#She's so good... Abella my beloved
tangentrina · 1 year
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POV you're an earlygame enemy and I fucking get you
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Okay I'm kinda dumb at these things so I hope I did this right lol.
For your match up could I have
Tarot card, Love fortune and Perfume (Moonlight Stars)
1. Female, she/her
2. Kinda average height, 155cm,
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3. Could I get a male match up pls
4. 20s
5. Awww perfect guy would be smart, kinda stoic, but can be soft with their partner, someone who has a good, commanding presence, a person who makes me feel safe, taller than I am, is driven and has goals. I like blondes (lmaoooo) it's just a nice contrast with my dark hair and skin lolol.
6. Roses
7. Kira and the pillarmen lol idk I just didn't feel it
8. I don't mind villians,
9. JJBA vento aureo and Toyko Revengers
Thanks for doing this amazing event and happy birthday once again.
Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
Don’t worry Bri you did everything correctly, thanks for the happy birthday! ❤️ I decided to do Tokyo Revengers because I wanted to see who I'd pair you with for your matchup. Hope its a welcomed surprise. I also thank you for sending in a matchup.
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Tokyo Revengers
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Upon making your final decision for Abella's offer you tell her what you desire. She looks excited for your first request, it being one of her most popular readings. She goes to her table cleaning it off in a matter of seconds. A small pink cloud surrounds it and her belongings on the table disappeared. She has you sit on the stack of square shaped cushions while she is seated on an orange stool.
“You wish for a tarot card reading? How romantic this will be! I’ll get my deck out!” Abella waves her hand filled with rings. Her bangles jingle as her hand swipes across the table revealing a long line of cards.
The tarot cards are pink with white designs. She holds up a hand signaling two fingers for the number of cards she wants you to choose.
“I need you to pick two cards.”
You do as she says and the other cards disappear and reappear in her hands. She shuffles them but this time her cards are glowing pink. The painted hearts underneath her eyes are also glowing. She points a pink polished finger and the cards surround the both of you. They float in the air effortlessly in a slow vortex.
“For true romance to be I’ll need to know who your true love is. Pick one card but be sure to pick the one that calls to you. Be true to your beloved by following your heart.”
The cards fly to the table lining up neatly in front of you. You do as Abella says and follow your heart. You hover your hand over several cards until you get a warm feeling deep in your heart. You choose a card and it begins glowing. The other cards return to Abella’s side in a small stack.
“You did so well. Now let’s set your cards down on the table.”
One card is glowing pink while the other two look normal. Abella hovers her hand over the glowing card, closing her eyes. The hearts underneath her eyes glow again, but this time a huge rose shaped magic marking surrounds you two on the ground. You look around as both of your long locks of dark hair float gently off your shoulders.
"I'll start by revealing your true love."
Your brown eyes follow Abella's to the card. It's now glowing white. Abella waves her hand across it, causing it to spin. When she has her hand gently cupped over it, the card stops spinning. Her hand is back at her side and you now see an image of a male in the card. He's blonde with long hair and has a thin braid. Most of his head is shaved and he has a tattoo of a dragon on it, he's wearing small hoop earrings. His eyes are dark and he has a stoic expression.
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"I see.. Your true love is a man by the name of Ken Ryuguji, he also goes by Draken."
Abella's eyes are closed, she is focusing. She then opens her eyes with a smile.
"He is smart, strong, protective, is driven, has goals, he is pretty respectful and encourages people to do the right thing. He's also a very caring individual to those he cares for. However he is vice president of a gang, his authority is equal to his leader. Quite a dangerous lifestyle but he's strong enough to handle it.”
Abella looks back over to you noting how surprised you are being paired with an individual in a gang. His occupation surprises you but his personality too. You're happy he is showing attractive qualities in his personality.
"I see he possessives qualities you're attracted to in an individual. He'd be a good partner though he isn't good with expressing his feelings, he's good at showing it through his actions. You and Draken will have a romance that will slowly grow into a very loving relationship.
