mrmisosdomain · 4 months
I made an audio for someone who is special to me and I thought it was too good not to share. Enjoy listening to this interactive fantasy of a homebirth. If you own a vagina and are inclined to birth objects, feel free to push along with my voice.
Original content - please only reblog.
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angelicm0ans · 5 months
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happy new year ✨🎇🥂
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cyankeiya · 1 month
Husband pregnant with a blocked birth canal, gynecologist wife tries to help him through the contractions and make him do some walking around their garden admist terrible contractions since it will help unblock the birth canal.. he is already due! Please can you write something on those lines?
Words: 1.3K+
Content: Mpreg, contains an outdoors birth
“I-I can’t…it’s stuck!”
He’d been pushing bare naked while standing, hands on his thighs, knees slightly bent on the bathroom floor for the past 10 minutes or so, his wife with him with her hand gently rubbing his back. The couple was trying the tactic of him pushing his hands downward on the top of his belly, with his wife working her fingers through his opening to try to help the baby come out, but it was too painful, and the struggling father wasn’t making much progress. 
He was panting heavily as he felt another contraction ramp up. He grunted and gave another push.
He’d been overwhelmed and anxious because his labor had progressed pretty fast in the first half of the day. But now that he was due to push, the baby’s head was stuck lodged in his birth canal and hadn’t crowned yet.
“I’m sorry, babe, I-I can’t, it’s not coming out!” He shook his head, tears forming in his eyes, looking desperately at his wife. 
“It’s alright, it’s gonna be alright. Breathe, baby. Don’t force it.” She reminded her husband, moving herself in front of his view and looking at him in the eyes gently and lovingly, whilst rubbing his heavy, aching belly soothingly. He slowed his rapid breathing down, taking slow, deep breaths and calming himself, trying to focus on her. “You’re doing so well. Don’t worry, we’ll figure out a way to get things to move along.” 
He wiped his tears with his forearm. 
“Come on, honey, let’s take a walk outside the back and get some fresh air. We can see if it’ll help with the blockage, you think you’re up for it?” She asked her husband. 
“Yeah, that sounds…that sounds good,” He nodded, a bit out of breath. He wasn’t entirely eager to stop pushing where he was to walk somewhere else in their home, but whatever he needed to do to just get this baby out. 
His wife grabbed the towel placed underneath him, along with another new towel from the bathroom closet. She helped him get his shorts back on and let him hang off her shoulder as they walked out from the bathroom towards the kitchen area where the sliding door was out to the backyard. 
“Ohhh it hurts, it hurts.” He winced, shutting his eyes and holding his painful, contracting belly from underneath as he limped his way to the sliding door. He huffed and slowly blew out a breath as the intense contraction passed over him. 
“I know, honey, I know. You got this,” She encouraged him as she opened the door to their backyard.
He breathed in deeply and took in the warm, fresh spring air, opening his eyes to the backyard view. The afternoon Sun shone bright in the clear sky. The lawn grass was a vibrant green; the flowers which the couple planted along the tall fence earlier in the spring had also bloomed.
“Alright, we’ll have you walk around back here, see if it can help get things unblocked.” His wife explained to him.
The couple linked hands, with her other hand on her husband’s back. He paced along the grass lawn, with his wife walking beside him.
“Ohhh godddd…” He moaned at another horrible contraction, hunching over grabbing his heavy, dropped belly and blowing out a huff of breath. “Hooohhhhhh….” His contractions were not only strong but a minute long and getting much closer, almost on top of one another. His hips ached from the weight of his baby in his pelvis. 
“Very good. I’ve got you. Breathe.” His wife said, rubbing his back. “That was pretty rough, huh?”
“It’s been that way all day…” He winced. Fuck, he didn’t know how much more of this he could take. At least the weather was nice out today. 
The couple continued to walk along the grass lawn for some time. With each step, he could feel the baby’s head pressing against his birth canal, causing a horrible pressure. He stopped walking when suddenly he felt the head crowning. 
“Babe, I think…ohhhh it’s coming!!” He exclaimed, clutching his belly.
She put her hand on his belly as well. “Okay, everything’s moving along. Do you wanna go back inside?” 
“No-nope…gotta pushhhh!!!” He grunted at another contraction, which pressed the baby’s head further into his birth canal. Nothing felt like it was blocked up anymore, that was a relief. But not really, because he had to push.
“Alright, amazing, I’ll just lay out the towels.” His wife acted quickly, walking them back both to the concrete, and placing the towels on the concrete in front of the sliding door. She helped him stand on top of the towels and quickly stripped him of his shorts, so he was bare naked outside, about to give birth on the patio.
“How do you want to push?" She asked then. "Do you want to push standing like earlier? Or squatting, or..."
“Y-yeah, I can stand.” He nodded.
“Let me check you –” She said, kneeling in front of him and proceeding to examine him. “Okay everything looks good. Push on the next contraction, honey.” 
He planted his feet further apart, bending his knees, and pressing his hands to his thighs. He took a deep breath and grunted as he pushed. “Hrgghhhh…ahhhh…” 
“You can do it, darling,” His wife encouraged. “Push, push, pushhhhh…” 
“Hnnnghhhh!!!!” He groaned as he bore down. “Oohhhh it’s big!!” He whined, hot tears stinging his eyes at the feeling of the lips of his opening expanding. 
His wife looked underneath him and saw the baby’s head was crowning. She continued to instruct her husband to breathe and push. Gripping at his thighs, he sucked in a deep breath and let out a loud groan. With a big push, he’d finally managed to get the baby’s head out. 
“Amazing job,” She said. “Alright, here comes the shoulders.” 
He nodded and took a deep breath. When he had another contraction, he firmly pressed his hands to the thighs of his slightly bent legs standing planted to the floor and his head hung down. She kept his hand on his back as he pushed, letting out a loud groan. “Aaaaahhhhh!!!” The shoulders were almost completely out. 
“Good, that was good.” She assured. She had her hand underneath his legs. “Okay, we can try again where you put pressure on your belly. Does that sound good? It’s up to you.”
