#Sorry for the rant in the tags. I haven't spoken about this out loud and it bugs me sometimes when I see people doing something similar.
sleepknoot · 6 months
One of the things that infuriates me about tumblr R/P is the kind of rolep/layer who is only genuinely interested in writing with you if they can see their muse being romantically and/or sexually involved with yours.
Like I don't give a fuck what you wanna R/P. I'm not paying you, I'm not your boss, and I know damn well I'm not going to change anybody's mind on anything. I just wish people were honest about what they want instead of pretending they want to write with you only to consistently ignore you in favor of muns with muses their character has a crush on.
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Breakfast Battles - Part Two
WC: 1580
Rated PG: Angst and fluff
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Preston's phone buzzed in his jacket pocket. Fishing it out, he saw that he had a text from the Duke saying that they're heading down to breakfast.
He responded with a quick “On our way.” And then signaled to Mara.
Pushing away from the wall, Mara quickened her pace to keep up with Preston's long strides.
“So how was His Grace this morning when you first went to his door?”
Preston frowns down at Mara, “What do you mean ‘how was he' ?”
“Did he open the door naked again?”
Preston tries to hide his smirk as he replies, “Well sort of, apart from the Santa Hat.”
Mara grins, “Oh how festive. Only wearing a Santa hat?”
Stopping outside of the doors to Drake and Kate's bedroom, Preston mumbles quietly.
“He wasn't exactly wearing it.”
As Preston raises his hand to knock on the door, Mara straightens up beside him and puts her game face on.
Drake lets go of Kate's hand to open up the doors. Preston and Mara step back and give them a nod, as they exit the room and close the doors behind them.
“Good morning Your Grace,” Mara says to Kate as she falls in step behind her as they walk down the hall.
“Good morning, Mara. I trust there haven't been any security threats over night?”
“None that we've encountered, Ma'am.”
Drake is acutely aware of Preston breathing down his neck and finds it unnerving. Stopping suddenly in the hallway, Drake is almost run over by his bodyguard.
“Seriously Preston, either lead the way or back off a few more feet.”
Preston nods, stepping around Drake. “As you wish, Sir.”
As they resume, Mara takes up a position in the rear. Kate mumbles to Drake as they reach the staircase, “Is the extra babysitting really that necessary?”
Drake takes Kate's arm and walks with her down the stairs, “It's only while Nicholas is here. Apparently there are security protocols to uphold while the King and his heir are under the same roof, especially this far from the capital.”
Kate sighs as they make it to the bottom of the stairs. “Safety is important, I guess. But I prefer the confident illusion of it over the oppressive limiting feeling of being under constant guard.”
Slipping his arm around her back, Drake pauses to give her a kiss on the temple. “I agree, but we can tough it out for a little while longer. I'm actually looking forward to Preston and Mara greeting Olivia at the door this evening.”
Kate laughs, “Poor Olivia.”
As Preston and Mara take their positions outside the Breakfast room with Bastien, Drake murmurs to Kate when he escorts her inside. “Actually I was thinking that I pity Preston.”
When Drake and Kate enter the room the quiet conversation in the room stops. Maxwell tips back his champagne glass and downs the last of his mimosa. “Good morning, you guys. Oh, and Merry Christmas.”
Hana rises from her chair with a smile, and gives Kate a quick hug before sitting back down. “Did you sleep well?”
“We slept just fine, Hana. Thank you.” Drake replies, leading Kate to the far end of the table and pulling out her chair for her. Once she's seated he places his hands on her shoulders and leans down to kiss her cheek.
Nicholas still hasn't spoken and sits at the other end of the table sipping his tea. Drake pulls out his chair and sits down, making eye contact with Nicholas and then giving him a polite nod, “Your Majesty.”
“Your Grace.”
At the head of the table the table is laden with all of Drake and Kate's favorite breakfast foods. Kate wastes no time and serves herself a generous helping of fruit salad. A server approaches carrying a coffee pot, “Coffee?”
Drake holds out his cup. “You read my mind.”
After filling his cup, she approaches Kate. “And for Her Grace?”
Kate smiles back at her, “Could I have a pot of green tea brought to the table please?”
With a nod, she places the coffee pot near Drake and then leaves to fetch the pot of tea.
Maxwell fills his plate with pancakes and sausage, picking up a stray link that rolls off his plate. After licking his fingers, he refills his glass from the pitcher of orange juice.
