#Sigurd says he's related to one of the three people who drank the counts blood
childrenofthesun77 · 4 months
...okay, so I'm probably not the first person to notice this.
But gear's earing that he points towards when he says that he did the same ritual he wanted to help kuro with already on himself before:
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actually looks pretty similar to the pieces of the necklace the count used to create the servamps:
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The different pieces of the necklace seem to contain one demon each and the count used them to create the servamps.
So...did the count either learn this technique from the werewolves or is he possible even originally a werewolf himself? It would explain why he's immortal, that's why I'm wondering about this.
Gear says that the ritual is used to remove spirits, could it be that the count removed his own sins using the werewolf ritual and created the demons this way? But he went too far and removed too much unlike gear who only removed one part of himself? Him removing the sins from himself would also explain why he's so weird and doesn't understand other beings. As the sin demons say, they are a natural part of being a human and we have seen multiple times that denying their existence is harmful, removing them all from you would probably lead to you not being able to relate to other people anymore.
Maybe removing all these parts of himself is also why he has no appearance. Without his demons he's not a person anymore.
The count originally being a werewolf would also explain why he has magical abilities (gear can also use magic) before other magicians existed and why he's so anxious about certain people dying. Gear talks about how his immortality makes him sad because human friends do die, but unlike the count gear seems to accept death, grieves in a heathier way than the count and is able to move on and make new friends. Could also explain why his magic and creations are all strongly tied to the (full) moon.
Another similarity is that while werewolves apparently can't reproduce gear was able to have descendants by sharing his life force (it's mentioned in chapter 135 which isn't translated yet) with a woman and through her human children tsurugi is related to gear. Sigurd explained to nicco that the magicians came to be because the count let humans drink his blood, three survived, got magical ablities and became the ancestors of all human magicians:
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Maybe the count is more of a werecat though. He and the sloth demon do seem to have a closer connection, even though the count's appearance changes depending on the person looking at him he does usually keep his tail and the tip looks exactly like the one of kuro's cat/lion form and similar to the the one of inner sloth's non-human form.
It was also stated multiple times that the sloth demon is the strongest. I wonder why that is. Servamp comments on the fact that being lazy is often actually a sign of depression/anxiety through kuro's arc, so maybe the count was depressed and that's why the sloth demon is the strongest? Basically the demons strength depends on how much the count suffered from the different sins? It would also explain why melancholy is so strong, I assume kuro refusing to see him no matter how many siblings he sent his way to tell him to come looking for the count made him extremely sad and probably even made him come up with the plan to have himself be killed and then put in the same body as kuro through the ritual.
I assume he was behind C3 ordering the servamps to kill him because he's the one who created the magicians and thus C3 and lily who is kind of working for him was probably the one who put the idea that the count needed to be killed into the head of his eve (aka a member of the alicein family who hold a lot of power in C3 basically since the beginning. I explained this in more detail in another post). The people from C3 even said that the count can only be killed if he wants to and yeah, kuro didn't truly kill him, but he did destroy his body and kuro seems to have met little resistance when he attacked the count. Which probably means the count wanted this to happen.
#servamp#...if the servamps/demons all came from the count and the magicians are all basically the descendants of the count#does that mean this truly is all just a huge family conflict#since basically everyone involved is somewhat related to the count?😅#Sigurd says he's related to one of the three people who drank the counts blood#I'm still wondering if mahiru is special because he might have the blood of all three bloodlines#and C3 has a rule in place that forbids all three bloodlines from crossing#probably put in place by the count or lily#and that's why akira told nobody who the father of her child was#I still like my absolute crack theory that because mahiru might have “more” of the counts blood in him that he has no fixed appearance eith#But because he's so normal everyone perceives him as normal so nobody noticed until now that mahiru looks slightly different to all of them#honestly it would explain/excuse some questionable choices made by characters who as far as we know should be good people#Like why akira didn't tell anybody who the father was#why tooru tried to avoid being seen with mahiru in school by always saying he's to busy#Why tooru told mahiru not to tell the secret to anyone else#and why mahiru was raised as mundane as possible and as far away from C3 as possible#even why tooru kept his work for C3 secret from mahiru even after mahiru made the contract#and why he still didn't tell him the name of his father#If people know your relatives they start comparing you to them#If people knew that touma was mahiru's father they might expect mahiru to look like him#If people only knew mahiru was related to akira and tooru they would expect him to look like them#If people at school only knew mahiru but never met tooru before mahiru's appearance to them might be too different from tooru#Touma saying mahiru looks exactly like tooru doesn't disprove this crack theory either btw#Touma sees mahiru as tooru 2.0 and he's not 100% convinced he's actually mahiru's father so mahiru appearing as a copy of tooru makes sense#Just like mahiru would perceive himself as looking like akira and tooru because those are the only close relatives of his he knows#Sorry but I'm having too much fun with this crack theory#the twist that raising mahiru as the “ordinary high school student” was all a plot by his family#to keep people from noticing that they don't actually agree on what he looks like is too funny to me
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Wings. (2/3)
Pairing: Ivar Ragnarson x Reader.
Warning: Language, family dramas, smut.  
Word Count: 6,800.
Note: So, this is a pure creation out of my head so please have in mind none of the real world stories applies here (as the show Vikings which they made some big changes on it). I know Ireland had been invaded by St. Patrick and other Christian missionaries in the early and mid-fifth century and Christianity began to suppress the Celtic’s religion in a process. And that around 800 AD Vikings made invasions which brought chaos to their culture, but the Irish managed to prove itself strong and survive and assimilate the invaders. So none of this is related to the real story, so please do not come to yell at me saying I’m wrong or something like that.
