#Tessa Barnett
Sept. 2023 MCs and OCs of the Month
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In August, @lilyoffandoms hosted a Writers Appreciation Month, and we announced the September Writer of the Month would be selected from its participants. But all participants agreed - Lily deserved the honor! Still, we wanted to do something nice for the eleven writers who elected to participate to help uplift other writers in the fandom. So, this month, each of the eleven participants has one of their MCs or OCs highlighted.
This is the masterlist, and we hope you will enjoy getting to learn more about each of these fantastic MCs and OCs!
Ava Flores - TRR MC - @petiteboheme Casey Valentine - OH MC - @coffeeheartaddict2 Riley Brooks - TRR MC - @tessa-liam Sydney Valentine - OH MC - @peonyblossom Vivian Carrick - OH OC - @jerzwriter Alex Spencer Hunt - RCD OC - @lovealexhunt Alex Clarissa Fontaine - Nightbound MC - @ladylamrian Kennedy Grant - Foreign Affairs MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo Celia Moore - OH MC - @trappedinfanfiction Harper Gayle - TRR OC - @karahalloway Skylar Barnett-Lyons - ID OC - @aallotarenunelma
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wrecking · 7 months
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september!! actually have finally gotten back into listening to new music, and it's been nice! trying to still readjust to making time in my day to just listen to new music, but it's a fun challenge tbh
open for names and something a little different than predictions this time!
bolding & italicizing the ones that were super important to me this month!
snail mail - valentine, rina sawayama - hold the girl, olivia rodrigo - guts, indigo de souza - all of this will end, tove lo - dirt femme
maisie peters - the good witch, wet leg - wet leg, troye sivan - got me started, weyes blood - and in the darkness hearts aglow, alvvays - blue rev
kacey musgraves - golden hour, anri - timely!!, julia jacklin - pre pleasure, jockstrap - i love you jennifer b, muna - muna
maggie rogers - surrender, cafune - perspective, loona odd eye circle - max & match, miya folick - roach, crystal castles - i
carly rae jepsen - the loveliest time, maren morris - the bridge, tinashe - bb/ang3l, mitski - the land is inhospitable and so are we, big thief - masterpiece
so, for a change this month as i'm finally listening to new stuff again, allow me to show off a little selection of what i'll be listening to in october! this isn't everything, but it's a lot of it so :)
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vashti bunyan - lookaftering, overmono - good lies, sufjan stevens - javelin, mid-air thief - crumbling, yukihiro takahashi - tomorrow's just another day
yune pinku - babylon ix, the dead texan - the dead texan, troye sivan - something to give each other, squirrel flower - tomorrow's fire, ryan beatty - boys in jeans
jun togawa - suki suki daisuki, tujiko noriko - from tokyo to naiagara, boards of canada - the campfire headspace, christine and the queens - paranoia angels true love, goldfrapp - felt mountain
fizz - the secret of life, spellling - spellling and the mystery school, stereolab - dots and loops, taeko ohnuki - copine, taylor swift - 1989 (taylor's version)
poppy - zig, oh yoko - i love you, tessa violet - my god!, takako mamiya - love trip, courtney barnett - end of the day
the main genres i wanna explore this month are subgenres of like eurodance, city pop, house, ambient, and folktronica. this list only contains about half of what i want to listen to, but i think it's a good summary! hopefully i'll survive and have a lot of good new music by the end of it :)
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sash-au · 2 years
Hero Teams/Division Members
Team leaders' and squad leaders' names will be first and in bold. Characters who are already in Marvel canon in some way will be in italics.
Captain America (Peggy Rogers-Romanoff)
Spiderling (Trisha Parker)
Deathstroke (Winnie Wilson)
Goddess of Pain (Laura Laufeyson)
Jenny Barnes
Iron Legion
Steel (Morgan Stark-Potts)
Chrome (Penny Rhodes)
Ingot (Tonya Stark-Potts)
Obsidian (James Stark-Potts)
Titanium (Anthony Rhodes)
Young Avengers
Wiccan (Billy Kaplan-Altman)
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
Nomad (Clint Rogers-Romanoff) (Leads when it's just the smaller group)
Speed (Tommy Shepherd)
Hulkling (Teddy Kaplan-Altman)
Ms. America (America Chavez)
Prodigy (David Alleyne)
Patriot (Elijah Bradley)
Warp (Kennedy Foster)
She-Hulk (Breanna Banner)
Captain Universe (Melissa Danvers)
Goddess of Healing (Ashley Odinson)
God of Sound (Chris Odinson)
Tessa Danvers
Captain America (Sarah Wilson)
Black Panther (Sa'rabaah Udaku)
Sara Strange
Falcon (Delilah Wilson)
Naomi Udaku
Sam Strange
Quicksilver (Zoey Maximoff)
Crimson Curse (Clara Maximoff)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Star-Lord (Peter Quill)
Star-Kid (Tom Quill)
Mare Quill
New Avengers
Hawkeye (Lila Barton)
Stature (Cassie Lang)
Eagleye (Cooper Barton)
Hawk (Nathaniel Barton)
Stinger (Ant Lang)
SHIELD Internal Division
Agent Stephen Fury
Agent Lacey Hill
Agent Mateo Lopez
Intelligence Officers
Agent Kai Park
Agent Obi Robinson
Agent Riley Anderson
Agent River Campbell
Agent Floyd Thomas
Agent Veronica King
Agent Samuel Davis
SHIELD Field Division
General Field Agents
Agent Felix Sugiyama
Agent Peggy Carter Jr.
Agent CJ Jacobson
Agent Isabelle Robinson
Agent Anastasia Wright
Agent Benjamin Hill
Agent Pippa Walker
Agent Benjamin Thomas
Agent Legacy Carter
Arrest Agents
Agent Steve Coulson
Agent Ruby Davis
Agent Shazi Ahmed
SHIELD Inhuman Division
Agent Lily Johnson
Agent Hayden Flores
Agent Tobias Jameel
Agent Brianne Williams
Agent Nina Allen
Agent Piper Baptiste
Agent Maggie Schmidt
Agent Ollie Johnson
Agent Ryan Lee
Agent Ayla Thomas
Agent Avery Sandoval
Agent Nova Williams
Agent Ronan Thomas
Agent Robin Maher
Agent Aaron Garcia
Agent Olivia Thomas
Agent Faith Mackenzie
Agent Sage Nelson
Agent Jamie Lewis
Agent Adele Thompson
Agent Owen Taylor
Agent Skylar Harris
Agent Eli Young
Agent Eric Taylor
Agent Eddie Sanchez
Agent Dani Miller
Agent Zach Perez
Agent Anna Barnett
Agent Charlie Nelson
Agent Jayse Chavos
Agent Jesse Thomas
Agent Eliza Zhao
Agent Lily Patel
Agent Rowan Kim
Agent Gabi Roberts
Agent Phoenix Williams
Agent Devin Li
Agent Azalea Green
Agent Betty Robinson
Agent Christian Alexander
Agent Tyler Chen
Agent Victoria Clark
Agent Jacob Morita
Agent Kev Nguyen
Agent Jackson White
Agent Mitchell Thompson
Agent Cory Adams
SHIELD Science Division
Agent Gavin Foster
Agent Hunter Smith
Agent Henry Rodriguez
Agent Kennedy Foster
Chemical Engineers
Agent Skye Fitz
Forensic Scientists
Agent Kareem Abdul
Agent Otis Russo
Agent Connie Goldberg
Agent Elizabeth Mitchell
Agent Josiah Anderson
Agent Kyle Smith
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spoilertv · 15 days
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weirdesplinder · 3 years
Il Duca migliore di tutti è....
