#Made mistake of rewatching s9.01 n this bubbled up - it always made me mad but obviously today I'm mad enough to blog about it
sounknownvoid · 2 months
s9: Remember gadreel?(warning: rant)
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Remember gadreel?....
How the arc was: sam was dying after the trials and dean was desperate to save him n on the brink of shaking hands with Death, dean tricks sam n stuffs an angel into him (aka rape) ? .... n then how it led to:
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And then all this?:
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That led to idiot dean doing this
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& you know what the kicker is? - all of it - completely unnecessary 🙄...
Its just a Massive plot hole OR a very clear indication of deans selfishness being clearly portrayed: let me explain-
- they had OG Death still around back then - Billie wasn't in the picture and so there wasn't a reaper'-"fatwa" on the winchesters n "losing 'em in the empty"-campaign yet...
Dean & tfw in general ALREADY KNEW HOW TO SUMMON n make deals with Death- hell, dean did it just to shove sams soul back n they were still allies at that point just before in s8 (&again in s10/11)
Not to mention, they ALSO knew how to make deals with reapers - THEY'D literally used it to help Sam complete his 2nd trial in s8, just earlier!....
So it wasn't like an angel possessing sam was literally the ONLY option available to dean to save his dying brother- he could have reached out to Death or reapers or literally anything else!....
Hell, when gadreel showed dean sam chatting to Death - that alone should have given him an idea to make a deal with death or reapers ....
Point is - he could have let sam die n then brought him back as he'd done before...
why was violating sam the 1st and only option he considered at that point? - especially KNOWING how sam would feel about it?- hell he even said it to gadreel....n then proceeded to do the exact opposite
dean is supposed to be the "genius at hunting and lore" - he knows all sorts of things about all sorts of gods n beings even if he didn't deal with death - & we know it was hours they'd spent in the hospital if not days ... he could've been looking for options - but it's clear he hasn't been...
but no, nothing else considered n sam raped by proxy and violated by the person he trusted the most - because to dean sam wasn't a human being, just this living-doll he possessed n carried around with him, labelled "little brother" like a toy a boy carries around for his own comfort....which is why sam is EXACTLY right when he said: "you didn't save me for me, you did it for you"
If not for Dumbass,selfish deans decisions, none of this would have happened:
Kevin not killed, his mom not killed
No moc!dean n demon!dean
maybe metatron still and gadreel but differently
No darkness released n dumb undercooked "return of mary" doesn't happen
No Charlie dying - hell we could had Kevin AND Charlie - it'd be hilarious to watch them together!...
Maybe they still get Jack n Rowena n return of lucifer etc...but at least sam wouldn't have to face the horrific reality of his beloved brother violating him
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