You take in all her words with a smile forming on your face. So much information is given you in mere minutes. As you're collecting your thoughts Abella flips over another card. It isn't glowing like the last card did but it does reveal a pink image of a king holding a sword while seated on his throne.
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"The king of swords, in love this card means that your true love is someone serious about love, plays by the rules, and has a lot to offer you, however they ask for a big return. They need to know you will be there, even if they're absent for much of the relationship. This card also means it could refer to a long distance relationship, communication will be through other means. Rest assured because Draken will continuously visit when he can and he will be sure to contact you."
You're quiet as Abella flips the other card, she knows you're still collecting your thoughts. The next card is a goblet with a large hand holding it, its overfilling with water and a bird is above it.
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"Ace of cups narrates a new relationship filled with both excitement and happiness. The type of love you experience with butterflies in your stomach and the desire to spend every waking minute with your new love. I believe this refers to the part of the relationship when you're both apart in the beginning but have no fear your partner will want to hear your voice and contact you often."
The fortune teller looks over to you with a look of joy. She knows the relationship you'd have with Draken would be loving. Your own brown eyes light up.
"Now that I've given you a tarot card reading what else can I help you with?" She says while making her deck of cards disappear.
"A love fortune would be nice too."
"A love fortune? This will be very romantic because I'll be sure to tell you more about the future and relationship if you pursue it."
Abella snaps her fingers and her hot pink crystal ball appears on the center of the table. Her shawl hangs off of her arms as she begins your fortune. The crystal ball starts glowing a light pink. She closes her eyes and the hearts under her long lashes glow too. You notice a pink rose shaped symbol on the ground surrounding you both. Abella opens one glittery eyelid, holding out her hand to you. 
“To get a proper reading of your beloved and your path with them I’ll need to hold your hand, but if it makes you uncomfortable I’ll simply place my hand on top of your own.”
You comply and hold out your hand to her. She closes her eye and focus' again. You felt comforted by her hand because your body felt like it would fall without the contact. Almost as if you'd get hurt letting go of her hand as she does your reading.
“From what my crystal ball is showing me your relationship will gradually build.. it will be filled with happiness but also have its ups and downs. Draken is a busy individual and you must be understanding that you won’t always see him. However once he knows that you’re very understanding you two will become closer and form an emotional bond before you know it. Once this emotional bond is formed you both will find eternal happiness through this sweet yet trusting relationship you both will share.”
You tell Abella your thoughts and she smiles. The fortune teller waves her hand and the crystal ball is no longer glowing. It reverts back to hot pink and the rose symbol on the ground disappears.
"How else may I help you?"
You point out the tiny perfumes lined up against the wall. Abella goes over to her shelf and asks you to pick one. You choose the blue and purple one that glimmers like the moonlight. The lid looks similar to a diamond.
"An excellent perfume! This one is called, moonlight stars."
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"What does it do?"
"All it takes is two sprays, anymore won't cause any affects but the smell is strong. This perfume will motivate your true love to spend the day with you, I assure you it leads to romance but you must prove to the individual you would be a good partner."
You blush at the thought but are sure to remember her words. Abella then stood up and gestured you to follow her. She seems to be excited.
"Now that you know the path that lies ahead for your true love, I think now is the time to put it to use. Please use the perfume, I know it will lead to your best future with your darling. However if it doesn't work out don't be disheartened. Love takes time too, good luck."
Understanding her words you're now spraying yourself with the perfume given to you. It smells of violets, with hint of lotus blossom, and a bit like the beach. It brought comfort due to making you have a sense of nostalgia from being around friends after a long day spent at nightfall. There is no other way to explain such a feeling, it waved through your very being as if trying to give you warmth on the inside. It's reflecting off the lights in the room, reminding you of the stars under the moonlight. Abella closes her eyes and the hearts on her face glow a pink, the rose symbol appears around you two and at the center a white portal appears.
"Your true love resides in this portal, hope all goes well." She hugs you before you enter the portal.
