#Nehal is real to me. she is still there in Basim's mind >:( fuck the canon !! never leave my boy alone !!!! thats why hes mean :(
There was something so heartbreaking about how scared of being alone Basim was when he realized he would never see Nehal again. She might not have been real, but she was real to him and to me 😔. There was terror in his voice when he asked if he would be alone. Nehal was his best friend, his past and present. She was his constant companion throughout his childhood, a time when he probably felt very alone. His father is dead and he has to find a way to survive. He is alone. No parents, no brothers, no one. Yet there was Nehal. The one who he could always find. The one who kept him company. The one who kept him grounded and focused on important things. It was her face he saw when he awoke from his nightmares. It was her who comforted him and tried to help him get rid of them. It was her who appeared when he felt alone or conflicted. She was there when he needed her the most. At Alamut, he was never really alone. He was surrounded by people who encouraged him and cared about him. But when he left, she was there for him. They may have drifted apart, but you can't deny that they still loved each other (platonically). They had differing opinions and motivations, but they would still find peace in each other's presence. Their friendship was one of devotion and care for one another. There was never any fear that Nehal would abandon Basim. She always told him that she would never leave him and stay by his side forever. No matter where he was, he knew Nehal was out there. He knew she would be back in Anbar. She was his home, everything familiar to him. The part of him he could never leave behind. The part of him that would haunt him if he had not gone searching.
Now, he will never see her again. He will never talk to her again. He will never joke with her again. He will never hug her again. He will never rest knowing she would be there to wake him if he had a nightmare again. He will never hear the words he so desperately needs again. He will never be able to return to Anbar and find the house inhabited by a familiar face again. She is gone, and he will be alone. Not even a mentor to guide him. With Nehal's "death," Basim also died. He is now Loki, with all of his rage.
While Nehal was the manifestation of Loki and her appearance was concurrent with Basim's nightmares and him getting closer to the truth, that isn't how he saw it !! He associated her with comfort and home !! He never pieced it together. Why would he? His feelings were real and genuine. They were the truest besties ever
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featherbled · 5 months
okay. prepare for a rant. or as much of one I can prepare right now. also, spoilers and personal meta ahead. enjoy my pain lmao
firstly: the way basim's voice changed after he merged with nehal. like props to his vc for making the distinction between basim and loki a clear one. his voice is deeper, but the tone is also different. his vocal countenance completely shifts. I love/hate it.
secondly: enkidu lashing out at basim at the end, like fuck u ur not my dad.
also, ya'll gonna think I'm an ass, but... I totally called nehal not being real. like I knew she had to be some kind of figment in his mind, though I definitely didn't foresee her being loki / part of him. but no, when basim asked her how she knew about the temple when they were going in and she said she didn't know why, she just did... that was the moment I was like yep she's not real. everything that happened was still !! and I give major props to the writers, I loved it, but I saw that coming.
so yeah. uh. I'm gonna make some changes tbh. basim still killed qabiha, no betrayal from roshan, and he worked with her / rayhan / the council to figure things out. as for the fall of alamut, basim (and roshan ? idk yet) arrived in time to help defend it. roshan did confront basim before entering the isu temple but it was less a physical fight and more a verbal confirmation that he knew what he was doing.
in my head basim says that if he comes out any less than he was, he'd let her strike him down then. so roshan is there when he comes out. and in my head, he does come out as loki, and roshan confronts him like promised. they do fight, he does injure her, but in the end he's reminded of who he is not who he was and yields. he's very apologetic and it takes a lot of time to mend his relationship with her, but she consequently stays with the hidden ones, promising to "keep him in line" should he "wander back into the shadows with the jinni".
then, tapping into loki, he's able to discuss everything that happened with her, rayhan, and everyone else. so. a couple key differences for my basim:
he stills sees nehal and the jinni. because he's still "rejecting" the loki side of him it still wants control. it is more of a part of him, like he has access to loki, but he kinda just shuts it out. I have more meta preped for this topic.
loki does want control. and loki and basim are two separate individuals. loki has goals, revenge to seek etc and thus is very differently oriented than basim. they have different moral standards and expectations. as such, from here on out, I will be referring to canon post-mirage basim as loki, while my basim / pre-mirage basim as just basim. there is a distinction.
roshan stays with the hidden ones, and continues to look out for and test basim. to parallel the scar loki receives from enkidu in canon, roshan now has a similar scar she received while confronting basim after emerging from the temple as loki. she uses this as a reminder to him.
okay. and now... now I'm gonna talk about WHAT PISSES ME OFF ABOUT THE ENDING OF THE GAME. the whole game it's like... move on from the past ! and basim fucking VOICES that right before facing the jinni, and then... throw all that out the window, cuz loki wants to play now. no. just no. I am getting so many conflicting messages from this. it's bullshit. it's bad storytelling. throw it all away.
so yeah. my basim is gonna stay true to that. he's gonna reject loki. he's gonna do his best to move on with his life with the knowledge and memories he now posseses.
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Spoilers and pathetic ramblings for ac mirage under the cut
What do you mean Nehal isnt real? I- bro broke my heart. And the way he sounds so heartbroken when he says goodbye. Fuck. FUCK.
I am simply refusing to accept canon. in my mind nehal was actually real totally not a figment of basims imagination and she brings him out of the cave and they live happy ever after until eventually basim trains hytham, finds eivor and goes nuts and “dies”
Delusion will keep me happy okay. Okay. Nehal is real to me. SHE WAS REAL TO ME.
Anyways i loved ac mirage. Time to actually finally fucking finish valhalla i have a few things left to collect and that one last mission.
Ps just ignore this is it pisses u off i do not wanna argue in the comments okay? I loved nehal and while i accept canon i can still daydream okay? Let me ship in peace plz
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