#Proto also doesn't think lgbt is real
violetvulpini · 1 month
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Proto kept saying weird shit and one day Roll decided to start demanding explanations. It did not clarify things.
[Transcript below because my handwriting sucks]
Roll: Alright, time out!
(Mega: Do you mind?)
Roll: What does that mean? Do you even know what gender means?
Proto: Heh, duh! Gender is just some dumb things human made up. And totally not my problem!
Mega: ...What? But you're a boy. That's not made up.
Proto: I'm a robot.
Roll: Okay, but you call Mega brother and me sister. Why's that?
Proto: Easy! I want to kill Mega, and you want to kill me.
Mega: No-- okay, what gender are Dr. Light and Wily? They're human.
Proto: They're scientists. (nods nods)
Mega: UGH
(Roll: hmm)
Proto: Can we fight now?
Roll: One more: What do you think humans made up gender for?
Proto: Psh. Movies, obviously.
Mega and Roll: Movies???
Proto, triple threat: I'm going to kill you.
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