Sull’onda del successo della serie tv I Bridgerton in onda su Netflix, tratta dai Romanzi della serie Bridgerton di Julia Quinn che io amo tantissimo, ho deciso di lanciarvi una sfida. Nel Romanzo Il Duca e io, la cui trama è al centro della prima stagione del telefilm, la Quinn dipinge un personaggio davvero affascinante con Simon, il Duca del titolo appunto. Un personaggio che dopo aver conquistato milioni di lettrici ha ora conquistato anche milioni di telespettatrici.
Io stessa ho sempre trovato molto attraente il personaggio di Simon, ma nel genere romance esistono tantissimi altri Duchi belli, aitanti, e carismatici, forse addirittura più di lui, e ogni lettrice ha il suo preferito. Perciò in questo post vi elencherò i miei duchi del cuore (più quelli di alcune mie amiche di cui ho chiesto l’opinione) e vi chiederò di dirmi i vostri nei commenti.
Qual è il Duca migliore di tutti? Non credo saremo in grado di decretarlo, perché sono davvero tantissimi. Ma sarà divertente provarci.
Non scandalizzatevi troppo se nella mia lista noterete delle gravi assenze, non volevo fosse troppo lunga e non volevo mettere più di un Duca per autrice. Inoltre, ho anche scelto di inserire solo Duchi presenti in libri disponibili in italiano, lasciando stare quelli ancora non pubblicati nel nostro paese.
Magari questa lista vi sarà anche utile per scoprire nuovi romanzi che ancora non conoscete, se vi state approcciando solo ora al genere dopo aver visto la serie tv i Brigderton.
I miei Duchi preferiti:
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Titolo: Mio Duca
Titolo originale: What I Did For a Duke
Autore: Julie Anne Long
Serie: libro n. 5 della serie Pennyroyal Green che narra le avventure della famiglia Eversea in 11 libri tutti pubblicati da I Romanzi Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3nfdFlv
Trama: Per anni Alexander Moncrieffe, duca di Falconbridge, ha suscitato paura e al contempo fascino, ma di tutto ciò che si mormora una cosa è certa: solo un pazzo oserebbe mettersi contro di lui. E quando Ian Eversea ignora questa cautela, Moncrieffe sa come vendicarsi: sedurre l’innocente sorella Genevieve per poi abbandonarla, rovinandole così la vita per sempre. Tuttavia la giovane lo sorprende per la passione e il temperamento, anche sapendo che Moncrieffe nasconde un passato oscuro. Così come sa che cedere al desiderio che lui ha risvegliato significa giocare col fuoco. Ma quando a comandare è il cuore…
La mia opinione: Non è un caso se l’ho messo in cima alla lista. Il Duca di Falconbridge forse non sarà il Duca più affascinante di tutti, ma il modo in cui scopre cosa significhi essere innamorati nonostante si creda troppo esperto e troppo maturo e troppo cinico è veramente dolcissimo e realistico. Questo è uno di quei romanzi in cui già solo un bacio tra i due protagonisti è in grado di trasmetterti più emozioni di latri 10 romanzi messi insieme.
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 Titolo: Il duca di ghiaccio
Titolo originale: Slightly Dangerous
Autore: Mary Balogh
Serie: libro n. 8 (il conclusivo) della serie Bedwyn che narra le avventure dell’omonima famiglia pubblicata da I Romanzi Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3rSxqTj
Trama: Il glaciale e solitario Wulfric Bedwyn, duca di Bewcastle, ha visto i suoi fratelli e sorelle trovare l’amore e sistemarsi. Tuttavia non ha alcuna intenzione di emularli. Alla morte della sua amante si sente però improvvisamente solo e accetta un invito a un ricevimento, incontrando una schiera di dame che fanno di tutto per attirare la sua attenzione. Tranne una: Christine Derrick. Non più giovanissima e vedova, Christine ha comunque una vivacità e una carica sensuale che Wulf non riesce a ignorare. Eppure, nonostante l’inevitabile e corrisposta attrazione, lei rifiuta di diventare sua amante, e sedurla sarà per il “duca di ghiaccio” una sfida da vincere a ogni costo. Al punto di rendersi conto di non poter più fare a meno dell’amore…
La mia opinione: Non potevo non annoverare Wulfric tra i miei top, il duca di ghiaccio per definizione, eppure al tempo stesso un personaggio così articolato e pieno di sfumature, sotto quel ghiaccio. Se Il Duca di Falconbridge in età matura scopre l’amore e scopre un nuovo lato di sé, Wulfric, sempre in età matura, lascia finalmente libera una parte d sé che sapeva già di avere ma che aveva soffocato per badare ai fratelli e sa benissimo cosa vuole e chi vuole.
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 Titolo: La pedina scambiata
Titolo originale: These old shades
Autore: Georgette Heyer
Serie: può essere considerato il primo romanzo della serie Alastair-Audley, in quanto si tratta di 4 romanzi legati a una data famiglia
Editore Astoria
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3rTJfIY
Trama: Nell'aristocrazia inglese del secondo Settecento un solo uomo può fregiarsi del soprannome di Satana: Sua Grazia il Duca di Avon, bello, acuto, elegante e assolutamente privo di scrupoli… soprattutto nei confronti del sesso femminile. Ma il ruolo che impersona con tanta convinzione comincia a stargli stretto quando, per una serie di incredibili circostanze, prende al proprio servizio un giovane paggio… che presto si rivelerà essere un'affascinante e imprevedibile fanciulla, minacciata da un crudele personaggio. Satana si trasforma così nell'Angelo vendicatore, compiendo con grande astuzia le sue mosse su un'infida scacchiera.
La mia opinione: Il Duca di Avon non poteva certo mancare di essere tra i miei tre primi duchi preferiti, poiché lui è il prototipo a cui tutte le autrici di romance dopo la Hayer si sono in parte ispirate per i loro duchi. Lui così maturo, cinico, debosciato, che ha provato ogni vizio sulla faccia della terra, alla fine si scopre affezionato a una ragazza giovane e vibrante che lo ama così innocentemente e totalmente, e senza timore, nonostante tutti lo temano. Immagino abbiate capito dai miei primi tre libri della lista che preferisco i duchi maturi agli sbarbatelli, ebbene è così.