"You two missed a heck of a Karaoke party last night after you snuck out to be naughty.”
Hana gives Maxwell a disapproving look, “Seriously Max, must you?”
Nicholas and Drake exchange a glance but the King speaks up first, “I think Max is just jealous.”
“I'm not jealous! I just think it's rude to skip out on your own party without at least saying goodnight.”
Kate hides behind her teacup as she blows off the steam, sensing a growing tension in the room.
Drake rolls his eyes, and then reaches for more bacon. “Hey this is my house, and if I want to escort my tired wife off to bed, nobody's going to stop me.”
Kate sets down her tea cup and apologizes to Maxwell, “I'm sorry Max. I was pretty much partied out by that point, and wanted to get some rest. Besides you had already spent the day with my husband, and I wanted some Drake Time too.”
Hana giggles, “Drake Time.”
Nicholas butters a piece of toast, “Maxwell, they're going to be parents soon. The Duke and Duchess need to enjoy as much of this alone time that they can. Once the heir is born their lives are going to change.”
Drake sets down his cup with a loud thump, splashing hot coffee onto the table cloth. Everyone turns to look, and Kate reaches out to lay her hand over his clenched fist.
“Once ‘The Heir' is born? You mean our child. When mine and Kate's heir is born? Don't talk about our baby like it's already yours.”
Nicholas sits back in his chair raising his hands to shield himself from Drake's sudden attack. “That's not what I meant at all.”
Drake shoves his plate aside and leans his elbows on the table. He gestures angrily at Nicholas as he continues to rant.
“And what's with this helping Kate and Hana look up names for the baby without me being here?!”
Kate reaches out to touch Drake's arm, trying to calm him down. “Drake honey, please …”
Hana chimes in, “It was totally innocent, Drake. We asked for his input because he knows more about royal history.”
Drake shifts his eyes to punch a glare at Hana, and then returns his attention back to Nicholas.
Nicholas sighs in frustration, crossing his arms and refusing to be intimidated. “I told them you’d get upset if I helped out. I know how much you don't want me meddling in your private affairs, especially where your baby is concerned.”
Kate looks down at her lap and smoothes her hand over her belly. She quietly pleads for the argument to stop. “Drake, just stop. There was no harm done, I already threw the list away.”
Maxwell makes a disappointed sound, “Aww, I was hoping to see this list. My Little Blossom is having her own little blossom. I wanna talk baby names too.”
Hana pokes Maxwell in the arm, “Ow!”
Drake slams his fist down on the table. “No! I'm not turning this into some council meeting where everyone gets to vote. The more I think about it, the more I don't want our child to be Royal at all.”
Nicholas stares back at Drake in disbelief, “We signed an agreement.”
“Yes, and within this agreement there's a stipulation that we can back out with no penalties if it puts too much stress on either of us.”
“Drake, stop..” Kate pleads again.
Drake reaches out to take Kate's hand in his. “Ever since I saw how upset you were this morning, it's been chewing me up inside. Auvernal and Monterisso are pushing us to marry off our baby before it's even born. Seeing how horribly wrong Olivia's arranged marriage turned out, I refuse to take away our child’s right to choose their own future.”
Nicholas clears his throat to get Drake and Kate's attention.
“Kate, I know you had strong reservations from the beginning about my choosing you and Drake to supply my heir -..”
Drake frowns and clears his throat, shaking his head.
“My apologies, I meant Cordonia's heir to the throne. And though I thought we had worked out our differences, I seemed to have underestimated the persistence of our neighbors, and the intrusiveness of the press. I can only imagine the stress and emotional pain this arrangement has put you through. Even if you've taken it well until now, the delicate nature of your condition warrants me taking your decision seriously.”
Kate looks away from Nicholas and then down at how Drake is holding her hand. He keeps stroking her knuckles with his thumb. She looks up into his eyes, so beautiful and brown and caring and it makes her want to cry.
“Can we talk about this before making any final decisions?” she whispers.
Drake lifts her hand to his lips and gives it a kiss, “Of course we can. I'm sorry if I've upset you. Let's finish our breakfast and move onto more happy things – ..”
“Like presents?” Maxwell suggests, with a beaming smile.
Kate wipes her eyes and smiles across at Maxwell, “Yes, Max. Like presents.”
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