“Yeah. Mhm.” He nodded. “We’ll do that.”
He placed both hands on his belly, breathing deeply on another contraction and pressing his hand downwards. The baby’s shoulders were inching out of him with each push, they weren’t stuck like earlier when he was pushing in the bathroom.
“You’re doing great. Keep pushing, honey.” His wife encouraged him.
Her husband panted hard and grunted through another big push, then a few more pushes, slowly pressing his hands down on his belly once more. With more pushing and grunting, he’d manage to get the shoulders out of his body. His legs trembled, he hunched over with his hands to his thighs and groaned, “Ohhhhh god….” in total overwhelm. He panted heavily as he anticipated what he hoped to be his final set of pushes.
His wife kept holding her hands underneath the baby’s head. “Amazing job. I have the head. Keep going, you’re almost there.”
With that, her husband took some more deep breaths, and with another contraction, he felt his belly harden, he had the uncontrollable urge to push. He spread his legs further apart and took a deep breath. He pressed his hands more firmly against his thigh, pushing and yelling loudly until the baby was completely out of his body and caught in his wife’s hands.
He was still hunched over, panting and catching his breath. Sweat completely drenched his body. His heavy panting melted into soft sobs because it was all over. 
His wife gave him the crying baby to hold to his bare, leaking chest. “You did so great.” She gave her husband a gentle smile and kissed him.
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lovinglabor · 4 months
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I’ve been contracting all day
I can feel the baby in my birth canal, I need to push don’t I!?
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thebirthwhisperer · 6 months
It's time
I could feel the contractions getting stronger and stronger. The pain was getting unbearable.
I hummed through the pain. Another contraction, and another one. 3 minutes apart, 2 minutes apart, 1 minute apart.
Suddenly I felt a new pressure in my birth canal. Oh my God so much pressure. I, I feel like I have to push.
I put a towel in my mouth, bit down and PUSHED.
A let out a gutteral yell through the towel I was biting on. Holy shit the pressure was insane. The pain was horrible. I pushed and pushed and pushed. Eventually the head started to crown.
It was so painful. The head stretched my lips apart with each push. I thought I was going to tear. I couldn't stop pushing though. My body physically wouldn't stop pushing. So I just pushed and pushed. It was so painful, I kept screaming.
The head came to a full crown. I panted and tried to resist pushing. I wanted to let the head come out slowly. Unfortunately I had no control. Another horrible contraction hit me and forced me to PUSH.
AHHHHH!!!!! Oh god!!!!!!!
I gave a POWERFUL push. It hurt like HELL. The head finally came out.
Oh god... Oh god...
I panted and waited for the next contraction.
Here it comes.... Uuugghhh!!!!!
I pulled my legs back, took a deep breath and PUSHED HARD. I pushed and pushed and pushed.
The baby slid out with a lot of fluid into my hands.
Oh my God... I did it... I just gave birth...
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dageroll · 6 months
Multiples is overrated imo. What’s really hot is just one big baby. Imagine your belly gets so big, you’re certain you’ll be having twins… until you start to give birth and feel just how massive your baby is and how hard it will be for you to push it out.
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therrerium-valkryonia · 7 months
Woman going for a birth world record for most and biggest babies born at home and decides to have some fun with it.
9. planned at home
+ triplets + big babies
ø overdue
# birth denial + pushing baby back
– all alone
Overdue labor + Long labor + Long contractions
Water-Breaking During labor over a towel
Birthing positions:
1st baby: On all fours with Long birth
2nd baby: Leaning onto something with Short birth
3rd baby: Walking around with Head sucking back in during birth + Waddling while head is crowning
You know the drill, I'll add an extra spin on it too.
Life's Challenges
Warning: This story contains disturbing topics.
The room was small and shoddy, an apartment that Hertha barely afforded and in desperation had begun a full week of working, weekends in and out of office but an opportunity shined.
She was impregnanted by an anonymous man, the babies were an accident but welcome into her life and soon they grew big and had gotten too big with her cramped stomach.
It'd had come to mind she might break a record for the largest babies, as in a recent ultrasound the babies had grown to a large size and it was discussed if she needed C-section but the idea was denied unfortunately for Hertha.
On the drive to the workshop, she'd been having consistent acute contractions and it caused alot of issues but she managed to make it early by a three hour window, she was given a task.
And be paid handsomely by a wide margin, she accepted and had come to her new supervisors office as this personal affair was counted as an "official buisness" within records.
Hertha came through, her brunette head of hair was eye-catching as was her beauty and in the first impressions were impressive, they locked the door and she was brought closer.
Supervisor: Hertha so you've the upbringing of this company since the early days.
Hertha: Y- hoo- Yes, Ma'am.
Supervisor: And since your pregnant could I ask you a favor?
Hertha: Mmm- Whatever is needed?
Supervisor: I'll show you, come closer.
She waddled around the desk, her hand cast beneath her own womb as it jolts in pain she slows her steps and continues, as she stares.
Her supervisor stands and strips down, she gives her request as Hertha is stunned. Her supervisor hands her a sex toy.
Supervisor: Push it hard until I pop? Understand.
Hertha obliges, her left hand rubbing out the tension in her wombs side as the supervisor bends over and leans into the chair.
She pushed in the toy, as the supervisor trembles she then begins her favor and quickened her pace per see.
Her supervisor groaned in pleasure, she wrapped her hands around her womb a quickened winding of Hertha's pace.
The supervisor shook in absolute pleasure, trembling in the contractions but enjoying completely as she spurts out fluid.
Hertha was spaced out and focused on the cramping binding around her back, breaths frequented as she feels an intense lowering deep into her canal as it squeezed through.
Focused onto herself trying not to push, a intense pain rended into her flesh, she let breaths leave her throat as she grunts.
She pushed the toy too hard and her new supervisor moaned to absolute perfection.
