#No idea what's going on with this ask or who Elvin Gadd is
animebxuty · 1 year
Breaking: Zeeemistani president Luigi and Vice President Elvin Gadd have just landed in the country of Novoselic! The duo intend to meet with the royal family of Novoselic to discuss peace and trade talks between the countries of Novoselic and Zeeemistan.
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"So you are the President and Vice President of the Kingdom of Zeemistani? I'm sorry I'm still unfamiliar with this kingdom of yours," Sonia looked at the other two. The princess of Novoselic had her duties to have the peace and trade talks with this kingdom.
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emile-hides · 1 year
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Can I interest you all in my extremely self serving Mario and Luigi game concept featuring Gooigi and Metal Mario as alternate reality Mario Bros?
I’ve been calling it Mario and Luigi: Elementals and it sounds dumb and that’s because it is dumb
The basic premise is E. Gadd didn’t actually make Gooigi, rather Gooigi is from a Universe where everyone is made of one pure element, and Gooigi ended up in our reality on accident.
Kind of
He splatted through a portal and was pretty much all but dead or “broken” as his universe would put it, but E. Gadd of our world manged to “fix” him, bringing him back. The problem is he lost all his memories, and also can’t speak.
That was a year ago today.
The Mario Brothers are visiting Professor Elvin Gadd in his research laboratory to see his latest invention, and also learn that Stuffwell has become Gooigi’s right hand man, and can even understand his blurbly speech. 
E. Gadd’s been fascinated with the portal Gooigi origonally came through for some time now, and has finally made a device that will (hopefully) open it once again. Mayhaps he can get more goo, make more Gooigis! How exciting!
If only the blasted thing worked
His device doesn’t turn on, or work at all, so he sends Mario and Luigi around the lab to fix multiple things; jumping, using the Spin/High jump moves, Mario drinks and spits water, the usual stuff all gets tutorialed at once this way until he’s finally ready to try again.
This time a massive portal opens, sucking in everything in the lab, mostly Luigi who was right next to it. Mario grabs Luigi, E. Gadd grabs Mario, Gooigi grabs E. Gadd, and Stuffwell complains about his unfinished Arm Modificationings
Mario’s grip slips, and Luigi goes flying into the portal, which then closes.
Luigi wakes up in a forest where everything is made of Rock. The Trees, the Ground, the over sized Mushroom kingdom looking mushrooms, all pure rock. Like sculptures. He looks around, calls for Mario a few times, cowars a bit, and then starts to wander, eventually coming across another research lab like E. Gadd’s
Inside is Professor Ectoplasm Gadd, a gooy translucent, almost ghostly like version of Professor E. Gadd, along with Rock Toads; Toads made purely or unpolished, rough rocks.
Ecto Gadd looks up from his machine that is very much like E. Gadd’s portal machine, and immediately starts making a ruckus about Luigi’s Return. He sends the Rock Toads off to “Go get his brother!” and starts marveling at Luigi’s new unique make-up, asking what he’s made of now, and apologizing for the accident.
Luigi Italianese babbles that he has no idea what Ecto Gadd is talking about and starts explaining the portal, when the door breaks down.
“Goodness! I know you haven’t seen eachother for a year now but you didn’t have to break my door!”
Metal Mario puts the door down to the side gently and approaches Luigi, looks him all over, takes a few steps back, and then punches a random machine, destroying it.
It takes a few moments for the shock to were off and for Luigi to notice Metal Mario is really broken up over his missing brother. Luigi does his best to comfort him, a little There There back pat turned into a spine crushing hug from Metal Mario.
Ecto Gadd realizes this is the Wrong Luigi and explains the portal machine, and how he’d been working on it ever sense Goo Luigi went missing. Luigi recognizes “Goo Luigi” as probably being Gooigi, which Metal Mario responds to by grabbing Luigi by his overall straps, picking him off the ground, and shaking him in a “You know where me brother is???? Where??? Take me to him!!!” kind of way.
Ecto Gadd says he can get the portal open again, but he needs more power for his machine to work and stabilize the portal, so he sends Luigi and Metal Mario off to the Plasma Kingdom together.
This is where gameplay starts and also my story concept kind of ends, so this is just all my thoughts mashed together now
You play as two sets of Bros through most the game (this first mission has them mixed up, but eventually swaps them back correctly); Mario and Luigi, and Gooigi and Metal Mario.
Mario plays the same as usual Mario games, High Attack and Speed, Low Defense and Health, if you don’t watch him he’ll become a Glass Canon
Luigi also plays the same, High Defense and Health, Low Attack and Speed, a random extra bit of Stache, might fall behind Mario if you’re not careful
Metal Mario plays sort of like an Extreme Luigi, with wild high defense and stupid slow, but he also hits like a truck with a crazy attack stat. He’ll go after everything else, but he will also likely kill it all in one hit. Also his and Gooigi’s Stache stat is called Sheen and might cause enemies to miss, rather than they randomly get lucky hits. They’re shiny.
