
MC nods “Yeah I’ll talk to you tomorrow”
Hana smiles “Good night MC”
Tags: @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite @princess-geek @gkittylove99 @indiacater @twinkleallnight @iaminlovewithtrr
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sfb123 · 1 year
Hands Down - Prologue
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: Can Liam and Riley still find their way to each other despite Riley turning down Maxwell's invitation to Cordonia?
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,945
Song Inspiration: Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional
A/N: I am participating in @kingliamappreciationweek Day 5 (Friendships/Relationships/AU, all of which apply to this prologue), as well as @choicesflashfics Week 29, "That's all we/they are now. A memory. A faded picture. A failed potential." It will appear in bold below.
A/N 2: It's been a minute since I've posted anything, let alone started a new series. I've had bits and pieces of this story forever, but could never figure out how to put it all together. Then my aunt died (IYKYK), and I've been working on this ever since.
A/N 3: Thank you to those of you that I have been bombarding with ideas, snippets, and complaints. They're still going to be coming, probably now more than ever. But I appreciate you listening and humoring me. Especially @txemrn for looking over this prologue and making sure it was okay.
Tagging my usuals, if you'd like to be added or removed just let me know!
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Liam was in a daze as he returned to his hotel suite, still thinking about her. They had only spent a couple of hours together, but it was all Liam needed to know that he was destined for so much more with Riley Brooks. 
He fell back onto the couch and pulled out his phone, texting Maxwell to see if he was still up, and if he would join Liam in his room. He was, and he would. 
While he had his phone in his hand, he opened his camera roll and looked fondly at the picture that they had taken together. Liam told her that it was because he wanted to remember his trip to the Statue of Liberty, but more than that, it was because he wanted to remember her. Not that she wasn’t permanently imprinted on his mind the second they locked eyes, but he wanted to have a photo of her, to have tangible proof that she wasn’t a dream. 
A knock at the door pulled Liam’s attention away from his screen. He stood, returning his phone to his pocket as he answered to find Maxwell grinning on the other side. 
“Well well well. Have fun, your highness?” His friends crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe.
Liam chuckled, he couldn’t help it. “More than you know. Please, come in.” He moved aside and motioned toward the sitting area. 
“Soooooo… tell me everything. You seemed pretty smitten, I’ve never seen you like that before!” 
“Maxwell, I’ve never felt like that before. She’s incredible. I’ve never felt more carefree, more happy.” Liam sighed at the memories of his evening. “That’s why I need your help.” 
Maxwell’s head tilted in confusion. “Me? What can I do?”
“Ramsford doesn’t have a sponsor for the social season, correct?” Maxwell nodded slowly, still not sure where this was going. “I want you to sponsor Riley, to bring her to Cordonia.”
“Liam… are you sure? I mean we’re not prepared for that. We weren’t expecting to sponsor anyone.” Maxwell hesitated. He wanted his friend to be happy, but he also knew his family’s financial state, and he wasn’t sure they would be able to support a sponsee. 
“Maxwell, I know your house has been having some… difficulties financially since your father took ill. I would be more than happy to pay for anything she needs. Discreetly, of course.” 
Maxwell studied Liam’s expression, he had never seen his friend like this before. The textbook definition of stoicism, the young prince was never one to show his emotions so openly. But now? He could see the desperation, the need clear as day on his friends face. 
“You really have it bad for her, don’t you?” 
“More than I ever thought possible.” Liam answered. 
“I’ll find her tomorrow morning before I head back.” He patted his friend on the shoulder. 
Liam stood in the receiving line greeting the suitors one by one. It was the first night of his social season, but all he could think about was her. She was all he had been able to think about since the night before. 
I hope she had a safe trip. 
She’s going to look so beautiful. 
I wonder if she’s been thinking of me the way I’ve been thinking of her. 
I need to move through this line faster. She’s in it somewhere, I need to see her again. 