A small drizzle of fluid ran down her thigh, puddling into the carpet as Hertha got up rapidly to attend to her higher up but had resisted a pain in her canal as fluid leaked heavily down her stockings.
She gripped the desk's edge and crunched tightly, her contractions picked up and she gripped her womb's underside, having the extreme urge to push but resisted.
Attending at her side, her supervisor was moaning aggresively and had gushed too frequently, breathily pushing and crowns quickly but as one more favor.
Supervisor: Ah~ C- haah~ Could you push it in?~
Hertha was hesitant but her supervisor begged, she pushed it in and she let out a loud moan all throughout the room and was slowly beggining to feel the pain come in, the pleasure soon went away and she began gripping Hertha.
Hertha eased her in, she kept her grip tight onto the desk still sweating trying to resist the urges.
Massaging her supervisors back, the head came back to a crown and busted out with a thin gush oozing from her crevice, she helped out and had her hand slowly tugging the baby out.
She guided her over, her comrade pushed and began to grunt harshly cussing as she tugged before an arm popped out, she let her rest as the rest of the baby slipped out into her arms.
Lifting the baby up, she lend it over to her higher up, who promised a pay of $25000 return for the favor though weakly spoken.
Hertha was exhaling through her tight lips, sharp pains urged her to push but still once more had to resist, drenched in sweat and physically drained in energy.
Permitted to leave, headed to her computer.
She finished her last stock of the day, though overtime began to pack up and headed out.
Waddling akwardly, her hands below her womb she stands awaiting for the elevator as she lays a hand on top her belly, she bends in as a deep pressure lowers rapidly to her labia.
Her thighs spread open, her leg bent in towards each other, her breaths deepen in panic and in pain, she felt the head rest against her labia.
A rising burn, searing between her thighs her eyes widen open as her chest heaves in panic her heart beats in her head, she grunts.
The elevator dings and they open as she runs inside, the doors close and she leans into the corner as she spreads her legs groaning out.
Sweat begins to drip down her hair, she felt roaring pain churn against her cunt, it was spreading her labia as she resisted at once.
The elevator was lowering and she paced around the small box, timing each breath.
But a pain struck, the worst contraction gripped onto her womb, she collapsed to her knees and began to push and forced the head to bulge, it was held in by her tight panties.
She grunted as she held her belly, squeezing her palm into it's hardened rotundness then limping into the main lobby and heading towards the old exit and leaving the building.
The head dropped into her panties, she leant back onto the door, she grabbed beneath her mini-skirt and pushed it back.
A loud cry blared onto the empty evening road, she gasped and waddled towards the car, her thighs kept tight, she unlocked the and got in, sitting atop the bulge and let out a grunt.
Driving the way home, each bump she crossed the head would slowly move it's way out of her.
Then when she reached her building, she went in and akwardly ran up each step of the stairs.
She kept a hand ontop the head to fight it from coming out, and came out on her floor she let out a groan from closed lips as she fought the huge head of the firstborn.
Vividly remebering the room, she sluggishly went and had reached the room 205, went inside then grabbed the camera before she collapsed to her fours still in her outfit.
Letting herself breath for a bit, she planned this out but not like this and began to record slowly getting into the living room, began to strip out her office wear and kept her undergarments.
She collapsed in pain, the camera faced the bulging head and her bruised lips, she began pushing against her tight panties.
Enduring groans that encased the room, she felt her panties slowly loosen and begin to tear off of her as she took a deep gulp of air and began to bear down and the head pulled off her panties.
The contractions hit her harder than before, it was lasting and felt electrical as she held her breath before she bore with a groan of pain.
It made slow progress, but the shoulder began to slough it's way forward and very painfully at that, she had a few small pushes with a small breaths of air to ease the shoulders.
Eventually it made no movement and began to move back, she had a rest for a moment then slowly tried to push foward, the shoulders had slipped out and an arm slipped away but then the other shoulder was stuck.
It burned her canal throughout, she was slowly hardening each push but the shoulders were to big to come out, then she began to repeat.
Time had passed it had been four hours and so in her desperation with her pain worsening, she grabbed the head and slowly tugged it out.
Her bruised vagina was burning at each budge, it slowly budged forward as she pushed along with each long contraction, she felt it progress.
It was slowly coming out and then, it gushed an abnormal amount of fluid over the towel and the baby tore open her panties with the rest of it's weight and dropped into her arm.
She cradled the baby before rising and waddling with a wide gait, leaning over her house desk as she laid the firstborn onto the white cloth.
Leaning over, the second baby was descending quickly as she widen her legs apart as it pulled her down to a sort of squat, she took a breath.
She bore downz pressing her chin to her chest and squeezed her every once of strength as the pain hit like ten trucks that never ended.
Once the head crowned fast, she leaned into the chair and pressed her large belly into the wood to help with the baby, as the head spewed the floor with blood and fluid as shr groaned out.
When the whole baby dropped and she caught it into her arms, then laying her next to it's sibling who was fast asleep as she cut both cords.
Wandering around the living room, panting in exshaustion her arms lifting her rotund large belly fully compressed in ripping contractions.
Frequently taking a stop to push, she bent over and laid her hands onto her knees slowly giving out small pushes for inches of movement that slowly descends further down, her pussy was burning after the constant bruising.
As it descended towards her entrance, it slowly crowned but then would not go any further out as she strained her every muscle, it would only slide back in with an intense burn.
She heaved her breaths and began to waddle around trying to assist in it's progression out, the head was moving slowly down with each pace around the room eventually she had to attempt once more for progress.
Down to standing squat, her figure under afternoon sunlight in sweat with her hands spreading open her entrance.
Pushing with her full might, she struggled and began to tremble as she huffed when the head stopped at the ring of fire, she was relieved.
Though it burned, she persevered through the pain as she waddled around for fifteen minutes and began to bear down while walking.
Her palms squeezed into her sides, she groaned loudly and bore down while slowly walking and after a few moments the head finally came out.
She went to standing squat and bore down as hard as possible, the head dangled below her cunt and the neck jutted out with a heavy fall filled off fluid and blood.