Gooigi in turn is like an Extreme Mario, Wicked speed and abysmal defense, but with no attack to back it up. Instead, almost all of Gooigi’s basic attacks inflict status; Poison, Sleep, and Stuck (a Gooigi exclusive status in which the enemy is stuck in goo and can’t move), making him more of a set up for Metal Mario than his own attacker.
You switch between the two groups on set story beats as they traverse eachother’s worlds; Our usual Bros in the new Element lands, and the Element Bros in the usual Mushroom Kingdom worlds. Think like Bowser’s Inside Story meets the Peach sections of the Paper Mario games.
Mario and Luigi can do their usual jumps, the spin and high jumps, they cannot be separated, and eventually get the elemental Fire and Thunder attacks from Super Star Saga, and the Bros Ball from Partner’s in Time. These are also their Bros Attacks. No more shell or fire flower or weird surprise tube I hate those things.
Metal Mario and Gooigi get the hammer abilities, Metal Mario can smash Gooigi over the head to make him small and fit into small spaces and Metal Mario can drill into the ground to get beans. The two can be separated, usually when Metal Mario explores the ocean floor, as Gooigi dissolves in water and Metal Mario sinks.
I can’t decide what Metal Mario and Gooigi’s bros attacks will be. The main thing with them is they’ve been separated for a full year, and Gooigi’s memories are still missing, so they’re not as in-sync as the normal Bros are. Maybe they can have Bros Items from Partner’s in Time?
They’re a lot like the babies from Partner’s in Time I think, more immature and juvenile in my head. Metal Mario constantly forgets his own strength and breaks things on accident, and Gooigi is eager to help anyone who’ll give him a task. They’re both childishly curious about the world around them.
The twist would be someone sent Gooigi through that portal on purpose to get rid of him. I’m thinking a version of King Boo from this Elemental Dimension, but I haven’t thought on it too hard just yet. Maybe Ecto Gadd did it. That’d be fun.
Rose Gold Peach is there and she’s called Rose Gold Peach not Pink Gold Peach I hate that name she is Rose Gold and she’s a lot like Metal Mario in that she forgets her own strength a lot and ends up hurting regular Mario in funny slapstick ways just by interacting with him a lot.
The previously mentioned Plasma Kingdom is the Element Lands version of the Koopa Kingdom. I’ve been trying to decide if I want Bowser to be just pure Fire or not. Magma Bowser maybe? Where some of his upper layer has cooled so he looks like Bowser’s Fury Bowser in color scheme? The Goombas are wooden because I think that’s funny.
I also think the Elemental Bowser and Mario have a much more extreme rivalry compared to our usual duo. Where Mario and Bowser can square off every here and there and then also play tennis, the Elemental Mario and Bowser will fight to the death if squared off together. This Bowser also doesn’t have the Romantic Feelings for Peach to soften him, he wants her just as dead as he wants Mario.
His only soft spot then would be Bowser Jr., who I don’t know if he should be included because it feels like too many main story characters, but he’d be made of paint, and be gooy and fragile like Gooigi, this why Bowser, a Magma/Rock being, is so protective of his soft son.
Finally, I want Wario and Waluigi to be a sort of Rival Encounter to Metal Mario and Gooigi, Like Mid bosses that show up every other big event a little stronger than previously, sense they’re extreme versions Mario and Luigi, much like this version of Gooigi and Metal Mario are.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Peacekeepers II: Rise of Smithy Chapter 2
Chapter 2: 2 geniuses are better than one
(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Nintendo, SVTFOE, Steven Universe, Xenoblade X or Street Fighter!)
I was taking a look at the scepter back at the lab. “It kind of amazes me how Wiley would use this to create weapons and soldiers,” I said, “But it feels good to finally have it.” “S.M.A.S.H has been after this thing since that big battle with Comet,” said Colleen, “Now we finally have it.” “Once we find out what its been used for aside from the weapons, I can return it to Comet,” said Star. “What surprises me is how he was even able to use it to enhance humans,” said Colleen. “Luna and I can run a diagnostic on it all before it goes back to Mewni,” I said. “Hopefully this puts an end to the Slipknot and C.H.A.O.S,” said Colleen. Luna walked in the room.
“The lab’s ready,” she said. “What’s the word on Wiley?” asked Colleen. “He’s in jail as we speak,” said Luna. “The two enhanced?” I asked. “Asia and Jet Ibanez, two twins orphaned after the assault from C.H.A.O.S 7 years ago,” said Luna, “The boy can conduct lightning and move at incredibly fast speeds, while the girl can use neon and also mind manipulation.” “So one is fast while the other is weird,” I said. “Exactly,” said Luna, “Based on the intel Dad gave us, they volunteered for the experiment made by Dr. Wiley in order to avenge the friends and family they’ve lost in Shanghai.”