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 Titolo: La figlia del matematico
Titolo originale: Flowers from the Storm
Autore: Laura Kinsale
Pubblicato sia nei I Romanzi Mondadori che nei Romanzi Emozioni Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/38hLbmZ
Trama: Maddy Timms è una giovane riservata che dedica le sue giornate alle opere pie e ad aiutare il padre, insigne studioso di matematica. Christian Langland, duca di Jervaulx, è un dongiovanni e geniale scienziato amico del vecchio Timms. Potrà mai nascere l’amore tra due persone così diverse? Eppure, quando Maddy viene a sapere che Christian è morto in duello, viene colta da un dolore lancinante, inaspettato. Trasferitasi in campagna presso un cugino che dirige un manicomio, fra i ricoverati trova proprio Christian, fatto rinchiudere dalla famiglia. Ora tocca a Maddy, l’unica che sembra credere nella sua sanità, aiutarlo a dimostrare di non essere un pazzo. E scoprire con un brivido un modo nuovo, più pieno, di essere donna.
La mia opinione: Come non mare i personaggi della Kinsale? E’ impossibile. Stavolta abbiamo un duca in grave difficolta, fisicamente e mentalmente che deve essere salvato. Non un personaggio tutto d’un pezzo che rifiuta di piegarsi, ma un uomo in ginocchio che scoprirà di poter trovare la forza di rialzarsi in quell’amore in cui lui non credeva. Importante ruolo ha anche la fede in questo libro e cosa significhi dedicarsi agli altri anche a scapito di sé stessi.
 Dopo la mia Top Four, passiamo a dei duchi sempre di alto livello, e che mi piacciono, ma leggermente di meno dei primi quattro perché sono più normali e meno straordinari.
 Titolo: Un matrimonio d’affari
Titolo originale: The Duchess Deal
Autore: Tessa Dare
Serie: Libro n. 1 della serie Girl meets Duke composta da 5 libri di cui i primi 4 sono già stati pubblicati da I Romanzi Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3b61yEV
Trama: Emma Gladstone rappresenta alla perfezione quello che l’arrogante duca di Ashbury sta cercando: una donna in età fertile, di famiglia rispettabile, bisognosa di denaro, e soprattutto disposta a condividere il letto con un uomo orribilmente sfigurato. Dal canto suo, Emma, figlia di un vicario dell’Hertford shire, è pronta a tutto piuttosto che tornare strisciando da suo padre. Ma quando la ragazza si presenta all’improvviso nella dimora di Ashbury, rivendicando ciò che le spetta per il suo lavoro di sarta, qualcosa d’imprevedibile travolge i loro sensi, tracciando un solco profondo nel cuore indurito del duca…
La mia opinione: Lui all’inizio è un tantino bastardo, ma poi si scioglie come un budino e la trama è interessante. Questo è uno di quei casi in cui una buona trama arricchisce di molto un personaggio, rendendolo più affascinante di quello che è, probabilmente.
Titolo: Il velo della notte
Titolo originale: The veil of the night
Autore: Lydia Joyce
Serie: Primo libro della serie Night pubblicato da I Romanzi Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/38kmfLF
Lady Victoria Wakefield è decisa a preservare il buon nome e la reputazione della famiglia. Battaglia persa contro lo scapestrato fratello Jack, il quale ha contratto debiti enormi con lord Byron Stratford, misterioso duca di Raeburn. Un’unica possibilità per Victoria: andare di persona da lord Byron e convincerlo a concedere una proroga dei pagamenti. Ma da un’accoglienza fredda scaturisce una controproposta tanto oltraggiosa quanto irresistibile: che Victoria passi un’intera settimana insieme a lui.
La mia opinione: Duca maturo con un grave difetto fisico in cerca di redenzione e di qualcuno che lo capisca dopo una vita difficile. Come non amarlo?
Titolo: L’ultimo libertino
Titolo originale: The last hellion
Autore: Loretta Chase  
Serie: Quarto e ultimo libro della serie Scoundrels pubblicata da I Romanzi Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3rY4Ako
Trama: Vere Mallory, duca di Ainswood, il più grande libertino d’Inghilterra, ha dissipato la giovinezza fra alcol e belle donne in una spirale che sembra condurlo al baratro. Finché un giorno due occhi di ghiaccio trafiggono i suoi: sono quelli della bellissima Lydia Grenville, indomita giornalista che si è messa al servizio dei più bisognosi, donne e bambini dei bassifondi. A Vere è sufficiente rubarle un bacio per percepire la passione che si cela in lei, in apparenza fredda e misteriosa. Ma Lydia non può permettersi di cedere alla seduzione di quell’uomo impossibile, fermamente intenzionato a vincere la dura corazza che si è costruita nel corso degli anni. Se solo riuscissero a superare i loro intimi turbamenti, potrebbero finalmente schiudere insieme la porta della felicità…
La mia opinione: Come non mettere un Duca di Loretta Chase in lista? Impossibile, scrive troppo bene. La mia scelta è caduta sul Duca di Ainswood, classico libertino che verrà riformato dalla donna giusta, ma che libertino!
 Titolo: Le malizie di un Duca
Titolo originale: The Wicked Ways of a Duke
Autore: Laura Lee Guhrke
Serie: secondo romanzo della serie Girl-bachelors pubblicata da I Romanzi Mondadori
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3ogmRr5
Trama: Prudence Bosworth conduce una vita modesta ma dignitosa, lavora come sarta e interviene ai balli dell’alta società solo per realizzare i piccoli rammendi dell’ultimo momento. È durante una di queste serate che incontra Rhys de Winter, l’affascinante duca di St Cyres, l’uomo più bello che abbia mai visto: l’uomo dei suoi sogni. Ma irraggiungibile per una ragazza come lei. Tutto però cambia quando Prudence, alla morte di quel padre che non ha mai conosciuto, si ritrova unica erede di un’immensa fortuna. E la corte che Rhys comincia a riservarle sembra solo una coincidenza…
La mia opinione: Lui è bello e impossibile, e poi diventa possibile. E ancora più irresistibile. Fascino a non finire qui, perché lui ci sa fare. Seducente.
 Titolo: Duca dei miei peccati
Titolo originale: The Duke of sin
Autore: Elizabeth Hoyt
Serie: decimo romanzo della serie Maiden Lane
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/2Xiy6TP
Trama: Bridget, figlia illegittima di lady Caire cresciuta in una famiglia di contadini, si è fatta assumere come governante a Hermes House dove intende cercare le prove per incriminare il padrone e famigerato duca di Montgomery, Valentine Napier. Val, affascinante e privo di scrupoli, tiene sotto ricatto buona parte dell’alta società londinese, tra cui la madre di lei. Sorpresa a rovistare nella sua camera, Bridget riesce a esercitare sul duca il fascino della sua purezza e bontà d’animo, e sceglie di rimanere al suo fianco per redimerlo. Nel turbinio della passione, anche l’inflessibile duca scopre sentimenti capaci di sfidare tutte le convenzioni…
La mia opinione: Poteva mancare un Duca veramente bastardo in lista? Certo che no. Valentine è privo di scrupoli e pieno di difetti, ma super hot e il libro è veramente avvincente. Passionale.
