#Tallulah's the only qsmp character in the fic so all of this info on her is SUPER helpful lol
pixelfun20 · 8 months
It would be hard to sum up Tallulah's character entirely, you made the post about her as a character and wanting to make her a MC in a fic, I think I could do a pretty good job? ALSO, the QSMP wiki hasn't been updated since June, but it's pretty well filled out. Tallulah's character typically seen as a very polite, 'well-behaved' child who always listens, is caring and considerate and is considered the server's 'princess'. She's a disabled character (hard of hearing, sensitive ears w/ hearing aids, autistic, asthma so badly it hurts her), she has abandonment issues w/ serious trauma from water and death. She was found locked inside an attic, so she hates tight and enclosed spaces. She's actually quite 'sassy' and poetic, and will use English mostly, her admin (so her character as well) tend to prefer Spanish for speaking. She also fears being seen as a burden and has only recently began to break away from her 'quiet' nature and asked qPhil to adopt her as his daughter until QWil came back. Behaviors, if you're writing her; she uses maracas to get someone's attention and she only does it a few times before waiting. She's a very dramatic character as well and depends on Chayanne as support/protector (with this, she also helps Chayanne process stuff that has happened) Her main ideals is wanting to live in peace with her 'family' (phil, wil, niki, tubbo, chay, etc), and she's not super close to the other eggs other than Pomme. It leads often to her being stubborn and refusing to consider the other eggs' sides (example being dapper being kidnapped, and dapper and pomme were complaining about being left alone for 5 minutes, saying they were 'abandoned', and tallulah holding it against them with something like 'yeah 'abandoned' i wonder how that feels.; or Richas and her having a fight over a drawing, and Tallulah told Richas if he wants the painting back, he will get it, but he will lose a sister. She's much more open about her emotions and feelings, though. She's the sarcastic one of the two eggs Phil takes care off, is very melodramatic, and enjoys music as she plays flutes specifically as well as maracas. She's also considerably careful and always listens to Phil despite it all. Other things I could note; her favorite color(s) is purple and pink, she's specifically Mexican, and her interests include writing, gardening, and music. I think that's a good start, I would suppose?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my post! These are definitely going in my notes.
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