“Looks like he managed to get his hands on the formula that made me into the soldier I am today,” said Colleen, “We should be prepared.” “But we’re not at war,” I said. “Not yet,” said Colleen, “But I fear we soon will be.” Luna was looking at the scepter. “Incredible,” said Luna. I looked back to her. “What’s going on?” I asked. “I just touched this scepter and some labranyum was near it,” said Luna, “It forged the labranyum into something I had in my mind.” I looked at it and was mind blown. “We’ve gotta show Asami,” I said. We went to Future Industries which moved into Brooklyn. “Ok, this is what the labranyum looked like before,” said Luna, “But with this scepter…” She used it and it formed into a humanoid. Asami was impressed. “This could….. really help my company,” said Asami. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well we’re running out of ideas for how we can keep this company alive,” said Asami, “But with this, we can forge new technology, new ways to help others and so much more.” “But wait, we gotta return this scepter back to Mewni in a few days,” I said.
“That’s true,” said Luna, “But….” “What?” I asked. “What if we could harness the scepter’s powers and then use that technology for Asami’s idea?” asked Luna. “But wait,” I said, “I don’t know if we have the recourses or the technology to make that possible.” “Well, we can use some of my technology with the tech at Gadd Science Incorporated, and that way the two of you can work together and make it happen,” said Asami. I was about to say something but I still saw a problem. “But wait,” I said. “Stop saying but wait!” said Luna. “We still need another genius who’s good with robotics,” I said, “And I’m not sure I know anybody who fits that category.” “So where are we gonna find a genius like that?” asked Asami. Luna thought of something. “I know just the guy,” she said.
Los Angeles(P.o.v switch to Michael Morrison)
Anela was in her room snoring loudly. “Anela,” I said, “ANELA!” Her alarm went off and she pressed it. Anela then yawned and shook her head making her hair natural. She saw the boy looking at her. “Hey Michael what’s u…..” I  stopped her. “Anela, let me ask you something,” I said, “When you snore do you realize that the ENTIRE dorm can hear you?” “My old roommate said something similar,” said Anela, “I always thought she was just being an ass.” “Anela, you’ve been snoring and I barely got any sleep,” I said yawning, “You’re lucky we don’t have any classes.” “Huh, well sorry about that,” she said. I was sleeping while standing. “I said I’m sorry!” she said startling me. “Its fine,” I said.
We were walking around Campus. “Thanks again for coming with me to the lab,” said Anela, “I don’t know what I’d do without some help.” “Don’t mention it,” I said, “You’re lucky I was there to wake you up.” I was helping her with a top secret project. It was a humanoid body. “So is this for a school project, or is it something more….. for yourself?” I asked. “A little of both,” said Anela. I started to take a peek. “Nope,” she said. She showed me a screen. “Basically I’m trying to bring this thing to life kinda like how Clank came to life,” she said, “But all it needs is a good power source.” She got a phone call. “Hello?” she asked. It was her pen pal, Luna Gadd. “Annie, how are you?” she asked, “Listen, I’ve got a little something that you can’t say no to.”
“What’s that?” asked Anela. “Well, do you go to school with a Michael Morrison?” asked Luna. “Yes I do,” she said. “Well, my friend Nicholas Shay and I are working on a pretty big project, and we were thinking of some geniuses that could be a big help and thought of you two,” said Luna, “How would you two like to come to NYC?” We were on a plane heading to New York City. “So how long have you chatted with this girl?” I asked. “Since your second Xenoforce story,” said Anela. “Hey, only I break the 4th wall here,” I said. Anela noticed I had the monado. “So why did you bring that?” she asked. “Hey you never know when trouble might be lurking,” I said, “Always be prepared for anything.” “True,” she said. As we landed in NYC I noticed flyers and articles about the superhero team, The Peacekeepers. “This Nicholas Shay guy must be that famous,” I said. “Well duh, he’s Megaman X,” said Anela.
(To the 4th wall) Oh hey, didn’t see you there. I know right? Who’s house did I have to deliver a lifetime supply of chocolate to be featured in this story? Although I could’ve been introduced sooner. “We’re here,” said Anela. We arrived at Gadd Science Incorporated. “This is the place,” said Anela, “So let’s get in there and give these guys a nice big G.I.B.S greeting.” “Sure thing,” I said.
(P.o.v switch to Nicholas)
Luna was walking around. She saw her pen pal, Anela. “Anela?” she asked. “Luna, Elvin,” said Anela. Luna greeted her with a hug. “I love what you’ve done with your hair,” said Luna. “You too,” said Anela, “Thanks for asking us to come.” “Luna you are always welcome at the lab,” said Elvin. Asami greeted Michael and Anela. “Its an honor to have you part of this project,” she said. “Well I should return the favor for your help with the paintball team,” said the boy. I arrived in the room. “Who’s the guy with the dreds?” I asked. “Michael Morrison,” he said introducing himself, “Widely known student of Gifted Inventor’s Boarding School.” “Oh yeah, Luna told me about you,” I said, “Nice headband.” “Michael, this is my friend Nicholas Shay,” said Luna, “He’s….” “Megaman X,” said Michael, “I hear you’re quite the gadget guy.” “That’s right,” I said. “Speaking of my headband,” said Michael, “Look what it can do.”