 Titolo: Una moglie in arrivo
Titolo originale: What a Gentleman Wants
Autore: Caroline Linden
Serie: Primo libro della Reece family series pubblicata da I romanzi Mondadori
Trama: Marcus Reece, duca di Exeter, ha passato la vita a tirare fuori dai guai suo fratello gemello. Ma invece di ringraziarlo, quello arriva addirittura a falsificare la sua firma su un certificato di matrimonio! Così Marcus si ritrova in moglie la vedova di un vicario, la prima persona che nella sua tranquilla vita gli fa perdere le staffe. Dal canto suo, anche Hannah è furiosa con sè stessa: cedendo alle lusinghe di un gentiluomo che conosceva appena, è ora maritata a un perfetto sconosciuto. Suo malgrado, è costretta a fingere almeno fino a quando Marcus non troverà il modo di liberarli da quel vincolo. Ma presto si accorgerà che quella finzione non le pesa affatto...
La mia opinione: Trama classica con un duca in trappola, un Duca tutto d’un pezzo integerrimo e corretto. Ci voleva anche un duca così in lista.
 Per concludere la lista ho voluto aggiungere due ultimi Duchi un poco speciali:
Titolo: Bewitching Una ragazza incantevole
(precedentemente pubblicato col titolo Joy la strega)
Titolo originale: Bewitching
Autore: Jill Barnett
Serie: Primo libro della serie Regency Magic
Genere: Historical romance paranomal
Pubblicato prima da I romanzi Mondadori e ora autopubblicato dall��autrice
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/3nh1sga
Trama: Joyous Fiona MacQuarrie ha stregato il Duca di Belmore appena è apparsa dal nulla e lo ha steso… letteralmente. Quando l’orgoglio di Alec lo porta a sposarla, la giovane sconvolge la vita di questo serissimo e altezzoso duca inglese. Joy è una strega scozzese che non sempre riesce a controllare i suoi poteri magici. Ben presto la vita di Alec piomba nello scompiglio. Questa bellissima ragazza incanta chiunque gli stia intorno, accende la sua passione quando la bacia, ma rischia di causare uno scandalo mai visto con i suoi poteri magici.  Stregati dalla passione, questi due cuori solitari sono i classici opposti che si attraggono in una storia irresistibilmente divertente e tenera
La mia opinione: ci voleva anche un libro ironico e un po’ magico in lista secondo me. E il Duca qui presente prima duro e freddo, resta affascinante sia da ghiacciolo, che da uomo innamorato.
 Titolo: La stirpe
Titolo originale: The iron duke
Autore: Meljean Brook
Serie: Primo libro della Iron seas serie
Editore: Newton Compton
Genere: storico romance steampunk
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/38fs6Sr
Trama: Londra, diciottesimo secolo. Rhys Trahaearn è diventato un eroe nazionale dopo aver liberato l’Inghilterra dalle orde dell’esercito asiatico. Ma il potere lo ha reso un uomo freddo e calcolatore tanto da fargli guadagnare il titolo di Duca di Ferro. La detective Mina Wentworth non avrebbe mai pensato di avvicinarsi a lui, ma durante le celebrazioni per il trionfo inglese viene ritrovato un cadavere proprio all’interno della casa di Rhys, e tocca a lei condurre l’indagine. Quando Mina scopre che quel corpo appartiene a Roger Haynes, comandante di una nave della Marina Reale, capisce che forze molto più potenti delle truppe asiatiche stanno tramando contro il suo popolo. Inizierà così, per la giovane detective, un viaggio infernale attraverso terre infestate da strane creature e oceani insidiati da terrificanti mostri. Ad accompagnarla sarà proprio l’affascinante Duca di Ferro.
La mia opinione: Un Duca tormentato dalla colpa, ma deciso a fare di tutto per redimersi e diventare degno degli onori che ha ricevuto e della donna che ama. Un eroe che lo diventa veramente solo quando capisce che è disposto a sacrificare tutto per gli altri. Un personaggio fantastico, che se non fosse stato per il fatto che è un Duca fuori dai generi, e soprattutto fuori dal romance, sarebbe stato molto più in lato nella mia lista.  
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newsom · 3 years
ask meme time BABY @premilf tagged me to list 10 favorite debut albums and 5 songs i've been listening to recently and after much deliberation here they are in no particular order:
channel orange - frank ocean
slanted and enchanted - pavement
psychocandy - the jesus and mary chain
horses - patti smith
talking heads '77 - talking heads
i need to start a garden - hayley heynderickx
the college dropout - kanye west
the kick inside - kate bush
pure heroine - lorde
marquee moon - television
5 recent songs:
the car seat headrest cover of running up that hill YES STILL
avant gardener - courtney barnett
i'm only sleeping - the beatles
dry the rain - the beta band
best friend - toy-box (not happy about this one)
tagging uhhh @sqvalors @obviouschild2014 @potatoleeksoup @weekenddracula and kat even tho i see tessa already tagged u but just for good measure @1esknineteen also anyone who sees this and feels like it i'm tagging u in spirit xo
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robpatz · 3 years
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iris 💞20+💞bisexual 💞 nonbinary
i roleplay, but i also use this as a personal account. so expect gifs and gif packs.
message me if you want to be friends.
character masterlist
selena harris - adria arjona - 30 - teacher
dove barnett - brie larson - 32 - actress
matthew cassidy - oliver jackson cohen - 34 - pediatric surgeon
anthony rollins - 39 - aidan turner - private investigator
marion kim - jennie kim - 26 - florist
cherry dawson - madelaine petsch - 30 - genetic engineer
persephone thompson - zoe kravitz - 30 - poet
minerva blake - anya taylor joy - 25 - bartender
lavender bennett - zendaya - 27 - dancer
elizabeth queen - anne hathaway - 36 - professor
dawn harvey - tessa thompson - middle school teacher
rain harris - bella hadid - horror author
minerva tal - diana silvers - prima ballerina
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Do you have any reading recs about perfumes?
I haven’t read most of these yet— but here’s my current perfume reading list. Enjoy! I might update this with more as I move along. 
