agent-hood · 5 years
Another Wednesday Night
“Cheers.” Ivar nodded to Charlie, clinking his glass against the other man’s. Parker was assisting Ellie with some research, which left both men in the lurch. So a night at the pub it was.
They had been drinking in companionable silence for a few rounds before Charlie started grumbling about Ellie being gone. Fueled by alcohol and missing Parker in equal measure, Ivar joined in and the conversation avalanched from there.
“I’s jus’,” He slurred, trying to find the right words to make Charlie get it. “I hate her overworkin’ herself an’ bein’ gon’ f’r two days time, bu’ then she comes ba’ an’ ahm sooo happy t’ see her an’ she smells so good~!”
“No no,” Charlie butted in, shaking his head in agreement. “I totally get it. Like Ellie, she’ll come out of a work-binge and her hairs all messy and I just want to bury myself in it, but I don’t want her to be gone that long. I want to be the reason her hairs all mussed and sexy.”
“An’ y’r girl’s so smar’, i’s nae like w’ can jus’ keep them from work.”
“And Parker is so stubborn and work-driven I wouldn’t want to see what would happen if we tried. Every time I forget to turn in a field report she gets this look in her eye and I feel this fear deep in my bones.”
“What y’ call ‘fear’ I say is re’assurin’. She suffers no fools an’ will drag ye kickin’ an’ screamin’ til y’r at y’r best. She can be ‘intense’ bu’ tha’s jus shows how much she cares.”
“Well you’re a brave man for courting that particular storm. I legitimately doubt anyone else could handle her.”
“Maybe so, bu’ you an’ Ellie are much th’ same. A lesser man would nae be able to handle h’r habits an’ no other woman could’ve turned y’ to less of a tosser.” With that he gave a playful shove to the other man’s shoulder. Which was returned in kind at full force.
This led to more shoving and rough-housing(“Turn off your legs to make it fair!”), and more drinking, which culminated with the two men clinging to each other as the room spun and pulled them into an intoxicated slumber.
“...I don’t know who needs a shower more; us or them.” Parker joked to Ellie when they found them at the bar only a few hours later.
“You can do what you want- I’m going to crash as soon as I see my bed and I need my pillow to do so.” She grunted, attempting to heft Charlie into an upright position. Parker whistled for Hampton, who promptly arrived and began to assist Ellie by carrying Charlie on their way.
“Do this again?” Parker asked, getting Ivar into a more comfortable position on her back.
“Wednesday. I’ll need some help collating data from a jump.”
“See you Wednesday.”
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