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Seven Sunsets After.
When the ships got on the coast, they attacked the villages nearby. A message was sent to the King and he sent some soldiers to fight against the pagans, the Christians was easily defeated and the King asked to speak with the Viking’s leader. Sven told their messenger that the King himself needed to come to the camp because he knew how kings think and being inside a huge castle would be easily a trap.
The king did so and rode off on his horse to the camp, he was accompanied by someone who looked like an old bishop and four soldiers. 
The king entered the tent where a big table was placed, in the chair was sat Ivar, Ubbe, Y/N, Siggurd, Sven, and Bjørn. Hvitserk and Floki were standing up watching the Christians movements. Y/N had said to her warriors to be prepared in case the King wanted to attack them, the huge army was separated in areas and each one would trade hours of sleep to make sure the place was being watched fully. Avoiding any surprise attack.
Sven talked about his wish to the lands. The king said it wasn’t possible and he wouldn’t allow Vikings on his lands, his country had fought Vikings and overcame them before, it wasn't on his reign that it would happen. Y/N started to talk with the king who wasn’t much pleased to listen to a woman that was in charge, his face was covered in annoyance. Sigurd was holding one axe and his fingers itching to kill all of them.
The king said that he wouldn’t allow any of their wishes and if they didn’t leave his lands a big slaughter would happen with the Vikings. Then one of the soldiers looked at Y/N up and down and whispered something to the bishop, the bishop whispered the message into the king’s ear who looked at the woman more closely suddenly, Y/N wanted to swing her sword in his throat, how dare he look at her in the way he was?
Ubbe saw the awkward glances and asked what he was looking at, then the king turned his attention to Sven since he was male and the older there. He said that he had a young cousin who won a few pieces of lands and if Y/N converted to Christianity he could arrange a marriage and then the lands would be half hers and to her people. 
Y/N scoffed and said something to him, but the king ignored her, completely.
Until she stood up, grabbed her sword and moved it close to him pointed it at his throat, the Christian soldiers grabbed their weapon and prepared it, but all the men in the room were armed and prepared to fight as well. 
She asked if he had any idea of who she was, and told him she wasn’t a whore nor a slave to be sold especially for a minuscule amount of land. He sucked his mouth trying to clean his throat which made his Adam’s apple move and he felt the cold metal against it. 
Y/N retrieved and sat on the chair again, everyone calmed down and the king said it was a shame and walked away. 
Sven said they would kill all of his people if he didn’t solve this, the king stopped his tracks and wondered, having his people killed wouldn’t be so good for his reputation. Then he said that in two days after that night they would go in a battle.
Ivar was thinking about the strategies and discussing them with his brothers, Sven, and Floki. Y/N entered the room and sat front of Ivar. “I have a few ideas.” She said and filled the empty cup it has above the table with ale, which all of them were drinking the same.
Ivar rolled his eyes. “We are talking about strategies.”
She gulped her drink and nodded. “I know that, and I have a few ideas that can be more than victorious in the field.“
“What you have in mind?” Bjørn asked.
Ivar didn’t like to have someone else messing with his strategies, after all, it was his ideas that had made his brothers prosperous, brute force works but only with a good battle strategy that it can grow triumphant. “We can not use foolish tricks, they are smart, another Vikings came here before and we lost. That one needs to be successful.” He said and drank the ale on his cup.
“Exactly.” She answered and grabbed the piece of map Ivar was so meticulously analyzing. He lowered his eyebrows angry at her action. “Their army is huge, and they know the place surely better than us. My idea is, we split our army in three.” She said and pointed her finger at the green part of the map.
Ubbe nodded and followed her line of thought. “Three?”
“Maybe more our army is big enough. And in that way, we can make them suppose we’re outnumbered, which won’t be the case so we can attack from here,” She pointed in the river part, “Here,” Now the mountain end. “And here.” In the middle of the field.
Sigurd liked the plan. “And since their king hadn’t seen all of our men when he came they will truly believe they will win.” He said smiling.
Bjørn smiled and started to think about the victorious that its yet to come. “So we better go there and study the place, how we’ll split our army?”
Ivar opened his mouth but Hvitserk cut his brother. “It’s better to mix them or let them in the normal formation, like Sven’s, Our’s and Y/N’s ?”
“I wonder about that! Our people are great warriors and surely they had come from different places which make them fight with a different talent. But they are Vikings and won’t take orders from a foreign leader, I’m afraid we will mix them and they will fight among each other, and one of us will be far so we won’t be able to put them in line.” She answered with deep attention.
Ivar chuckled. “Not if you’re weak;” Sigurd stared his brother’s rudeness. “Don’t look at me in that way brother, we need to get a strong battle. I agree with you,” He looked at her. “But we need to make them understand this is important for them too. My army,” Bjørn looked at him; “Our army will gladly fight aside yours and Sven’s. You two should do the same.” Ubbe agreed with his brothers.
She looked at Sven and nodded. “Okay I think we can manage that, the question is when we win, what we will do with the king?”
Hvitserk smiled at her mention. He as his brothers hated how the king had avoided her existence in the night prior. “It’s yours.” He answered.
Ivar grabbed the map of her hand somewhat forcibly. “As I was saying, they have a different type of grass, I think its possible to dig a hole and put someone inside, so it would be a fun surprise to scare them, I imagine their voices screaming ‘the heathens are getting out of hell’.” Ivar let a maniacal laugh at the image.
Hvtiserk smiled at the thought as well. “It would be something really fun to witness.” He answered and gave his drink a few gulps.
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The boys and Y/N discussed a few ideas further and split to look out in the area. There Y/N and Ivar made plans about the battle.