‘Smell, Memory’ by Rachel Syme
‘The Ugly History of Beautiful Things: Perfume’ by Katy Kelleher 
‘In 1902, Audiences Turned Up Their Noses at the First Perfume Concert’ by Allison Meier
‘Kazimir Malevich’s Little-Known Perfume Bottle’ by Jillian Steinhauer
‘Getting a Whiff of Perfume’s Illusions’ by Sonya Vatomsky
‘LAYERS: Pushing Through the Arts to Perfume’ by Dannielle Sergent
‘Scenting Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroines: Cleopatra and Lady Macbeth’ by Lauryn Beer
‘Some Thoughts on Scent Criticism’ by Miguel Matos
‘Scent and Healing: The Transformative Power of Perfume’ by Ida Meister
‘Here’s Why Perfume Description Are Never About Smell’ by Elyse Hauser
‘Heaven Scent’ by Danielle del Sol
‘Ann Haviland, Forgotten Mastermind of the Signature Scent’ by Jessica Murphy 
‘Perfume, Power, and God’ by Arabelle Sicardi
 ‘How to Pick a Perfume When You Can’t Smell’ by Alaina Leary
‘People Are Buying This Perfume Because They Think It’s From Killing Eve’ by Rebecca Jennings
‘Meet Chandler Burr, the World’s Foremost Fragrance Expert’ by Chavie Lieber
‘Making Perfume From the Rain’ by Cynthia Barnett
‘Can Perfume Sabotage a Budding Romance?’ by Jesse Frost
‘The Scent of True Love’ by Cari Romm
‘Perfume: An Ethereal Corset Trapping Everyone in the Same Unnatural Shape’ by Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg
The New York Times archives on Perfume
The Song of Solomon from The Bible
Das Parfaum by Patrick Süskind
Essence and Alchemy: A Natural History of Perfume by Mandy Aftel
Fragrant: The Secret Life of Scent by Mandy Aftel
Throughsmoke by Jehanne Dubrow
The Emperor of Scent: A True Story of Perfume and Obsession by Chandler Burr
The Perfect Scent: A Year Inside the Perfume Industry in Paris and New York by Chandler Burr
Dior: The Perfumes by Chandler Burr
Folio Columns 2003-2014 by Luca Turin
Perfumes: The Guide by Luca Turin
The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell by Luca Turin
The Perfume Lover: A Personal History of Scent by Denyse Beaulieu
The Diary of a Nose: A Year in the Life of a Parfumeur by Jean-Claude Ellena
A Scented Palace: The Secret History of Marie Antoinette’s Perfumer by Elisabeth de Feydeau
Coming to My Senses: A Story of Perfume, Pleasure, and an Unlikely Bride by Alyssa Harad
Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent by Jean-Claude Ellena
Floating Gold: A Natural (and Unnatural) History of Ambergris by Christopher Kemp
The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination by Alain Corbin
A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman
Fragrance: The Story of Perfume from Cleopatra to Chanel by Edwin T. Morris
Cult Perfumes: The World’s Most Exclusive Perfumeries by Tessa Williams  
The Ephemeral History of Perfume: Scent and Sense in Early Modern England by Holly Dugan
Perfume: Joy, Scandal, Sin: A Cultural History of Fragrance from 1750 to the Present by Richard Stamelman 
The Aroma of Righteousness: Scent and Seduction in Rabbinic Life and Literature by Deborah Green
Scenting Salvation: Ancient Christianity and the Olfactory Imagination by Susan Ashbrook Harvey
Scent: The Mysterious and Essential Powers of Smell by Annick Le Guérer 
Encyclopedia of the Exquisite: An Anecdotal History of Elegant Delights by Jessica Kerwin Jenkins
Aroma by by Constance Classen
Flowers and Fruit by Colette
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doubleattitude · 3 years
JUMP Dance Convention, Denver, CO: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
JUMPstart Solo
1st: Sylvie-Win Szyndlar-’Rainbow Connection’
2nd: Stella Brinkerhoff-’Fly’
3rd: Sawyer Pegram-’Born to Entertain’
4th: Layla Barnett-’Heaven Is A Place On Earth’
5th: Lincoln Rice-’Call to the Wild’
6th: Rylie Lipps-’Born to be Wild’
7th: Chloe Young-’Baby I’m A Star’
7th: Kamryn Williams-’Rhythm Nation’
8th: Eden Naitaqi-’Tainted Love’
Mini Solo
1st: Carrigan Paylor-’It Is Time’
2nd: Ellary-Day Szyndlar-’Snow’
3rd: Claire Hansen-’By The Roses’
3rd: Kalista Greer-’Yesterday’
4th: Annie Carlson-’Young’
5th: Olivia Chiu-’Acceptance’
6th: Josie Baldino-’Lil Mama’
7th: Kenzee Engle-’Dance Again’
8th: Madison Pilger-’Took the Night’
9th: Alaina Thompson-’Breathe Again’
10th: Ellie Brunson-’Love and War’
Junior Solo
1st: Angelina Elliott-’The Mind’
2nd: Aaliyah Dixon-’Ink, Rhythm and Rules’
3rd: Stella Condie-’Go Away’
4th: Kanon Greer-’Valis’
5th: Vivienne Mitchell-’Metamorphosis’
5th: Tessa Marr-’Stuk’
6th: Kamri Peterson-’Crawl When You Can’t Walk’
7th: Taylor Harrison-’Dawn Chorus’
8th: Abby Honstad-’Veiled’
9th: Tatum Moody-’Quarantine Werk Out’
10th: Blakely Bell-’Lullaby of Woe’
Teen Solo
1st: Lola Iglesias-’Letters from a Traveler’
2nd: Sofia Andrus-’Numb’
3rd: Ayla Rodriguez-’Ping’
4th: Maya Howard-’Telehumo’
5th: Jordan Lassiter-’Joyful Girl’
6th: Ceilidh McSeveney-’Harm Me’
6th: Caitlin Colohan-’Sanidi’
7th: Maliah Howard-’Brain Down’
8th: Emersyn Dickson-’Plans We Made’
9th: Abbey Schmidt-’Letters Make No Meaning’
9th: Devon Stutz-’No End To New Moments’
10th: Macy Murphy-’This City Holds My Heart’
Senior Solo
1st: Mia Maxwell-’Locomotive’
2nd: Madi Autry-’A Face I Used To Know’
3rd: Liesl Brauch-’Grower’
4th: Kyra Aparicio-Acevedo-’A Change Is Gonna Come’
5th: Carter Williams-’20 Years’
5th: Maycee Budge-’Footprints’
5th: Auden Martinez-’Particular Taste’
5th: Erika Marshall-’Power Throw’
6th: Fatu Martin-’Eden’
7th: Kelsey Keenan-’Hidden Myth’
8th: Swan Gerlach-’Work’
9th: Ashley Aldred-’Almost Fell’
10th: Nevin Lockwood-’On Reflection’
10th: Maddie Jeffers-’Punished’
10th: Blythe Thompson-’This Could Be’
JUMPstart Duo/Trio
1st: Miller’s Dance Studio-’Friend Like Me’
2nd: Tabor Dance Academy-’Happy Feet’
3rd: Tabor Dance Academy-’The Days’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Can’t Do It Alone’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Stronger’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Unlimited-’End of the Line’
2nd: Premier School of Dance-’This Home’
3rd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Atone’
3rd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Lola’
3rd: 307 Dance Academy-’Shimmy Like They Do In Paree’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Slow Down’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’We Go Off’
2nd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Dior’
3rd: Elite Dance Academy-’Depth Over Distance’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Dimensions-’Godzilla’
2nd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Vroom’
3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Rome’
JUMPstart Group
1st: Miller’s Dance Studio-’We’re In The Money’
2nd: Miller’s Dance Studio-’Remember Me This Way’
3rd: Miller’s Dance Studio-’Work Me Down’
Mini Group
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Pretend’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dare’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Juice’
Junior Group
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’
2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blind Dance’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tambourine’
Teen Group
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Groundworks’
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’In Another Life’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’an ending, a beginning’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Life Within’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Our Love’
Senior Group
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Gocce’
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’I Never Thought That You Could Be Left In My Chest’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’All Together Now’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Smooth’
Mini Line
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Out of Bounds’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Keep Climbing’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Sandra Dee’
Junior Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back for More’
2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Attention’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Deeper Love’
Teen Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Change Will Come’
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’
2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Rewind the Time’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Don Quixote’
Senior Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dissolving Tension’
2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Au Revoir’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tainted Love’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’La Bayadere’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Divas, Queens and Bees’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ooh Child’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Flood of Everything’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Big Fish’