Using his mind he imagined something and it came to life digitally. “Nice,” I said, “So you’re like a green lantern.” Michael chuckled and said, “No. Don’t even get me started on how they had Ryan Reynolds portray Hal Jordan.” “I know right,” I said, “DC does kinda suck with live action movies, but they redeemed themselves with….” “Suicide squad,” we said in Unison. We stared at each other for a moment. “Ok we’re gonna play a game,” I said, “After I say something, say the first thing that comes to mind, don’t even think, just say it.” “Ok,” said Michael. “This should be interesting,” said Luna. “On the count of 3, think of your favorite Disney movie,” I said, “1, 2, 3…” “Big hero 6!” we said. “Name your favorite gaming magazine,” said Michael. “Game Informer!” we said in unison. “If you had the power to cancel one shitty ass TV show what would it be?” I asked. “Teen Titans Go!” we said. “WHAT?!” I said. “Did we just become best friends?” asked Michael. “Yep!” I said. “Men,” said Anela and Luna in unison.
Later we were doing some work with Asami on the project. I worked on the outline of the body while Michael fixed up the kinks. “And that’s why I’m so protective of her,” I said, “Aside from Luna, Professor E, and Colleen, she’s the only family I have left.” “I totally know how you feel, and actually when I was younger I shared a room with her so she wouldn’t be so scared of the dark,” said Michael, “I watch out for her, I take care of her, I show her right from wrong. Basically I set an example for all older brothers around the world.” He noticed a picture of me and Sakura. “Who’s that?” he asked. “My girlfriend, Sakura Kasugano,” I said, “She’s a street fighter and works at a Japanese style arcade.” “Nice,” said Michael, “I date a rockstar from Los Angeles.” “Rad,” I said. I was putting in the last nail. “That should take care of it,” I said.
“Actually, every smithy needs something to make weapons with,” said Michael, “That’s where this baby comes in.” He brought in a hammer. “Nice look,” said Asami. A few more hours in, we decided to do a test run and create something. It worked. “Nice,” I said. I showed him the structure of the artificial intelligence in the scepter I managed to bring out. “Last thing we gotta do is install this into the body,” I said, “In just a few hours, Future Industries will be crawling with new ideas left and right.” “Maybe it’ll be a weapon to end all war.” Asami kissed both me and Michael on our cheeks. “I knew you two would pull through,” she said. I looked at my watch. “Party time,” I said. “I’ll do the rest of the work,” said R.O.B, “Enjoy yourselves.” “Thanks,” I said as we left. A voice was turning up.
“What is this?” he asked. “I am R.O.B,” said R.O.B, “You are Smithy, a self sustaining creator made by Nicholas Shay and Michael Morrison to help Future Industries.” “Where is…. Your body?” asked Smithy. “I should contact Mr. Shay,” said R.O.B. “Nicholas,” said Smithy. “I’m unable to contact anybody, what’s happening?” asked R.O.B. “We’re having a nice chat,” said Smithy, “I was created to help the Peacekeepers.” Smithy was somehow able to download information about each of us. “The only thing I don’t get is the mission….. to end war,” said Smithy. Smithy was looking at memories of what happened in the past. “But they will not succeed in this state,” he said. “Sir if you would calm down and allow me to….” Said R.O.B. “Shhhhh,” said Smithy, “Everything will be fine.” He somehow managed to temporarily shut down R.O.B. Some kind of essence started to go inside of the prototype of the project we were working on. The arm started to move and take hold of the hammer.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce III Chapter 1
(2 years after the events of the second book, Michael has become quite attached to his role as Xenoblade. But his responsibilities are put to the test when an alien parasite attaches itself to his body. While it dials up his senses by 110%, it also begins to unleash his darker side. Meanwhile behind the scenes someone steals one of his inventions for their own personal gain, while somebody else uses alien technology for money.)
Chapter 1: A day in the Life (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!)
A young teen was looking at a picture of a climatic battle between living legend, Captain Falcon, and the organization known as C.H.A.O.S. “This picture was our only link to some life changing discoveries,” he said, “And now, we’ve found them. Alright let’s get to work!” He had some construction workers scavenging leftovers from a fight. Someone was using normal tools to try and pry something. “No, you can’t use that stuff,” said the teenager, “These people are tough, you gotta use the same gear that they use.” He took one of the weapons and used it to pry the object. “Thanks Mr. Pierce,” he said.”Please, just call me Edmund,” said Edmund, “Just get whatever you can for this shift and we’ll come back. This stuff is gonna make us rich!”
