#Like 'You're twelve years-old and therefore a grown man now - time for you to run away to sea and support a family on your earnings!'
One thing I find really hilarious to think about sometimes is just how much older/younger a lot of the real-life Expedition crew members were compared to their fictional counterparts.
Like, 25 year-old Goodsir, anyone? Or 27 year-old Collins for that matter?
26 year-old Bridgens and 37 year-old Peglar? Ludicrous!
On the one hand, it blows my mind a little bit that I'm currently the same age as the likes of Fitzjames and Le Vesconte.
But on the other hand, I look at all of my male contemporaries - God's Perfect Idiots to a man - and think "Aw shit, yeah, it all makes sense now! Men are just fuckin' like that, huh?"
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