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Missy’
2nd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Same Squad’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Together Again’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blue Monday’
2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’The Only Shrine I’ve Seen’
3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Candy Shop’
Junior Production
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step In Time’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Let’s Dance’
Teen Production
1st: Dance Dimensions-’Naive’
1st: EVQ Dance Studio-’Ruff Ryders’
2nd: The Studio-’Seasons’
3rd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Solo Dancing’
High Scores by Performance Division:
JUMPstart Jazz
Miller’s Dance Studio-’Work Me Down’
JUMPstart Tap
Miller’s Dance Studio-’We’re In The Money’
JUMPstart Lyrical
Miller’s Dance Studio-’Remember Me This Way’
Mini Jazz
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Juice’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Sandra Dee’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Diva Dolls’
Mini Ballet
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Out of Bounds’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Money’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’P.W.A’
Mini Tap
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Whip My Hair’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Werk’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Sing’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Pretend’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dare’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Smile’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Keep Climbing’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’I’ll Keep You Safe’ 3rd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Rescue’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: 307 Dance Academy-’Jazz Hands’ 2nd: Miller’s Dance Studio-’What A Party’
Mini Specialty
Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Overwhelmed’
Junior Jazz
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tambourine’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Attention’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Deeper Love’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Divas, Queens and Bees’ 2nd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Finesse’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Welcome to the Party’
Junior Tap
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Funky Galileo’ 2nd: Dance Dimensions-’Chain Gang’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blind Dance’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Rain’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Descent’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ooh Child’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Give A Little’ 3rd: Elite Dance Academy-’Don’t Let Me Down’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step In Time’ 2nd: Elite Dance Academy-’Opening Up’ 3rd: Premier School of Dance-’Not At All In Love’
Junior Specialty
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back for More’ 3rd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Energia’
Teen Jazz
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Wavy’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’House Arrest’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Fever’
Teen Ballet
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Don Quixote’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Missy’ 1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Big Fish’ 2nd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Same Squad’ 3rd: EVQ Dance Studio-’Ruff Ryders’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Everyday’
Teen Tap
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Holocene’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Where Is The Love?’ 3rd: Dance Dimensions-’I Like It’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Change Will Come’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Rewind the Time’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’In Another Life’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Elite Dance Academy-’Running’ 2nd: Miller’s Dance Studio-’Half My Mind Ago’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Final Descent’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’ 2nd: Miller’s Dance Studio-’Newsies’ 3rd: Miller’s Dance Studio-’Walmart’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Shake That’ 2nd: Elite Dance Academy-’Spice Up Your Life’
Teen Specialty
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Together Again’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Groundworks’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Our Love’
Senior Jazz
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tainted Love’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Boys’ 3rd: Dance Dimensions-’Don’t Hit My Line’
Senior Hip-Hop
Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Candy Shop’
Senior Tap
Dance Dimensions-’Lose Somebody’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’The Only Shrine I’ve Seen’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dissolving Tension’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’I Never Thought That You Could Be Left In My Chest’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Gocce’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Float’ 2nd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Snowing’ 3rd: Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Still Breathing’
Senior Ballroom
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Smooth’
Senior Specialty
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blue Monday’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’All Together Now’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Au Revoir’
Senior Ballet
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’La Bayadere’
Best of JUMP:
Miller’s Dance Studio-’We’re In The Money’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Pretend’
Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Overwhelmed’
Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Finesse’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blind Dance’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’
Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Everyday’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Rewind the Time’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’
Dance Dimensions-’Naive’
EVQ Dance Studio-’Same Squad’
Dance Dimensions-’A Pale’
Starstruck Academy of Dance-’Candy Shop’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dissolving Tension’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blue Monday’
Premier School of Dance-’Body Gold’
Best In Studio:
Elite Dance Academy-’Running’
Premier School of Dance-’Body Gold’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’
EVQ Dance Studio-’Same Squad’
Tabor Dance Academy-’Jumpin Jive’
Miller’s Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Dance Dimensions-’Naive’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blue Monday’
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nerdcorp · 5 years
Ten Buzzworthy Ideas To Get People Talking About IMPACT
Ten Buzzworthy Ideas To Get People Talking About IMPACT
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robpatz--archiving · 3 years
character list
rules | rp blog
selena harris - adria arjona - 30 - teacher
dove barnett - brie larson - 32 - actress
matthew cassidy - robert pattinson - 34 - pediatric surgeon
anthony rollins - 39 - aidan turner
marion kim - jennie kim - 26 - florist 
cherry dawson - madelaine petsch - 30 - genetic engineer 
persephone thompson - zoe kravitz - 30 - poet
minerva blake - anya taylor joy - 25 - bartender
lavender bennett - zendaya - 27 - dancer
elizabeth queen - anne hathaway - 36 - professor 
dawn harvey - tessa thompson - middle school teacher
rain sweets - bella hadid - horror author
minerva tal - diana silvers - prima ballerina
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hfsodihfoifuweoi · 3 years
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we are an appless, oc, discord-based roleplay, set in leavenworth, washington - a very real, teeny tiny town, with very made up people. we are semi-plotless! our focus is plot events and activities that encourage relationship building and social interactions, collaboration with other writers that ultimately makes the rp juicier and more fun for everyone.
there is no character cap in effect
activity checks are minimal
we are lgbtq+ friendly, and poc-friendly
ping us with your questions, or click here to hop on our server: https://discord.gg/eAbvJGtdPf
psst. have you heard? we’re looking for some characters and wcs! all fcs below are suggested. all character details are utp.