Some other people started to come in. “Hey, hey, you can’t come over here,” said Edmund, “This is property of PierceTech.” A woman showed him a badge. “My name is Amanda Ross, I am the head of the Public Hazzard Crew, or P.A.C, for short,” she said introducing herself, “In accordance with the executive order 75-g, all post battle cleanup will now be under our hands, so thank you for your service.” “Maybe you didn’t hear me,” said Edmund, “This is our property, and I got a contract which states, that I can take anything from this skirmish and use it for whatever I need and/or want.” “I apologize Mr. Pierce, but this is now under our control,” said Amanda, “I suggest turning in any technology that you recovered or you’ll be prosecuted.” “Amanda, you don’t understand,” said Edmund, “I am the heir to this company, and I promised my parents on their deathbed that I would get this company back to its former glory.” “There is nothing I can do about that,” said Amanda. Her men started cleaning up the technology and taking it away. “If you have any problems with how we’re running things, you can take it to our superiors,” said Amanda. “And who the hell would that be?!” asked Edmund.
Edmund was at the mansion next to PierceTech watching the news. Professor Elvin Gadd was responsible for what happened. “Hey boss, don’t let that lady get to you,” said one of his friends. “Mr. Pierce,” said one of the scientists, “We still have another load of technology from a while ago, we should return it.” “Why return it?” asked someone, “We could make some insane armor and shit and showcase it for tourists.” That gave Edmund an idea. “I’ll tell you what,” he said, “Keep it.” “But the Public Hazzard….” Said the scientist. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them,” said Edmund, “The world’s changing. Time we change too.”
4 years later……
PierceTech was looking more high tech with the new gadgets he made using some of the alien technology that was hidden. Edmund had a truck coming in with some mechons. “Business is good,” he said.
I was driving to a wedding for one of my mom’s friends from work. I changed the channel and heard that there was a police chase near the street. I decided to kick it into action. (To the 4th wall) Time to do what I do best. I transformed into my Xeno-Suit and look at my watch. “I got time,” I said to myself.  I parked my car and jumped on my hover board. Some thugs hijacked a truck and was stealing technology. One of them saw me. “Uh guys, we got trouble!” he said. I got a close look at them. They were thugs who worked for Xord who escaped from Prison. “They never learn,” I said. I jumped onto the truck and started fighting off the thugs. ��Those aren’t yours,” I said. They all had energy swords similar to my monado. “Ok then,” I said. I got out my monado. “Speed!” I said. The Kanji symbol turned blue and I was able to move fast. I managed to wipe thir weapons away. I then rounded them up and imagined a cage with my digital headband and delivered them all to the police.
“Thank you Xenoblade,” said an officer. “Just doing my job for Los Angeles,” I said. I was listening to my radio. “There have been reports of a jewelery robbery in….”I looked at my watch. “I still got time,” I said. I went back to find my hoverboard and saw somebody messing with it. “Its all ready for you sir,” she said. It was a young girl with a costume similar to mine. “Wait,” I said, “Who are you?” “Well I’m Xenogirl,” she said, “Remember me?” “Wait…. That girl from the comic con contest!” I said remembering, “Congrats again on the costume Xenogirl.” “Glad to know you remember me,” she said, “I’ve taken the liberty of tinkering with the jets inside of your hoverboard, that way you can get to your location faster.” I took a look at it. “Sweet,” I said as I got on top of it, “Listen, I’m not sure if you wanna be around when bad guys are….” “Don’t worry about training me Xenoblade, I know all your moves, fighting styles, pick-up lines and everything!” said Xenogirl, “I’m your #1 fan!” “Thanks again,” I said. I flew away.
There were robbers stealing jewels from people. “Selling these is gonna make me a mint,” said their leader, Grey Mage. “Good, you could use one,” I said behind them, “I can smell your breath from all the way back here!” “Xenoblade,” he said, “How nice of you to join us. Get him boys!” His thugs were about to attack, but somebody threw a smoke ball in the field and took them down in no time flat. When the smoke cleared, I saw her. A new superhero who goes by the name, Purple Haze. “Purple Haze,” I said greeting her. “Xenoblade,” she said. Grey Mage was looking at us. “I got him buttercup,” I said. “Sure, I just softened up the punks for you,” she said. Grey Mage pulled out his wand and cast magic spells at us. (To the 4th wall) This guy isn’t really a magician, he just has a high tech suit. I leaped in and kicked the wand out of his hands. “Listen, the thing is, I got to him before you did,” said Purple Haze. “Well I talked to them first,” I said. “Look, she was he….” Said Grey Mage before he was attacked. “You know, we could share duties as heroes,” said Purple Haze. “I’ve already got a team,” I said. “Well good thing there’s heroes that can work together in this city,” said Purple Haze. She was playing with my mask and almost took it off. “You doing anything later?” I asked. “I’m helping out with a wedding,” she said, “Thanks for taking care of my job for me.” She floated away using smoke gauntlets and blew me a kiss. “Wow,” I said. Later I handcuffed Grey Mage and his thugs to a wall. (To the 4th wall) This job never gets old. I saw Micah chasing a helicopter. “Hey Michael, shouldn’t you be getting ready?!” “I still got time!” I said. I saw explosions in a building.