You blink and your eyes adjust to the dark city night. Looking around you're in the empty streets. All is calm until you hear a deep voice calling for someone.
"Mikey! Mikey where are you?!" The voice yells in an annoyed tone.
You turn to see Draken down the street from you. Your eyes widen at seeing the real deal. He's tall and wearing his dark gang uniform. You're not sure how to interact with him until you feel someone tug your arm roughly. You turn to see another gang member but his uniform looks nothing like Draken's. You make a nervous expression. He can tell you're frightened but before you say a word, another hand gently pulls you away. It was Draken. He pulls you behind him.
"Leave her alone." He said sternly. "It's obvious she isn't interested."
He is very intimidating, his presence alone made you a bit nervous. You thought back to how Abella described him. You're also thankful he got involved. The other person scoffed and walked away, muttering how it wasn't worth it getting in a fight against the likes of Draken. The tall blonde had a bored expression but he's thankful he didn't have to fight him since he wasn't interested. He knew one kick is all it would've took.
"You should head home. It's dangerous for you to be at this side of town at night." He looks incredibly confused since you're small and beautiful. "Would you like me to walk you home?"
Your dark eyes widen at his offer but you agree. You wonder how this night will end with him or perhaps you might bump into him again. You walk beside him, guiding him.
"Thank you." You then introduce yourself.
"The name is Draken." He nods.
You two get into small talk as you walk. He's calm but also respectful to you. A very clear contrast to how he spoke earlier. His presence still gives you an air of intimidation. You look at his uniform noting the symbol. Since he's part of a gang it makes sense he would need to be intimidating. Draken thought it was nice how you weren't judgmental since its obvious he's in a gang. He can tell you're very grateful to him. A fact he's smiling about.
A group of gang members recognize Draken and decide to take him head on. There is three of them but he doesn't seem affected by their challenge. In fact he welcomes it. You notice he looks excited. You stood in the background watching as he threw them effortlessly. His kicks are so powerful, it's no wonder he knocked them out. You became worried when one of them brought out a weapon and attacked him with the broken metal pipe. You gasped the minute he was hit. You tried figuring out how you could help him. He looks annoyed and begins dodging the next attack with ease. You notice a beer bottle and decide to use it to get it in his opponents eyes.
Thankfully your idea worked and the male is screaming and cussing in pain. Draken punches him across the face leaving a black eye behind. He immediately fell unconscious. The blonde turns to you so he can thank you. You mention how it's the least you can do for him.
Draken is more than thankful because you went out of your way to help him. Now that he is more focused on you he gets a better look at you. Your expression on your tanned features is so soft and you seem worried for his well being. He is looking upon you with a soft expression of his own, admiring your beauty. He smells your perfume and it gives him a sense of comfort and relaxation. He forgets about Mikey and decides to ask you on a date.
You're surprised but agree to it. You felt safe with him. You're secretly thanking Abella in your head. You follow him and notice he is leading you to the beach. There is no way he will hold your hand but he does seem pleased with this result of having you as a date. You smile up at him in return. You have more discussion until you're standing at the center of the beach. It becomes late and Draken realizes he left Mikey back in the city.
"Shit...!" He utters to himself.
"Is something wrong?"
"I forgot my friend back in the city. I need to get back."
"I understand. We both better head back."
You lose your footing forgetting you're standing on sand. Your smaller frame lands on top of Draken who also loses his balance. He falls backwards with you landing on top of him. You get a bit embarrassed and apologize.
"Watch your step next time." He says dramatically.
You say not a word realizing the position you're both in. Your small hands are on his chest, your face is directly in front of his. His dark eyes are looking into your own. His eyes widen since he's faced with your beautiful features illuminated by the moonlight. It almost looks as though you're wearing highlighter on your natural blush. Your cheek bones are accentuated, drawing his attention to your eyes. Your eyes reflect the starry night, causing him to become stunned by your beauty. Soon you both lean in. As you're both doing so he places his hand on your small back. He loves how your tanned hands slide to his shoulders. The kiss felt so sudden but natural as well. You begin blushing. When you separate he is smiling at you.
