#They also only know that tsurugi can't fight but yumi didn't tell them what happened
childrenofthesun77 · 3 months
Reading spoilers for servamp chapter 140 from japanese fans on twitter and
Apparently otogiri is johannes' sister? Wild. Guess it makes sense though, they both have the same hair color. Wasn't the guy who negotiated with kuro when C3 kidnapped them his cousin too? Or did I just imagine that. Servamp really is just one huge family conflict, isn't it. Even the servamps and C3 can be seen as being related because they are two different kinds of descendants of the count.
Otogiri's human name might have been gretel? Johannes character is based on heinrich/johann faust(us), a scientist who made a deal with the devil and eventually gets a young woman named gretchen pregnant. The name johann is similar to the name hansel and gretel and gretchen are also similar, so I guess the two are linked to both the fairytale hansel and gretel and to faust by johann wolfgang von goethe.
Apparently we get more about higan's and berukias backstories too.
Also for a reason I don't quite understand yet the 13 places that mikuni's clones are at seem to be the same 13 places that were bombed by tsubaki early on in the story that all had ties to C3, which explains why the clone sakuya met was staying at mahiru's bombed school and I guess that also makes it easier to locate all the clones. Not sure if misono is talking to a clone or the real mikuni, but apparently they get into another chess game with misono playing white and mikuni playing black. After winning against his father and outwitting lily to end the game misono will have to prove that he finally has what it takes to win against his genius older brother in chess too.
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