#November Rosario-Álvarez
felipeandletizia · 4 years
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April 30, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia presided for the fourth time a plenary session of the Royal Spanish Academy, this time thorugh videoconference due to the coronavirus crisis. They already did it on June 13, 2019, in June 2016 and in June 2017. On all these occasions, as today, they were updated on the situation of the RAE.
This meeting of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) is held every Thursday in the plenary hall of this tricentennial institution founded in 1713, although, for three weeks, due to the health crisis, it has been held virtually.
Today, April 30, 2020, the Plenary is devoted to the study and debate of some of the most used words during the pandemic in order to complete the definitions of those that are already in the dictionaries, and in others to study their possible incorporation into the same. In addition, the director reports on the work of the Academy in this period, the ongoing projects and the immediate forecasts.
The director of the RAE, Santiago Muñoz Machado, has explained that currently, the institution is immersed in the development of a broad pan-Hispanic action program approved at the XVI ASALE Congress, held in November 2019 in Seville, with incidence in several projects of particular relevance: the 24th edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish language, totally digital in concept, together with the permanent update of the 23rd; the digital version of the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of legal Spanish —work supported by the Ibero-American Judicial Summit and the last Summit of Heads of State and Government—; the construction of the New Spanish Historical Dictionary, the second edition of the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts, and the Spanish Language and Artificial Intelligence (LEIA) project.
During the state of alarm, the Royal Spanish Academy has maintained its full institutional functioning, both in academic activity and in the work of collaborators, to provide service to citizens, with new working methods.
From April 16, the academic work in plenary and commissions was restored electronically. Two virtual plenary sessions have already been held (April 16 and 23) and a simultaneous session of the five delegated committees of the Plenary. The second plenary session, following tradition, was a tribute to Cervantes and a memory of Doña Margarita Salas, who died last year. The third virtual plenary session is this one chaired by Their Majesties the Kings.
To the plenary session of today, April 30, the following are attending as academic of the RAE:
Mr. Santiago Muñoz Machado, director, Mr. Víctor García de la Concha, honorary director Mr. José Manuel Sánchez Ron, deputy director Ms. Aurora Egido, secretary Mr. Francisco Rico Mr. Luis Goytisolo Mr. Mario Vargas Llosa Mr. Juan Luis Cebrián D. Ignacio Bosque D. Luis María Anson D. Luis Mateo Díez D. Guillermo Rojo D. José Antonio Pascual D. Carmen Carmen D. Arturo Pérez-Reverte D. Álvaro Pombo D. José Manuel Blecua D. Pedro García Barreno D Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez D. Darío Villanueva D. José María Merino D. Soledad Puértolas D. Inés Fernández-Ordóñez D. Pedro Álvarez de Miranda D. Juan Gil D. José B. Terceiro D. Miguel Sáenz Sagaseta de Ilúrdoz D. ª Carme Riera Mr José Luis Gómez Mr Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón Mr Félix de Azúa Mr Clara Janés Mr Paz Battaner Mr Carlos García Gual Mr Juan Mayorga.
And as number academics of the ASALE Academies: Mr. Francisco Javier Pérez, Secretary General of ASALE, member of the Venezuelan Academy of the Language, Ms. Rosario Villegas Pinto, Secretary of the Bolivian Academy of Language D. Pedro Martín Butragueño, member of the Mexican Academy of Language.
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