And even if unconsciously, Ivar didn’t want to let her ‘mess’ with his strategies but somehow her ideas fitted perfectly with his own. He was so used to speak his ideas and his brothers or Floki say it’s too risky and even madness but she listened and added her ideas which surprisingly for Ivar it made the whole plan bigger and stronger.
Ivar was outside in the wetter weather, Sven has a personal tattoo artist since Sven himself added a tattoo to each victory he has, which made the man fully with drawings and symbols. Ivar had asked the man to add a symbol to his big back tattoo. 
The man was doing his work and Ivar was grabbing the wooden table in front of him to somehow make the pain more bearable. His back was covered in dark blue ink and blood. The man was using dark blue ink that he had created using wood ash as the dyeing agent.
Bjørn was so far enjoying his alliance. He was at in a quiet place close by the waterfall and was pondering about the next battle, he was certain it could be winning but like the attack in Francia he and his people had made years ago they had also thought it would be successful, but it wasn’t. He was praying silently to Alftaher asking bravery and wisdom for the following day; He was worried about Ivar and about the Irish skills, he had never fought an Irish before and if the Mediterranian travel taught him something it was to no take things for granted.
Y/N was savoring her conversation with Halfdan, the tattoed man was wise and had the best travel stories to tell, she was sat with him and Sigurd and both listened closely by Halfdan’s tales. Y/N was truly amazed by all the adventures he had seen and she made him swore if he and Bjørn got back to the Mediterranean, they would take her too.
He told about his brother and a saddens made its place on his tattoed face. “What happened?” Y/N asked, Sigurd already knew but he allowed Halfdan to answer.
Halfdan took a deep breath. “He let his desire eat him alive, he wanted to become the most powerful man in the world and with that he made everything to get that power, unfortunately, he died because of it. But he was a great warrior I’m certain you would have loved to meet him.”
Y/N nodded and gave his forearm a squeeze. “I’m sure you two will meet again in Valhalla.” She said in a sweet yet firm tone.
Sigurd nodded and Halfdan smiled. “Maybe I will be there sooner than we expect.” He referred to the following day on which the battle would happen.
“No, I’m sure you Halfdan Finehair will have great more adventures and even more tales to tell in the future.” She smiled and he appreciated her gesture, he loved Harald and will always do, he can be close to the Ragnarsons now, but he will always be a piece of his brother. And allowing himself to talk about him made him feel good about himself and the choices he had made.
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After several more talk, Floki and Ubbe joined the table and all of them laughed and got to know each other even better. A few hours Y/N excused herself and said she needed to speak with the gods, she walked to the patch searching a calm place and enjoyed the odd feeling she always had before a big battle.
Siggurd, Ubbe and Hvitserk sensed Ivar’s absence and questioned where their younger brother might be. They asked here and there and found the young Ragnarson being tattoed.
“We were talking about the battle, you should be there.” Hvtiserk said, Ivar opened his lips but was at the exact moment the artist hammered the wood on his back, Ivar swung his hand letting the tattoo ‘artist’ leave him alone with his brothers.
He engulfed a breath and tried to make the sting feeling on his back less agonizing. “You all looked very satisfied with Y/N and her ideas.”
Hvitserk smiled. “Come on brother, you loved her ideas, I even saw you smiling back at the field.” He teased.
Sigurd laughed and Ivar didn’t like the teasing, he had liked the ideas, it didn’t mean he liked the person whose ideas came from. “Differently from you fools and every other man around here I’m not letting her enchant me.”
“What?” Ubbe asked. “We are not enchanted over her, she is not a witch.” Ivar hodded his eyes, Hvitserk didn’t know why his brother was doing such a fuzz about Y/N or her ideas.
“Is this because we listen to her insane strategies and we don’t listen to your very well?” Hvitserk asked.
He shook his head in agreement. “Maybe, or perhaps I know you all just listen to her because she is good-looking.”
Ubbe darted his eyes at his brothers. “So you are saying Floki likes her too?”
Ivar rolled his eyes, “Of course not Ubbe, but you know Floki loves to battle.”
Sigurd shrugged his shoulders. “Then why not we can love it too?”
“Oh yes Sigurd, because is that the exact reason you’re mopping around when she laughed at your wedding offer.” He said and Sigurd wanted to argue but Hvtiserk stopped him; “She is planning all of this, she will surely make us out of fools and take the lands.”
Ubbe let a sigh and rubbed his face. “Ivar you are acting like an idiot, Y/N is seeking to make the battle strategy better. She surely had accomplished a lot of others.” Ubbe said.
Ivar sucked his teeth. “Exactly, she had won a lot but something tells me she does that.” Ivar shook his head in deep thoughts, he tried to find a way to explain her power to his brothers. “Something tells me she does that, she will use our alliance and then will take our achievement and add to her list leaving me and all of us out of the new land.”
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Sigurd chuckled. “Come on Boneless, just because she was nice to you it didn’t mean she is using you to make her reign stronger.” He told his brother but couldn’t believe his own words. “Wait, did I said that?” He joked.
Ubbe laughed and propped on his knees, knowing that it is better to discuss with Ivar at his eyes level. “Sven trusts her, they have an alliance for some time now. We can trust her too.”
“You are seeing things, I trust her, truly,” Hvitserk stated. “If my opinion matters nothing to you, you can think about Floki, you know how he is with people that will certainly betray us, but he loved Y/N and he truly believes she will help us become the most victorious Vikings the earth had ever had.” He said.