new year, NEW MAYOR! replacing beloved mayor hubbard, who has served 35 and some odd years now, is a woman on a mission. she’s on the younger side, but she’s got ideas, and she wants to shake up the way town council handles its business. it’s time to drag leavenworth into the 21st century. or at least go paperless. suggested fcs are TESSA THOMPSON OR LUPITA NYONG’O. ---
they’re serving, and they’re protecting - although truth be told, the worst the local FIRE AND SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTS have to deal with is a burning barbecue in the summer, snow storms, or drunk teenagers lost in the woods: — sergeants and deputies include: ZACH ROERIG, JAMIE CHUNG, and CONOR LESLIE — fire chief: IDRIS ELBA — fire fighters: STEVEN R. MCQUEEN and MIRANDA RAE MAYO — paramedics: CHARLIE BARNETT and KARA KILLMER ---
it’s not just a tourist town! there’s a permanent population of 2000 in leavenworth, and their kids have to go to school somewhere and be taught by somebody. suggested fcs include: — KERRI RUSSELL — EMILY DESCHANEL — TOM HOLLAND — ANTHONY MACKIE — DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL ---
it’s a war of the BARS. in one corner is nellie’s, a bar in the basement of a pizzeria near city hall, and definitely a locals-only hole in the wall. in the other corner? the thirsty elf, with its tiki santa cups, and little paper umbrellas in all the drinks, it’s definitely geared toward the tourists: — owner of nellie’s: TAYLOR KINNEY — nellie’s staff: EMERAUDE TOUBIA and DIEGO BONETA — owner of the thirsty elf: HARRY SHUM JR. — the thirsty elf staff: CHANCE PERDOMO and CAMILA MENDES ---
rumour has it a REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER from the big city has been spotted in town, snooping around. he and that fancy LAWYER he’s been toting around can’t be up to any good. — real estate developer: HENRY GOLDING — lawyer: CANDICE PATTON ---
speaking of law. whatever your legal needs might be, they can be met by the good folks working at the local LAW FIRM: Hubbard, Washington, Parker & Associates: — managing partner: EWAN MCGREGOR — partner: GEMMA CHAN — paralegal: ALEXANDRA DADDARIO — receptionist: JANEL PARRISH ---
the various colourful characters who call leavenworth home, we’d love to see them more often: — ARDEN CHO, a veterinarian at the local animal hospital — CHRIS PINE, owner of the local garage — JASON MOMOA, a fisherman back in town for the winter season — SAM HEUGHAN, owner of a winery just outside of the town limits — TOM HARDY, boxing instructor and owner of a gym
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neruudas · 4 years
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A family defined by blood spilled, by oath-forged bonds and legacy.  A family that reveres its history.  (Long af ad under the cut)
The Barnett family are descendants from a long line of supernatural creature hunters whose illustrious history included being the guards and hunters of royalty and defenders against the bloodthirsty beasts that would terrorize their people. 
Leona Barnett and her family carry on this legacy. 
The Barnetts are hunters of the supernatural. They consider themselves protectors, safeguarding people from the dangers that lurk just outside their doors, that creep amongst the shadows in the woods at the edge of town. Specifically, they are hunters of vampires and werewolves. They still maintain that these creatures are dangerous and cannot exist peaceably with humans. Since the reveal that supernatural creatures exist and magic is real, they’ve doubled down on their mission with the intention of getting rid of these monsters before some hapless human in search of a little adventure gets themselves killed.
The family is currently seeking out the Cerbero pack and have slowly trailed them to Arizona, following the death of Leona’s husband.
The family consists of: Jacob Barnett (Chiwatel Ejiofor, 43) - Deceased
Leona Barnett (Thandie Newton, 47) played by Rose 
Proper, cultured, a professor of mythology currently taking a sabbatical, searching for her missing husband
Super devoted to her family
Considers lofty ideals like “legacy” and “honor” and “duty” to be incredibly important
---- Tomlinson (Suggested Face: Tessa Thompson, 36) - Sister
Whereas Leona is a hunter out of obligation and duty, the younger sister of the family carries on the tradition out of a genuine love of the hunt. She is a skilled tracker - perhaps the most talented one the family’s seen in generations. Once she finds her prey she is merciless and unstoppable. She’s essentially the “cavalry.”
---- ------     (Suggested Face: Michael B. Jordan, 33) - Boyfriend or Husband
He could have gotten into the family business as a hunter OR he can have no idea what his significant other and her family are up to 
Either way, he is scientifically inclined and got along well with Jacob. He is a chemist by trade and could either knowingly or unknowingly provide information and “goods” to the rest of the family.
(Honestly the gender of this character is up to whoever takes it, I just love that one photoshoot of Tessa with Michael.)
The Kids:
Leona and Jacob Barnett have three children whom they spared no expenses on. The children were all afforded the finest education and were encouraged to pursue their varied interests. They are all undoubtedly bright and despite their personal differences, the siblings are very close. The family as a whole is extremely tight knit.
(The two younger Barnetts can be fraternal twins, if whoever takes them wants to go that route.)
The Oldest, mid/late-20s, Suggested Faces: Maria Borges, Leomie Anderson, Laura Harrier
Most like her mother
Classic “oldest child” syndrome - she’s a perfectionist and can be bossy but ultimately wants what’s best for the family
Has a bit of a cruel streak she hides well
The Middle, early/mid-20s, Suggested Faces: Reece King, Keith Powers, Brian Whittaker
Smart as a whip and is a devastating underachiever
A social media influencer who uses his travels and contacts to seek out leads for the family’s hunts
Is not taken as seriously as he’d like to be by the rest of his family
Has never held down a real job :c
The Youngest, early/mid-20s, Suggested Faces: Zendaya,  Kiersey Clemons
The prodigy, a gifted hunter like her aunt
An athlete and (though she says she loves all her children equally) pretty obviously her mother’s favorite
A risk-taker with a bit of a temper
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a-wlw-reads · 6 years
Do the wlw end up together : YES!
I don’t review every book that ends up on this site, so here is a big long list of books where the characters do in fact end up in a relationship (that’s not to say that the book is without drama or violence, simply that the characters’ relationship withstands it).