Once more she waddled, her legs spread wider as she felt the shoulder slide down and she fell to a full squat across the camera, she held onto the head gently tugging as she pushed.
The baby slowly progressed out and finally had gushed out with a dense fluid, she stopped the recording and cut the cord and swaddled them.
She sent the recording to guiness and then after a week they came in and assinged her "world's biggest triplets" coming in at 32 inches and 23 pounds and 15 ounces, congratulations!
She took a photo in her esteeemed happiness.
Also got a $26, 896 payment and prize money so she was very much sustainable for support.
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flnpushy · 8 months
If your like me and crave birth denial, this is the ultimate video. This mommy pushes forever and cant get the baby out! 30 mins of slip-ins and pushing struggle. Enjoy
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birthkink · 1 year
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oh to be held like this during labor
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birth-screaming · 1 year
Beach Birth
Request by @frank5804
Hazel really had hoped for a peaceful trip followed by a peaceful birth. The universe, however, had other plans. It was a hot day when Hazel had gone on a beach trip. She had decided to wear nothing but a pink bikini. Her due date was well over a week from now, so she felt comfortable and safe to go on the trip. She had a c-section planned anyways.
Her massive belly stuck out like a sore thumb. She was pregnant with twins, both of which being 9-11 pounds. Did she feel a little embarrassed? Sure, but she didn't care that much. She waddled onto a far away corner of the beach. Her stomach felt so low, and she had to painfully walk to lay down her blanket to sit on.
Some time passed by, and she decided to go in the water. She waddled away and gently sat down in the water, but still near the shore. Out of nowhere she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She told herself that that was normal during pregnancy. The pain, however, did not go away. She continued to painfully play around. All of a sudden a sharp pain ripped through her abdomen. She doubled over in pain. She realized that people were giving her worried looks, but she could not focus on that. The pain only kept building until it finally faded away. Hazel's concerns grew, but she assumed that it was only a braxton hick. She continued to swim around, hoping nothing had happened.
Only three minutes go by, when she gets hit by another contraction. This one was even more painful than the other. She grabbed her massive belly and squirmed in pain. Pressure grew near her abdomen, using full strength the push down. She felt something move down her birth canal. She realized, still doubled over in pain, that she was definitely in labor. She tried to scream through her clenched teeth, but she could not make a sound. She realized she had to give birth here, her massive twins having no chance of c-section.
As soon as her contraction was over, she ran out of the water. She could barely stand with her belly and her drenched bikini. "SOMEONE, HELP!" she screamed. She barely made it out of the water before another contraction hit her. She felt her baby shift further down her birth canal. The pain in her abdomen was unbearable as the pressure continues to keep growing. She held her breath and tried not to scream, even with the pressure she was dealing with.
"She's giving birth!" someone yelled out from the beach. Hazel saw a tall man walking towards her. She had gotten not even a minute of rest when another contraction hit her. This one was different. On top of her pain in both her abdomen and the pressure-which were both worse than the previous ones- she felt her pussy lips part rapidly. She was about to crown. She clenched her teeth and grabbed her stomach. She got the urge to push-a big one. She tried to tolerate it but the pain kept growing. She quickly bore down and screamed louder than she had ever heard anyone scream.
The man came close to her and sat down. "Hey, just breathe for me, okay? I'll help deliver your baby" She could not believe him. How could a random man know how to safely deliver her abnormally large baby? "Just pull down your bikini, you're about to start crowning". She wanted to argue, but she simply had no strength. She obliged and took off her bikini's lower half.
Another contraction came through her, and she could take it no more, she bore down with all the strength she had. She felt her pussy stretch, more, more, until it felt like it would rip open if she continued to push. "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, ITS TOO BIG". "I know, but right now you need to push." "IT BURNS SO MUCH, IM GONNA TEAR, ITS SO BIG" "You. Need. To. Push. Otherwise the baby will go back inside. Terrified at the thought, she agreed and continued to push. Her pussy was stretched so wide that someone could fit their whole adult leg in it. She felt searing white hot pain, but she felt all of it. The next contraction was even worse, when she pushed, her pussy had reached its limit, it was about to tear. "I see it! Push!" he said. Hazel nonetheless kept pushing. Her whole body was shaking. "GET IT OUTTTT AAAHHHHHHH!!" she screamed. When she realized that she couldn't stretch anymore, she felt the head pop out with a gush of amniotic fluid. The man pulled out her baby and held it out to her. "It's a girl" he said.
The discomfort didn't stop though. Hazel continued to moan, louder each time. She began to whimper. She shifted uncomfortably in the sand. "ooohh" she said in a shaky moan. "what happened, my dear?" "I have twins" Hazel said with a pang of pain. "ooOOHH" Her voice grew as she felt a small contraction rip through her. "Please, i cant do this again, help, please, stop this" she cried and begged him, knowing that there was nothing he could do. She painfully realized that this was going to be the larger and heavier baby. She moaned even louder, her voice and body still shaking. "We can get you to the hospital, and don't worry, this one will be easier." Hazel nodded and tried to get up. He tried to help her up, as she moaned even louder, her moan almost being a scream.
Before he could even get her to take a step, she screamed out and doubled down. "NO! NOT NOW! NOT AGAIN!" she yelled out. "its okay, dear, relax". She didn't listen to him. She bore down with all her strength. "FUCK, ITS COMING, ITS COMING!! ITS WAY. TOO. BIGGGG!!" Her screams grew. He realized that this one would require more help. Without thinking, he laid her down on her sand, and pushed on her stomach. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ILL TEAR," He put more pressure. "STOP. ITS COMING FASTER!" She bore down again, screaming and begging him to stop. "I'm sorry, if i don't do this the baby will definitely slip back in. Now you don't want to birth this baby twice, do you?" he told her. She shook her head. She was crowning again. "See, this time its easier" "IT BURNS SO MUCH. SO MUCH PRESSURE" He still had no choice but to continue pushing on her stomach, this time with much more pressure, almost as if he was working a machinery, not tending to her pain. He couldn't though, as it was necessary to apply as much pressure as possible to prevent
Hazel continued to push, and she felt her pussy being stretched to the max. She knew she had to stop and let herself stretch. The man, however, didn't notice and put even more pressure, so much so that her stomach wasn't even round anymore. "STOP. IM TEARINGG!" she screamed, but it was too late. She felt her pussy rip apart, as if the pressure on her abdomen was not already enough. She felt the head pop out, giving a rest to her bulging pussy. The man noticed it and quickly pulled the baby out. She amniotic fluid rushed out as she finally felt relief. The man handed her her second baby. Hazel lovingly held them both.
