m-imprefect · 2 years
I wanted to go to bed but I am trapped :/
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unhingen · 8 months
my headphones had to rip EXACTLY at the start of my favorite episode of Wolf 359.
reeeeaallll grreeaaat universe, just perfect timing
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idsb · 2 years
I'm acting like a chaotic nightmare and I've gained like 50 followers in the last hour and I think they're gonna build a Whole Foods and raise our rent reeeeaallll soon
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ellies-enrichment · 24 days
What an average AoS eppy is like... 🙃🔥🤣
-aos anon🫂
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magicmadscience · 4 years
*slams hands down on table* Some headcannons for Lab!Bubby please?
Ayyy, Lab AU ask!!!! :,D!!!
Public Menace. Hated by pretty much everyone in the facility since he tries to leave at Every Other Opportunity he can.
Can control his pyrokinesis to some extent, yet sometimes just bursts into flames if he’s stressed or overwhelmed
Not really Bubby but related to him. Kleiner also exists in this au and is a successful attempt at what Bubby was supposed to be.. the perfect scientist. Yet they keep Bubby around for testing and keep Kleiner around to work for them. Black Mesa Multitasking :)
Isn’t close to anyone in the facility except for Coomer. If anything happened to Coomer he’d kill everyone in this hellhole and then himself.
Sweet voice-ish abilities? Not really sweet voice, can just change the color of his flames to fit his emotions if he focuses reeeeaallll hard
Is aware that human arms don’t grow back. Just doesn’t really care
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mynameisquoi · 5 years
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farah and remy get along pretty well, but i’d prefer she make friends with someone without several feuds, grudges, beefs, etc. to his name.
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unsavory charlatan: you see that heavenly light, son? that’s a sign from the alpha ‘n omega herself to quit your temperamental ways and walk the straight and narrow.
remy: please, o wise, inappropriately-dressed stranger, how do i go about fixing my incorrigible nature?
unsavory charlatan: first, you’ve gotta look into the light. just focus on that heavenly light reeeeaallll hard for a very long time and pay no attention to the whereabouts of your wallet or other valuables on your person.
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envy-catwalk · 6 years
I kind of want to eat Reeeeaallll food today you feel me?
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Ive pretty much constantly felt like I'm going to throw up for the last four days and im just reeeeaallll tired and kinda wanna cry about having to go to work. Sigh.
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