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“I agree,” Ubbe said and Ivar darted his eyes to his older brother. “And what Sigurd said is true, just because she was nice to you it doesn’t mean she is using you. I mean I saw her on the ship helping you out when you were nauseated. Sven said she normally doesn’t do those things, maybe she likes you too.” Ubbe said and Ivar just thought about how he doesn’t know she had helped him with his pain and had seen his legs. But surprisingly his brother’s words made its place inside his head, he is so used to defend himself that when he showed vulnerability and she didn’t get disgusted it surprised him. He was just trying to protect himself.
The afternoon came and everyone split up around, the warriors and shieldmaiden had gotten along and it was a doubtless a blessing from above.
Ivar had finished his tattoo and Y/N came back from her meditation moment. Ubbe and Sigurd went to give the field a second look. Hvitserk and Bjørn were training and Halfdan and Floki were discussing stories and old strategies.
Y/N was talking with Hagalaz in the training field, they were training and after a tiring spare they sat on the rocks and started to talk to each other and giggling in pure joy. Ivar was on the other side of the training field training with Hvitserk when he heard her laugh, he felt it crawling on his skin. 
He kept moving his sword managing to win against his opponent, and Bjørn felt proud of his brother's skills. He knew Ivar was really skilled and it was sad he couldn’t run in the field like the rest of them.
Hagalaz gave a deep laugh and Ivar darted his eyes to the big man making Hvitserk hit him in the head. “Eyes in here brother,” Hvitty told him making Ivar swung the sword swiftly and made Hvtiserk’s sword fell, Bjørn clapped and smiled walking away.
Bjørn looked at Y/N. “Shall we?” She nodded and stood up grabbing her sword. Bjørn swung it first and she was only defending herself, he kept going and used his whole strength, she was fast and it was like the first Ragnarson was trying to catch a fish with his own hands.
They kept going until he starts to gasp for air, she swung her sword and beat on his own strongly making the metal fell. She crossed her foot under him and knocked him to the ground.
Hvtiserk laughed and clapped his own hands. “My time,” He shouted. Y/N took a few breaths and helped Bjørn on his feet. 
Hvtiserk got in front of her but he didn’t start the practice as his brother had previously, Y/N swayed her sword and he kept protecting himself mimicking her previous movements. 
But when he tried a strong movement she turned around letting he hit the sword in the wind. He grunted because he was convinced he could be the one to beat her, then, when he turned she had the sword pointed on his throat, he tried to grab her sword so she quickly knocked him in the floor.
The warriors laughed and applauded, Y/N extended her hand to help Hvtiserk just like she had made with his brother, but when he grabbed her hand he pulled her to the floor and moved his body so he was above her, both laughed and she smacked his shoulder playfully. He looked at her and swore he felt something there, he looked at her lips and her eyes, she did the same, their lips were almost touching when she placed her right hand forcefully on his neck and pushed him to the opposite side so she was above him. 
He was taken aback by the fast movement and just stared at her.
She winked and got to her feet. Hvitserk sat and placed his arms around his legs recovering his breath. She extended her hand just like before and he stood up.
She looked around regaining her breath as well, when she glanced in the area where Ivar was training he had left and was a few steps ahead supporting his body weight on his crutch.
“He might be jealous,” Hvitserk said behind her.
“Of what? If he wanted to train with me I would gladly do.” She said sort of oblivious.
“It wasn’t that type of jealousy.” He said and kissed her forehead and walked out of the field.
Y/N shrugged, of course the younger Ragnarson was the one that took more of her attention, he was cruel yet innocent, he was ruthless yet smart. He was a big puzzle she wished to fix.
Sigurd unmistakably favored her presence, he would always find a subject to talk with her or simply make questions to hear her voice. Ubbe did the same but he began to ponder about Ivar’s actions around her, if Ubbe would give up a pretty lady it surely needed a good reason for it, and the good reason was his little brother. Ivar certainly needed someone good in his life, at least if he wasn’t too stubborn.
“So Ubbe, Hvitserk told me you two had gone to France with your brother when younger.” She said.
He blinked his eyes as he was to concentrated on his own thoughts. He shook his head and asked if she had said something, she repeated the phrase and Ubbe received a funny look from Sigurd.
“Yeah, we did. We were really young but it was nice to travel and… and do something with our father.” He said and felt a happily pinch in his heart. He surely loved his father but it was sad that Ragnar didn’t spend much time with them, Bjørn was luck, and even Ivar in the brief last moments of Ragnar’s life.
Ivar was on the table but was mad about something no one knew, no one but Floki.
Hvitserk hummed. “I think when we sailed to France father wasn’t the same. I remember him as a kid and he was always strong and happy. In France he just… discouraged. Then when we got back to Kattegat he just left us and disappeared for forty seasons…” Hvitserk told and all of them felt sad about the fatherly figure absence. “Actually we had told we could kill him when he got back. But Bjørn had put some sense on our heads.”
Bjørn laughed and placed the chicken bone on his plate. “Of course. These stupids actually thought they would be able to kill father, but when he appeared they had changed their minds.” Bjørn smiled and remembered how he had felt when his father appeared after so long.
All of them got silent. Y/N thought about something else to say but found something she could use as a start with Ivar. “In his last adventure, you went with him, right? To England, I mean.” She looked at Ivar.
He nodded. “Yes, it wasn’t the best since the circumstances we got into, but we sort of had a good time.” He said and Y/N was giving him her ample attention.
Sigurd didn’t like it much, he was tasting the same anger he had felt all his life with Ivar. When Ivar managed to steal his attention, toys and even the previous slave that was no longer alive. “Good time,” Sigurd repeated and laughed really loudly making the entire place stop the chatting and look at him. “If you consider a good time with a man that tried to kill you when a baby, Y/N did you know that our father grabbed Boneless here as a baby and left him for the wolves. Of course mother saved him but father never liked to reveal he had a crippled son, I mean since all of us are strong it was terrible to know his last one was a boneless man, I actually think that is the reason he never had more kids with mother.” He said with a grin splattered on his face.