Out on Good Behavior by Dahlia Adler
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (YA)
Soft on Soft by Em Ali
Jam Jars by Yonnette Anderson (tw: H)
The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery
Jam on the Vine by LaShonda Katrice Barnett (tw: R, SV)
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust (YA)
The Prince and Her Dreamer by Kayla Bashe
Don’t Tell My Mother by Brigitte Bautista (tw: H)
Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear (YA) (tw: R, SV)
The Normal State of Mind by Susmita Bhattacharya (tw: H)
Drum Roll, Please by Lisa Jenn Bigelow (MG)
A Thin Bright Line by Lucy Jane Bledsoe (tw: H, R)
Dare Truth or Promise by Paula Boock (YA) (tw: H)
Clean Slate by Andrea Bramhall (tw: H)
Waiting in the Wings by Melissa Brayden
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown (YA)
Far From Home by Lorelie Brown
Double Exposure by Chelsea M. Cameron
Marriage of Unconvenience by Chelsea M. Cameron
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron (YA)
Echo After Echo by Amy Rose Capetta
Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova (YA)
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst (YA)
Dreadnought and Sovereign by April Daniels (YA) (tw: T)
The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer (tw: SV)
The Witch Sea by Sarah Diemer
Landing by Emma Donoghue
The Dirt Chronicles by Kristyn Dunnion (tw: H, R, SV)
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis (YA)
Wildthorn by Jane Eagland (YA) (tw: H)
Moonstruck by Grace Ellis (graphic novel, MG)
Unicorn Tracks by Julia Ember (YA)
Solitaire by Kelley Eskridge
Motor Crush by Brendan Fletcher (comic)
Tessa Masterson Will Go to Prom by Emily Franklin and Brendan Halpin (YA) (tw: H)
Bingo Love by Tee Franklin (graphic novel)
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden (YA) (tw: H)
Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden (YA) (tw: H)
Girl Mans Up by M-E Girard (YA)
Cinnamon Blade: Knife in Shining Armor by Shira Glassman 
The Second Mango by Shira Glassman
Being Emily by Rachel Gold (tw: T)
Love & Other Carnivorous Plants by Florence Gonsalves
Ammonite by Nicola Griffith
Challah and Callaloo by La Toya Hankins
Ask Me How I Got Here by Christine Heppermann (YA)
The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith (tw: H)
The Weaver by Emmi Itäranta
Paper Love by Jae
Robins in the Night by Dajo Jago (tw: T)
Hocus Pocus & The All-New Sequel by A.W. Jantha (YA)
The Afterward by E.K. Johnston (YA)
That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston (YA)
The Dime by Kathleen Kent (tw: H, R, SV, T)
Run by Kody Keplinger (YA)
The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan (tw: H, R, SV)
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King (YA)
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi
The Paths of Marriage by Mala Kumar (tw: H)
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour (YA)
You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour and David Levithan
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee (YA)
Adaptation and Inheritance by Malinda Lo (YA)
Ash by Malinda Lo (YA)
Huntress by Malinda Lo (YA)
Ship It by Britta Lundin (YA)
37 Things I Love (In No Particular Order) by Kekla Magoon (YA)
Dating Sarah Cooper by Siera Maley (YA)
The Ada Decades by Paula Martinac
In the Silence by Jaimie Leigh McGovern
Heart of Brass by Morven Moeller
Sappho’s Bar and Grill by Bonnie J. Morris
Falling Into Place by Sheryn Munir
Gretel: A Fairytale Retold by Niamh Murphy
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan (tw: SV)
Roller Girl by Vanessa North
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta (tw: H)
Idaho Code by Joan Opyr
The Year of the Knife by G.D. Penman
When Katie Met Cassidy by Camille Perri
P.S. I Miss You by Jen Petro-Roy (MG)
Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult (tw: H)
Her Name in the Sky by Kelly Quindlen (YA) (tw: H)
Scars by Cheryl Rainfield (YA) (tw: SV)
Final Draft by Riley Redgate (YA)
Empress of the World by Sara Ryan (YA)
I Can’t Think Straight by Shamim Sarif (tw: H)
The World Unseen by Shamim Sarif (tw: R)
She Is Me by Cathleen Schine
Tell it to the Bees by Fiona Shaw (tw: H)
Everfair by Nisi Shawl (tw: R)
Loving Her by Ann Allen Shockley (tw: H, R, SV)
The Abyss Surrounds Us and The Edge of the Abyss by Emily Skrutskie (YA)
The Summer of Jordi Perez (And the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding
Edge of Glory by Rachel Spangler (tw: H)
Thaw by Elyse Springer
The Princess Deception by Nell Stark
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley (YA) (tw: R)
Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley (YA) (tw: H)
Heavy Vinyl by Carly Usdin (comic, YA)
Beauty and the Boss by Ali Vali
The Summer I Wasn’t Me by Jessica Verdi (H, SV)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker (tw: H, R, SV) 
24/7 by Yolanda Wallace
Tailor-Made by Yolanda Wallace
Bleeding Earth by Kaitlin Ward (YA)
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters (tw: H)
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters (tw: H)
Treasure by Rebekah Weatherspoon
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde (YA)
Trigger warning key:
H - homophobia
R - racism
SV - sexual violence
T - transphobia
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mothmanliveshere · 4 years
Rules: Put your favourite playlist on shuffle, write down the name of the playlist and list the first 25 songs that come on - NO SKIPPING ALLOWED.
I was tagged by @chadbot01
My favourite playlist (Worn Out Sneakers by me on Spotify) only has 22 songs, so uh...
1. Maps - Camp Cope’s Like a Version cover
2. Town Called Malice by the Jam 
3. Just Like Heaven by the Cure
4. I Don’t Think You Like Me by Tired Lion
5. Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go To The Party by Courtney Barnett
6. P Plates by Ruby Fields
7. Paradise by Skeggs
8. Prom Queen by Beach Bunny
9. Not Over You by Tessa Violet
10. Dumb Days by Tired Lion 11. Sweet Release by Hockey Dad
12. Perth Traumatic Stress Disorder by Alex Lahey
13. (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To by Weezer
14. A Beautiful Sea by Sing Street
15. Seventeen by Peach Pit
16. Smogged Out by Skeggs
17. When I Come Around by Green Day
18. What’s My Scene by the Hoodoo Gurus
19. Sports by Beach Bunny
20. Let Me Down Easy by Gang of Youths
21. Brown Shoes by Sing Street
22. Drive It Like You Stole It by Sing Street
(Bonus 3 from my saved songs)
23. Queer as in Fuck You by the Dog Park Dissidents
24. I Have A Hole In My Tooth (And My Dentist is Shut) by Dodie
25. For Elise by Saint Motel
I tag whoever wants to do it cause it’s late and I’m tired
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aethiopicae · 4 years
p (with some examples/recs!!) and s :)
Thank you! 💚
P - What kind of music I like:
My taste in music is very random and sort of all over the place. But I definitely find myself enjoying pop music and soft rock the most, with the exception of Queen, cause I ADORE them. 
some recs: Kid Krow - Conan Gray (it’s his first album, just came out! absolutely amazing!), Bloom - Troye Sivan (album), Youth - Troye Sivan, Crush - Tessa Violet, Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift, Leave a Light On - Tom Walker, anything by bastille really (Doom Days, Pompeii, The Things We Lost in the Fire), Need A Little Time - Courtney Barnett, Peach Scone - Hobo Johnson, Tobacco in My Sheets - Lauren Aquilina, Killer Queen and Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen...
S - 2 habits:
I always have to have my sunglasses with me, be it the rainiest day in history, I just always have to have them on me. And whenever I work out I have to have Friends playing in the background, I don’t know why, but it makes working out easier lol
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