"I want to see you again. Tomorrow can you meet me here again? It will be during the day this time. I want to spend the whole day with you."
You immediately agree, expressing how you look forward to it. He walks you back to a safe area in the city. He bids you a farewell with a kiss to your forehead. He tore a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to you. It's his number. You touch your forehead remembering how his hand felt in your dark hair.
You decide to head back to Abella to thank her. Her tent should be in the same location. When you arrive it seems to be relaxing, no customers so far. It's late so it's understandable. Thankfully Abella is still open.
"Nice to see you again! How did it go?" She welcomes you in, having you seated on the square shaped cushions again.
You tell her how you ended up on a date with Draken and were promised another date with him. Abella's eyes widen with delight.
"Such wonderful news. I knew it was meant to be! You know I sense his desire to protect you and how his appreciation for you is equal to your own for him. Do remember my words about the relationship and how he wants someone understanding. To be able to form a relationship with Draken means to give all communication and care. Something tells me you understand a bit based on the date you had."
You agree with her and explain how nice it was spending time with Draken. Abella is overjoyed for you. She stood up to grab an item from the back of her tent. She is headed toward a planter. She picks a flower and holds it up for you. It's a single coral colored rose.
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"This rose is a present for you, friend. Always remember true love is a path of understanding and trust. Draken will prove to be a very caring partner. I wish you the best in the trials of your love."
You grab the rose and thank her again for everything. She hugs you before you leave her tent. Abella smiles fondly knowing the meaning behind the rose given to you. How it means desire but also enthusiasm. She gifted it to you due to the enthusiasm for the new relationship and happiness it will bring you. The desire is the love you and Draken deeply long for.
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kuyarexdelsdiaries · 4 years
Remembering The Stepdaughters
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Two Years ago, On Febraury 12, A new opponent awaits ‘Asintado’.
After taking out ‘Impostora’, the ABS-CBN afternoon drama will face a different challenger starting today. Looking to match wits with Julia Montes will be Katrina Halili (from Joyride, Forever in My Heart, Majika, Atlantika, Lupin, MariMar 2007, Carlo J. Caparas' Panday Kids, Langit sa Piling Mo, Kaya ng Powers, Beauty Queen, Dwarfina, Munting Heredera, My Beloved, Indio (with Senator Bong Revilla), Magkano Ba ang Pag-ibig?, Niño, The Rich Man's Daughter, Destiny Rose, Sa Piling ni Nanay, D'Originals) and married couple, Megan Young (from Love to Love: Love Ko Urok, Asian Treasures, Dangwa, MariMar 2015, Conan, My Beautician) and Mikael Daez (from Sana ay Ikaw na Nga, With A Smile, Adarna, Ang Lihim Ni Annasandra, My Faithful Husband, Dangwa, Poor Señorita, Alyas Robin Hood, Someone To Watch Over Me, Legally Blind), who will lead GMA’s newest drama series ‘The Stepdaughters’.
The story of ‘The Stepdaughters’ revolve around two women who were both beautiful and intelligent but have contrasting personalities. Mayumi (Megan) is a chemistry graduate with dreams of setting up her own makeup line, while Isabelle (Katrina) already manages one, yet as an only child she grew self-centered and spoiled.