Ubbe and Bjørn shook their heads in pure disapproval. Hvitserk kept eating his food and Ivar was with his jaw clenched.
Y/N saw how Sigurd’s brothers were quiet and decided to ask him a question that she didn’t require his answer to know it was the naked pure truth. “Were you always that jealous of your younger brother?” Y/N broke the silence making all of them look at her and Sigurd surely was taken aback by the question. He always said those things to his brother so Bjørn and Ubbe were already tired of the arguments and didn’t mind to interpose anymore.
“What do you mean jealous? How come I would be jealous of a cripple that is just here out of pity?”
“Shut your mouth!” Ivar yelled.
And everyone got even more silent if it was possible. “Jealous because he surely received more attention from your mother, and since you two are really close in age I can only imagine that he would always grab your toys as every younger brother.” Y/N said and Sigurd looked at her completely perplexed, people always knew that was his reasons but no one had told him on his face -at least no one that got out alive after saying so-. “I’m right don’t you agree? I mean if it was just from “pity” your brothers would do the same. But they don’t, cause they are grown-up men that don’t spend their time complaining as younglings.“
Halfdan drank his ale and made a face of ”shit will get down“. Floki smiled at her words. The famous boat-builder loved Ivar as his own son.
Sigurd got angry and left the place, Hvitserk winked at Y/N and people started chatting around the room again. The Ragnarsons smiled and Floki and Halfdan got back to their previous conversation with Sven.
“I don’t need your pity.” Ivar said trough greeted teeth.
Y/N looked at him confused. “You are a fool if you think I pity you in any aspect.”
He grinned in mockery. “I know you do, these actions are a pure performance to make me trust you, but I’m not stupid to believe you care for any of us or me for the matter.” He said and Ubbe yelled at him to stop being so unpolite. “What is the matter, brother? Do you really believe she will help us with a bigger plan or that she feels anything for us? All of you are fools.” He stood up and walked out of the place groaning in the discomfort as the heavy metal on his legs gave him.
Bjørn shook his head and closed his eyes trying to control the urge he had to run after his brother and yell at his actions. Hvitserk opened his mouth but Y/N lifted her hand stopping him. “It’s okay, if he truly thinks in that way I’m honestly sad, but you don’t need to apologize, it’s not your fault.” She said and Bjørn found another subject to talk about.
Ivar walked out of the great hall and headed to the river they had set the ships and boats on. He groaned with the weight on his legs and looked around to make sure no one was near, he sat at the floor and undid the complicated metal bracers that covered his legs, he placed it aside with his metal cane and crawled to a quieter place close to the water.
He stood there completely enraged at his brother for being an idiot and always saying things like he didn’t deserve to be there. Ivar made the best strategies and his own father said he wanted him to lead his army. Him! Not Bjørn nor Ubbe, definitely not Sigurd and his stupid music.
He was also mad at Y/N and her stupid attempts to be polite with him, he realized that she was stealing more attention from him every day. He would sit with his brothers and would query where she was or what she was doing. He would be on his bed and spent long hours staring at the wooden door as it would open and she would enter his room and sit by his side as she had done a few days prior.
He would be training and he would look around the field looking for her or stare dangerously as Hagalaz for being so close to her. Ivar was mad for her. He had allowed her to crawl into his mind the way his fools brothers did and in the way he swore he wouldn’t.
He stood there for several breaths hearing the nature work and gazing at the water. “I don’t care what your mind tells you but you are an idiot if you believe I’m nice to you or your brothers out of pity or some sort of performance.” He had his eyes closed and heard her voice, he hummed and opened his eyes looking behind seeing her there.
“If it isn’t true, why does it bother you so much?” He said angrily.
“Screw you Ivar.” She said pissed and sat beside him. “I don’t care about that stupid nickname men had given me, or the fact that you think I would only be nice if I was searching for some sort of victory. Yes, I made that alliance seeking more power and better lands, yes I’m nice with your brothers but isn’t out of performance or act. Do you think Sven is the only alliance I had the opportunity to have? Or maybe men are so stupid that would make me a proposal or simply try their ways with me and at the moment I refused the offers they would banish me from their lands? I don’t care what you think of me because you don’t know me!” She said and made Ivar hear all of her words.
He stared at her and after a couple minutes seeing her annoyed face then he nodded. “You are right, I don’t know you. So try to see my point here, I’m a cripple Viking whose brothers have aside out of pity, what would you imagine if someone came and got nice with me? You are too nice and too pretty to appears suddenly, with your titles I could only imagine men who had been conquered by you.”
“Not one that mattered enough. Do you think I want a man who's just want to be with me out of my appearance? Some man that didn’t care about battles or ruling? Some bastard that at the moment I say ‘no’ would banish me from their lands as I was some sort of whore? Not really.”
He nodded at her words, he hadn’t imagined her point of view. “What are you saying? That you want to be with a cripple or maybe with one of my brothers?” He asked puzzled.
She scoffed. “You make so low of yourself Ivar. Your legs don’t work, then what? Would that lower you at any point? You are here aren’t you?”
He rolled his eyes with a hint of pain on them. “Because I’m a prince.”
“Lie. You are here cause you had earned that.”
“Yeah, I like to think in that way too,” He said and darted his eyes to the trees around. “But I’m a dead weight on them, I’m well trained you know I can fight, but I couldn’t walk in the field supporting my body with a crutch and try to kill someone, they would surely punch me at the floor and I would be dead in seconds.”