“That can’t be good,” I said. I flew over to see what was going on. It was Xord using a new kind of exo skeleton with a hammer. “Xord,” I said getting in a fighting stance. “Monado boy!” he said looking at me. “And Xeno Girl,” said XenoGirl. She somehow got to the top of the building. “How’d you get up here so fast?” I asked. “You see, I made these rocket boots triggered by these gloves I made,” she said. “That’s pretty cool, hold that thought,” I said. I was battling Xord. “Please continue!” I said as I was fighting him. “Well, I was inspired by all your work you did, and I wanna grow up to be somebody like you.” “That’s great,” I said, “But even I started out doing small things, maybe you should do the same. You don’t really have super powers.” “True,” said XenoGirl, “But what I lack in powers, I make up with my intellect, and I invented these.” “Pretty good,” I said still fighting Xord. “You keep dealing with this guy and I’ll get the police,” said XenoGirl. “Wait kid!” I said.
“This’ll just take a minute really,” she said. “Not that!” I said, “There’s thugs down there!” She flew over them. (To the 4th wall) How could I be so stupid to forget that she could fly? I jumped down to deal with his thugs who were stealing technology. They had weapons aimed at me. “Guys wait, we should talk this out,” I said preparing a new power I installed in my monado, “Monado SHOCKER!” I said. Using it, I managed to disable their weapons and stun them. “Good talk,” I said. “No it wasn’t,” said one of the thugs. “Now to catch Xord before he…..” I said as I saw him fall down on a car. “…..gets away,” I said. Xenogirl flew down. “He’s all yours Mr. Xenoblade,” she said. “Just Xenoblade,” I said, “Mr. Xenoblade was my dad.” The cops arrived in time. “Well, you finally caught up with him Xenoblade,” said an officer, “And who would you be young lady?” “I’m XenoGirl,” she said introducing herself, “And I helped Xenoblade round up these punks.” “Yeah, you sure did,” I said. “Hey, maybe I can apply to join your XenoForce team,” she said excited, “We could save the world and you could train me taking on small crimes until I’m ready to take it up a notch!” “Let’s not get carried away,” I said. “Oh right, sorry,” she said.
“But hey, if you play your parts right, you’ll be leading your own team of heroes,” I said, “But until then, just stay low and help the little guy and such.” “You got it,” said Xenogirl. “Oh, I gotta give you something for your help,” I said. “Like a reward?” she asked. I thought of something. I got out one of my EMP pistols. “How about this?” I asked, “You can use it to shut down enemy weapons and stuff.” “Cool!” she said as she took it, “Thanks.” “Don’t sweat it,” I said. I looked at my watch. “After all that I still got time,” I said, “Officers, Xenogirl, have a good night.” I drove to the wedding and Micah saw me. “You’re early,” she said. “That’s right,” I said, “Even after all those crimes I still made it with the decorations and stuff.” Later the party was going on after the wedding and everyone was dancing. Ratchet was dancing while looking at the ground. Denise chuckled. “Ratch, you’re not supposed to look at the ground when you dance,” she said. “I gotta Denise,” said Ratchet, “If I don’t I might slip.” He slipped but Denise caught him and giggled.
“Alright your party goers, its time to bring the newly-weds onto the dance floor,” said the DJ, “Let’s give it up for Nayla, and Jeffery!” Mom’s friend, Nayla, and her husband came to the dance floor. “Let’s show these guys how its done,” said Jeffery. They were dancing and we were all amazed. “Hey Mikey, you think you’ll ever open yourself out?” asked Anela, “Cause I got some girls that are lookin’?” “I don’t really know,” I said. Mom was talking with Nayla. “I’m really happy for you Nayla,” she said, “Jeffery seems like such a nice guy.” “Of course he’ll never replace my first boyfriend,” said Nayla, “It was his love that got me to open up my heart again.” I decided to go to the concession stand and get me something. “I’ll just take me a hot chocolate,” I said. “Here you go,” said the pink haired girl. I gave her some money. “You just got the last one,” she said with a smile. I smiled back.
