#One I love any version of a folk song that doesn't change the pronouns to maintain the heterosexuality. thank you mr tams.
chiropteracupola · 5 months
for interested parties, Here is the song about which I was rambling in the previous post.
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ispilledallmybeans · 2 years
Y'all I do not know how to use this app. But um, if you're referring to me or talking to me on this app or something, just some things u should know-
My name is not Aki Devi (kinda modified version of my actual name). But it is on the internet
I am south Indian. Just like Devi. But my ass is mixed. My family was bored so they did some migration and apparently picked up folks from Andhra Pradhesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Hence that's what I'm mixed with.
I'm a minor. Not gonna tell u my age, but I'm not 12. Cuz some of y'all are mean man, you bully ppl for their ages. But anyways, yea im a minor so please don't come propose. Or I will call the cops. JK JK. But please don't.
Clue to my age- the date when summed up is 3, the month when summed up is 6 and the year when summed up is 9. 369, baha, Nikola Tesla who? Me.
I love going around and spitting some random facts I learnt, so I sound like Albert Einstein's neighbor.
I love to read. Not valuable information. SMUT. Not exactly smut, I mean kinda but not really. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
My favorite book as of now, I haven't read any that have changed the love I have for this book. Its song of achilles. And I will defend it with my life. Unless its yk, problematic. I'm open to changing my mind for the good.
I do not have a favorite color. It keeps changing every now and then. BUT currently, it's WINE red. Had to mention the 'Wine' part to sound a bit fancy.
Also, kindly, no DISRESPECTFULLY leave this place if you are the following-
Sexist, Racist, Abelist, Homophobic, Misgendering ppl and being disrespectful to any religion or want to hold a missionary.
But, if you do want to have a meaningful and CIVILIZED conversation abt stuff like this, I'm open because I'm not Issac Newton either and I'm always looking forward to enlightening myself. But leave if you're going to be blatantly disrespectful.
And bitch, if you're a zoophile, istg i will report your account, so leave.
Anyways, now that we have the bad ppl out of the way. Let's talk abt some happy sunshine stuff.
I have a cat. I do not want ppl arguing abt what animals are good, istg. His name is Echo. Don't make fun of his name, cuz some mean ppl do. Atleast I didn't name him Stormi baby. Have some sympathy man.
I have a favorite flower. Yea, I do. This is not my way of asking for flowers but still, I will tell you. It's JASMINE. No, its not because I'm South Indian bro.
FANDOMS? yes. Which one? MARVEL, HARRY POTTER (but in this page, for my South asians it will be Hari Puttar, no further arguments), GRISHAVERSE
Also, I have a dancing cactus, his name is Pietro. Yea he's sokovian, how'd you guess?
My pronouns are- she/her
My sexuality- Man I'm fcking confused, i thought I was bisexual, but I'm definitely not attracted to two genders only, I'm not pansexual either, it doesn't resonate. So I'm gonna have myself Unlabeled.
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