She shrugged and tried to see his point. “Yes, I think so… but are your strategies and thoughts that make the battle better. Brutal force is good but it is strategies that make it stronger.” She said exactly what he always thought. “We will win tomorrow and you know why? Because we have intelligence and force side by side on this. The people that came before us had only force, but we are complete and we will certainly win this!” She said with pure conviction.
“Let’s see.” He said and gave a small smile, yet it was a start.
She just nodded and stood there with him looking around, trying to canalize the good atmosphere around. The fresh air and the sounds of crickets.
Ivar looked at her while she was staring ahead. He laid on the ground and paid attention to the clean sky. “Thank you for answering Sigurd, he is as stupid as a goat so it was nice having someone telling him something.”
She shook her head and laid by his side. “I’m sorry he treats you in that way, has no need to!” He smiled and kept watching the stars above.
“Do you like my brother?” He gulped trying to find his name. “Hvitserk…”
She looked at him and saw his jaw clenched. “I love Hvitserk.” He looked at the side feeling hurt. “The brother I had was an idiot, and I like to think about Hvitty as the brother I never had.”
He frowned his eyebrows, ‘is she playing with me?’ He thought. “You love my brother… but as a mere brother? No romance involved?”
“Not really, I mean he is really good looking and strong and let’s not forget that he is funny, but I can’t imagine us together romantically.” She said and she could feel his body relaxing on her side. “I mean. He isn’t the Ragnarson I’m interested in,” She said and bit her tongue trying to control the nerves that had set on her body.
‘Bjørn, is certainly Bjørn! They are always talking with each other.’ “I’m glad one of my stupid brothers will have the chance to marry someone that isn’t a slave.” He said while his hands were squeezing the grass under him.
Y/N rolled her eyes, she flirted here and there but it was hard to flirt with a man she was actually interested in. And he wasn’t making it easier for her. “With all your brilliant ideas and all your intelligence, I wonder how naive you can be sometimes!” She propped her body on her elbow and looked directly at him, only the moonlight brighten it up. “I like you Ivar. Not Sigurd, not Bjørn, not Hvitserk nor Ubbe. You!” He got shocked and his cheeks made the cutest color of pink. “And before you ask another name I’m not interested in Sven, or Floki or Halfdan or any other.” She said just to make sure, something tells her he would try every possible man’s name.
“What about that guy you walk with? Hagalaz…”
She scoffed. “Not him.” She placed her hand on his cheek and caressed it softly, he was using tight braids and somehow it made his face more appealing. “Just you.” Her eyes darted to his lips and to his eyes, he was worried about something but she didn’t wait to find out what was it.
She leaned and placed her lips delicately on his, testing the waters. Ivar could be unpredictable so she tried to be as soft as possible with him.
He got froze and didn’t know what to do, it was sort of foreign for him. “Just do what your body tells you to.” She said and it was like she switched a plug. He rolled above her body and started to kiss her. The kisses changed from careful to strong ones. Y/N’s hands found his braids and tug at it receiving a moan from his lips.
His legs were between her open ones, the leather breeches were making grinding at her exposed legs and she desired to feel something somewhere. But she had heard some rumors that the young Ragnarson couldn’t use his prick for something besides taking a piss, she just wished he would be patient to suppress her needs somehow and teach him how to take care of his.
One of her hands grabbed his neck and pulled his face even closer to hers, not minding if their noses would bump sometimes. Ivar moaned again completely happy to feel such a feeling. If kissing would emanate such happiness how fuck would be?
His hands were supporting his body, both placed on the ground while his lips moved with her. Y/N grabbed one of his hands and placed on her left breast, he squeezed it harshly completely adoring the soft feeling under his palm, he could feel her nipple hardening and it was a great response.
She left his lips and stared at his eyes that were adorned with dilated pupils, the blue almost succumbed. She grabbed his other hand but he shook his head afraid that his weight would hurt her somehow, she nodded at him and grabbed it again with him allowing that time, and his upper body was above her, while his legs were between hers. She placed his hand on her hip trying to go easier with him.
Ivar was in a daze with her body and how her kisses had made him feel, how her soft breast felt against his palm and how right it was to feel her under him. Y/N let her hands wander over his body, he was so firm and his shoulder blade was perfectly defined, probably because of the years and years he had to use his upper body strength to carry himself everywhere.
They were watching each other eyes while their hands found each other bodies and learned about it, Ivar was doing what she had told him to. He wasn’t familiarized with a woman body as his brothers were, but he was following what his body/mind was subtly telling him to and something told him it was the right thing. Cocky bastard.
Y/N was amazed at his firm back muscles her hand had slipped inside his tunic but then she felt him hardening against her inner thigh, she gasped and looked at him. When she did Ivar got worried since everything was going so smoothness. He looked at her and she just smiled. “The rumors weren’t real after all.” She said and kissed his neck, Ivar got confused since his blood wasn’t completely directed only at his brain, then he understood what she expressed.
He smiled knowing he could truly please a woman as other men do. But he didn’t know what to do with it, of course he knew where it would join but they were still dressed and very uncomfortable on some sloppy grassy ground. Y/N was still in her travel on his neck where they heard someone yelling.
It was Ubbe’s voice, surely worried about his little brother whereabouts in the dark night. Ivar let an exaggerated sigh and placed his head on Y/N’s breasts as it would make them invisible. She just laughed and Ivar looked up at her with a rigid expression. ‘She is probably with Siggurd and all of this is a show’ He thought in pure pain and bitterness.