"My name is Axel, by the way"
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doublecrown · 3 months
Poop crowning as she births
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angelicm0ans · 4 months
oh to struggle getting the head to crown while straddling someone’s lap. as the head slips in and out of view, their hands caress my bulging lips, heavy belly, and swollen breasts. the cherry on top would be their sweet, but teasing whispers in my ear telling me how well i’m doing birthing their baby 🥰🥰
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cyankeiya · 4 months
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Pregnant! Fem Reader
Words: 2.9K+
Fandom: Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Cw: 18+ ONLY!!! Pregnancy/labor/birth material, waterbreaking, unassisted birth, explicit birth, orgasmic birth
A/N: I started this fic in early September 2023 during my Miguel O’Hara fixation. I had it in my Google docs as a draft, I went back and revised/added to it so it can be put here.  
It was when you felt the cramping pains of the first contraction that you couldn’t deny it anymore…you knew you had to give birth soon.
You started experiencing feelings of nausea in the afternoon while Miguel, your husband, and the baby’s father, was out. That nausea was followed by aching pains felt in your lower back which then traveled to your pelvis. In the meantime, you’d finished the chores and tasks needing to be done in the apartment - anything that could distract you from the progressing labor. 
But now that everything is finished for the day, you can’t help but focus on the pain that came with the moments leading up to your baby’s birth. Miguel wasn’t going to be home until the evening.
You walk around the living room, riding out those incoming contractions. Another intense contraction hit, around 15 minutes from the last one, followed by an immense pressure in your belly. God, this was not comfortable at all. In fact, you hadn’t exactly recalled what “comfortable” felt like for some time now. Particularly during the third trimester of your pregnancy, something would always ache or swell. It was hard to breath and find a comfortable position to sit or lie down. But now what was to come in this part of your pregnancy journey was going to be very much agonizing. 
“Just a little longer, okay?” You speak softly to your baby who is kicking you hard. “Daddy’s not home yet.” 
6:00pm arrived. Miguel still wasn’t home. You’re still in the living room, you’ve moved yourself to laying on your back on the couch, groaning and breathing, panting out through each contraction. You switch positions constantly, from laying on your back to your sides, or turning around and sprawling out with your front leaning over the cushions, anything to get somewhat comfortable. You rub your belly, trying to apply any sort of massaging pressure to your physical aches. 
Ever since you found out you were expecting, Miguel had been very attentive and caring towards you and your soon-to-be born baby. He’s been amazing during this whole pregnancy journey. Just the thought of Miguel being here with you, holding you and caring for you through the moments through your agonizing labor has you excited but also anxious about him being able to make it in time before your labor progresses much further.
You take a deep breath and try to relax. You decide you’re gonna get through this, just need to wait a little longer. 
A few agonizing moments later, you hear the doorknob click in the distant hallway. You struggle to sit up from your position, anticipating Miguel entering through the door. You get yourself up off of the couch to move behind it, leaning forward and pressing your hands on the back of the couch. A sense of relief washes over you as you see that it’s him walking through the door. 
Miguel shuts the front door behind him and gets himself settled into the house as he walks towards the living room. He sees you leaning behind the couch, hunched over. 
“Querida, what are you–” Miguel finds himself cut off as you rush to embrace him. He hugs you back, and just the feeling of him returning your touch sends you over the edge. You lean into him to press your lips against his.
“Miguel, you’re here.” You breathe, leaning into him for a kiss for some moment of time before you pull away to let out a low groan as the pressure in your belly accumulates in your pelvis. The sounds of pain you emit from your lips alerts him, and he turns to look at you with worry.
“What’s wrong? Everything alright, sweetheart?” He asks, his concern present in his voice. He brushes your cheek with his hand, cupping it with his palm. 
You shut your eyes and shake your head. “The baby’s coming.”
His eyes widen. “What? Did your water break?” 
“No, but I’ve been having contractions since this afternoon. They’re like…12 minutes or so apart now?” Your breath is becoming more labored as you talk. 
Miguel holds his hands to the sides of your heaving belly, he looks down at your very large bump where yours and his baby was, so eager to be born. Miguel smiles before looking back up at you. “Why didn’t you call me earlier?”
“I’m sorry, I just thought I could hold it out until you came home. If you were gonna be out for much longer I would’ve definitely tried to reach you.” 
“Well, I’m here now, so we’ll just get you to the room.” 
“Okay, let’s just – hhhrrrrggghhhh!! ” Your words are cut off by your own groan of pain as another feeling of immense pressure rips through your pelvis. You grab onto Miguel’s arms in response, trying to hold yourself together in all the intense pain you were feeling all of a sudden. Just then you feel a pop inside of you, and a gush of fluid pours out onto the floor right beneath you.  
Miguel looks down at the puddle under your feet, then back up at you, his hands at your sides to make sure you don’t fall.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” You plead. 
“No no, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay. Can you walk?” He asks. 
“Mhm, yeah.” You nod.
He keeps his hands holding you close as you walk to the bedroom, then into the adjacent connected bathroom. You’ve stripped yourself of your soaked shorts, and you’re only in your underwear and one of Miguel’s large t-shirts he let you wear whenever you wanted. 
He has you both standing in the front of the bathroom mirror, laying your back against the front of his body. Miguel took his work clothes off too and now was just in his briefs and a base-layer t-shirt. He’s big and strong and muscular…just drop-dead sexy; just the sight of him actually manages to distract you from your labor pains which makes them somewhat more bearable.