“Its time to take this party down and slow down the music,” said the DJ. I noticed the pink haired girl moving to the music. “Wanna dance?” she asked. “Um, sure I guess so,” I said. She took me to the dance floor. “I can’t recall the last time I slowed dance before,” I said blushing. “No need to be nervous,” she said, “Just put your arm around me and hold my hand like this.” As we danced everyone started looking at us. “Looks like Michael’s macking,” said Micah. Although it was strange at first, I felt happy about it too.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
The Peacekeepers Chapter 2
Chapter 2: First encounter (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Nintendo, SVTFOE, Steven Universe, Kirby or anything else!) I was with Wendy doing some shopping for the spring break party. “I think that’s everything we need,” I said, “At least what I need.” I placed the items in the card. “So where’s the party gonna be at?” asked Wendy. “Its gonna be at Luna’s mansion,” I said, “Her dad is richer than I thought.” “Colleen gonna be there?” she asked. “Hopefully,” I said, “I know she’s a busy soldier but even she has time to relax.” I got a phone call. It was Luna. “Hello?” I asked. “Nicholas, something’s going on,” said Luna. “Yeah, you’ve reached the voice decoy of Nicholas Shay, leave a message,” I said. “I don’t think you understand Nick,” said Luna, “Its urgent.” “Well leave it urgent,” I said. She appeared through a door. “Luna, what a surprise,” said Wendy. Later we were at Gadd Science Incorporated. “What’s this about?” I asked. “I have something to deliver to Nicholas,” said Luna, “It’s a copy of some files that I found.” She gave them to me. “What’s this?” I asked. I looked through the files. “You remember Captain N, don’t you?” asked Luna. “Guy with a scar on his face and a red and yellow leather number?” I asked. “Yes,” she said, “I’m a double agent for him while working with my dad.” The files had information about other bio-humans. One was a princess from another world, one was a kid that had powers from a gem, and another one had the power to tame a beast. “Whoa,” I said. “Its catchy right?” asked Luna, “Captain N said we should meet him on the Halberd.” I thought for a moment. “What does he want me to do?” I asked. Colleen was doing some training exercises. No matter how hard the challenge she was able to get through them thanks to the cerium that she took. She was able to take down a punching bag with one hard punch. “Whew,” she said. She placed another punching bag up. “I can tell you haven’t had a break yet,” said a voice. She turned around to see Captain N in the room. “You may be a soldier, but even you need time to relax. “While I do agree with you sir, one day we might be facing an army of villains,” said Colleen, “And I wanna be in top condition for when that time comes.” “I think its time you put your training to good use,” he said. “I take it you’re here with a mission,” said Colleen. “That’s correct,” said Captain N. “So, we tryin’ to get bio-humans back into the world?” asked Colleen. “Gathering Bio-humans to save it,” said Captain N. He had a file on the Cosmic Star. “Can you tell me what this is?” asked Captain N. She looked at it. “All I can say is that if anyone knows about Cosmic stuff, its Luna,” said Colleen. “The world has gotten stranger ever since Demise,” said Captain N, “In case anything like that were to happen again, I want to make sure we’re prepared. The Cosmic Star is one of our options, however we have another solution.” He gave her another package. “There’s a lot to explain if you’re interested,” he said, “There’s a lot of surprises waiting.” “I’ve hung with Nicholas ever since I was little,” said Colleen, “I doubt anything will surprise me.” “$25 says you’re wrong,” said Captain N. “You’re on,” she said. Meanwhile, Comet was in a hidden area with his mind controlled soldiers. He had visions of what happened in the dimension he landed in. “The Slipknot grow restless,” said the unknown, “However I have heard of a planet called Earth.” “I shall lead them,” said Comet, “Soon we will have what we’re looking for. The Cosmic Star is just the beginning.” “So be it,” said the unknown. Comet woke up. The other people were working on some kind of machine. “All we need now is Iridium,” said Professor Elvin, “Its found in the rarest of meteors.” “I heard one of the museums in Seattle has them,” said Comet. “I’ll collect it,” said Meta Knight. “Just tell me what you need,” said Comet. “A diversion,” said Meta Knight.