Francis (Mikael), a head product engineer, becomes Mayumi’s love interest, even though Isabelle pleads to love her back. The growing dislike between Mayumi and Isabelle grows even more apparent when Mayumi’s mother Luisa (Glydel Mercado from That's Entertainment, Rosalinda 2009, The Good Daughter, Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa, Unforgettable, My Husband's Lover, Rhodora X, Ang Lihim ni Annasandra, The Rich Man's Daughter, Wish I May, Sinungaling Mong Puso, My Love from the Star) and Isabelle’s father Hernan (Gary Estrada, a former Board Member of the 2nd District of Quezon Province from T.O.P.A.K., Ikaw Lang Ang Mamahalin, Biglang Sibol, Bayang Impasibol, Hawak Ko Ang Langit, Walang Hanggan, Ikaw Sa Puso Ko, Mulawin, Encantadia 2005, Encantadia: Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas, Impostora 2007, Lupin, Obra, Rosalinda, Bantatay, Blusang Itim, Kokak, Akin Pa Rin Ang Bukas, Paraiso Ko'y Ikaw, Carmela, Alyas Robin Hood) get married, making them stepsisters.
‘The Stepdaughters’ also star Allan Paule (from Anna Karenina 2013, FPJ's Ang Probinsyano, Pinulot Ka Lang sa Lupa), Angelu de Leon (from Ober Da Bakod, T.G.I.S., Sana Ay Ikaw Na Nga, Te Amo, Maging Sino Ka Man, The Last Prince, Koreana, Sisid, Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa, Teen Gen, Pyra: Ang Babaeng Apoy, Niño, Buena Familia, Encantadia 2016, Mulawin vs. Ravena), Sef Cadayona (from Diva, Ilumina, Time Of My Life, Together Forever, Coffee Prince, Mundo Mo'y Akin, Genesis, Dading, My Faithful Husband, A1 Ko Sa 'Yo, Meant To Be, Sirkus) and Samantha Lopez, with the special participation of Dion Ignacio (from MariMar 2015). It will be directed by Paul Sta. Ana which was his first time to direct a show on GMA.
With the casts being placed on the show, The Show serves as:
1.) a reunion of former Rosalinda 2009 casts of Glydel Mercado, Katrina Halili and Gary Estrada 2.) Mikael Daez's fourth Afternoon Prime Show for almost a year since Legally Blind but his first show with Megan Young 3.) Katrina Halili's Fifth Afternoon Prime Show since D'Originals in 2017 4.) Megan Young's First Afternoon Prime Show since she appeared majority of Telebabad Shows
During ‘The Stepdaughters’ run, the series’ overall performance suggests that it should have been winning on a consistent basis. Instead, ‘The Stepdaughters’ ran into a brick wall in Julia Montes, whose afternoon series ‘Asintado’ won by an average of 4% in the ratings according to Kantar. However The show won on the AGB Nielsen.
But ‘Asintado’ is not the only show that gave ‘The Stepdaughters’ a lot of trouble. In most afternoons, ‘The Stepdaughters’ was aired against ‘It’s Showtime’ and likewise could not keep up with Vice Ganda and company.
‘The Stepdaughters” final two weeks saw the show go up against a new ‘kabitserye’ in ‘Kadenang Ginto’. So far, ‘Kadenang Ginto’ proved to be just as strong an adversary for ‘The Stepdaughters’, as seen by its 4.8% ratings advantage in its pilot episode last week according to Kantar. Again, The show won on the AGB Nielsen.
The show ended on October 19, 2018.
The Cast Nowadays
Mikael Daez would later star in Alex & Amie in 2019. He returned to Telebabad via Love of My Life which he is still seen today
Lovely Abella later appeared on Ika-5 Utos, Dragon Lady, One of the Baes. She is currently seen via Magkaagaw
Megan Young last appeared on TV via Hanggang sa Dulo ng Buhay Ko before marrying Mikael Daez
Katrina Halili would star in another Afternoon Prime Show Prima Donnas which aired on the same timeslot as The Stepdaughters reuniting with former Sa Piling ni Nanay cast Jillian Ward
EA Guzman later appeared on Dragon Lady with Joyce Ching. They last appeared on One of the Baes.
Angelu De Leon last appeared on TV via Inagaw na Bituin
Director Paul Sta. Ana later directed Dragon Lady in 2019 but failed to surpass The Stepdaughters with 117 Episodes.
(NOTE: The contributor of this post is Carl Veluz, a good friend of the EIC/Publisher of KRD.)
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