Before long, the final suitor dipped into a courtesy and made her way back to the party. Liam looked around the room. Perhaps she had just gotten caught up in something and didn’t make it to the receiving line in time. 
“Liam? Is everything alright?” 
He turned around, to respond. “Yes father, I was just taking everything in.”
Constantine chuckled. “Well, enjoy it son. This is all for you. It’s the beginning of a whole new chapter.” 
Liam nodded, looking past his father to the bar where Maxwell was ordering a drink. “Father, if you’ll excuse me for a moment.” He didn’t wait for a response before stepping away. 
“Maxwell.” Liam greeted his friend as he stood next to him at the bar. 
“Oh, Liam. Hey!” Maxwell shifted uncomfortably on his feet. “Happy social season!” He held up his drink, smiling awkwardly. 
“Where is she?” Liam asked, anxious to see her again.
“Riley?” Maxwell asked, trying to buy as much time as he could. Dreading having to deliver the news. “She… well, she’s not here.” 
“Why not? It’s the first event of the season, is she running late?” Liam began rambling, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. “Was there an issue getting her a gown? I could…” 
“Liam,” Maxwell interrupted. “She’s not here as in, she’s not in Cordonia. She didn’t come.” 
“What… why?”
That Morning
“Riley!” Maxwell jogged up to the familiar figure as she unlocked the door of the bar. 
She turned to face him as the door opened. “Oh hey, Maxwell, right? Did you forget something last night?” 
“No, I actually had a proposition for you.” Riley furrowed her brows. “Do you have a minute to talk?” 
“Sure, come in. We don’t open for another hour, so I can spare a few.” She walked into the building, and he followed behind. 
As she approached the bar, she pulled down one of the stools and signaled for him to sit. He took a seat and she stepped behind the bar, grabbing an apron and tying it around her waist. 
“So, you and Liam seemed to hit it off last night.” Maxwell said, wanting to gauge Riley’s take on the evening. He wanted to make sure Liam didn’t misinterpret, or misunderstand her side of the outing. 
A slow smile spread across Riley’s face, the same one Liam had on his the night before. That’s when he knew the feeling was very mutual. 
“We did. I’ve never met anyone like him before. Hell, I didn’t think guys like him existed in real life. I hope whoever wins that social season realizes how lucky they are.” She said wistfully.
Maxwell grinned, this was going better than he had hoped. “What if you were the one to win it?” 
“Ha-ha, yeah right.” She replied, shaking her head and turning to empty the dishwasher. 
“No, I’m serious.” He assured her. “Each noble house sponsors a suitor. Since we don’t have any sisters we can pick whoever we want. And I pick you!” 
Riley froze and turned back around looking at Maxwell with a shocked expression. “You,” she pointed at him. “Want me,” she turned her finger to point at herself. “To come with you to a county I only just found out about like twelve hours ago, to join some fancy royal version of The Bachelor to try to marry a prince?” 
“I wasn’t going to word it quite like that, but more or less.” He shrugged. 
“But… why me?” 
“Riley, Liam couldn’t stop talking about you. He was so happy last night. Happier than I’ve ever seen him, and we’ve known each other forever. His life is full of meetings, and stuffy dinners, and boring things he does because it’s his duty. He gets to break away and have fun sometimes, but those times are getting less and less now that he’s ramping up to become King. He’s such a good person, he puts everyone else ahead of himself. He deserves to be the kind of happy you make him all the time.” 
Riley was silent, examining Maxwell’s expression. He seemed to be sincere. “Maxwell, that’s really sweet of you. Liam’s lucky to have a friend like you looking out for him.” She started. “But be realistic, even if I came with you, I’d have to quit both of my jobs and put school on hold. Basically quit my life to travel halfway across the world for the chance to be with Liam. It wouldn’t even be a guarantee.” 
“He asked me to sponsor you!” Maxwell blurted out. 
Riley’s breath caught in her throat, she hadn’t been expecting that. “But why? He doesn’t even know me.” 
“He knows enough to believe that there could be something between you two.” 