She rubbed his cheek and grinned. “It’s better we go, I mean they will keep searching for you and then for me. If they don’t find us soon they will make a whole search team with the dogs and fire torches.” He nodded but felt bad about leaving the position he got into. The day after where she touched his legs and gave him an erection he woke up with an annoying pain on his prick, he would surely feel the same discomfort in a few hours if he left the situation.
He rolled his body out of her and laid on the floor letting a huff in annoyance. She stood up and fixed her dress. Ivar touched his prick trying to find a less uncomfortable position inside his pants.
Both walked in the vision. Ivar had sat and placed his metal legs support and grabbed his crutch walking back to the camp and to the settlement tent where he knew his brothers would yell at him for the unpolite reaction at Y/N earlier on. Y/N got a different path just in case and entered the place calling Zina to escort her to the chambers.
A couple hours later when everyone had laid to sleep Y/N made sure her friends were sleeping and tiptoed to Ivar’s tend, she couldn’ sleep and she hoped he neither.
When she opened she saw him holding his axe ready to throw it in whoever it was disturbing his space. He diminished his hand at the moment he saw her entering the place. He blinked a few times trying to make sure it wasn’t a dream or some vision Loki himself had made him see.
“I couldn’t sleep.” She said in a low voice. If he did any other movement that told her he wasn’t cognizant of her feeling she would leave.
“Neither could I.” He said and repositioned his body in the ‘bed’. Y/N walked to his reach and sat at the furs with him. “Do you regret what we did earlier?” He said totally anxious.
She smiled at his nervousness around her. “No.” She swayed her head and placed her hand on his forearm. “If I did I wouldn’t be right here.”
Ivar smiled, of course, he desired to finish what they were doing earlier on but could he do it properly? Is not like he asked Bjørn for any directions.
Y/N fidget with her fingers, she wanted to claim him but she knew it was foreign to him, she was scared that he would back off.
Ivar grabbed her hand and pulled her body nearer to his. Her positions became almost laid above his, the soft furs that covered his legs were now warming her uncovered legs. His lips found hers more firmly than was earlier. One of his hand pulled her face closer like he had done it tons of times with her.
They kissed and kissed until the oxygen became almost inaccessible to catch. Y/N patted the furs and looked at Ivar silently asking for confirmation. He signed and she raises the furs leaving his legs on display, she laid beside him and propped her body above his. She sat carefully around his waist and touched the edge of her nightgown dress, Ivar touched her hands and lifted it for her. Her beautiful soft breast on his vision and he gulped simply desired by the spectacle.
She threw the fabric somewhere and bent down to kiss his lips again. The kisses got going and hands were everywhere on each other’s bodies.
Ivar’s cock was hard already but he said nothing about it when she tried to touch. Ivar simply grabbed her wrist preventing her. “Let me touch you first.” He replied.
She nodded and then he immediately moved their bodies so he was on the top. His palm went down on her body making small circles with his dumb in every part he found heavenly in her gorgeous body. He approached her crotch and moved his hands to squeeze her thighs earing a moan considering his firm handling.
He paused and gazed at her naked physique under his dark blue eyes. She was the most elegant thing he had seen. He couldn’t believe he was the one that it was there with her. With so many brothers and so many other men around he was the one she picked. The one that was naked under his predator’s eyes.
“You can touch me,” She grabbed one of his hands breaking his fascinated gaze. She placed it on her warm cunt up and down wetting his hand. “Here.” He moved it and blinked his eyes not believing how warm it actually was, she moaned and inserted one of his fingers and inside of her, his expression was the same he always did when something marvelous happened. He started to kiss her while his finger pumped in and out. He added another one in instinct and she placed one of her hands on her mouth to muffle the noises. “Just like that Ivar.”
She was close, his long and thick fingers managed to bring her rather quickly. “Ivar, Ivar…” She moaned and touched the hand he was using to give her pleasure. “Ivar give me your thumb.” He did so and confusedly stop. “Please keep going.”  He got back to his activity. “It has that sweet spot that is like a trigger for woman pleasure, can you see it Ivar?” She asked and he nodded seeing the little nub. “Make some circles on it.” She taught and he did so, slowly at first and she whimpered grabbing the furs for dear life in one hand and stretching his back muscles in the other one. “Faster.” She groaned.
Ivar groaned himself, he was so damn proud. The beautiful famous Y/N was under him at his mercy, her pleasure literally was in his hands. Her hips bucked up and he kept going. She let a loud moan pass through her teeth and Ivar attached his mouth on hers still moving. “Was that good?”
She was out of breath and seeing stars in her eyes. “It was great Ivar. You did so well.” She affirmed and kissed his check affectively. He let go of her squeezed walls and looked at his wet fingers adorned with the pure liquid of her pleasure, he looked at his fingers in relish like it was some enemy’s blood. He didn’t know why but he dragged his fingers to his mouth and moaned in the surprise of how good it tasted.
As the woman at his mercy was some goddess sent just for him. Y/N saw him licking her juices off his fingers and the scene was completely arousing.
Ivar relocated in the bed getting above her and moving to the end of it to face her navel. His legs were a bit out of the bed and he cursed for not being able to do something with them. He licked her sensitive cunt and stared up at her.
Y/N got shocked at the surprise, she was still sensitive down there and Ivar was so quick that she didn’t even realize he managed to get there. He gave a long lick making her hips bucker. “Give me a couple of minutes Ivar, I’m too sensitive.” He nodded and decided to kiss her body then. Ivar was loving their encounter and asked the Gods why they hadn’t sent her earlier to his life.
He kissed her belly, her ribcage bones, sucked her breast and went on and on all over her body. He was sucking on her pulse point when she just groaned and nodded her head. Ivar went to finish what he started. His tongue wasn’t much precise since it was his first time and he wasn’t much aware of her body and favorite parts.