More loud groans leave your lips during the contractions. Slow, deep breaths, you remind yourself. Miguel keeps his hands holding underneath the swell of your belly, pressing his hands slightly upward against the gravity that was pulling down on your body. 
“That’s it, baby, breathe just like that.” He tells you.
“Mmmhmmm…” You respond, you just lean your head back against his shoulder and huff out a slow breath.
“You’re doing so good, querida…you’re so, so beautiful…” He whispers with a smile, kissing your head through your hair. 
“Tell that to yourself, handsome.” You smirk. He chuckles in response. 
“Let me know what you need.” He said.
You needed this, needed him to hold you like this. “Can I get into the tub?”
“Of course.”
Miguel fills the tub with warm water, you strip yourself of your underwear and shirt. You step inside the tub and sink yourself in. The water alleviates some of the gravitational pressure off of your belly, its warmth provides some relief to your aches.
He kneels on the floor outside of the bathtub, squeezing your hand while holding your head with his other hand.
You have another contraction 8 minutes from the last one, you tuck your chin to your chest and groan out. Your groaning melts into soft whimpers. Miguel leans in closer to you from outside of the tub, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“Ohhhhhh…Miguel…!” You whine as the strong contraction passes over you. “Hooohhhhhh…”
“Breathe,” He speaks softly. “I got you.”
You slow your breathing down. Breathe in, breathe out, you remind yourself, though you can’t help but continue to let out groans of pain. Miguel whispers in your ear words of sweet encouragement. You can do this, you have Miguel with you. 
You stay in the bathtub, waiting out more contractions until the water becomes lukewarm. You drain the tub, and Miguel helps you get out and dry you down with a towel. Another contraction comes in at 6 minutes, and you let out a breathy moan of pain. Miguel holds you close, shushing you gently and assuring you’re going to be okay.
You both walk over to the bed you share. You lay your towel on the mattress and get yourself sitting on top of it while Miguel props up the pillows for you. You lean your sore back against the pillows, trying to get yourself into a position that feels at least decently comfortable. God, you needed this, just to rest for a moment before giving birth. Miguel climbs into bed and lays next to you, holding you close in his strong arms.
“Is the room warm enough for you?” He asks. 
“Mhm, yes.” You nod. 
“Do you need water?”
“I could use a drink, sure.”
Miguel takes the plastic bottle of water on the nightstand, opening it and raising the bottle to your lips for you to take slow sips. He puts the bottle away to focus his attention on you.
Another intense contraction hits you, causing you to whimper softly in desperation and hold your hand to your bump. Your breathing becomes labored again as the contraction passes. You grip on the back of Miguel’s t-shirt in desperation, and tears stream in your eyes. “Oh god, it hurts…I need to push…”
Miguel reaches his hand out where your hand is placed, rubbing gentle circles at the taut skin of  your swollen and aching belly. He kisses your forehead. “I know, baby, I know. But you’re not there yet.”
You groan in agony and melt into a sob. “I’m done…I’m so done with this…” 
Miguel reached his hand to your tear-soaked cheek, cupping it wiping your tears with his thumb before stroking the side of your hair. 
“You’re almost there, cariño.” He says, voice gentle, sorrowful for the state he put you in, and excited at the same time for what was to come. “You have me here with you. Just keep breathing, I got you.” 
You manage an exhausted smile. “I love you, Mig.” You breathe.
“I love you too.” He smiled. “Let me take care of you.” He plants another soft kiss on your forehead. He puts his hand back onto your belly, leaning over to kiss it. Miguel’s lips are soft and warm against the taut skin of your bump. 
You run your fingers through his dark locks. When he moves himself up closer to your face, you shift your hands behind his broad shoulders. “Thank you, Miguel, you’re so amazing.” You breathe. 
“Anything for you, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you.” You crash your lips into his, multiple times. Your kisses become desperate as you can feel your labor progressing further to the point of a strong urge to push. 
Through this next part of the labor leading up to the delivery, your mind constantly switches focus between the pain and Miguel’s presence. You cling to him, cry out to him as a searing pain cuts through between your legs. 
“Hey, hey, I’m here, baby, tell me what you need.” Miguel says. 
You place your hands at the sides of his dark locks. “I need to pushhhh....” You huff through your teeth.
“I’ll check you.” He looks at your crotch and examines your dilation. “You’re ready, we’ll get you pushing here.” 
“Okay, good, okay.” You pant. 
“Get up and hold onto me.” Miguel reaches his hand to your back and helps you upward. You find yourself struggling to get up when your large belly is in the way. You sit up on your knees and wrap your arms around and above Miguel’s neck and shoulders. He places his hands at the sides of your heavy belly. You groan out through another contraction, and Miguel feels the cramping muscle movements in your belly against his palms.
“On the count of three,” Miguel instructs. “One…two…three…push…” 
With that you push your first push, groaning out through the force you exert. Fuck, it’s happening, you’re giving birth. You spread your legs further apart on the mattress. Your contractions are coming in very close to each other now. You keep your arms wrapped around Miguel and continue to push through the cramping pains. 
“That’s it. Push just like that, sweetheart.” He tells you. 
“Can you see anything?” You wince.
“You’re bulging, I don’t see any hair yet.” 
A bit frustrated, you grunt loudly through another push. You gasp for breath, you feel the gravity pulling down on you from your belly, and your breaths become irregular. 
“Breathe. Pant out, pant it out.” Miguel instructs.
You pant accordingly. Your breathing is not too rapid, but they are quick and deep. You let out a moan, spreading your shaky legs wider. You hug Miguel tighter as your crotch begins to burn as you’re crowning. 
“I can’t do this…I can’t…” You shake your head, sobbing. “Miguel, it burns!” 
“I know it’s hard, baby.” Miguel says as he rubs your back. He kisses your cheek a couple times. “See if you can focus on your breathing and let the head move down on its own.” 