She blinked back the tears that had started to rise. She felt it too, but it was a major risk. Riley Brooks didn’t take risks. “Yeah, but even if I did come with you, that doesn’t mean anything. He told me about the social season, it’s not like he’s going to be able to just send the other girls home the second he sees me. Everyone gets a say, and I'm a nobody from America. I know nothing about your country. I don’t know about your customs. Hell, I don’t even like fancy foods, I’d probably make a fool of myself and be laughed out of the country at the first dinner.” 
“But Riley…”
“Maxwell,” She reached across the bar, placing her hand over his. “You’re such a good friend to come here for him. But my answer is no. Maybe if we were in a different time, or a different place, but we’re here. These are the cards we were dealt, our lives are just too different for it to work.” She swallowed over the lump in her throat. “I need to get things set up to open. Have a safe trip back.” She turned and walked to the back, leaving Maxwell alone. 
“I’m so sorry Liam. I tried, I really did.” Maxwell said sympathetically. He could see the pain in his friend’s eyes, despite his attempts to remain composed. “I don’t know if it helps or hurts, but she had the same dreamy look on her face when she talked about you that you had when you talked about her. Everything you felt last night, she felt it too.” 
Liam cleared his throat, “Thank you Maxwell. It was a longshot, but I’m very grateful to you for trying. If you’ll excuse me.” He nodded solemnly to his friend before walking away, moving to the double doors that lead to the balcony. 
He stepped outside and breathed a sigh of relief that he was alone. He approached the balustrade, leaning his forearms against it as he gazed out to the garden maze. He thought about Riley, what she was doing right now, if she missed him as much as he missed her. 
Perhaps he had just gotten caught up in the magic of the evening, he had overromanticized their connection. He took his phone out of his pocket and pulled up their picture. He examined their faces, they both looked so happy. He placed his thumb and index finger on the screen, dragging them apart to zoom in on her face. He was trained to read people, and everything about her, both in that moment, and in the photo, told him that she had been feeling exactly what he had been. Even Maxwell had noticed it the next day when he went to talk to her. 
It just hadn’t been enough. 
“That's all we are now. A memory. A faded picture. A failed potential.” He lamented as he continued to stare down at the picture, remembering their night together. 
“Liam.” His father’s short tone startled him so much that he nearly dropped his phone off of the balcony. 
“Father,” he turned, discreetly returning his device to his pocket. 
“What are you doing out here by yourself? You should be in there spending time with your suitors. The season is going to go by quickly, you need to take every opportunity to get to know your potential brides.” 
“Yes father.” Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get Riley out of his mind. 
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angelasscribbles · 7 months
Coup D'état
Series: Insurrection
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley
Word Count: 1,021
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: None
A/N: So a little over a year ago I wrote a one-shot called King Breaker. Almost everyone demanded a follow-up. I did not give them one. Until now. I always had some vague ideas for it, but no real inspiration. Then one day I heard this song and suddenly all kinds of ideas were in my head.
My other stuff: Master List.
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The soldiers searched the room, upending furniture and destroying priceless art. Muddy boots marred the previously pristine marble of the throne room.
The commander strode through the door, his steps heavy. He paused as his eyes scanned the empty room. “Status report!” he bellowed.
“Sir, there’s no one here.”
The rebellion leader shook his head, “Multiple witnesses saw them both enter this room. There must be a hidden chamber or something. Keep searching!”
The new, self-appointed leader of the Cordonian government strolled through the historic hall, taking in the ancient tapestries and formal portraits before stopping in front of one particular gilded frame.
A young Constantine Rys stared sternly out at him, classically handsome in full Cordonian regalia, golden crown gleaming on his dark blond head. His fingers ran across the canvas as he stared into eyes that were identical to his own, “You should have acknowledged me when you had the chance, old man.”
When he had circumnavigated the room, he approached the throne and lowered himself onto it. Lost in thought, he didn’t see his co-leader approaching until a voice pulled him out of his reverie.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
His eyes snapped to the other man’s face, noting the disapproval in his tone, “Sitting.”