He adjusted and grabbed her legs placing on his back and closing his hands on her lower belly interlacing fingers. His long tongue made her tremble under him. He smiled and moaned feeling his hard prick throb every time she moaned his name. Her hand found his braids and was pulling it tightly. Her other was on her breast punching her hardened nipple, Ivar looked at her and placed on if his hand in the place, trying to learn just how she liked to be touched. His firm grip on her sensitive nipple made her moan even harder, of course, his grip was more firm than her own.
Her eyes were closed like she was paying attention to the feeling, but Ivar wanted to her look at him, he wanted her to know that it was him pleasuring her. He slapped her breast and she yelped in surprise, her eyes opened and looked at him. “Look at me. Look in the eyes of the man that it’s pleasuring you.” He said sending vibrations to her core. He wraps his plump warm lips around her clit developing it and kept moving so he could use his plump lips to make her tremble under his mercy.
Ivar kept doing until she came again, all over his face. He moaned and kissed her thighs, she said it hurts when she was sensitive and he respects her words, but also added this to the list of things he may do in the future when she disobeys him somehow.
He crawled up and was face to face with her, she kissed him with the rest piece of strength she had and moved her hand to grab his cock, he allowed this time and moaned when she touched it. It was so hard that she moaned when her fingers touched the hot skin. She knew it was Ivar’s first time so it would be fine if he didn’t last long, actually she was surprised that he didn’t come in his pants in the earlier events.
They started to kiss and Y/N moved their bodies so she was above him. He adjusted in a position where his legs wouldn’t hurt much. She kissed his neck and started to went down in his body.
“Fast woman, I want to feel your warmth on my cock.” He said and she just looked up at him, well she could always taste him in the future.
“Is that position comfortable.” She asked worried about his legs.
He nodded and placed his hand on her lower back making her fell in his embrace, his mouth found her nipple. “Just let me fuck you already.” He said the filthy words just like he had grown to hear while his brothers had adventures with every girl around.
Y/N grabbed his thick length and bit her lower lip knowing it would hurt at first on her. She rolled his almost purple head on her labia making sure it would be wet enough. She placed it inside of her and Ivar growled in the feeling he bucked his hip in an impulse and she fell on his chest at the abrupt intrusion. “Calm down, you’ll hurt me.” Ivar was completely amazed by the feeling, her soft walls felt great on his fingers and tongue but around his prick was a completely different story. He grabbed her hair forcefully making her look at him, her eyes had a few tears because of the insane pleasure but also because of his long length made and stretching burning sensation. 
He looked at her tears and his face softened. “Sorry.” He said and she just told him to go slower at first because she needed to adjust.
With the seconds going by the pace became faster. She becomes comfortable enough to ride him and his firm fingers were leaving marks all over her body. Ivar's face started to twitch with pleasure and she knew he was close, her third orgasm wouldn’t happen but she didn’t mind. She left his cock and he widened his eyes ready to curse her. She quickly moved and placed her prick on her mouth sucking him and shushing him too. His hand found her head and felt his sac squirming. Y/N licked his sac in circles motions and got back to her previous activity on his tortured hard cock, her left hand touched his sensitive thigh and her right one squeezed his sac while she bobbed her head up and down.
Ivar came on her mouth and moaned in pure pleasure. He didn’t acknowledge it would be that good. “Oh gods, oh-oh.” He said in a raspy voice.
Y/N licked him clean and kissed her way up to his face kissing his toned chest in every possible part. She kissed his lips and laid there, he moved one of his hand to move his leg a bit to the side and then embraced her naked sweat body above his own.  "You did so well.“ She assured and he smiled.
Both fell into a deep sleep after their orgasm and the joy to be around each other.
The next day Y/N left Ivar’s tend in the earlier hours and went on her own. Zina knew where she had gone and that is why she and Hagalaz didn’t worry about her whereabouts.
The sons of Ragnar got ready to battle and worried when they saw how happy Ivar was acting around them. Everyone got ready and started to leave the field where the battle would soon occur.
Ivar fixed all the axes on his chariot and prayed for the next events. He saw Y/N approaching and Ubbe quickly kissed her hand, she blushed and nodded at all of them. Sigurd was unsure around her but he gave her a good morning nevertheless. Ivar smiled at Y/N and she walked to talk to him, she was glowing under his gaze the most beautiful woman in the whole world.
“Friends!” Sven announced. “Now we go to battle and may the gods bless us. If any of us fall today, we will fall fighting and surely join Valhalla with our ancestors.” Everyone cheered and started walking on the field. Bjørn, Ubbe and Y/N walked ahead discussing the previous ideas.
Hvitserk and Sigurd were beside Ivar and asked what had happened because he was so cheerful, Ivar answered that he had a good feeling about the battle but Sigurd knew it was something else. Suddenly he clearly answered. “I’m gonna marry her.”
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The Bishop made a cross sign and opened his mouth. “Lord do not forsake us in the hands of these heathens. Do not forsake Ireland and your follower’s father. Permit they and their profane gods die and perish from the earth you had created my Lord.”
The king moved in front of his army and started screaming. “Come nightfall, we’ll be rid of this plague.” He yelled and raised his sword, his warriors did the same. Then he started walking and with that running in front of the Vikings army. They stood there and the Christians didn’t understand why. They kept running to their reach. 
Y/N smiled and nodded her head to Sven. “Let’s see what the gods had planned for us.”
@salimahbicharara-comun​​ @therealcalicali​​ @waiting4inspiration​​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​​ @lisinfleur​​
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