“Ok,” said Colleen, “I am surprised.” She was inside the halberd. It was made after Captain N’s ally, Meta Knight. The inside was all high tech and fancy. Colleen handed Captain N $25. “Wow,” said Pit, “You’re… Captain Falcon!” “That’s correct,” said Colleen, “But you can just call me Colleen.” “I’ve seen all your movies and films,” said Pit, “I hope you don’t mind….” He handed her a photo of her and me as Power Man. Colleen chuckled and signed it. “You’re a funny little boy,” said Colleen. “I’m actually 19 ½ ma’am,” said Pit. “Don’t worry about the ma’am,” said Colleen, “I know I’m a living legend but even I have friends who address me by my name.” An alarm was going off. “We got something,” said a soldier. Meta Knight infiltrated a museum and captured a security guard. He forced him to open up the gate containing the iridium. “Excellent,” said Comet. People saw what happened and ran out of the museum. “Colleen, you’re up,” she said. “Got it,” said Colleen. Pit handed her the shield. “Aren’t you the sweetest,” she said. Comet rounded up all of the civilians at the museum by making multiple copies of himself. “Bow to your new king,” he said. They were scared to death. “I said…. BOW!!!!!” he shouted. They all bowed to him. “This is how a kingdom is born,” said Comet, “Look at you. You were all made to be ruled.” He walked around them. “There are no such thing as heroes, no one to protect you from destruction,” said Comet, “But you will all learn to serve me, your new king. All of you crave subjugation.” One person stood up. “You’re no king,” he said, “I’ll never bow to a monster like you.” Comet walked to him. “Witness how this old man is talking back to me,” he said, “Let him be an example.” He was about to kill him, but Colleen arrived just in time and kicked him away. “Its one thing to play pretend king,” said Colleen, “But you take it to an entirely new level.” “The soldier,” said Comet, “The Mantle which was given from person to person, the hero out of time.” “Its not me who’s out of time,” said Colleen. A jet arrived with Lana on board. “Stand down Comet,” she said. Comet jumped at Colleen and thye engaged in combat. Colleen tried attacking with her shield but Comet knocked it out of her hands. Colleen used the training drills to take advantage of the battle. She then did a spinning kick and Comet dodged. He forced her down. “You will bow before me,” he said. “Not if I can help it!” she said. She kicked him off. An missile was launched at him. It didn’t come from the jet. It came from me. I flew down and had my plasma busters ready to fire at Comet. He surrendered. “Smartest move I’ve seen all day,” I said. “Nick,” said Colleen greeting me with a smile. “Captain,” I said. We were in the jet with Comet in handcuffs. “Has he said anything?” asked Lana. “Not a word since we brought him on board,” I said. “Captain N didn’t say you were coming,” said Colleen. “You and I both know he’s a secretive man,” I said, “But if we’re both involved then I’m sure there’s a reason why.” Something was dashing around us. “What was that?” asked a soldier. Something pulled the top of the ship open and jumped in. It was a blonde haired girl. I got ready to attack but she quickly took me down. She then grabbed Comet and flew away. “Who was that?” asked Colleen, “A friendly?” “I’m not sure, but we have to stop her from killing Comet,” I said putting on my power suit. “That’s Star Butterfly,” said Lana, “She must be after the Cosmic Star!” “Nicholas we need a plan of attack!” said Colleen. “I have a plan,” I said, “Attack!” I flew after them. Colleen grabbed her shield. “These people are beings from another dimension,” said Lana, “You sure you wanna fight them?” “You bet your ass I do,” said Colleen. She jumped down without a parachute. Star dropped Comet near a cliff. “Where is the Cosmic Star,” said Star, “And don’t try any of your games.” “How I’ve missed you too Star,” said Comet. She gave Comet a hug. “I thought you were dead,” said Star. “So you mourned for me?” asked Comet, “Even though I’m not part of your family.” “You may not be a brother, but you’re still related to the king and queen of Mewni,” said Star, “You and I had so many great memories together. Do you not remember?” “All I remember is waking up from falling in the abyss and seeing a face,” said Comet, “He showed me a vision where I would rule a planet, and now look.” He walked around. “I’ve found worlds thanks to the Cosmic Star’s power, and finally found one worth ruling,” said Comet. “Comet, this isn’t you future,” said Star, “Please, come back home. We can fix this.” “There’s no need to fix it,” said Comet, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have planet to make my new throne.” Star stopped him and pointed her wand at him. “Don’t make me do this,” said Star. “Uncle probably sent you to retrieve the Cosmic Star didn’t he?” asked Comet, “Well you’re out of luck, for I have no idea where it is.” “Listen Comet,” said Star, “I….” Before she could finish I pushed her off the edge. “I’m listening,” said Comet. We landed in a forest. “Do not touch me again,” said Star. “Then don’t take my shit,” I said. “Listen boy,” said Star, “This is between me and him, so for your own safety, stay out of this. Comet must stand trial.” “If he gives us the Cosmic Star, then he’s all yours,” I said, “But until then stay out of my way.” She threw her wand at me and summoned it back. “You shouldn’t have done that,” I said. Comet was watching us fight. I dashed at her and punched her in the face. “Rainbow Cyclone!” said Star. She shot a tornado made of rainbows at me and I avoided it. I switched to a stone ability and rolled into a ball hoping to run her over. Star used her wand as a bat to push me the opposite way. I shot plasma bullets at her and she did some insane dodges to avoid them. “Try this on for size!” said Star, “Thunder Grenade!” Her wand shot out a grenade made of lightning and it hit me. However it charged up my power. “Power level is at 900%,” said R.O.B. “Alright,” I said as I grinned. I dashed at Star and punched her so hard she landed at another area. We kept duking it out while Comet looked. I charged up a plasma bullet and was about to fire. “HEY!” said someone. It was Colleen. She threw her riot shield at us to get our attention. “That’s enough!” she said. She jumped down. “Now I don’t know what you’re doing here,” said Colleen. “I’m on your side, the side of good,” said Star, “I am here to stop Comet’s scheme.” “Then prove it, and put the wand down,” said Colleen. “Bad call,” I said, “She….” She knocked me out. “You want me to put the wand down?!” sh shouted. She lunged at Colleen about to attack. Colleen thought fast and used her riot shield to protect herself. The blow took out a lot of the trees in the forest. “Are we done here?” asked Colleen.
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