“Well, can you find another place to sit? That thing needs to be ripped out and destroyed. It’s a symbol of the oppression we vowed to end.”
The dark-haired young man with ocean-blue eyes and the signature Rys jawline let out a noncommittal, “Hm,” as he regarded his partner.
Anton Severus, the bastard son of the late king had enticed The Liberation Core to join forces with The Sons of the Earth to increase their odds of success against a common enemy, but the Liberation Core was full of idealistic idiots. The common people weren’t fit to rule themselves and Anton had no intention of giving up his newfound power. This was what he had spent his life working toward.
They had used the Liberation Core’s contacts, intel, and technology to stage a successful coup, but the vast majority of the forces currently sweeping through the palace were his. Once the capital was secure, his men would turn on their compatriots. Members of The Core would be given the choice to swear fealty to their new and rightful king. They could join his guard, or they could die. It made no difference to him.
He had offered Constantine a chance to meet his unacknowledged son. A chance to claim him, publicly, to insert him into his rightful place in the line of succession, but the old man had refused, sealing his fate.
Anton’s mother might have been a lowly palace maid, but the royal Rys blood ran through his veins.
Leo’s abdication had spurred him into action. Anton was older than Liam by six months. He was next in line, not that spoiled, coddled brat.
Leo and Liam had been given every advantage that had been denied to him. Even Drake and Savannah Walker, commoners, had been given a royal upbringing, a private education, and full access to the crown’s funds for their every whim while he had languished in the backwoods of Krona.
In response to the announcement of her pregnancy, his mother had been given five years' severance pay plus a bonus for ‘exemplary service’ and sent on her way.
Constantine might have meant for the money to provide for his illegitimate child for quite a few years, but the money and his mother were gone in two leaving his grandmother to raise him.
Anton watched his grandmother struggle to make ends meet. He grew up under the yoke of extreme poverty and felt the sting of deprivation. That is until an elegant and mysterious red-haired woman showed up on their doorstep, taking him under her wing and funding his education.  
Anton sat at the best table in the most expensive restaurant in Vallenheim. Across the table was the woman who had funded his entire private education at the elite and prestigious Vallenheim Oaks Preparatory School.
“I’m sorry about your grandmother, Anton.” She was saying.
“Thank you,” he replied stoically, “for everything. Thanks to you her last years were more than comfortable, and she had the best medical care the world has to offer.”
“I’m sure it was some amount of comfort to you both that you got to spend her last days with her.”
“Again, thanks to you. I know I was allowed to take a leave in the middle of the term because you spoke to the headmaster on my behalf.” He fidgeted nervously in his seat, toying with his food.
“What is it, Anton?” she asked sharply. “Say whatever it is that’s on your mind.”
He licked his lips as his eyes met hers then dropped his gaze to his plate, “I…I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but…why? Why have you done so much for us?”
It wasn’t just his education. It was a new house for his grandmother and all of her living expenses. Her medical care at the end and all of the funeral expenses.
Lucretia Nevrakis sat her wine glass on the table in front of her and leaned forward, “Anton, lift your eyes and look at me. It’s time you learned who you really are.”
Instead of responding to his co-conspirator, Anton turned his head as his second-in-command approached, “Claudius, there you are! Status report.”
“No sign of the king, Commander.”
“He’s not the king anymore,” Anton reminded him.
“Of course, sir.”
Ignoring the leader of the Liberation Core who was still glaring daggers at him, Anton asked, “And my traitorous ex-girlfriend?”
The world knew Riley Brooks as the king’s fiancée. She was meant to marry a king alright, but she had chosen the wrong man. He had planned to make her his queen, but that was before she had disobeyed direct orders to rid the world of his younger half-brother and tipped him off about the attack, giving him the time he needed to escape.
“Sorry, sir, nothing yet.”
“Well, when you find her, bring the backstabbing whore to me.”
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