#THIS ASK MADE ME SO HAPPY hopefully i didn't go overboard with my reply
rubypond · 1 year
do you have song/album recommendations from the velvet underground? i love candy says but haven’t heard anything else of theirs :)
currently, i am buzzing with excitement so excuse incoherence that is VERY likely to take over the following paragraphs (i'll try to keep the text as short as possible though because everything comes down to a playlist and that is the important part :)
here's the playlist wohoooo:
SO. VU has released five studio albums with the addition of songs Lou Reed included in his first solo album, two years after having left the Velvet Underground (they were originally performed by the band, they just weren't officially released at the time) After careful consideration (boy, it was messsssssyyyy), I decided to include the VU versions of the songs in the playlist above aka VU versions only, simply because I knew that if I did start listing Lou Reed songs we'd end up with my VU/Lou playlist which is approximately 21h long 🤩 I couldn't help but include live versions of certain tracks and Stephanie Says makes two appearances in total, but you didn't see that.
FOR THE ALBUMS! The Velvet Underground & Nico is an obligatory experience simply because it's a classic, regardless of... well anything.
Personally, I feel as though you'd like The Velvet Underground (1967) the best. (it's the one with Candy Says!!!!!) AND there's a SUPER DELUXE version 🤩
restless feeling (AH!!! I just think this is the perfect title for a VU starter pack playlist. anyways. Jo March + "I am angry and restless" blah blah blah, sorry to everyone but..... she'd pretend to hate TSwift and have the velvets On. Repeat. I know her personally. I am Correct.) comes from SundayMorning.mp3 which is a track you should listen to on every Sunday morning. Ever. Including every Sunday from the past. *here's my time machine*
restless feeling (love typing that sm I am Normal and so not restless) features a Runaways cover of Rock & Roll because it is too good and it must be thereeeeeee (it's also shaped like my soul. that's how my soul looks like. like if you put my soul in a 🧫 to be exact)
SAVED MY FAVOURITE SWEET JANE PERFORMANCE FOR THE END (it's the one my brain sings along to during... math exams...)
also. there is a VIOLA...... (thank you John Cale)
some sounds might take a minute to get used to, but once you do IT IS HYPNOSIS
seriously you should be staring at the ceiling while you listen
fun fact: my mom says I'm a person shaped VU album because avant-garde is my second and actual name or whatever so there's also that
that IS ALLLLLLLL 💥🎸💫🎶
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faewildwriting · 4 years
Distance (Lyvia)
(This is for the Faiy Tail Rare pairs week hosted by @ftguildevents.)
Juvia sighed and anxiously paced her apartment with her communication lacrima pressed to her ear. "What? You're not coming today?" She whines. "Sorry Juvi but the mission hit a snag. We got delayed and won't be back in time. I'm sorry." Lyon's voice responds back. "Alright. Well, we can reschedule..." Juvia says wearily and hangs up abruptly.
Lately, she and Lyon hadn't been able to see each other and today was supposed to be special. It's their anniversary. Juvia can't believe Lyon missed it. She sighs sadly and starts putting away the dinner she had made for them. She recently moved to an apartment about halfway between both guilds to make it easier on them. It didn't ease the distance like Juvia had hoped.
She kinda wished she still lived at Fairy hills during a time like this so the girls could cheer her up. She would call but she doesn't want to bother them. She washes her face and brushes out her hair. She then pulls on some comfy pajamas and curls up on the couch. She has noticed that Lyon has been distant with her lately. He has been going on a lot of jobs as well. She wished briefly that she could accompany him.
Did Juvia do something wrong? She hoped not. Being with Lyon has been wonderful. She had someone who returned her affections and she was able to be friends with Gray and the others still. She loved her guildmates and was happy to be part of them.
Still she wonders if being at different guilds was gonna affect her and Lyon's relationship. She really disliked not seeing him as often and she hated living too far from him. That was why she moved: to be close to both guilds. She felt anxious and had the gnawing feeling she got when she was overly nervous about the physical distance between them. She worried about him, as usual.
She longs to be near him. She decides to head to bed in a depressed mood. She lays down but sleep eludes her. She tosses and turns. Her mind races of all the worst case scenarios. The rain starts falling as she cries herself to sleep. She had made herself so anxious that her mood affected the weather that night.
The next morning she wakes with a headache. She showers and does some chores but decides to just stay home today. She sits down to read the book she borrowed from Levy. Lucy and Levy both said Juvia would enjoy it. So she was pretty excited to read it.
Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Juvia opens it and is surprised to see Lyon here. "What are you doing here, Lyon?" Juvia asked nervously. "I'm so sorry about last night. I'm so sorry for being distant lately as well. I actually have a surprise for you." He says looking a bit flustered.
Juvia led him into her living room. "What is the surprise?" She asked excitedly. He strips off his shirt and a Fairy Tail embelm replaced his Lamia Scale one. "L-lyon, you joined Fairy Tail for Juvia?" She asked shocked.
"I can't stand the distance between us and not being able to see you. So yesterday I took my first mission with Gray's team. We were supposed to be back in time but Natsu went overboard and made us late. I'm so sorry." He says looking down. Juvia hugs his arm.  "You didn't have to do that, Lyon. Juvia knows you loved your guild." She says looking up with her deep blue eyes.
"Anything for you. I know you've been worried lately since we have seen each other less and less. But trust me I had a plan. I have another surprise for you." He holds up a picnic basket. "To make up for our anniversary, I made us a picnic lunch and I figured a date in the park under the cherry blossom trees would do. Happy anniversary, Juvia." Lyon smiled softly and lifts her chin to place a sweet kiss to her cheek.
She blushes at this. "Happy Anniversary Lyon." She replies and allows him to lead her to the park and to their favorite spot under one of the trees. The one tree with the most blooms. Juvia comes there a lot to relax or to think. Sometimes just to enjoy the weather now that she doesn't make it rain all the time.
They enjoy the picnic and Juvia was very surprised at how well Lyon could cook. He doesn't do it often. She was so happy and touched that he tried to make up for the distance. No one has ever done that for her before. She feels kinda silly for worrying now. He wouldn't leave her.
After they eat, Lyon seems a but nervous. "Juvia, We've been together for a few years now and honestly, it's been some of the best years of my life. I want to continue being with you. I love you." He says as he pulls out a white gold engagement ring. It's got sparkling deep blue gems with an ice blue gem in the middle. Juvia gasps with tears filling her eyes.
"Will you, Juvia Lockser do me the honor of marrying me?" Lyon asks looking up hopefully. He gets knocked down as Juvia hurls himself into his arms. She is sobbing but also smiling. "Yes! Juvia will marry you!" She says throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
He kisses her back and slips the ring onto her finger. She looks down and admires it. It was perfect to her. They spent the rest of the day cuddling under the tree in the park. Juvia couldn't be happier. They talked , Lyon and her were going to move into a house closer to the guild. The wedding would be in a few months. She smiles as he walks her home.
He pulls her into his arms and kisses her tenderly before bidding her goodnight. Juvia practically floated into her house and spent the rest if the day in a happy daze. She finally climbed into bed. She drifted off to sleep happy. In a few short months she wouldn't have to worry about being away from Lyon; which made the distance at first all worth it.
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