“Okay…” You agree. You focus on your breathing accordingly, slow deep breaths. The next contraction comes in, and you adjust your hips. You groan out as you push, and you can feel the baby’s head inch further out, but it’s still painful.
“Ooohhhh, it hurts!” You cry out as a searing pain overtakes your strained crotch, and grip onto Miguel’s back in response. You’re sobbing and sweating profusely, struggling to give birth as the baby’s crowning head begins to feel stuck. “Mig, I need you.”
“I'm here. Just tell me what to do, honey.” 
“I need you to touch me.”
“Okay,” Miguel nods. You immediately make eye contact with him, his dark brown eyes are soft as they gaze directly at you. He holds his fingers to your crotch. “Look at me, cariño, Let me relax you.” 
You nod and lock your eyes on Miguel’s. He begins to rub his rough fingers against your labia, kissing your tear-soaked cheek gently as he stimulates your sensitive pussy. 
“Does this feel good?” He asks.
“Yes~” You moan out with each stroke of his fingers, and you feel your opening relax with each touch. You whine out as you cum, the release just completely fogging your mind in a haze of pleasure. As you come back from the fogged state of your mind, you take a deep breath and you push again, this time the baby’s head slides out with more ease. 
“Oh god, here it comes…” You huff. “Pushing feels so gooddddd…” 
“That's wonderful. You’re doing so well.” Miguel assures as he cups your baby’s head in his palm. “Baby’s coming along. I see some hair.” 
“Yes…baby’s coming…” You nod, panting out shaky moans as you continue to push the shoulders out with more force. Your groans become louder, you cling to Miguel tighter as you feel your knees weaken and tremble. Breathe, you tell yourself, as another contraction drives you to push down harder through the tightness in your crotch. The feeling of your baby’s shoulders being pushed freed from your body makes you gasp in overwhelm. 
“There you go, that’s my girl.” Miguel encourages you as he nuzzles his face into your neck. The soft kisses he plants on your neck make you shiver and you exhale out a laugh. You’re sore, tired, and drenched in sweat. But Miguel looks so good right now, holding you close in his strong arms and never losing his focus from you, his beautiful, gorgeous, birthing wife. 
“Miguel…” You pant. 
“I’m here, sweetheart.” Miguel assures you.
“How much longer?”
“You pushed out the shoulders, just push a few more times and the baby will be here.” 
“Okay, okay…” You spread your legs further. You take a deep breath as you anticipate another contraction coming along. Breathe and push, like you’ve been doing.
“Baby’s coming along further.” He says. Keep going.” 
“Oh god…oh god…!!” You whine desperately.
“Breathe, pant it out,” Miguel says. “I’m still here.” 
You nod and pant through this hard push. “Get it out…GET IT OUT!!!” You scream.
“You’re almost there, keep holding onto me.” 
This is it, the last stretch before you can welcome your baby into the world. You sob and scream louder as you push harder. Miguel’s hand is cupping the baby’s head as you exert a large push of more force. Miguel’s words of praise and encouragement are so soft in your ear. 
“I love you so much, sweetheart,” Miguel tells you as you continue to push down through the contractions. He kisses your tear-soaked cheek again. “You’re doing so beautifully.” 
“Oh my god…oh my god…Miguel…” You repeat through heavy breaths. “Miguel, please help me…” 
“I’m here, I still got you. Keep pushing, you’re doing so good.” Miguel tells you. His focus is all on you in this last stretch. 
You press your hand to your thigh and scream louder through the push. “OOOOOHHHHHH!!!”
“You got it baby…PUSH!!!” He continues to hold and support you. “Keep pushing, just like that!” 
“MIGUEL, IT’S COMING!!!” You push and yell and push, until you feel a massive gush of fluid flow out of you. You catch your breath and look down, and see Miguel’s hand holding the squirming baby which has been completely freed from your body. It’s over.
Miguel lifts the crying newborn for you to hold in your arms. “Oh my baby, there you are.” You cup your baby's head close to your chest, and you gasp and sob out of joy and relief. “Miguel, we did it.”
Miguel wraps his other arm around you and brings you and your baby you’re holding closer to him. He smiles with a visible tear of emotion in his eye, and plants a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m so happy.” He sighs.
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lovinglabor · 5 months
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I’d love to have you help support me in labor.
I’m about to start pushing! HMMMMP!
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mxthistle · 1 year
Audio of me pushing out my inflatable plug. Spent most of this audio crowning! 
He/They only please
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concentrateandpush · 3 months
I wouldn’t have left the house past 39 weeks if I didn’t need to, but my Grandfathers funeral wasn’t one I was willing to compromise on. We have the hospital bag in the car, but have agreed to get in the funeral car with my family to ride over to the parlour. Which I’m already uneasy about.
It’s a rough day already, but Mom is fussing over the flowers and my Grandma is worrying that family members from overseas won’t make it, my aunt, as usual is just sat there and there’s so many things to get ready.
“I’ve got that” I sigh as I go and help my Grandma with all of her things to take “it’ll be okay, you know, I know it’s not what you want to hear but he was 98 and is resting happily now” I say as I take her into my arms, rubbing her back “I’ve got you” I whisper. “You shouldn’t even be here, you’ve got enough happening.. I don’t want to rely on you to do anything” she tears up. “I want to do whatever I can” I assure her before heading off with her bag.
“Ready?” I sigh as we head out to the car. Luckily, my wife and I have a whole area on the back row and I look at her with a sigh “I don’t know why I agreed to the obituary” I say as I rub my bump in small circles. “You’ll be amazing, you always are” she smiles.
The journey is short and sweet but as we get to the roundabout, there’s a fuss from up front. “Wo-woahhh!” The driver shouts before we all get jolted back, jerking our bodies forward as the seatbelts pull us back. My heart jumps into my throat as I feel my body being tugged and thrown. “Baby!” My wife shouts as she turns to me, checking straight away on my facial expression. “I-I’m fine, I’m fine, are you?” I ask and she nods “I’m okay.. baby okay?” She asks and I rub softly feeling a little kick and I nod “baby’s fine”.
