#Oprah's house is their mayfair
fazcinatingblog · 4 months
What if there's questions when I plane catch tomorrow like "have you had covid in the last 7 days?" What happens if you say yes? They descend on you with a big bit of cling wrap and wrap you all nice and tight and throw you in with the luggage???? Or they call your name on the loudspeaker before you board and you have to shamefully walk to the front desk and
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Why Harry and Meghan must not be allowed to overshadow the Queen’s Jubilee - While we can sympathise with the Queen for building bridges, do we really want the Meghan and Harry psychodrama to dominate this event?
Ninety-six years ago on Thursday April 21, at 2.40am in the morning, in a house in Mayfair, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was born to the then Duke and Duchess of York. The baby girl was not supposed to become one of this country’s greatest monarchs. Only an accident of fate – and the folly of her Uncle Edward, who preferred an American divorcée to the English throne – led to her becoming our Queen.
In a letter to his wife, Winston Churchill, who had just made the acquaintance of the two-year-old Elizabeth, said: “The latter is a character, having an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant.” In truth, our Queen was never young and, until quite recently, she managed to never be old.
She was 10 years and eight months old when the abdication took place and she became heir presumptive. Like Shakespeare’s Portia, Elizabeth could have tossed her blonde curls and sighed: “In terms of choice, I am not solely led by nice direction of a maiden’s eyes. Besides, the lottery of my destiny bars me the right of voluntary choosing.” But she never minded. To an astonishing degree, the young girl accepted that she could never choose. Noel Coward was right. He quipped that they ought to put up a statue to Wallis Simpson, “for saving us all from the horrors of Edward VIII”.
Queen Elizabeth the Second is the best bit of luck our country ever had, in the modern era at least. Now, with just under two months to go until her official birthday, it’s clear she is conserving all her remaining strength for the Platinum Jubilee. Seventy years on the throne is the cue for great national celebration (and gratitude), but it has also exposed painful and potentially deeply damaging tensions within her family.
This week, aides are said to have suggested that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been invited to appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony during the festivities, but “can have no formal role”. Surely, an uneasy and possibly unworkable compromise, particularly when Duchess Meghan realises she has been given a non-speaking part. Uh-oh!
Whether that information about the balcony invitation actually came from the Palace itself or from the slick, ever-busy PR machine of Harry and Meghan, who recently dropped in for tea with Granny at Windsor Castle, is hard to discern.
Many monarchists are understandably dismayed by the idea that the self-exiled, semi-detached Royal couple who have caused Her Majesty so much embarrassment – not least giving that interview to Oprah Winfrey alleging that a senior Royal was racist when Prince Philip was pretty much on his deathbed – will play any role whatsoever in the Jubilee.
Those same helpful “aides” have conceded that, while the Sussexes being present on the balcony would “mean a lot to Her Majesty”, it would take “a leap of faith from all sides”.
You can say that again. In the Oprah interview, a churlish Harry effectively accused Prince Charles of cutting him off without a penny, even though his baffled father had forked out several million of his own fortune to set his son up in regal splendour in California. Meanwhile, Meghan who, like her husband, is never one to let a grudge go, publicly accused Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, of making her cry before the Sussexes’ wedding. The charge against his wife made Prince William furious and, according to Tina Brown in her new book, The Palace Papers, the two brothers are barely on speaking terms.
A source who has observed the sibling rift at close quarters says, “You just want to get them in a corner and knock their heads together and tell them to grow up.”
Prince Harry, so permanently aggrieved he cannot take yes for an answer, continues to kick up a stink about paying for his own security in the UK, even though he and Meghan seem to have managed perfectly well with private guards during this week’s Invictus Games in the Netherlands. In addition, the Prince’s “heartfelt memoir”, scheduled for publication this autumn, promises to be about as family-friendly as an improvised explosive device.
Under the circumstances, the Red Arrows are going to have to put on their most spectacular ever fly-past on June 2 to distract from an unseasonal, deep frost on the Palace balcony between the Sussexes, the Cambridges, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. (Poor Camilla is cordially loathed by Diana’s younger son, who hates the idea of her being Queen, according to Tina Brown.) And all of it filmed by Netflix with whom Harry and Meghan have a multi-million dollar deal.
With the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen lost her wisest counsellor. Lacking the family’s unsentimental chieftain, she has made some questionable decisions. Allowing the disgraced Prince Andrew to accompany her to Philip’s memorial service raised eyebrows. Now, her affection for her mischievous grandson risks distracting from what should be a moment of unalloyed personal triumph.
While we can sympathise with the Queen for wishing to build bridges, do her subjects really want the Meghan and Harry psychodrama to dominate this special national event? I certainly don’t. Their selfish exploitation of their position is nauseating.
Nor is it hard to imagine how undelighted William and Kate must feel at the prospect of a very public reunion. The Cambridges are trying very hard not to put a foot wrong, working to keep the monarchy on track during this transition while the Beverly Hillbillies let it all hang out in sneakers and jeans, then think they can just show up for Granny’s bash and grab the wholly undeserved glory. If the Windsors hope to buy Prince Harry’s silence by bringing him and Meghan back into the fold, my guess is it will take more than a balcony appearance to assuage that pair’s perpetual sense of victimhood.
