#Like he literally just sees me as the 'trans guy I can gush about dnd and warhammer to for hours' and then acts like im an ass when im a
aiteanngaelach · 1 month
is it weird for a guy that used to have a crush on you but then found out you only like girls to follow you around join all your friend groups start working where you work join all your hobbies and groups decide to do the same course as you (even though he has literally no reason to do that course) call you ????fanny-licker (he's bisexual so its not outright homophobia except it is kind of) tell you 'you talk too much' when you talk for five minutes about your interests (when you have been listening to him talk for HOURS about his interests for the past two years) act really weird about you being transmasculine and make uncomfortable comments about binding and your ??tits?? and then disregard your boundaries again when you tell him you don't want him to keep apologizing (which he is only doing so you'll tell him it's ok) after you've told him to move on be really rude about your sister having a seizure and getting hospitalized and you thinking she had died and not asking once how she was ... Etc. Asking for a friend 😬
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