“Everyone okay?” The driver asks and everyone is fine, but when he gets out, he sees that all of the bonnet is crushed. “Okay, I need to order a taxi for all of you, on us obviously” he sighs heading off to call them and I look at my phone checking the time “we have twenty minutes”. “It’s a ten minute walk, can we just get there? Madge?” My wife asks my Nan and she nods but I feel the heaviness in my body grow. “Baby, I don’t know” I say quietly and she nods “okay, let’s see the taxi times”.
“They won’t be here for another twenty” he explains. I just get out of the car and start walking, knowing we have no choice. “Lena!” my wife, Blair calls and I look back “come on” I sigh.
The walk is quick but painful and I feel movements in places I haven’t felt them before. We get there with a few minutes spare and I find the nearest bench, sitting straight away and putting my hair up. “I like your hair down” Gran sighs and I shake my head “too hot” I mutter. “Baby, do you need water? Anything?” Blair asks and I just shake my head. “Back rubs” I say softly letting her give me some love.
“Family?” The director addresses and I look to Blair “I need a minute, you go in..” I sigh and know I have to go in. “Come on I’ve got you” she says holding her hand out. I stand up and as I do I feel my inner thighs warm up under my dress. “My waters” I mutter, grabbing the bench “My waters just broke” I whisper and they are met with so much pain in my back, I find myself bent over the bench taking long deep breaths.
“Not now baby, not now” I whisper. “Lena! Blair! Come on” Gran demands and I look to Blair pleading for help. “Right, let’s get you in there, I know you’d kill me if I let you leave” she sighs as she supports my back, guiding me in.
We are the champions by queen plays on the speakers as I walk towards the front row, passing people who notice the flushed colour of my skin and sweat droplets on my forehead. “Let me help” Blair whispers as we get to the seats and it’s a good thing she helps because I couldn’t have got down on my own.
The service is nice and luckily, the contractions are slow and I’m able to breathe quietly through them, but one hits so hard that all I feel I can do is open my legs a little and cry so I can let some frustration out, normal in a funeral I guess. “And Lena has some words to say..” the director announces. Shit.
I fumble up to the top, standing in front of the room filled with hundreds of friends, family and acquaintances of my Grandfather. Clearing my throat as I open the paper I start to talk. “My Grandfather would be over the moon with the turn out, he always said that-“ I start well but the pain comes over me like a wave. “He said that-“ I start and find my hands gripping the stand. “He-“ I mutter before I just buckle, my knees give out and I find myself being caught by the director as he lowers me to the ground.
“I’m here, sweetheart, I’m here” my wife announces as she gets to the front. The pain is making me pant uncontrollably and I’m not keeping it a secret anymore. “Do the speech” I mutter to her and she shakes her head “do it, please” I cry as I lean against a wall, panting and shaking.
She stands and delivers, better than I probably would have. Everyone is distracted anyway, by me, legs parted, sweating and panting, slightly covered by the coffin. The final music starts and I look up, seeing people leave, trying to catch a glance of what I’m doing. “I’m here, I’m here” she states as she comes to my attention. “I’ve called an ambulance” a member of staff announces and I just shake my head “there’s no time”.
“It’s okay, I’ve had 3, she’s had 2” the staff member says as she comes over. “Towels, water and scissors” she demands of the director and I look to my wife, tears in my eyes “thank you for doing that” I smile and she laughs, rubbing my belly and taking my underwear off. “Come on, let’s have a baby” she smiles.
“Shit, you’re.. like, open” she whispers as she gazes between my legs. “I know” I say as I grab my thigh, panting in and out. “Can I push?” I ask softly and she looks to the women “yes, you absolutely can” one of them laughs. “O-okay” I mumble as I scrunch my face up, taking a breath and baring down for the first time ever. “Nnnnggg” I groan quietly, feeling movement but no spreading.
“Okay, like you’re doing a poo” the woman smiles and I look to Blair grabbing her hand and squeezing “nngaahahh!” I cry out, taking some quick rounded breaths after letting it out. “Pick her leg up” one of the women demand to my wife and I shake my head “I need her” I moan and the other woman takes a leg, pushing back.
“Mmmphhh” I cry out “I can’t fucking do it” I cry and my wife smiles “You! Are Lena fucking Lovell, you can do anything” she laughs.
“Gaaaaah!” I cry, feeling myself split. “Am I tearing?” I ask and the woman between my legs shakes her head “I’m Mel” she laughs and I nod “thank you Mel” I smile before baring down again “ccccaaaaah!” I screech “that’s it, harder sweetheart, you’re doing it” she smiles and I shake my head before pulling my other leg back and giving everything I’ve got “GAAAHHH!” I cry out feeling a pop “fuck” I moan, trying to catch my breath.
“Heads here” she smiles “again” she demands and I shake my head “I need a break”. “You’re doing amazingly baby, you’re so beautiful” Blair smiles lovingly and I laugh, wiping my head. “I love you” I whisper and she smiles “I love you too”.
I find myself getting up onto my knees, leaning forward “sorry” I mumble and the woman smiles “you’re in control” she says softly.
“Fuck.. fu-UUHHH” I cry out, feeling the shoulders stretch me out “ohhhh, oh god” I moan, reading down “come on baby, come out” I whisper as I tug a little. “Come on, work with mommy” I whisper. “Baby, you catch” I instruct Blair as I hold on to the stand. “Ready?” I whisper before letting out a huge scream “aahhhhhhh!” I howl as I feel the baby leave my body and splash into my loves arms, followed by the sweetest cries.
“Oh my god..” she whispers “you did it” I hear her sob before the two women help me on to my back a little propped up. “It’s a boy” Blair grins, handing him to me “a boy” I grin, taking him into my arms “oh your great grandfather would love you” I smile. “Trevor?” My wife smiles, my grandfathers name. “Trevor?” I whisper to baby as I kiss Blair softly.
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