How very different from our Queen. She grew up to epitomise the virtues of selflessness, modesty, duty and service. Values which are seldom apparent in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
If they have any class, Harry and Meghan will politely decline the Queen’s kind invitation to join her on the balcony on the 70th anniversary of her accession. That occasion is for her and for everything she has stood for. Long to reign over us. How lucky, so very lucky, we have been.
source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2022/04/19/harry-meghan-must-not-allowed-overshadow-queens-jubilee/
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                                    SEPTEMBER         2021
The Rib Page
How will we go on without Charlie Watts? The greatest drummer I have ever known is gone. 80? Yes. ill? Yes. We saw this coming but it still shocks. Peter Criss and Michael Mckean gave about the best tributes. Paul McCartney left me shaking my head.  I was touched by the billboards with a tongue and a tear. Me and mine were forever changed by the Rolling Stones. The Charlie shirt that my friend and I wear is a favorite. I will miss him every day.
AMC is bringing us Anne Rice’s The Mayfair Witches!
Thank you Netflix for The Chair!! What an amazing cast!!
The Stones Tattoo You has been remastered and has some bonus tracks!** There has been bad news for the make- up shows. After successful surgery Charlie Watts needed time to recover and now he is gone. Steve Jordan will step in and is the only real choice but after that, no Watts.. no Stones, any Stone will tell you that.
Reservation Dogs is having a moment.
4 Capitol police have committed suicide.
Lindsey Graham mocked Dems for wearing masks.
Kathy Griffin had lung cancer surgery so, of course, Meghan McCain had to let us know again that she does not like her.
American Horror Story is back with Double Feature!!! The premiere was long and slow moving but a love letter to Finn Wittrock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM IN!!!!
A P Bio has been renewed and Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia will get 4 more seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gov. Cuomo is out!
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality. Yoko Ono
We never trusted the Taliban. You can ask them yourself. –Mike Pompeo** What is this about Pompeo accepting a $5,800 bottle of whiskey from Japan and it just disappeared?
Puppies assisting vets. Yes!
Can’t wait for Worth on Netflix with Michael Keaton.
Jay Cutler: Anti masker
Q-Force is coming to Netflix. The animated series follows a secret agent with a team of LGBTQ super spies.
3 Alaskan volcanoes erupted at once.
This month’s sexual assault news:The Boy Scouts have reached an $850 mil agreement in their sex abuse cases.** CBS and Sony are being sued by Briana Thomas after complaints against Tony Morina, executive producer of the Young and the Restless.
It’s time to work on the drive thru. They are successful and needed now more than ever. Let’s put some real $ into making them more efficient and making the outside of these buildings more beautiful. This is what people are seeing when they visit your company.
The House passed the John Lewis voting rights bill.
Ghost Town living on You tube is awesome.
Channing Tatum is dating Zoe Kravitz.
I will miss U Brooklyn 99 but I am sure enjoying it while it is here!!!!
Evil people don’t destroy civilizations- the spineless do. –James Baldwin
Marjorie Taylor- Greene took about $350,000 in PPP loans for her families company and tweeted, “Stop paying people to not work and skip rent, and it will all workout.”
Brendan Fraser will join the cast of Killers of the Flower moon.** Margot Robbie is joining the new Wes Anderson film.
Mike Richards ? Jeopardy? Really?  Mayim Bialik? OK but what a narcissistic shit this Mike Richards character is.** Before month’s end he was out at Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune with man complaints following him. Sometimes it pays to keep a low profile. These guys never learn.
ElPaso, Il. is planning a museum to honor voting rights and the first black voter in the state, David Strother. He served under Gen. Grant as a cook in the Civil War.
House of Gucci looks great!
Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watch. – Werner Herzog
When we all truly rise up and quit letting the powerful walk all over us?** We are succumbing to the arrogance of power- A 60’s protest sign.
Why are we not still talking about a base income for all?
How about a show that asks well known people where they were on important days in history?
An alcoholic version of Mt. Dew??  And a flaming hot Cheetoh flavor? God help us.
Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson have a new baby boy.
Will the Robert Kennedy assassination conspiracies go out of control like they did with JFK? Will Sirhan Sirhan get out? There are pros and cons to that. Should the liberals stick to their ideals? Should a human get out if they are no longer a threat?
American Crime Story is back with Impeachment. I am sure Hillary and Bill dread every time that the story rears its ugly head. This time we will watch to see Clive Owen, Sarah Paulson, Edie Falco, Margo Martindale and Beanie Feldstein tackle the subject.
Should Oprah come up with a snappy but serious and informative morning show on her network that comes from Chicago? Let’s change the central hub of this country to the real middle of the country.** Rose McGowan tweeted about Oprah: I wish she were real but she isn’t. She is as fake as they come.
Major Crimes should come back for a third reimagining.** And while we are at it, Con Air 2?? Cage and Cusack team up on the same side to take down some evil doers. ** And could 60 minutes follow the example of some of the stories and have more diversity?
The war in Afghanistan is over. Things could have ended a bit better but at least a President finally kept his promise and got us out of there.
R.I.P. Nanci Griffith, Neal Conan, Markie Post. Don Everly, Haitian earthquake victims,, Sean Lock, Tom T. Hall, Matthew Mindler, Ed Asner, Chuckie Thompson, Afganistan casualties, 429 Rampart St. and other hurricane Ida victims, Patricia Hitchcock and Charlie Watts.
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